V 1.0:
-Added the use of the GBS-Conditions into the "GBS Pick Every Buff"
-Made "GBS Pick every Buff" and "GBS Pick Priority Buff" seting the Condition Integer to zero.
-Added considerations that are needed when updating the system to Version 1.1 from 1.0
-Moved the Updating of the Array Size from "GBS Allocate" to "GBS Loop" to catch Buff that were added in one of the GBS_Event Responses.
-Made it possible to create permanent bufs (till the death of the Unit). For this, set the Duration to exact -5.00
-Removed a Loop within "GBS Pick Every Buff" which cleaned the GBS_Buffcount-Array for no reasons
-Added a new batch of Variables to implement a Loop-Independant Buff Applying-Trigger:
-Now GBS_C_(Variable) (C for create) will be used for creating new buffs, while GBS_(Variable) is used to edit picked buffs
-Now it is able to create buffs within the Events with the "GBS Apply Buff New" function
-The Old function was left in case someone already used the system in his map.
-To Catch Buffs created by the new function, refer to the "GBS_Event became equal to 6.00"
-Added a new Event. "GBS_Event becomes equal to 7.00" refers to the first call of the Buff within the Loop. While "GBS_Event became equal to 6.00" is timely in line with the creation trigger, this one is called at the same time when all other buffs are run/cleaned up.
-Added a Changelog
-Added a Demo-spell called "Weave" (Credits go to Dota 2 for the idea *shame upon me*)
- Swapped Unit Indexer with Unit Event
- fixed a bug which causes buffs that stack only with the same buff from other sources to stack completely independly
- fixed a buff that made a buff expire an isntance too early, which made buffs firering on uncertain intervals (e.g. a buff that should fire every 0,5 seconds for 5 seconds would fire 9 instead of 10 times)
- Added three new demo skills: immolation, stagger and ignite poison
- gave the TempInteger more descriptive names (Referring to the Main Loop)
- fixed a buff which made it impossible to apply permanent buffs
-Split up the GBS Init Trigger into GBS Preload and GBS Initialize Buff. The Old Type of Initialisation should be workable either. Just keep sure to not add the buffs into the wrong order! (Or Add them like i did with the Demo-Spells. Then it doesnt matter.)
- Moved the Initialisation of the DEMO Buffs into their respective folder. Made them the Way you can register them in a order you want. They keep the Variables.
-Added Module Support: You can directly now interact with the hashtable and save variables other than reals (like groups) into the hashtable
=> Unfortunally, this change caused that the system uses 2 hashtables instead of one.
- Added a demo-module: global group
- Added a new demo spell: Spirit Link
-Removed a rare issue that caused newly created units to inherit buffs of units, but only when affected by a new buff, removed before from the game with buffs before dying (like artillery kills)
- You can now detect when a unit is removed from the game with a buff on it
-Added a baracks to the test map to create more testing units to test the skills better
-Added a remove unit on esc-press trigger to test allocation more properly
-Fixed an issue in which buffs could not be allocated properly and not removed properly on occasion.
-Fixed an issue with modules that caused buff instances in the hashtable to overriden with wrong information and potentionally causing memory leaks