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Hero Build Spell Book format

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Level 5
Apr 13, 2008
HI! Im creating this hero that has this build ability, hes basicaly a peasant. This build ability is a spellbook.

In this spellbook there are mutiple buildings, i use build tiny castle as a base ability. However, since there are multiple buildings all using the same base abilities, it cant work.

Is there any other way around this? Maybe not use a spellbook? However i cant afford to use another icon space as all is used up. I would really appreciate your help, THANKS :ogre_haosis:
Level 5
Apr 13, 2008
Well its because i want to make this a hero ability, where each time he adds the ability the structures built get stronger and also more structures can be built, the techtree thing cant do that. Ive thought of using a dummy and using triggers to do it, but i dont know if it might work.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
Assuming the hero can't reset abilities you'll need a combination of upgrades and triggers.

Upgrades are for what you can build. Whenever you upgrade the hero ability, you'll use a trigger to set the upgrade level and build maximum higher.
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
You can also do an empty spell book of Id ZER (example id who does not exists) and an dummy learning ability and do one spell book ability and one tiny castle ability per building and have all those abilities have as id ZER then disable all spell books except the main you will see that all the contents of those spell books will add to the main and not share cool down and casting time you will be able to click any of those abilities to cast it without the usual problems with order id collisions. Then do an trigger who will when you level up the dummy learning ability remove all outdated building spell books and add the new ones and do another trigger for retraining who remove the hidden spell books.
this way you will have all the thing Xonok said but with abilities and who can be retrained with tome of retraining.
Checking again if what I said worked.
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
I was wrong with this ability it worked with another ability (summon tentacle) what happens with build tiny is that you will get the display of the building you clicked on like if the trick worked but when you use it it make the default building (so I tried to have arcane sanctum and farm in the same spell book with this trick then I clicked on arcane the arcane sanctum was displayed for building but it built the farm)
But here is the test map with tentacle.
The trick (working with only some abilities) I indicated in an post I removed was that if you made an main spell book with an id X and made multiple spell books with abilities of the same kind and id X and that you disabled them then you could have the main spell book have multiple abilities of the same kind working like if they were half independent in the sense that you choose which one you cast (not like what happens normally where it is always the same who is casted) and they does not share cool-down(usually when an unit for example have three tentacle ability then when he cast the main one(he can not cast any other) all tentacle ability are put on cool-down) but when you cast one all the icons shine but in all others ways it is like if they were different abilities (only for the abilities for which this trick works)
I did not see this trick in a tutorial because it is too much weird (the one creating the tutorial must be yet testing all WC3 abilities). I discovered this trick when I was creating an builder hero who used summon tentacle ability and I do not know if it works with any other but it surely does not works with build tiny tower.


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Level 5
Apr 13, 2008
Simple Solution which worked

I found out a simple solution which worked. Basically, i used build tiny tower as the main hero ability and it can build one tower: Build (Circle of Power)

This circle of power is able to upgrade to different towers. As i up the level of the ability, the circle of power building is changed to another one that can upgrade to different towers of a higher level. although this means building and upgrading, it works! But thanks guys for the tips :D:goblin_yeah:

Besides building an arrow tower and explosives what other buildings should he be able to make? This hero is for a hero defence map.
Oh and also what other spells for this hero? i already have a passive in mind. Dont worry it can be op.
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