[Defense / Survival] Invasion on Az'kar, a dodging based hero survival

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Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
Presented by Lord_Earthfire

Invasion on Az'kar
Created by Lord_Earthfire

Map Description

Deep in the undergrounds of Azeroth, a dungeon is hidden which belonged to the old demon lord Az'kar. His remains still collects beings from every part of azeroth and turns them into his willless minions.
From time to time, adventurers try to advance into the dungeon for wealth, glory or power. You are one of them, are you able to survive?


Complete customization of your hero through the use of selectable stats and skills every level up
A thoghtout profession system. Specialize your hero even further with passive perks and different trees, making your build finetunable.
Dodging based hero survival. Try to evade projectiles to sustain yourself

The enemies got their own behaviour and abilities. From simple repositioning after attacks and bombarding the battlefield to disassambling oozes or reproducing shrooms. Be sure that new enemies will keep you on your toes.

A System around your Willpower. Some enemies try expand Az'kars influence above yourself. If your Willpower reaches zero, you fall to the curse and (currently) will kill yourself!

Each heros ability can be upgraded after reaching max level to empower them with special feats.

(currently) 7 Heroes, each with their own set of skills, his own shop and style of play.

(currently) 4 profession trees, each one expandable to at least 3 different perks and on top of that special ones depending on the choosen hero

(currently) 25 waves within 4 different Arenas. Travel to the dungeon of the deceased demon lord and fight his enslaved minions, even branching into other areas on new playthroughts

multiple challaging bosses (every 5th stage), each one has to be taken on differently, some with special twists on them.

Have suffered a wipe? No Problem! You start the game with a certain amount of continues, when all player died the round restarts, but you keep your experience and gold.

Your Score keeps tracked throghout the game. Hunting for Highscores, while abusing the hell out of the continues, is encouraged!


Amount of waves (of the main plot): 30/60 (probably)

Far away from what i want it to be. While a good amount is done, i dont even consider reaching 50%.
What is planned:

Adding a better transition between the Waves. Its quite odd to stand at the entrance of the dungeon and then be thrown into a fiery area. If you dont know that this is a trap, ofc.

There will be multiple paths to take. So currently there is only 1 side branch, but there should be multple, connected by puzzles or special conditions at beast

An advanced shop system. While going through the dungeon you should be able to find new buiable items to further customize your hero.

A better terrain. Currently its more doodad-spammy than i want it to be, so i need to get better at it, so it can probably work out well.

And, like we all know it, more heroes, items and enemies.

Mostly Content
Keeping up with the content and integrating heroes with their own shop, professions, researches and so on requires to add many abilities to the heroes and triggering and balancing them. So adding new heroes is quite time consuming. Enemies and rounds are better manageable, since there only a few things needs to be added, but overall i will convert stuff further into systems to take off some work from my shoulders.



The second boss starts channeling a ritual from time to time to create multiple summons. It should be stopped, if possible


The fourth boss of the first path. The firebombs (phoenix egg) spawned should be focused, else it can become quite nasty...


The third boss on the second path. He is quite immobile but got a tredemonous damage output. The circle around him drains your willpower


A round in the area of the second path. The vines on the ground grapple on unsuspecting people, slowing them down


The third area. the river slows you down and deals damage, so hunting the enemies becomes harder, giving them time to regenerate


A shot from the fight against the cold queen. She calls upon waves of frost to deal damage


The Thaumaturge met a fatefull demise on the hand of the cold queen, the fifth boss you will encounter

Change Log:

- Official release

General Changes:
- Living creeps now always drop corpses, with a lifespawn of 5 seconds.
- Increased HP of units per player by 13% (Now the creeps got double hp in fullhouse)
- Increased damage of units, depending on current player number (up to +30% damage in full house)
- Removed powerfull and empowered standard weapons from the shop
- Made magical and powerfull standad weapons upgradeable
Hero changes:
- Reworked Corpse gatherer:
- Increases the lifespawn of corpses instead of creating some, making multiple player stackable.
- Increase the cost of leveling corpse gatherer by 2 skill points per stage
Boss Changes:
Ancient of Corruption:
- Added a new ability: Acentral walk
- Fixed a bug with amount of tainted wisps not scaling with player number
- Made the willpower drain of field of sorrow depending on the current difficulty and increased the drain overall.
- Increased attack speed
Cold Maiden:
- Added another ability: Summon water elemental (Every 5th cast)
- Moved Frost meteor into the randomly casted spells
- Made her casting spells more often
- Lowered the cast point of ice nova by 0,5 seconds.

