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[Role Playing Game] What is best Hero level cap for normal RPG game

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Level 7
Nov 10, 2012
im asking the community on how much level cap should we really used to, for a normal rpg game,,
i saw some post got 40- 60
i saw 99
and other just got a way more than a hundred...

since having a high XP rate around which level of character will starts to slow down?

can anybody enlighten me.

im planning to cap my level to 99..

and is it possible to mix genre..
my map is a sort of

RPG - Risk,strategy - Arena -offense - (hero evolution/upgrade)

my map was epic size im afraid its to huge for risk,strategy,,,
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
It mostly depends on how much grinding you need per level and how often you have to spend skill points.
If you plan to need hours of grinding for high levels then needing level 100 for beating the monsters is way too much.
if you plan to make so that players gains levels as fast as they need them just by going through the scenario without doing side quests then level 100 or level 1000 or even level 10^30 is all the same as long as you do not have to spam clicks on skills to raise them.(and if you have to spam clicks on skills maybe you should use default WC3 level cap: it will increase map performances greatly due to how you will not have skills with dozens of levels: skills with a lot of different levels increase greatly game data amount which lengthen loading time and occupy ram)
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
I have arena level... Creeps spawn
Capturing risk type
Sieging castle.
But i dont plan to make quests.
Mybe ill add xp for every castles was siege to speed up the leveling.
I did not mean quest in the "kill X boar" sense.
I meant quests as meaning objectives.
For example saving a kingdom or evacuating a village or destroying definitively the last demon lord by breaking its soul stone or whatever(such as getting revenge against a whale because it ate your Wirt leg (done by emptying the ocean by building pumps and barrages)).
I mean there is a scenario since you talk about your map being a rpg no?
Else you would use another term such as survival or offence.
Does not matters anyway since you kill stuff as the game goes so you can probably just change the xp formulae until the heroes gets levels as fast as needed.
One more thing i want the game to be skill free.. Means human cannot do magic in my game..
And all was stat build and no skill...
Medieval war..
Its pve coop game
Also if you are using classic WC3 stat growth(stats starts around 20 and raise by more than one point per level) your heroes are probably not humans in any way.(I mean who gets 5 times more strong and 5 times more agile just by killing thousands of opponents? No human does)
If there is no skills to use do you control multiple heroes?
I mean if there is no skills and that you control a single unit then you should probably not be using WC3 as a media(Believe me there is WC3 maps about dodging and fighting and it is already incredibly annoying to play(because they often like placing way too many opponents then the game lags and you are guaranteed to lose) and if you want to do a non dodge fighting map where you control a single unit with only the base attack it will surely feel extremely boring).

Also skills != magic.
You could have non magical skills such as net (the wolf rider have this) or flare(the mortar team have this skill)or the defend skill(footmen's skill) or anything you invent that makes sense.
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Level 7
Nov 10, 2012
Yes.. You mean that... Sorry...
Will my main objective is to stop the king from his reign and defeat him..the story will be revealed when my map us out..
But its kind of revenge..

He own strong hold which is fortified by troops and towers...

Second objective is to defeat all castle in the map.. Ti gain elite troops and control in the area.

Also skills != magic.
You could have non magical skills such as net (the wolf rider have this) or flare(the mortar team have this skill)or the defend skill(footmen's skill) or anything you invent that makes sense.

Yes i deletrle defend abilities to my troops also... But planing to put auras to elite troop or passive skills only.

And my hero should start from a boy (lvl 1) to series of upgrades every 15 level upgrade to adult and soon until become a king... Or any chosen path...

i have 3 paths to that he can choose...but that requires a level and an item to upgrade..
each path will change the game play or we say the strategy to defeat the king..
or some bonus stats for certain troops which he focus on,, something like that,,

Do my map will be considered rpg or not?
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Level 7
Nov 10, 2012
i have a lot of enemy since im trying to dethroned the king, strong holds, castles and fortress will be destroyed on his wake...
and i dont have to put skills on my hero..just to command an army , train them (not usual way of Warcraft training, buying them on structures) gain glory to recruit mercenaries and convert enemy lords to fight under my rule.
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