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Hero Designers needed

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Level 6
Mar 20, 2008
I'm looking for hero designers for my map, The Gathering Wind.

I do all the work, you guys just fill out the design form and take credit in the credit section. You guys can also make the spells if you are up to it, but its not a requirement.

Some things to note

-Heros do not use hero armor or attack types, they use their graphical attack and armor types.
-Heros tend to die fast, and do not come back, you pick another
-Armies are important so troop support has a decent role.

-Max hero level is 20, but total skills can go up to 20.
So a hero can have 4 skills that can be leveled up to 20, which totals 80 skill points, but the hero will only be able to use 20 points.
This allows for some customization and choice
IE: You can have a deathknight that shoots a real powerful death coil, or he can shoot a modest coil and have a decent unholy aura.

Here is a sample hero
Hero Name: Mok Rocksnout
Hero Model: Beastmaster
Hero Type: Ogrillian Brawler

//He would be slashing damage (axes) and Unarmored (hes practically nakid)

Inherent ability - Taunt
-Causes 10 enemy units around the hero to attack him

Ability 1 - Frenzy (5 levels)
-Increases attack and movement speed for a short duration
--starts at 4%, goes up 4% per level

Ability 2 - Strength Training (8 levels)
-Gives 4 extra strength per level

Ability 3 - Brawling (8 levels)-
-Grants a % chance to dodge and a % chance to score a critical hit
--Goes up 2% per level

Ultimate - Battle Hardened (4 levels) -
-Reduces 4 damage per level

-Designed by Shyhalu
This is the form

Hero Name:
Hero Model:
Hero Type:

Inherent ability -
Ability 1 (how many levels, max 20)
Ability 2 (how many levels, max 20)-
Ability 3 (how many levels, max 20)-
Ultimate (how many levels, max 6) -

::Who to Credit::

The most up to date map is attached below, its 1v1 and Full House capable, but theres no solo options.

I'm only looking for the ingame models, like the deathknight, lich, paladin, etc
Currently used in game models are
-Blood mage
-Lord Garithos

Anything else is up for designs.


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Level 11
Jan 17, 2009
Hero Name : Joe Mirrorguy
Hero Model : Arthas(weilding Frostmourne)
Hero Type : Illusionist
//He has slashing damage(sword) and light armor

Inherent ability-Mind Control
Throws an image of the hero to a target's mind.Dealing 50 damage and stun
for 5 seconds.Cast range is 400
Abilty 1-Imagine Breaker(4 levels)
Silences all units around 300 AoE of the Hero for 10 seconds.Each level increases AoE by 100.
Abilty 2-Imagine Hands(4 levels)
Creates 3 images of the hero that last for 30 seconds.Image deals 50% damage and takes 200% damage.Each level increases number of image created by 1.
Abilty 3-Imagination(6 levels)
Illusionist predicts the future,granting 20% chance to dodge attacks.Each level increases chance by 5%
Ultimate-Illusionist's Wrath(3 levels)
Bloodlusting friendly units,slowing,purging and entangling enemy units within 700 AoE from the caster.Each level increases AoE by 150.

~~Designed by MultiGod~~
Level 17
Jun 28, 2008
Hero Name: Chandra Nalaar
Hero Model: Sorceress
Hero Type: Pyro Mage

Inherent ability - Pyro Mana
(gives a chance that when she casts an ability she will leak pyro mana and deal AOE damage based on the mana cost of the spell casted.)

Ability 1 - Fire Ball (target loc)
-Fires of a fire ball in a line. The fire ball gets bigger the father it travels and deals more damage the bigger it gets.

Ability 2 - Blaze (passive)
-Every (10/10/9/9/8/8/7...) attacks fire forms on her hands and then the next attack she makes will create a flame strike at the attacked units pos.

Ability 3 - Rain of Fire(target loc)
- Giant meteors begins to fall out of the sky, where they land, they explode and damages all nearby

Ultimate - Combust(no target)
- Creates random explosions in the air that damage enemies. It has a short cooldown. It creates a random number from 5 - 20 explosions that deals 10 - 200 damage each

level increasing increases the low value of the random value eg.

lvl 1 - 10 - 200 damage
lvl 2 - 15 - 200 damage

Level 4
Apr 24, 2009
Hero Name: Commander Carl
Hero Model: Villager Male
Hero Type: General

Inherent ability - Charge! Gives all units a 10% damage increase for 5 seconds.