General Changes:
-Fixed a line of code which could cause fatal errors

New item: Bloodstone
- In the shop of the zombie
- Empowered item, costs 900 gold.
- Increase health by 7. Whenever you die, this item gehts a charge. Every charge increases your mana- and health-regeneration by 0,15 per second.​

Level Changes:
- Increased the area in which farms spawn, making them more spread out​

- Life upgrades give 1 additional health per level
- Corpsed get their collision removed​

Item changes:
Reworked Skull of the damned:
- Renamed to Summoning skull
- Instead of having a chance to deal more damage has an active, which makes it able to summon a spirit
- Removed from the shop of the zombie​
Jade Ring:
- Increases mana by 1 now​
Cannibal's Claw:
- Increased damage by 2
- Turned into a "powerfull" item, increased its cost by 300​

Hero changes:
- Reworked essence chain:
- Made it not dispell after the first instance of magic damage, but decreased the buff time to around the halved duration.​

Enemy Changes:
Spore shroom:
- Decreased their mana regeneration by 10% (Now need 22,5 instead of 20 seconds to spawn shrooms)
- Reduced Movementspeed of the spores by 5
- Removed the life regeneration from the shrooms
- Reduced the collision size to a quarter of the former size (from 64 down to 16)
- Spores doesnt drop corpses anymore​
Spectral guardian:
- Reduced life regeneration by 33%​
Night elven archer:
- Reduced life regeneration by 25%​
Shadow spawn:
- Reduced life regeneration by 20%​
Gravejard ooze:
- Reduced life regeneration by 20%​
Spectral watcher:
- Reduced life regeneration by 50%​
Water elemental:
- Increased mana regeneration by 50%
- Increased health regeneration by 50%​
- Increased AOE of the heal by 100​

Boss Changes
Infernal dreadnought:
- Removed life regeneration
- Changed the tolltip of the energy shield, giving a hint what to do on the bossfight
- Gave the firespawn cannon a chance to increase its count, slowing down the enrage mechanic of the boss​
The curse manifested:
- Removed life regeneration​
Gnoll Chieftain:
- Changed the tolltip of the ancient ritual, giving a hint what to do on the bossfight
- Ancient ritual creates special effects, giving a hint what to do on the bossfight​
- Decreased the time between his skills
- Decreased the attack speed by 0,1​

Fixed multiple pathing blockers in the entrance area and the cursed forest
Added the possibility for pathability checks in the movement trigger
Made corpses now only have a 4 second lifetime
removed the sfx from corpses
Fixed a bug that caused mail armor to take less damage from blunt attacks
Fixed a bug that caused plate armor to take more damage from blunt attacks
Made it possible to adjust the time between waves from 5-20 sec

Hero Changes:

Raider: Reworked
Increased the cooldown of rush by 2 seconds
Reduced Armor by 1
Replaced critical strike with melle armor:
Reduced physical damage suffered when the source is in an area of 175 around you.
Removed Improved critical strike proffession
Moved the hero into the "Hunter/Gatherer" role from "Damage dealer/Gather"

Thaumaturge: Reworked
Instead of giving a flat magical damage increase, erratic mana gains stats depending on the element
Fixed a bug that caused essence feed to increase the mana regeneration permanently

Shadow Priest:
Increased the mana cost on finger of pain by 2.

