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Have you ever encountered Zeta Reticulians?

Do you believe in the other-beings from other star systems?

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No, nor do I know what the hell you're talking about. However, your question is twofold. While I do believe it's likely there's more life in the universe (aside from earth), I do not think we have made any kind of a meaningful conversation of them, or got anywhere close enough.

I am talking about Zeta Reticulians aka The Greys. Short big-headed beings from start system called Zeta Reticuli. They have large black eyes, usually have no muscles because of zero gravity in the natural environment for them.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

We need water to get any kind of being to live. Most likely we need the water to be over 0 degrees, in its liquid from. So we need 1) Water 2) Warmth

I don't know if there can be planet as lucky as ours is. If earth would be a bit closer to sun, earth's beings could only live under sea, not even that if more closer. If earth would be a bit farther to sun, earth's beings could only live under the icy sea, out planet's core could still give some warmth :) But that's not as fancy living as we human want..

The universe isn't infinite, and the planet needs to be billions of years old to get any notable living beings to be there.

Also if you think of aliens, like aliens aliens, what's the actual possibility of that? The evolution of human into what it is right now is so ridiculous it's even more ridiculous to think it could happen again, somewhere else. Also even if it happened, what's the possibility of it happening at our time? Maybe some billion years after our race's disappearance somewhere else could be evolution, but at the same time? Lol...

We're special :) Maybe you can go discover some worms somewhere, dunno...

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Updated the thread with more detail.
What? Even more ridiculous would be aliens that looked like us -,- no one can believe in those, not even Americans...
That awkward moment when you support your ideas about aliens with ideas that have even less root in reality :x

As I said this is a discussion, if this is awkward then I suggest highly that you refrain from posting to this thread. I already mentioned that I had few sources taken to fill out the possibilities, I never said it is REAL.

PS: Deleted for this is going off-topic.
Level 15
Mar 9, 2008
As I said this is a discussion, if this is awkward then I suggest highly that you refrain from posting to this thread. I already mentioned that I had few sources taken to fill out the possibilities, I never said it is REAL.

PS: Deleted for this is going off-topic.

Why so defensive? Because I told you your idea is unsubstantiated, and even more so, when you use sources that are even less so? You never said it's real, but you're talking about their anatomy and asking us whether we've encountered them. You might want to work out on these issues first before you attempt to discuss it with anybody else, because now you keep changing everything on the fly. If you want to discuss things you need to put something concrete on the table first, and argue for or against.
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
The thread topic and the poll question don't quite correspond.

No, I don't believe in "greys". There is zero evidence of their existence or presence on Earth. I've seen a few of these conspiracies doing the rounds, but the simple fact is that if these were real then EVERYONE would know about it. It would be the discovery of the century. Many scientists would ignore a possible military gag order to have their name attached to such a discovery.

Now, on to the question of your poll: yes, I do think it's very likely that life exists somewhere else, probably in many other places. We've recently discovered that actually, almost every single star has a few exoplanets (we call them exoplanets if they aren't in the solar system), and it's VERY likely that in many of these solar systems at least one planet will be in the "goldilocks" zone where water is liquid. Water probably exists in most of these solar systems as well, so the two basic ingredients for life is present on most of these solar systems.

But why haven't we heard from them yet? Modern human is a very young species in relation to the age of the universe - only about 70 thousand years. Our ability to send signals into outer space even younger at just over a hundred years. At the astronomical scale, that's just the blink of an eye. It's possible that millions of civilizations on other planets may have risen and fallen before our time.
Why so defensive? Because I told you your idea is unsubstantiated, and even more so, when you use sources that are even less so? You never said it's real, but you're talking about their anatomy and asking us whether we've encountered them. You might want to work out on these issues first before you attempt to discuss it with anybody else, because now you keep changing everything on the fly. If you want to discuss things you need to put something concrete on the table first, and argue for or against.

Because I am trying to normally discuss without sounding too much like a loonie.
Basically I am talking about The Grey's , anatomy, thoughts about them and any encounters (UFO and close-kind).

The thread topic and the poll question don't quite correspond.

No, I don't believe in "greys". There is zero evidence of their existence or presence on Earth. I've seen a few of these conspiracies doing the rounds, but the simple fact is that if these were real then EVERYONE would know about it. It would be the discovery of the century. Many scientists would ignore a possible military gag order to have their name attached to such a discovery.

