H A L O 2

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Level 2
Jul 28, 2004
Uhh ohh ahh ahh ohh ahh uhh, uhh ooh ahh uhh ahh uhh..uhh ahh ohh....uhhhhhhh

We all have played a game that is the best of its genre before, WarCraft, Mario Kart 64, Super Mario World 3, Final Fantasy 7, and Mega Man Soccer :shock: ...lol kiddin about that last one.
When XboX came out, Halo came out, and it has still been the legendary game that was compared to every shooter that came out, "well its not a Halo, but its..unique...". Anyways, Halo 2 is out in 4 hours and 15 minutes(Central Time). I know there is Halo fans out there, and if you give up some Halo 2 time to respond to this....you aren't a Halo fan...but what is everyone thinking about Halo 2? Special Addition or normal?
Level 13
Jul 28, 2004
i played about 30 minutes on halo on my cousin's xbox, and versus against him too. hes 7 years old, but it was a fairly hard match on the beginning, then we were both equal.

all i can say is: "woah, i wish i had one."
Level 9
Oct 28, 2004
for me its about ummmm.... 6 hours
And its not gonna be there because SOME PEOPLE reserve all the copies, but who can balme em'?

ME!! (yep way to much candy... stupid halloween leftovers...
Level 2
Sep 27, 2004
Having played Halo so many times, I say the storyline is flawed and is not much better then other FPS's. Nothing beats a game from past times, or modern. I think it's my right oppinion that I don't like games that set past the future Halo doesn't give that many choices the player can make. I didn't really like Halo that much and what i've seen from Halo 2 videos and screens I don't really see why I should like this one but I guess I should look into playing it... One day.
Level 10
Aug 17, 2004
Nephtis said:
Having played Halo so many times, I say the storyline is flawed and is not much better then other FPS's. Nothing beats a game from past times, or modern. I think it's my right oppinion that I don't like games that set past the future Halo doesn't give that many choices the player can make. I didn't really like Halo that much and what i've seen from Halo 2 videos and screens I don't really see why I should like this one but I guess I should look into playing it... One day.

@nephtis..... please leave....

OMG I JUST GOT SPECIAL EDITION HALO 2! omg its 2 good 4 me, u can play the covenent! *dies*
Level 6
Aug 7, 2004
...Hard to believe but I agree with Sansui...
I'm not up to those first-person shooting games.
When I first played Halo, I laughed...at the story.

I wonder when the day has come where people stop making outer space based video games and movies...
It's feeling old...

I'm not making fun of you people who like Halo, I'm just saying I hate Halo and I am not looking forward to buying the next one.
Level 9
Oct 28, 2004
Why Halo Rocks: The Formulae

Blowing Stuff Up + Veihcile Jacking + Air Jacking + Cool Graphics + Good Idea + All Mags Rate 5/5 10/10 Etc. = 8)

The storyline may be abit flawed, but seriously, you think most people care (i dont, but then, i never care :roll: ).
Level 6
Aug 7, 2004

I don't understand gamers... :roll:
Level 9
Oct 28, 2004
And belive it or not, im not a gamer, HALO 2 is over advertised, and that gets peoples attention, and amuses small minds, which has no realation to me, but seriously, it has Microsoft $$$ poured into advertising its unstopable, its like Mc Donalds, its a craving thing (which i dont have, thank god)
Level 8
Jul 3, 2004
I played HALO on my Comp. And when i got the 1st car in the second lvl. i got M A D. I had to use the mouse in order to turn...Then i removed the fucking game from my computer and trowed a CURSE over the game...So i KNOW that HALO2 SUX AS HARD AS HALO1
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
No Halo was nothing great in the first place and halo 2 is nothing special either,

Id rather play battlefield 2, at least battlefield 2 is something diff to the genre, realistic damgage, planes, tanks, jeeps, boats all before halo was out.

You wanna know where nade jumping came from?

it came from Battlefield.
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
wait i played it on both systems and i must say Halo sucked on xbox 10 times better on pc, graphics and all.

+ multiplayer was better and thats the only good thing that xbox had was multiplayer which was average, and halo2 sucks you can jump miles off of cliffs and live not to mention it takes an hour to find an enemy on some maps.

and rechargeable HEALTH!
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Halo 2 multiplayer is subpar. Why you ask?

