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Happy Thanksgiving

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Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
I know we are not much into tradition celebrating here on THW. But I would like to change that.


Thank you for being part of this community.
Thanks to the moderators for not making it total anarchy.
Thanks to the people who give the moderators something to do!
Thanks to the admins and global moderators for helping me decide what to do and what not to do.

Thank you all for reading this and may you have a good day!


I know it might not be thanksgiving at your timezone but I live in Denmark and the time is 00.12 AM ;)
Level 15
Jun 28, 2007
I am thankful for everyone's contributions to the site
I am thankful for Ralle's hard work constantly improving the board

I'm thankfull that i finaly found some one to help with a protject(that you guessed)

I'm thankfull that i didn't get impaled by rusty sporks

I'm thankfull for Arcain Bob27 Wovlerborud and Samuraid contribution and helfullness

And i'm thankfull for everyone in the hive for trying[1] to help

Also i'm thankfull for everyting i forgot to be thank full for[2]

[1] moast of the time some times they where bumps on logs and did diddlyspuat to help me
[2] moast of that stuff includes tools modules people dragons(thats you pyritie) high elves(elaina ;] ) and outher ramdom stuff that pops up or is purple(shaos)
Level 8
Aug 25, 2007
I am thankful that we have superb models, skins, icons, and spells.
I am also thankful for the moderators, administrators, Ralle, and the other people.
I am also thankful that I found an unprotected Dobrp with Iamthewalrus.'s permission!
Level 8
Jul 23, 2005
Not that I know of.
Bah, I guess I'll have to post here...
Thank you Ralle for your ongoing hosting and support to this community.
Thank you Wolvy for being the most impartial/coolest admin I've ever seen.
Thank you Donut for being my friiieeeend.
Thank you Poot for being the most helpful JASSer here.
Thank you Hive your contributions!
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Even though it is primarily a USA holiday, I don't see why we shouldn't have a what we are thankful for thread.
I am thankful for everyone's contributions to the site
I am thankful for Ralle's hard work constantly improving the board

Yep, we don't notice it in Holland either.. but the kids do Halloween -.- omg they just want candy :(!! stupid kids!!!

Anyways happy thanksgiving to all dudes in here who are celebrating it o_O!!

Glad to be back :p
Level 7
Feb 25, 2007
Im thankful that I found this place...without it I wouldnt even know how to trigger visability XD
Im thankful for ralle and making this community..
Im thankful for all of you who have helped me in the past and all of you who keep doing their best to go out of their way to help others.
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Not that I know of.
Bah, I guess I'll have to post here...
Thank you Ralle for your ongoing hosting and support to this community.
Thank you Wolvy for being the most impartial/coolest admin I've ever seen.
Thank you Donut for being my friiieeeend.
Thank you Poot for being the most helpful JASSer here.
Thank you Hive your contributions!

Specific members I am thankful for:
Ralle for reasons obvious.
Wolverabid for being the most active and kindest admin.
Paweskoo! for helping me with numerous things.
Poot for his JASS help. And also his million nicknames :p
General Frank for his awesome models and aid.
MySpaceBarBroke for the hell of it.
Werewulf for getting me started on the right foot when I first came into the site.
Level 1
May 17, 2007
Re: Thanksgiving

Most public holidays aren't shared with every country in the world.

This web site is for the whole world, right? :)
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Now adays in America it's an excuse to start the Christmas rush.

In other news, if it's Saturday right now where you are, then it's my birthday, if not, then it will be soon :p

I'm thankful for still being alive after nearly 16 years of horrifying temperament, narcissism, cynicism, and just overall depressiveness.

Hooray for reality!
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Ralle is Danish silly, but everyone celebrates Thanksgiving!

It's a holiday because the original settlers in North America created it to give thanks for the harvest. It was actually a meaningful holiday, which is why our Thanksgiving (Canadian) is a month earlier, because that's when the harvest is in Canada.
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