Now, on to the question of your poll: yes, I do think it's very likely that life exists somewhere else, probably in many other places. We've recently discovered that actually, almost every single star has a few exoplanets (we call them exoplanets if they aren't in the solar system), and it's VERY likely that in many of these solar systems at least one planet will be in the "goldilocks" zone where water is liquid. Water probably exists in most of these solar systems as well, so the two basic ingredients for life is present on most of these solar systems.

But why haven't we heard from them yet? Modern human is a very young species in relation to the age of the universe - only about 70 thousand years. Our ability to send signals into outer space even younger at just over a hundred years. At the astronomical scale, that's just the blink of an eye. It's possible that millions of civilizations on other planets may have risen and fallen before our time.

Well, the thing is that.. there have been numerous encounters and information regarding them. The earliest was the cave paintings from around the BC:

These were found by an archaeologist JR Bhagat in Chhattisgarh, India. You just have to search and be open to the idea that they do exist, without any proof to make them false you are just being ignorant.

Furthermore there have been multiple UFO sightings, abductions and classified data. Scientists know exactly what they are doing, they are keeping the truth from the masses. Of course you can choose on what to believe.
Because I am trying to normally discuss without sounding too much like a loonie.
Basically I am talking about The Grey's , anatomy, thoughts about them and any encounters (UFO and close-kind).

If you do not want to sound like a lunatic, then don't say things such people would say. It's that simple. I reserve my right to say that this "discussion" about features of something never proven to exist, and that has a very low likelihood of existing, is crazy to me.
Level 15
Mar 9, 2008
I found one in my backyard a couple of days ago, AMS refused to service his saucer because he forgot to buy a green card. So I gave him a tomato sandwich and sent him on his way, before my hair started falling off due to radiation.
Level 10
Mar 7, 2014
From a man who has personally been to India, I can tell you that it is more filled with bald malnutrition-afflicted humans than Aliens.. Also, the Hindu Pantheon has around a few million dieties, I doubt one or two looked somewhat like the Greys..

Although the thought of Alien life is extraordinary, it is at the same time, terrifying.
Most ancient myths were mostly based on rare and wondrous creatures.
If the Greys DO exist, I doubt they're the only species of Aliens in the unknown broad galaxy, and then there's Dark Matter, the thing no Human can simply explain..
It can be possible that Aliens DO live amongst us, and possibly they may be invisible or extinct.
Many strange events across the world speculates possibility of Aliens..
Also, if there had to be an Alien species that DID exist, I'd say it should be the Asari.
Yes, they are based in a game, but hey, they're an amazing example of Aliens, if-ya-catch-my-meaning ;3
Level 11
Jun 15, 2011
I voted yes...

The universe is like infinity, and I remember that scientist found some kinda bacteria in an asteroid? If bacterias can live out there, why not other beings? And there're so many other planets where life can be supported like Mars if I remember correctly. So in the whole universe their must be some kinda... Zt zt zt transmission lost...

EDIT by a Zeta:
Hhey, tis iz me, a Zeta, we vizit milky galaxzy and we came from the coffee galaxzy... *Bash* *Crunch*

EDIT by Karassu the epic:
Hey sorry for that, that grey guy just set me aside then sat in front of the PC. Don't worry I bashed him already and he ran away.
Anyway, what are Zeta again? Hope I can see one of them.
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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Aliens as a concept was developed over a long period of time in Hollywood movies.
While I do not reject the possibility of extraterrestrial life somewhere out there, considering how large the universe is, the notion that we've come close to finding out how they would look like is silly. The concept that they would have visited us is equally silly. While the possibility of a human-like alien isn't impossible, since statistically speaking, we've found about 900 earth-like planets so far, all of which in the Goldilocks Zone. Which are relatively close-by in terms of lightyears. Meaning that there's similar conditions involved.
Aliens as a concept was developed over a long period of time in Hollywood movies.
While I do not reject the possibility of extraterrestrial life somewhere out there, considering how large it is, the notion that we've come close to finding out how they would look like is silly. The concept that they would have visited us is equally silly.

This sums up what I think about it. When thinking about alien life, I always try to imagine something without basing it on any idea of life I already know. And I cannot, there's too much diversity of life on earth, and my idea of life is too influenced by what life is on earth, that I cannot stem too far away from biological structures that exist on earth. For example, if life were to evolve in liquid ammonia in the dark (below the surface), it'd probably be vastly different to anything existing on earth. Maybe it would evolve into highly conscious beings that develop their own version of morality that is unimaginably different to any we've ever had. Maybe they'd too have schools, or would be too primitive or too advanced to require them. Maybe their star would eat their planet up before they make it past one celled organisms, if cells are a thing at all, because they might not have to be at all.