Because you can't have computer players.

Therefore, it sucks. Ever since Goldeneye, most FPS have had computer players in multiplayer. Sure Halo 2 has vechiles, but without computer players to play against in teams of you, some bots against a team of a person and some bots, it looses a LOT of any goodness it could have gotten
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
I play Halo 2 and stuff, but I got really disappointed in some parts, especially the multiplayer.

If I'm offending you guys, you can remove this post. But you guys need to get off the PC.
Level 2
Jul 28, 2004
well..I exhausted the fun out of halo 2 already. It wasnt nearly as good as the 1st one, but there is a reason. micro$oft forced bungie to take out many of the new features so its possible to make a halo 3. Halo 2 was supposed to be the end, but microsoft forced bungie to take out stuff to save it for later, in order to make more $$$. The whole "play as the elite" was the worst part of the game, the horrable one liner at the end was one of the worst one liners I have ever seen, but multiplayer is passable, because of banshee jacking. The new pistol is the carbine, but the story, has nothing to do with the books, and just barely fits into the place halo 1 left it in. Theres also a strange guitar playing throughout random parts of the game....anyways, I wont spoil anything that hasent been spoiled, but microsoft definetly screwed halo 2 over. And if you think im a dumbass for not likeing to play as an elite, open your eyes to the truth, as the elites had to do in the campaign.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
The campaign mode kinda blows
But the new blood gulch is still straight

I love Dog fighting, in any game
I love smashing the warthogs to see which one will blow first
I love go out with dual Magnums and killing everyone
I love sniping people while they are in mid air
I love using the battle rifle

It's got nice new features, but it's not enough to be called the Next big Halo
Level 3
Jul 7, 2004
Some of you are making judgements about Halo 2, and Halo for a few, for the entirely wrong reasons. Judge it for it's play, not it's genre or it's setting. And don't judge the X-Box Halo 2 just because you had to steer with a mouse on the PC Halo. Come on, what are you 2?

And what's wrong with being able to play as an elite? I rather like the elite. In campaign they can cloak, as opposed to the crappy light that the master chief gets. And they look pretty cool besides. Also, the carbine is a rifle, not a pistol.

Anyway, I liked Halo 2. I wouldn't say it's the best FPS of all time or anything, all FPS's are pretty similar. But Halo 1/2 are better than most other FPS's for several reasons, like the stickable grenades, shields, melee, vehicles and jacking others' vehicles, dual-wielding, etc. But the best part of Halo 2 is doing multiplayer on X-Box Live. It's so friggin fun. It's enough to keep you on for hours.

Anyway, if you haven't actually PLAYED Halo 2, don't judge it. And especially not just because you didn't like Halo 1 or Halo for the PC, because that means you find those games crappy, but says nothing about Halo 2.
Level 3
Jul 7, 2004
^That was me, accidentally signed in on my old, screwed up account which wouldn't let me put up a sig^

Anyway, I didn't care to read that ENTIRE thing, but I read about half of it. And from what I saw, the guy was just b**ching about miniscule details. "Oh no, there's power lines in the year 2552!" come on, who's to say in 2552 there won't be power lines? And I saw nothing wrong with the level on Earth, it didn't seem like it was last minute. It was pretty fun on several parts. Most of the stuff he was b**ching about didn't make a difference to me. I mean, when your blasting the s**t out of Covanent, what do tiny things mean? I don't just stop and look around, take in the scenery, and look at everything that could have something wrong with it. It's critics like him that bring good games down.
Level 2
Jul 28, 2004
In the outskirts, there is road that doesnt lead anywhere. It just ends, and its not there for anything. Theres no details, just a fork that leads to locked doors. This was not about adding more freedom, it was about part of a level that was cut out, and the easiest way to cut it was to simply make the doors not open. There is much more info there now, and its not about the power lines. Read the entire thing, then look for yourself. It doesnt lie.
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
They gave you exactly what they showed you.

I knew from the first e3 showing the game would suck.

Its halo with better graphics and dual weilding and oh wow you can steal hogs now.

im sorry this game looks like they just were going for money plays that way aswell.

Im just hopeing they do not cut anymore out of BF2.

the only real good fps game.
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