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Hero ideas request

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Level 6
Mar 20, 2008
Looking for some hero ideas for the vanilla heros of WC3
I do the work (Unless you want to code the abilities yourself), you just hand me the blueprints.

Lists of models available:

Mountain King

Demon Hunter
Priestess of the Moon

Ghost Archmage
Ghost Keeper of the Grove

Far Seer
Shadow Hunter

Naga Sea Witch

Max level for heros is 20, but skill totals can be higher as to let people customize their hero a bit.

Hero Name:
Hero Model
Hero Type:

Inherent ability (Level 0 free ability)
Ability 1 (max 20)
Ability 2 (max 20)
Ability 3 (max 20)
Ultimate (max 5)

More information about the game can be found here, including some replays so you can get a good basis for your hero design.
Level 6
Mar 20, 2008
Level 6
Mar 20, 2008
Long time ago, but regardless I'm not looking to release a version here, nor requesting feedback on it, or its idea.

I've given my justification for posting here, so if you are done nitpicking, +1 posting, and trolling, kindly GTFO and leave the thread for anyone whos looking to contribute.
Level 6
Mar 20, 2008
This thread is better suited for the Idea Factory. You need to stop attacking users that try to point you in the right direction. If you continue posting with that attitude, you won't get very far here.

Are we ready to behave civilly about this now?

There was no pointing to the right direction, just pointing towards an ambiguosly named forum by someone who has failed search as well as reading about the forum. Unless you care to dispute my justification (BTW thank you for continuing to derail the thread), you too can follow kris and leave the thread be.

I am behaving civilly, perhaps you should chastise the troll for the useless posts. If the moderators care that much that I posted in one of the THREE forums for resource requesting, they can move the thread or delete it.

And for the second time

Here you can tell about your map idea(s) which are not yet in development and get usefull feedback on them. You can also share your idea(s) in here for others to use

This thread is not better suited for the idea factory.
-I am not looking to discuss the idea behind the map.
-I am not releasing a map and asking for feedback on it.
-I am not asking for feedback on an idea I made.
-I am not posting about an undeveloped map or looking to share my ideas and such.

Have a map idea that you are unsure of? Get opinions about your idea in here or toss out your map ideas for others to use.
That is the very description of the forum on the list of forums.

There are three request forums for resources (Feedback is a resource), this is one of them and I happen to consider the intellectual thought behind a hero, as well as the hero blueprints, as a resource. There is the "etc" clause within the forum description.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
There was no pointing to the right direction, just pointing towards an ambiguosly named forum by someone who has failed search as well as reading about the forum. Unless you care to dispute my justification (BTW thank you for continuing to derail the thread), you too can follow kris and leave the thread be.

I am behaving civilly, perhaps you should chastise the troll for the useless posts. If the moderators care that much that I posted in one of the THREE forums for resource requesting, they can move the thread or delete it.

His posts do not break any rules, and he is not a troll at all. Your disrespectful responses do, however, break the rules, and thus I will ask you one more time to stop.
Level 6
Mar 20, 2008
2 one liners, one telling me that I posted in the wrong forum in an arrogant manner, which it turns out to be dead wrong via the forum's description.

2nd one being a one liner that is completly irrelevant and could easily be solved via search, or looking at the link provided for map information.

I consider that trolling for posts.

If proving you wrong is what you consider disrespectful, then I couldn't care.
If not being tolerate of trolling is disrespectful, then by all means I think I have a right to be disrespectful.
If telling the both of you to gtfo for derailing the thread and pretty much destroying it is disrespectful, then by all means GOOD. The two of you are being disrespectful yourselves by having wrecked a thread that had 1 simple purpose, which to get some blueprints.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
2 one liners, one telling me that I posted in the wrong forum in an arrogant manner, which it turns out to be dead wrong via the forum's description.

2nd one being a one liner that is completly irrelevant and could easily be solved via search, or looking at the link provided for map information.

I consider that trolling for posts.

If proving you wrong is what you consider disrespectful, then I couldn't care.
If not being tolerate of trolling is disrespectful, then by all means I think I have a right to be disrespectful.
If telling the both of you to gtfo for derailing the thread and pretty much destroying it is disrespectful, then by all means GOOD. The two of you are being disrespectful yourselves by having wrecked a thread that had 1 simple purpose, which to get some blueprints.

The rules > your thread.

Hell, the rules > you. So you may as well just deal with it instead of further derailing your own thread by whining about it.
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