There are so many questions to ponder about aliens that actually might and could exist, that I find the Hollywood, oversimplified, anti-intellectual, modern pop-culture view of aliens as disgusting.
I will report useless and problematic posts, yes I am referring to you Heinvers.

1) If you're posting something that is both stupid and crazy, you deserve any kind of mocking for it

And some other people.. If it needs I will also ask a moderator to clean this up a little.

2) This is Off-Topic, and your subject is crazy. Anything goes.

I will also write a big understandable sign in human language: Refrain from posting unless you have an open mind to possibilities of E.T life.

And I will also write a Big Understandable Sign in Human Language:

If you can't deal with the fact you're posting unsubstantiated nonsense that only deserves mockery for its infancy, the world is probably not a place for you. Also, I have an open mind to the possibilities of E.T life. That doesn't mean I will gobble your bullshit like candy.

For Zeta's sake, if you can't accept critique, just lock yourself up in the room and make sure your parents only tell you nice things through closed doors.
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
I'd say there most likely are aliens somewhere. I mean, theres 200 billions stars in our galaxy, and probably that much more galaxies. There is no doubt it is possible, but the chances are low due to the how the Earth was formed, its distance from the local star, in this case the Sun, there just the perfect amount of water, so on, so forth. Afaik there have already been discovered planets which can, in theory, support life. Whether that life is an ugly grey humanoid-like creature that lives in zero gravity, I highly doubt that, mainly because of the zero gravity thing. The only way for it to actually 'live' in such circumstances, is for it to be in space and that would make it very weak with poor energy production, likely unable to live in 'normal' Earth-like conditions. Also, the chances of them being humanoid is so incredibly slim it cannot be described.
Level 11
Jun 15, 2011
I will report useless and problematic posts...

Is my post (in page 2) problematic/useless?

Quoted (Tell me if I should remove this, only added so that this post is not useless.)

Karassu said:
I voted yes...

The universe is like infinity, and I remember that scientist found some kinda bacteria in an asteroid? If bacterias can live out there, why not other beings? And there're so many other planets where life can be supported like Mars if I remember correctly. So in the whole universe their must be some kinda... Zt zt zt transmission lost...

EDIT by a Zeta:
Hhey, tis iz me, a Zeta, we vizit milky galaxzy and we came from the coffe galaxzy... *Bash* *Crunch*

EDIT by Karassu the epic:
Hey sorry for that, that grey guy just set me aside then sat in front of the PC. Don't worry I bashed him already and he ran away.
Anyway, what are Zeta again? Hope I can see one of them.
I hope you're happy now A Void since my previous post was deleted by fladder.

I never said I'm ruling out the concept of extraterrestrial life out there but greys coming to visit us just for the sake of abductions and stuff like that are too much imo.
Too much fiction and not enough providable evidence for that, plus that those imagines you posted are questionable tbh.

@A Void, I bet that you'll say my post is useless and negative, lol
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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
If it needs I will also ask a moderator to clean this up a little.
I have cleaned out some of the more useless posts. But

I will also write a big understandable sign in human language: Refrain from posting unless you have an open mind to possibilities of E.T life.
I won't clean out posts just because they aren't what you expect them to be. I hate it when people try to get staff to run debates in their favor because they can't stand their own ground. Right now, this is you. You're part of the problem; not the solution.

@ (pretty much) everybody:

Stop being dumb and fuel the fire for the sake of fueling the fire. If you want to out people because they suck at debating properly, show them. Don't tell them. Show them you're everything they can't be. You're the fucking bodhisattva of debate. Now show it!
These were found by an archaeologist JR Bhagat in Chhattisgarh, India. You just have to search and be open to the idea that they do exist, without any proof to make them false you are just being ignorant.
I'm afraid the burden of proof doesn't quite function in that way - it's not ignorant to not think something exists because you don't have evidence to support it which counteract your doubts, Also cave paintings (and rather crude ones I might add) aren't really "good evidence"

A Void said:
Furthermore there have been multiple UFO sightings, abductions and classified data.
That's a bit misleading, there's a glaring lack of the word "claimed" in this sentence, you can't present unproven things (particularly abductions and sightings) as facts without being a little disingenuous (or gullible at least)