Removed the magical damage reduction from the fifth lvl of fortified skin
Fixed a bug that made fortified skin reduce the damage by 2% more than it should
Corrected the tooltip of enchanted skin
Reduced the magical damage reduction of enchanted skin by 8% and increased the cost by 1

Increased the cooldown of rush by 2 seconds

Profession changes:

Reduced damage of battlelust by 1% per 15% missing health per stage

New profession: Painfull surge:
Main tree: Offense
When casting pain of finger of pain, every enemy in an area of 200 around the target gets also affected by a pain spell with reduced power
Required: Profession, Wizardry
Heroes: Shadow priest

New profession: Melle armor:
Main tree: Defense
Reduced physical damage suffered when the source is in an area of 175 around you.
Required: Stone skin
Heroes: Shadow priest

New profession: Static net:
Main tree: Enchanter
Ensnare deals storm damage and attacks against ensnared targets deal storm damage.
Required: Wizardry
Heroes: Raider

Boss changes:

Attackspeed of bosses get increased by 15% per player above 1.

Infernal dreadnought:
Added a pathing check on the "Trembling charge" ability for both the boss and hit targets

Ancient of corruption:
Added a pathing check on the "Earth blade" for affected targets
Increased damage of mass torment by 5% of max hp
Fixed the animation of acentral walk
Reduced Ancentral walk missile speed by 100

Cold Maiden:
Increased cast animation of frost meteor by 100%

The Curse manifested:
Increased cast animation of shadowcoil by 100%
Increased the amount of shadowspawns and spectral guardians while channeling dissipate
Dissipate should cancel now when all spawned enemies died.

Enemy changes:

Shrine of the elder:
Added the light element

Water Elemental:
Increased permanent health gain by 3 + (Player)

Thorned ent:
Doubled the damage against melle attacker

Tainted wisp:
Increased damage for entagled enemies by 1.5
increased health gained to "Aid of the Ancient" carrier per dead wisp by 5*(#Player)

Drowned priestess:
Fixed a bug that caused the heal from the attacks to not work

Soul reclaimer:
Made reclaim soul not work on the own death
Increased the heal to 50% of the max health

Soul reclaimer:
Made reclaim soul not work on the own death
Increased the heal to 50% of the max health

Frost sentry:
Added Truesight
Gained a chilling attack

Red whelp:
Increased damage by 1

Item Changes:

Healing potions:
Increased cooldown to 10 seconds from 4.

Bag for the survivor:
Reduced the gold gain by 5 gold per round

-Changed the terrain to make the outside of the arenas less visible
-Added the GUI Disable System intot he map (Thanks to Guhun for this system)
-Added the GUI Buff System into the map to streamline buffs and increase performance
-Updated the Damage Detection System to its newest version. this should get rid bugs-
-Merged and removed triggers to increase performance, mainly ones which involve buffs
-changed how movement speed gets calculated ingame, increasing the performance and interactions of buffs
-completely reworked the game on the first stage
-Increased the time for rocks to hit the ground at the second stage by 1
-Rework of multiple buffs:
-Venom: Now stacks when applied by different units
-Invisibility: Can now be applied to yourself while channeling
-Affinity to Nature: Renamed into "nature's guidance"
-Smiting is now considered a curse
-Stuns don't stop the target anymore, instead inflict a standart stun. This get rid of some bugs.
-Ensnare doesn't cause CC protection to trigger
-Buffs that incraese the virtual hp of a unit (e.g. flesh shield) will take defensive abilities into account before firing
-Buffs that incraese the virtual hp of a unit (e.g. flesh shield) will always be rounded up instead of down (so the shield doesn't show 0)
-Purge now removes most buffs from the target
-Fixed a bug that made stoneskin to not reduce damage suffered
-Fixed a bug that made amplify not increase damage
-Overheated now only works if the target casts a spell
-Gave Overheated a new sfx which is more appearend

-Mana regneration upgrades cost 1 skill point less and doesn't increase in cost anymore

-Reduce movementspeed by 20
-Roar's Cooldown and Duration increased by 5 seconds
-Merged the buff of growl of victory into the roar buff
-Vulnerability from sacrificial dagger affects demons now
-Increased the cost of Dagger throw upgrades by 1 skill point
-Rush got replaced by rush tactics:
-Increase the movement speed for the first 45 seconds of a round by 20%

