• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


Back to old shit. And don't you bug me about the flag!

EDIT: Hey, Dio here! If you enjoy my work, a tip would be most welcome! Even a little helps a lot!

inquisitor, berserker, warrior, axe, hellscream, orc, hero, vampire killer, witch, hunter

Inquisitor Berserker (Texture)

18:49, 25th Aug 2009 67chrome: I like what you have done with the face, it looks convincingly human for being wrapped around an orc. The jaw is a little weird, something else could probably be added to make it look more like a mask piece. And I...
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18:49, 25th Aug 2009
67chrome: I like what you have done with the face, it looks convincingly human for being wrapped around an orc. The jaw is a little weird, something else could probably be added to make it look more like a mask piece. And I remember Mr. Goblin saying something about the flag being divided into three separate portions, you might want to find out how it wraps around the model so that the flag can look more like a flag. Other than that this skin is pretty cool :)
Level 8
Dec 1, 2006
I haven't rated it but:
His skin is weird, wrinkled, and by this I mean on the arms. As for the face, it's ok, though you may add some depth. His hear could be a bit darker and better looking (now looks just like some scratching thing), as could be his gloves.
And you should do something about his banner (ups!).
I love his suit.
Level 16
Mar 8, 2009
the "mask" need more golden looks. ATM looks like inside banana color, imo. xD
You need to work more on that flag, and yes, we bother you about that.
As END said, there is a lack of black areas.
The forearms doesnt look to much like forearms.
Anyway, the quality is awesome. Nice skin, 4/5.
Level 45
Dec 13, 2005
Spend more time on ideas and creativity, all the same skins all this days :/.
I once were impressed by your skins, now I am just... depressed how you
can submit a 5 minute work every day without even trying to make something unique.

Do you even realize how hard it is to make something original? Well, I do (or have problems and perceive it as being hard...)
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