A Void said:
Scientists know exactly what they are doing, they are keeping the truth from the masses. Of course you can choose on what to believe.
Perpare the tinfoil hats! Though in all seriousness, kind of a large fallacy to say "you can choose on what to believe", belief is rarely a choice - one believes what their analysis of data and information leads them to think, indeed the idea of "choosing what to believe" in terms of aliens is rather a false dichotomy, particularly when one side of it, is rarely reprisented with good information (when things get a bit tinfoily) - and very often the answer is somewhere in the middle with extraterrestrial life. A large percentage of people come to the conclusion that yes there probably is, but it's unlikely we have even the beginnings of an understanding of what they would look like & other biological functions they would have. I myself would fall into this category, and my thoughts of the matter include that from my perspective, it's likely we'll have been obliterated as a species long before we interact with alien lifeforms (we're not exactly great at the whole work together as a species thing).

Even if we /did/ interact with alien lifeforms, it's likely that it would be brief, and then we would be dead. I don't see too much reason for why they would "come in peace" as it were, as we have nothing to offer a significantly more advanced civilisation, and our planet would likely look pretty good for residence from the perspective of space colonisation (until perhaps they find out about the resource issues). Any interaction we had with them, would probably be known globally pretty quickly from where I'm sat.
our planet would likely look pretty good for residence from the perspective of space colonisation (until perhaps they find out about the resource issues).
...if they're extremely advanced I doubt they'll even bother to descent to the surface if they can detect the planet's current resources state directly from orbit, so the whole destruction scenario would be obsolete or useless in that case. Well unless they'd want to wipe out future competition if that would come to pass (mainly a locust like organic race or mechanical race, thought I think they'd be beyond organic state by that time).
Well one could argue semantics all day about what technology they may or may not have, what would be necessary to traverse solar systems and all kinds of other things, that aside is speculation since the pretense of them interacting with us would involve some interest in our planet, residential/mining/etc. are all possible examples (particularly as we wouldn't know what was a valuble resource to them)

Edit: fixed "technologies", I trust the sick, sleepy man can be forgiven for such an erroneous word
we must have caught them up.
Yes, we caught the amino-acids from comets that came smashing into Earth billions of years ago, soo...

then it'd be just bacteria.
Complex life started as bacteria so your reply is a bit ironic.

there is no life throughout the space. If yes, then it'd be just bacteria.
You just contradict yourself here.

there is no life throughout the space.
Right. That makes all those trillions or so of planets out there barren and devoid of possible life just because you think so?

Sure, I'm not saying that every one of those planets are habitable, but surely the 'cosmic ocean' isn't that lifeless as you might guess. It's like saying that the ocean is devoid of life when in fact you've barely scratched 1% of it.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Nope, that's too mysterious to agree with, there is no life throughout the space.
If this were true, then we wouldn't have existed. Were in that space too you know...
Nope, that's too mysterious to agree with, there is no life throughout the space.

That's a very bold statement. Have you been throughout the space to check for it? If not, then you say "I don't know". What you said is "there is no life throughout the space.", yet earth is in space. If you meant in outer space... well, see above. But agreeing with someone saying "aliens exist" is ill advised if
there's no concrete proof at hand. I can only say that if there's us, there's likely other life in other galaxies, but we haven't found it. But I am not making an absolute claim, because I do not know everything that constitutes life, and I haven't yet found another life-system, like or unlike our carbon-based one. So, it is a possibility, but claiming that THERE ARE ALIENS or that THERE ARE NO ALIENS is equally as ridiculous, seeing as how we haven't researched the subject at all (and by that I do not mean "How A Void sees alien research").

If yes, then it'd be just bacteria. Even if there is, we must have caught them up.

If there's bacteria, you can have multicellular life too, as we can see :) Then again, there's no telling if there would even be such thing as a bacteria. Life as we know it might be only one tiny instance of what life CAN be, and by life I really mean self-replicating molecules, that's about as generic as I'd go, because it could be silicon based for all we know. There's no reason why a civilization, if it can exist, would have to be less advanced than ours. After all, our planet, and our whole solar system, are pretty young, there are solar systems way older than it.
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
Nope, that's too mysterious to agree with, there is no life throughout the space. If yes, then it'd be just bacteria. Even if there is, we must have caught them up.