-Vulnerability from desecrating strike affects demons now
-Plague breath and Venomous breath applies disease instead of venom now, so they stack with foulsome touch
-Added a 45 sec duration to Arcane barrier
-Reduced the health of healing fountains by 30
-Merged the buff of Beserker's outcry into the battlecry buff
-Merged the buff of heavy metal into the metal clash buff
-Increased movement speed by 15
-Increased damage by 1
-Taunt applies now a debuff for 5 seconds on non-boss targets which forces them to attack the hero
-Taunt forces now barraging targets to focus the hero
-Taunt disables active spellcasting of non-hero targets
-Reduced intimadation duration of intimidating taunt by 1 second.
Shadow Priest:
-Increased health by 3
-Vulnerability affects demons now
-Merged the buff of curse of corrosion into the vulnerability buff
-Curse of corrosion's defense reduction was reworked into a new buff: Corrosion
-Corrosion is considered a venom
-Haunting affects demons now
-Draining enchantment can now be cast on demons
-Merged the buff of vampiric enchantment into the draining enchantment buff
-Merged the trigger of vampiric enchantment into the draining enchantment trigger
-Finger of pain (upgrade from pain) affects demons now
-Merged the buff of Haunting into the Haunting buff
-Call fo the haunted doesn't increase the cap anymore


Static net:
-Fixed a bug that caused basic attacks to not deal storm damage on attack against ensnared targets


New Creep: Kodo beast
Summons gnoll poachers every 25 seconds

Skeleton guardian and gnoll brute:
Reworked AI:
Instead of the standard Attack/Move pattern, they stay close around defendable flagged targets and engage to the enemy only if the defendable target is attacked or themself or the defended target is threatened (coming into 400 range)

Kobold hurler/barrager/taskmaster
-Instead of attacking random points of the map, they attack players instead
-Added a 300 range inaccuracy
-Reduced missile speed by 400
-Reduced Attack-AOE by 35
-Reduced damage by 2 each
-Reduced attack speed by 0,5
-Kobold Taskmaster damage scaling with difficulty reduced

-Complete Rework of the Unit AI. This should get rid of some bugs and make them run more smoothly and intuitive
-Reduced the damage of every venom, due to the new stacking rules, by 25%
-Creeps flagged as defendable targets:
-Kodo beasts
-Kobold Taskmaster
-Shrine of the elder
-Frost sentry
-Graveyard ooze
-Soul reclaimer
-Gnoll shaman (Boss)

Got rid of a bug that made bosses be considered with 2 more armor than they have in reality
Kobold Chieftain:
-Reduced damage gain through difficulty by 1 per stage above normal
-Reduced armor gain through difficulty by 2 per stage above normal
-Reduced armor by 3
-Reduced the proc chance of firery magic by 50%, halving his enrage mechanic
-Make overheat from ray of heat trigger only on Spellcasts, increase its damage by 10

  • Arcane barrier does show now the correct buff and the correct amount of temporary health left.
  • Bosses now show the properly true sight indicator on affected heroes
  • Summoned units now spawn remains instead of corpses, indicating that they don't benefit from recource gaining effects
  • Damaging buffs now correclty takes abilities into account.
  • Gold income at round end is increased by 10 per surviving player.
  • Fixed a bug where melle enemies would attack twice instead of running away
  • Getting rid of cases of friendly fire (You can still attack your own summons, which can be intended sometimes)
  • Silence causes CC Protection to trigger
  • Changed how Buffamplification gets calculated
  • Got rid of a bug which made units coliding with objects to move at their starting location
  • Got rid of a bug which caused creeps to target dummies, which made them attack heroes they normally wouldnt attack
New item:
Robe of magi:
  • Increases defense by 2 and mana by 6
  • Can be created by aquiring 2 mantle of intelligence
Silencing venom:
  • Applies a venom for 5 seconds on the next three attacks that silence the target and deals 1 damage every second
  • Can be bought by the Assassin

