Hellfire Peninsula RISK

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Level 4
Jul 23, 2012
Hello this is my first RISK map long time ago i was playing WOW RISK and I thought there are no hero's in Hellfire Peninsula so now i decided that there is going to be a hole RISK map made for that zone with every sub-zone being bases with real WOW mobs inside of the zones

EX:The Abyssal Shelf is going to have Fel Cannons as units you can make (It would be funny to make there ingame HP to the maps)

So if you like the idea please give me some help like some tutorials on how to make Bases or ideas thanks for your help :ogre_haosis:

-EDIT Want To know if i should have a huge boss like in WOW or just a normal hero for the Lord Kazzak

NOTE:pROJECT IS SHUT DOWN LINK FOR MAP (if you wanna finish it go ahead) DOWN BELOW


NOTE:Deciding to make it a player base map with different teams (Like Azeroth Wars) other than a RISK map
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Level 4
Jul 23, 2012
I had a hard time trying to understand your question, mate.
I prefer a RISK like map. HP might be kinda of big, but look at AW, or DAOW. These maps have the whole of Azeroth and Outland in it. HP shoukd bot be that hard...

true also got a quick question should i make Doom Lord Kazzak a ingame boss (no-one controls him) or should i make him a hero?
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