We have bearly explored space. No one has every been to a planet with similar characteristics as the Earth. The ones found are so far away that it will take atleast some 5 (honestly, I think a lot more) years away for a drone to reach them.
We bearly know whats on Earth, let alone discover other lifeforms outside it.
And thats just for carbon-based lifeforms. We could find something that's cell are made of uranium and drinks molted diamonds to survive. There really is no telling what could said organisms can be, or do they exist.
Of course we barely explored space, there are various celestial bodies still to be found on our star system... since Uranus has been found in 19th century. Nowadays it is supposedly not a planet. There could also be something in the dark side of the moon, maybe something of E.T origins? Since Apollo, nobody really goes** to the moon anymore.
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Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
I am certain that other life forms exist 'somewhere out there' but I cannot say with any certainty that they could even resemble what we consider to be a humanoid form. If these beings originated on a planet like ours, then their form could resemble any of the forms life has taken on our planet over the eons (some constraints apply, due to variable atmospheric configurations).

However, we cannot argue that our forms of life are the only ones possible in the universe (...or multiverse). Of course, you stray into the territory of energy beings or multidimensional beings, or any of the other possibilities that can't harbor our version of life but could hold a different variety.

We also may have no ways of recognizing each other, Example-1:
Saturn's moon Titan has similar processes as our planet, just with a temperature fluctuation around -179.5C. Anything living on the surface would experience time much slower than us (1 hour for us could be something like 1 millisecond to them), making 2-way communication difficult as they would never see us 'hot creatures' which makes us effectively energy beings because we move so fast relative to them.

Conversely, Example-2:
Let's assume that life can exist on/in the sun, those life forms would not be recognizable to us because their perception of time is very fast in regards to us (1 hour for them is like 1 nanosecond for us). We would appear to be still beings/statues to these creatures and live on a frozen world. These sun beings would never detect the beings on Titan either.

Now, there isn't any evidence to prove things exist on the Sun or Titan - those were just (bad?) examples. However, this perception of time is very important when it comes to these alien questions.
Whether we should attempt to interact with other life forms is a different topic. Life's purpose is to propagate itself (from what we can tell) by any means necessary. Life needs resources. Any beings that are similar to us will require similar resources. Any beings capable of intra-galactic travel would also have the means of eliminating us the way we eliminate the pests feeding on our crops & livestock.

Now, all of this feeds back to the topic of the 'grays' existence: we cannot prove/disprove their existence. The only thing we can prove is that if they do exist and visit the planet, we currently lack the resources in quantities large enough to warrant their harvesting or they're simply claiming our planet to be part of their territory to justify driving out other lifeforms advanced enough to threaten their claims.

The claims will be used on a later date when the resource supplies that are easier to obtain are running critically low... similar to how countries/companies are positioning themselves on freshwater supplies on earth - this will become important at a later time.

Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Saturn's moon Titan has similar processes as our planet, just with a temperature fluctuation around -179.5C. Anything living on the surface would experience time much slower than us (1 hour for us could be something like 1 millisecond to them), making 2-way communication difficult as they would never see us 'hot creatures' which makes us effectively energy beings because we move so fast relative to them.

Time dilation is based on relative velocity. At the fundamental level temperature is just speed, but at -180C it's entirely insignificant.

Of course we barely explored space, there are various celestial bodies still to be found on our star system... since Uranus has been found in 19th century. Nowadays it is supposedly not a planet. There could also be something in the dark side of the moon, maybe something of E.T origins? Since Apollo, nobody really goes** to the moon anymore.

Uranus is still a planet, and will remain so for the foreseeable future. You're thinking of Pluto, which is no longer considered a planet because there are hundreds (if not more) bodies in the outer solar system that have a similar size.

I'm not going to comment on the possibility of something being on the dark side of the moon, without any evidence we can make unsubstantiated claims either way.

These were found by an archaeologist JR Bhagat in Chhattisgarh, India. You just have to search and be open to the idea that they do exist, without any proof to make them false you are just being ignorant.

I googled this person, all I found was a news article and a blogpost bashing it. Didn't find any credentials, or tests (e.g. carbon dating) to confirm the age and validity of these cave paintings.

The paintings themselves are in no way "proof" of aliens. Humans have imaginations, and the characters depicted are humanoid. I wonder, if someone unearths our civilization one day and finds one of our weird and wonderful artistic works, do you think that would be valid proof of ETs?

I am open to the idea of aliens existing; I stated that much in my previous post. I do NOT have to be open to unsubstantiated claims of "greys". Once again, show me compelling evidence to change my mind, no problem. That's how reason works.

And NO, that is NOT how the burden of proof works. I'm sure other posters in this thread have adequately explained why.
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