Item changes:
Voodoo Doll:
  • Increase the duration of affected buff additionally by 1 second
  • Only affects curses now
Jade ring:
  • Increases now the duration of the buff by 25% instead of a flat 2 seconds addition
  • Affects positive buffs only
Belt of giant strenght:
  • Increased health gain by 4
Insignia of the horde:
  • Now increases attackspeed by 15% instead of damage by 2.
  • Increased health gain by 3
Shredded flesh:
  • Increased flesh shield health by 7
  • Decreased cost by 5
Scroll of power:
  • Increased duration by 20 seconds
  • Increased damage gain by 5%
  • Decreased cost by 5
Berserker potion:
  • Increased duration by 20 seconds
  • Removed from Assassin's shop
Cold blood:
  • Decreased cost by 10 gold
Scroll of warding:
  • Decreased cost by 20 gold
Flame essence:
  • Decreased cost by 5
  • Increased duration by 10 seconds
Stoneskin potion:
  • Increased duration by 20 seconds
  • Changed icon
Bag of the survivor:
  • Decreased the gold gain by 5
Gem of greed:
  • Decreased the bounty gain by 5%

Hero changes:
  • Increased battlecries healthgain per stage by 1
  • Increased attackspeed while being under the fire element by 5%
Shadow priest: Reworked
  • Increased movementspeed by 5
  • Possession now longer slows movementspeed or silences
  • Decreased cost of Possession by 2 and mind corruptor by 4
  • Decreased mana cost of possession by 2
  • Increased damage of possession by 0,5 per 5% of transferred dark energy
  • Haunting now summons a single spirit only, but manacost and cooldown are greatly reduced
  • Increased damage reduction for every spirit and increased the damage reduction cap.
  • Increased duration of haunting by 15 seconds for creeps and 2 seconds for bosses
  • Haunting now has a 2000 range
  • Call of the haunted now summons two spirits instead of one
  • Corrosion isn't considered a venom anymore
  • Instead of amplifying magical damage, dark accumulator now increases curse duration by 25%
  • Cost of dark accumulator was reduced by 1
  • Dark ascension reworked: now increases the amaount of dark energy gained by 2% everytime a enemy suffers damage, cost is reduced by 4
  • Merged multiple triggers, increasing performance
  • Zombie:
  • Increased damage by 1
  • Moved flesh shield hotkey to E from Q
  • Decreased movementslow of ensnare by 20%
  • Increased the cost of pillage upgrades by 1
  • Increased gold gain from pillage by 1
  • Removed Bonus bounty from plunderer but decreased cost by 1
  • Plunderer also increases chance to trigger pillage by 7%
  • Reworked Depredator: Makes destructive blade work on ensnared targets
Creep changes:
Night elven archer:
  • Decreased health regeneration
Living flame:
  • Decreased health regeneration
Skeleton warrior:
  • Decreased health by 4
  • Decreased health regeneration
  • Decreased health by 1
  • Decreased health regeneration
Kobold taskmaster:
  • Increase the movementspeed increase of the aura by 15%
  • Decreased health regeneration

Boss changes:
Gnoll shaman:
  • Decreased base health by 30
  • Add a Mana meter for the storm circle-ability. Prevents the circle chains which could cause unavoidable deaths.
  • Can be affected by Feedback

Reworked the Profession system:
  • Professiontrees can only be leveled to lvl 3
  • Professions can only have a single level
  • Removed all level requirements for learning professions and leveling professiontrees
  • Profession points are now only gained every 3 levels
  • Profession points are no longer gained through surviving bossfights
  • Rebalanced all professions. Every profession has the equivalent of 2-2,5 former profession points in that ability
Reworked the following professions:
  • Achievement: Adds a complete level instead of gaining an amount of exp
  • Knowledge: Instead of giving every 2 levels points, every level now adds points to the hero
  • Devotion aura: now affects self; Requires additional Achievement now.
  • Veteran aura: now affects self; Requires additional Achievement now.
  • Alchemist: Instead of increasing buff durations by a fixed amount, now increases them by 25%
  • Shield bash: Instead of dealing 4 damage, deals damage equal to your attack damage

