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help me how to make this spell

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Level 5
Feb 18, 2009
i want to make 2 spell, and there are two thing i didn't know how to do:

1. how to make the hero not damaged even the enemy hit him with spells and attack(like abbadon's ultimate in DotA but didn't heal the user)
2. how to make illusion do something with a trigger

please help me with anything you can
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
1. If you want complete immunity without damage detecting (for future use; shield that can withstand 300 damage and break off), you can just add Hardened Skin ability to that unit and have the Data - Ignore Damage: 100000000 and the Data - Minimum Damage: 0.00

2. Here's what you can pick Illusion with trigger

  • Actions
    • Custom script: set bj_wantDestroyGroup = true
    • Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) matching (((Matching unit) is an illusion) Equal to True)) and do (Actions)
      • Loop - Actions
        • Unit - Kill (Picked unit)
Level 17
Mar 21, 2011
about question 1.

do 2 trigger: 1st we call Trigger1, second Trigger2

A unit enters playable map area

if unit-type of [triggering unit] equal to [your hero]

Add to Trigger2 the event [Triggering unit takes damage]

[No Event]

if damage taken not 0

turn off [this trigger]
set life of [triggering unit] to life of [triggering unit] + damage taken
turn on [this trigger]
Level 7
Aug 31, 2011
1. how to make the hero not damaged even the enemy hit him with spells and attack(like abbadon's ultimate in DotA but didn't heal the user)

If you would like to do it this way, you can :p, just another solution if you wanna try this.

- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -

if its like a passive skill, do what squiggy says :p, if its a temp skill, im afraid you cant add invulnerable because if you want people to attack you without taking any damage, you would want to go with making a ability in object editor and then make it defense - 99999999999999999999999 (for normal attacks) and then after that, make another item that gives 99999999999999999999999 (for spells) regeneration rofl :p. Also the (normal) attack one is combined with (for spells) too. Anyways, forgot to mention, spells are direct damage meaning that defense does NOT matter. after that, put this trigger in:
  • Test
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Your Spell
    • Actions
      • Unit - Add Armor 999999999999 (+10) to (Triggering unit)
      • Unit - Add Regen 999999999999999 to (Triggering unit)
      • Wait 10.00 seconds
      • Unit - Remove Armor 999999999999 (+10) from (Triggering unit)
      • Unit - Remove Regen 999999999999999 from (Triggering unit)
And if you're wondering, yes it is MUI :p. Hope this helps
Level 5
Feb 18, 2009
thanks for all your help i will try the first question's answers,
but for my second question i mean like this
i want to create an illusion of my unit then if i use order my unit to move the illusion will move to the same place

for the post above this, i can't find add armor action here....
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
The "Add armor" is a lame solution, it's a custom ability.

Abaddons ultimate (as far as I know) can work with the hardenend skin as defskull said. You can also detect damage dealt and do Set life of DamagedUnit to (Life of DamagedUnit + (Damage x 2)). If you add hardened skin, don't multiply it by 2.

Is your ilusion movement MPI (Only 1 unit can use it per player at the same time) or MUI (Infinite units can use it at the same time). Answer and i'll tell you how.
Level 5
Feb 18, 2009
if i use set life of damaged unit to (Life of damaged unit + damage taken) the life still increased with every attack(is it because of my unit's armor), what i want is to make the life will not increased or decreased with every damage, and if i use the hardened skin like that, the damage still get trough so i don't know what to do

and for illusion maybe MUI will do it
so could you help me?
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
No... damage doesn't go trhough that... It's impossible.

To make the illusion MUI... is harder :p I'm not even sure on how to do it smoothly like Dota's Tauren...
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
and if i use the hardened skin like that, the damage still get trough
May I say bullshit :) ?

Make sure you adjust both of the field just like I say my god...

Data - Ignore Damage: 9999999999999
Data - Minimum Damage: 0.00

The important part is that minimum damage, I think you still have it on default, which is 3.00

Ah, this only work for PHYSICAL DAMAGE, if you want to completely block off damage done by SPELLS, add Spell Damage Reduction ability and change the field:

Data - Damage Reduction: 1.00

do it like i said, other solutions are crap
Don't be too confident and close-minded, you're living in a community, not a jail.
Accept others' opinion would be good too if I were you.
Level 5
Feb 18, 2009
what do you mean?
what i ask is why we should turn the bolded trigger on and off
about question 1.

do 2 trigger: 1st we call Trigger1, second Trigger2

A unit enters playable map area

if unit-type of [triggering unit] equal to [your hero]

Add to Trigger2 the event [Triggering unit takes damage]

[No Event]

if damage taken not 0

turn off [this trigger]
set life of [triggering unit] to life of [triggering unit] + damage taken
turn on [this trigger]
Level 5
Feb 18, 2009
i mean something like order it to move to point, attack something, do some animation, or set them as variable
yeah something like that
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