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Hackers in training

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Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
Well, nowdays in my country all is illegal, even the goverment isn't care at all about hacking, illegal things, or even pirated items, they just 'sit and watch', and also, i agree with the 'white way', hacking into a virus maker's computer is a good things :p
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
I always wanted to learn how to hack. Not because I want to steal people's info and money, but because I want to pull gags on people I know :D

On topic: Frankly, the more people know how to hack the greater the chance of a new "evil" hacker appearing.
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
Hack the pentagon. You'd get a job there. Or go to jail.

Anyhow, who do you think makes all your firewalls and anti viruses?
Why, without those lovely hackers, we'd all be left with crappy software.

Oh wait, we are still left with crappy software, just it's slower.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Hacking is not technically illegal in most places. Its the data you access when hacking however can be illegal for you to access.

For example, nothing is wrong with hacking into an account database system. However as soon as you access any of the data in it you are breaking the data protection act as the data owners have not given you permission to access that data.

Additionally, if you cause damages in the process of hacking (such as server shutdowns) you have commited a crime.
I wish I had the energy to finish my C++ book :p
Then I'd be having fun hacking >:D

don't you need to know assembly for that?
also it surprised me that there was so much python code in the video but I don't know much about hacking anyway

there was a strong argument mentioned in the video:
"Would you hire a locksmith who doesn't know how locks are picked?"
I think it's more about buying a house with a lock by a locksmith who doesn't know how locks are picked but you get the idea
As far as hacking training is concerned, it's just teaching someone how a computer works further then what the OS maker would like you to know - there's nothing illegal about having the knowledge of how to hack, it's putting it into practice.

You need to know how a hacker works to stop them anyway, at least as far as this is concerned you have a place to get started that's not going directly to potentially dangerous hackers or trying to figure it all out yourself.
Level 35
Jul 22, 2004
You teach people to hack so that they can indirectly strengthen your security. Think of it this way: let's say you're trying to build a wall out of the sturdiest materials possible but how can you test its durability without having others attempt to destroy the wall? With each successful hack (destruction of the wall), the security department will find a way to rebuild the wall with a stronger material. It's also similar to the concept of calcification. Each time you damage your bones (as long as you don't completely obliterate it obviously), it strengthens itself through recalcification. This way of hacking is exactly that -- damaging the bone so that it can repair itself and become stronger (through the security department).

Also, enough with the stigmatization of the word "hacking." There are people who do it for a living, and do it for the better. Would you villify all the Kinect hacks that exist right now? (Don't answer it -- it's a rhetorical question).
Level 8
Apr 16, 2008
there is also people that steal stuff and release it :/...

But that's not what the training is for. It's for people who are serious about good protection. If we want good anti-hacking software we need people to understand what hacking is in the first place.
Bugz said:
there is also people that steal stuff and release it :/...

Ever heard of White hat hackers?
Not everyone who's hacking is doing illegal things with it, that's like saying all University students drink copious amounts of alcohol, those are the ones you hear about the most so you get the impression that's what all University students are doing when that's far from the truth.
Level 35
Jul 22, 2004
Bugz, you're missing the point here. What some of us are saying is that there are hackers who are getting training to help security. The bad hackers that infiltrate propietary information and distribute that stuff illegally is a valid concern, but it is not the point of this topic.
Level 16
Apr 18, 2011
Bugz, you're missing the point here. What some of us are saying is that there are hackers who are getting training to help security. The bad hackers that infiltrate propietary information and distribute that stuff illegally is a valid concern, but it is not the point of this topic.

How can you make sure they keep doing good things?, they might get corrupted when they find out they're skills
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
You guys, there are proper terms for this...

A Hacker is generally someone who knows a lot about the internal code of how computers work. One of the college textbooks that I owned went into lot of depth to divide what a real hacker is. They're really enthusiastic computer technicians that find loopholes in computer programs, applications, OSes, etc. then list their findings so people know that there are problems with the programs. Big rule of thumb though: It's never done for malicious purposes. They KNOW this. If they say otherwise, they're in the bottom category.

The ones who use hacking for all of the wrong reasons are called Crackers. Hackers aren't the ones who intentionally try to destroy your computer with viruses, it's these people who use their computer skills to hurt other users.

You don't use hacking to hurt other people-- against the law, obviously-- you use it to protect yourself if ever happens to you. If something is wrong with your PC, you can run and understand internal data to find out what's wrong. If someone else is hacking into your PC, you have the knowledge of "What should I do first" and you know methods of how to find the problem and make sure it goes away forever.

If you ask me, knowing how to hack a computer is a skill that should be taught in educational settings. Computer security is a HUGE business, and I see so much lobbying on their part to make sure this won't happen.
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Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
You can't fix a weakness in your defense when you don't realize it exists.

The way you find weaknesses in a computer system is by attempting to bypass it. Which is exactly what hacking is.

Failing to recognize weaknesses and fix them means that they remain there for more truly malicious people to exploit.
Level 35
Jul 22, 2004
You can never absolutely guarantee that they will use their training for good. That's why you should be as selective as possible in interviewing these trainee candidates. Skills can be taught, but attitude cannot. The trainers must screen candidates based on their ethics/morals.
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