Swift Aura (max 20)
- All friendly units gain a 10% increase in movement and attack speed (lvl 1, 800 aoe, lvl 2 900 aoe, etc)

Command Aura (max 20)-
- All friendly units gain 3 armor (lvl 1, 800 aoe, lvl 2 900 aoe, etc)

Death Aura(max 20)-
Command Aura (max 20)-
- All friendly units have a 25% chance to deal 25 fire damage whenever they are attacked (lvl 1, 800 aoe, lvl 2 900 aoe, etc)

Ultimate (4 levels) -
- Rally the troops
(20, 40, 60, 80) units (use lowest unit available from troops) are summoned to fight for the commander for 2 minutes. 4 minute cool down.
Level 3
Dec 20, 2008
Name: Morr
Model: Acolyte
Type: the Grim Reaper

Inherit Ability: The Shadow of Death - all enemies within 300 range has a 10% chance of taking 50% extra damage when losing HP

Game of Fate (max 10)
- cast on enemy to start a timer. When Morr kills a unit a counter goes up and when the opponent kills one creep the counter goes down. In the end of the timer, if the count is positive the enemy takes 10 damage per point. Morr cheats naturally so the counter starts with 5xlevel of Game of Fate
- - Eg. Morr casts level 6 Game of Fate on an enemy and both see a counter and a timer. When the enemy kills a unit the counter goes down and when Morr kills someone the counter goes up. The counter starts at 30 because Game of Fate is level 6. When the Timer reaches 0 the enemy takes 10 damage per point he loses in the counter.

Reapers Scythe (10 levels max)
The reaper dooms a group of units to die within a short time. All units (non hero) dies after 4 seconds of being affected by this spell. Cast range: Melee, AOE: 100 + 25 per level of Reapers Scythe

Touch of Sorrow (10 levels max)
Morr touches the soul of an enemy making him realise just how much he has lost to the eternity of death. Slows movespeed and attack speed by 20% + 6% per level. Also reduced the armor of the enemy unit by 1 per level.

Death Eternal (4 levels max)
When Morr dies he is replaced by a ghost unit (unlimited hp, >not spell immune<, >not invulnable<, with same abilities as Morr had before) for 3/4/5/6 seconds. Every time Morr kills a unit in this form there is a 10% chance that Morr will reincarnate with 20/40/60/80% hp and mana and the ghost will dissappear in the process.
- This is extremely powerful with Scythe but since he can be stunned while in the alternate form, this is a matter of tactics

Edit: This does not need JASS but it does need some GUI triggering. It is really not as hard as it looks. It is just a matter of starting a few counters and randomizing a bit
Level 6
Mar 20, 2008
I was hoping for some HERO models not the regular models :xxd:

I've sent you guys PMs with comments and will begin work once things are sorted out.
Level 11
Jan 17, 2009
Here's another one :

Hero Name :Gaid Darksword
Hero Model :Blademaster
Hero Type :Berserker
//Deals slashing damage and has....shorts,as ....armor

Inherent Abi-Vital Strike : the next attack after using this ability,the hero deals +2x his average damage.(cool should be long,and mana cost should be big.)
Abi 1-Blood Slash : the next attack after using this ability,the hero's attack makes the target bleed(loses hp per second).duration increases per level(10 levels)
Abi 2-Berserker's Instincts : gives 10% chance that the hero's attacks will activate Vital Strike with no mana cost and cooldown.chance increases per level(4 levels)
Abi 3-Roar of Madness (Aura): enemies within 300 AoE of the hero became scared,reducing their armor by 10,but increasing their movement speed by 150.(10 levels)
Abi Ulti-Terrorism : Decreasing enemy's armor by 1000 for 5 seconds.duration increases per level.(3 levels)

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Level 6
Apr 22, 2009
Hero Name: Commander Carl
Hero Model: Villager Male
Hero Type: General

Inherent ability - Charge! Gives all units a 10% damage increase for 5 seconds.

Swift Aura (max 20)
- All friendly units gain a 10% increase in movement and attack speed (lvl 1, 800 aoe, lvl 2 900 aoe, etc)

Command Aura (max 20)-
- All friendly units gain 3 armor (lvl 1, 800 aoe, lvl 2 900 aoe, etc)

Death Aura(max 20)-
Command Aura (max 20)-
- All friendly units have a 25% chance to deal 25 fire damage whenever they are attacked (lvl 1, 800 aoe, lvl 2 900 aoe, etc)

Ultimate (4 levels) -
- Rally the troops
(20, 40, 60, 80) units (use lowest unit available from troops) are summoned to fight for the commander for 2 minutes. 4 minute cool down.

this is not thopught out well as village male does not have an attack animation. try admiral proudmore.
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