Shandris, Wind Rider
Model (Unmounted)
A little increase in model size
Model (Mounted)
a little increase in model size
Str: 16 + 1.7
Agi: 21 + 2.3 (primary)
Int: 17 + 1.5
MS: 300
Range: 550
Hero Level max up to 25
Skill 1: Wind Bow
Self Buff
Description: Enchants Bow with wind magic to gain Longer Range. Brings back original range after x attacks.
Level 1: Gains extra 175 range, last 15 seconds or 3 attacks.
Level 2: Gains extra 200 range, last 15 seconds or 4 attacks.
Level 3: Gains extra 225 range, last 15 seconds or 5 attacks.
Level 4: Gains extra 250 range, last 15 seconds or 6 attacks.
Manacost: 100
Cooldown: 20
Skill 2: Wind Arrows
Description: Adds damage into attack and deals pure damage if the targets armor is lower than shandris. Deals pure damage to creeps.
Level 1: Decreases .5 armor per hit. (max -5 armor)
Level 2: Decreases 1 armor per hit. (max -7 armor)
Level 3: Decreases 1.5 armor per hit. (max -9 armor)
Level 4: Decreases 2 armor per hit. (max -12 armor)
Manacost: 10/10/15/15
Skill 3: Wind Armor
Description: Increase MS and chance to evade long range attacks.
Level 1: 6% Increase MS and 10% chance to evade LR attacks.
Level 2: 9% Increase MS and 15% chance to evade LR attacks.
Level 3: 12% Increase MS and 20% chance to evade LR attacks.
Level 4: 15% Increase MS and 25% chance to evade LR attacks.
Ultimate: Summon Hippogryph
Description: Calls a powerful hippogryph to help her in battle.
Level 1: Has 1000 Hitpoints, 50-50 Hero Damage. Has 350 MS. able to Mount.
Level 2: Has 1250 Hitpoints, 50-50 Hero Damage. Has 350 MS, able to Mount.
Level 3: Has 1500 Hitpoints, 50-50 Hero Damage. Has 350 MS, able to Mount.
Manacost: 150/200/250
Cooldown: 100/80/60
Note: When Learned, Shandris Gains Mount Ability. Hippogryph lasts indefinitely. But dies when Archer Dies.
Hero Gains additional 200 HP, 200 additional sight radius
Hero Gains additional 300 HP, 250 additional sight radius
Hero Gains additional 400 HP, 300 additional sight radius
Note: Skills are still he same when mounted
When Unmounted, Hippogryph disappears