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Hero Darkhunter

After about a year of making my private Legionary model, I decided i'd fix this early project/experiment model and submit it. Early ideas quickly lead me to a human character, then an Elf, but I soon decided on this 'half breed'. Retaining the magical qualities of an Elf, while having the facial features of a human.

Fiddled with the upper body wrap as best I could
Added a helmet & TC glowing eyes
Changed the Sword
Fixed the Particles
Fixed the face wrap, it should be a bit better now.
Changed the leg wrap

Knight, Hero, Satan, Blood Elf, Human, Holy, Light, Magic, Wings, Blade, Boobies

Hero Darkhunter (Model)

Hero Darkhunter (Model)

15:02, 3rd Nov 2008 General Frank: Please fix the wrap of this model. It's a mess right now. 7th Nov 2008 Pyritie: Changes made, resource approved.




15:02, 3rd Nov 2008
General Frank: Please fix the wrap of this model. It's a mess right now.

7th Nov 2008
Pyritie: Changes made, resource approved.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
The wings and sword and particles mess up the model view...they make the model less visible. the words is too big in my oppinion. The wings aren't animated at all.
and the portrait's body has a diffrent texture then the model itself and it also has difrferent shoulder guards. I'd also suggest that you use a different texture for some particles (those with the circle rune thingy). These are all negative things but the model's mesh is really good.
Level 6
Aug 19, 2007
Huh...third angel-winged sword wielding angel guy thing in the models section...atleast he doesnt have a hood like the guy in Assassin's Creed unlike the other 2 XD
4.5/5 ... maybe you shuld add like...some glowing yellow armor or something, and atleast add a halo or cross-necklace to him just for detail O_O
Last edited:
Level 4
Oct 20, 2009
More Divine models were/Are needed.(So many "Demon" models/Hell Models it's getting annoying) rep added, testing in progress...Rating will be given after test. reputation for the idea in itself...If bad, you'll surely improve it.


Have a nice day.
Level 4
Mar 20, 2010
Good looking model, don't really like the idea of angel-wings tho. Just doesn't fit in my opinion, but hey, I'm just a goblin. I especially like the helmet, fits really well. 4/5
Level 5
Feb 15, 2010
Vermillion your a pretty good mapmaker but still have more to learn because: You kind of have bad wraps and they look WC 2 graphics, you need to spend a bit more time on the wraps and usually they aren't that special... But I like a few of your models and you will become a RRREEEAAALLLYYY good model maker :) Keep it up Vermillion!
Level 5
Apr 27, 2014
i beg you, please, change or hide his face, please! the villager face looks ugly under that armor, either than that the model is AMAZING 4.70/5