
This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Heretic Butcher

I didnt redone ALL from scratch, but i think it can looks good ingame !
About the extra head, don't care, I... I...
I'm sorry.

heretic, butcher, ogre, meat, fat

HereticButcher (Texture)

19:51, 6th Sep 2008 Hawkwing: [Approved] There's a lot of filters on the cloth, but the freehanded details are quite well done. Kimberly: Yeah, and there is too much filters for it to be accepted. Rejected.




19:51, 6th Sep 2008
There's a lot of filters on the cloth, but the freehanded details are quite well done.

Kimberly: Yeah, and there is too much filters for it to be accepted. Rejected.
Level 9
May 7, 2005
looks like the heretic/inquisitor family is growing...

i knew you could not resist to make more of these skins! now aim for a big campaign...
Level 21
Jul 3, 2004
well about filters, it would be stupid to take 1 hour to make something you can get in 5 secondes !!! That's dumb but so true ! Ingame is the most important thing, so I can use filters like that, no ?
But if you don't like them, it's as you want. I just find this a bit stupid

edit : and that's not that i cant freehand, head and arms are completely redone, and i dont have to justify myself ! Crap, that's because you see a filter than you wont look the whole skin ? That's not very intelligent, don't you think , i dont blame you personally ddngw, but stop scream after filter, if anybody cry again about filters here, then i'ld just ignore his whole comment, that's as dumb as ignore a skin because it uses filers.
YES i'm the FLF president (Filters Liberation Front).

RE-EDIT : Escuse me for this a bit violent reaction, i'm sorry, but i really cant stand when filters became the topic. Please, please please, if you dont like them, try to dont speak about them :(
That happens when ppl were arguing me for using filters while I wasnt use them... for my old metal textures for example, i was using a brush which look like a filter, and that was freehanding, but it was really looking as noise filter...
i'm a victim^^
well about filters, it would be stupid to take 1 hour to make something you can get in 5 secondes !!! That's dumb but so true ! Ingame is the most important thing, so I can use filters like that, no ?
But if you don't like them, it's as you want. I just find this a bit stupid
hey why spend hour on a skin when i can just cnp it all from different skins? it's just stupid to spend all that time! better yet, why not just take someone elses skin, recolor it, then submit it? why try to develpoe my own talent to skinning when i can just take all the shortcuts?! itll save me tons of time to submit about 30 more half-assed skins in one week! oh and bullcrap the arms are all freehanded, you just recolored them then skinned directly over them without even creating a full layer so that youre just not basically tracing.

this skin lacks color diversity, skin color isnt just 1 tone darkened and lightened. this skin is bland and plain. when people use it in their maps, the only thing they will notice about it is that the portrait has an eyepatch and that it's waring a shirt.
Level 21
Jul 3, 2004
mmh, i use it in my map, and it doesnt looks plain

I find you more aggressive than me...
I swear I freehanded the arms from scratch
And about cnp, there is no link, filters just help sometimes to get some textures. Freehand give the part an own style. It would look the same if i freehanded the texture...
And why edit a skin, if we go in your way ?
please stop being such aggresive and trying to own me like that, that's boring, and that's not the first time. What the f**k you have against me ?! you were a cool guy before you get skills ! Now you take everyone from high and you're taking yourself very serious, apparently you're the best and you don't accept someone can be less skileld than you... you're one of the bests, but actually it doesnt avoid to be polite...That's a shame you became that sure of yourself... :?
Try to change you mind and stop looking us as if we are bullsh*ts shacks...

EDIT : ok afro i read your reply pm, and althought i dont agree with you about filters, I apreciate that you're not hypocrit and you're nor rating the skin !

Now back to topic :p

Next skin is ready, i used a NE model (and less filers lol). Is it an Inquisition one ? An heretic ? Mystery...
I'll post it tomorow because in France it's 00:51 and i'm a bit tired...(Now the people who dont care about my private life can go out^^) You'll say i fast tired, but that makes two makes than my minimum hour to sleep is about 02am ! so good night, but don't be impatient for the next, i'm not very happy of it and i'll rework it. TO-MO-ROW ! Now, let's sleep !!!! -.-
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
If you use filters then your a lazy asswipe who is scared to learn.

Time earns you skill and you became an ARTIST and a TRUE SKINNER, afew clicks to apply a filters is doing jack and if your think filters arnt wrong then i hope people steal your work and burn it or claim it as theirs.

seriously, the filters make your work look shit, rushed and make you look desperate and unskilled.