  • Fixed a bug where enchanter triggered almost never.
  • Fixed a bug where buffs could be inherited to newly created units
  • Reduced the amount of object editor data some of the systems use
  • Fixed a bug that made depredator not deal extra damage at all while having no devestasting blades
  • Fixed a bug where units could be stunned indefinetly when they applied a purge on a unit while another unit is stunned
  • Fixed a bug which caused fire whelps to not attack after triggering their main attack
  • Fixed a bug which caused composed slimes to not combine
  • Adds 10 additional gold at the end of the round per player
  • Adds 100 +10*(current round) at the end of the a round. This bonus is increased by 20% for each player above 1.
  • Fixed a bug that let auras from professions not affect the hero
  • Added an option to set the amount of revives of teammates on completition of rounds

  • Kobolds were reworked: Now have always a 3 seconds impact timer and an impact indicator. Their attack rate was increased and their accurancy improved
Fire chamber:
  • The fire rocks have an added marker to see their impact location
  • Units were removed from the pool and moved into the hard difficulty
  • All consumeables were reworked. They are no longer perishable and generate charges at the end of each round
  • All consumeable gain charges every round. Their cost is equal to the same tier of lower permanent items
  • Cold blood: Damage addition increased from 6 to 12, set into empowered category
  • Vial of health: reduced life gain by 2
  • Scroll of warding: duration increased to 5 seconds, up from 3
  • Mana flask was added as upgrade of mana potion
  • Health potions can be upgraded to health flasks and vial of health
  • Health flasks in shops was replaced with health potions
  • Vial of health is removed from all shops due being upgraded from health potions
  • Vial of wisdom: put into empowered category
  • Gem of Greed: Increase the bounty increase by 10%.
  • Difficulties under hard have reduced mob count in waves up to 10. Waves beyond that will be adjusted in the future.
  • Elemental amplifier: Decreased gold cost by 100
  • Summoning glyph: Decreased gold cost by 100
  • Ring of divine intervention: decreased duration by 0,5 seconds
  • New item: Vile Vial: creates a nova that applies a long lasting venom to enemies in the area
  • New item: Booster: Increases your movementspeed by 75% for 3 seconds.
  • New item: Mana stone: Increases mana by 6 and mana regeneration by 0,15 per second
  • New item: Mark of the wild: Increases the health of summons by 4
  • New items: Storm hammer, ledger, scroll of beasts and stormbrew, avaible for the far seer
Hero changes:
  • New Hero: Far seer
  • Raider: Flask of will replaced with booster
  • Footman: Added flask of will to shop
  • Zombie: Added Vile vial to shop
  • Elementalist: Replaced mana pendant and robe of intelligence with mana stone and mark of the wild
  • Reworked many requirements, mostly to streamline certain aspects of it

  • Improved performance of multiple enemies by taking dummies out of the indexer
  • Fixed oddities including bugs by making the buff system more robust
  • Improved overall performance by merging multiple triggers
  • Fixed a critical bug involving not being able to learn sub-professions for players 2-4
  • Mark of the wild: Increased health gained by 5
Hero changes:
  • Increased the health of every hero:
    • Shadow shaman, zombie and footman: +5
    • Elementalist, Raider, Assassin, Far seer: +4
    • Thaumaturge: +2
  • Shadow shaman: Reworked
    • Pain: Replaced with soul drain: deals magical darkness damage to generate dark energy
    • Spirit touch: Replaced with spirit tap: Heals health but debuffs the target, reducing magic damage dealt and suffered. Generates dark energy
    • Dark accumulator: Now doesn't generate dark energy when enemies are hit.
    • Dark ascension: Now doubles the curse duration increase.
    • Removed Painfull surge from professions
    • Draining enchantment: Rewritten the tooltip for better understanding
    • Vampiric enchantment: Removed the bonus to life steal, decreased upgrading cost by 3 skill points
    • Call of the haunted: Removed the damage suffered increasement
    • Added the professions: Damping siphon
  • Far seer:
    • Incite rage: decreased cooldown by 3 seconds
    • Mana claws: removed mana cost
    • Shamanic shield: Increased duration to apply 'static' by 5 seconds. Also increased the magical damage reduction by 1% every stage
  • Thaumaturge:
    • Added the professions: Focus
  • Footman:
    • Added the professions: Focus
    • Primed defend: reduced skillpoint cost by 2
    • Defend: Reduced the reduction to movementspeed by 20.
    • Warding shield: reduced skillpoint cost by 1
    • Dragonscale shield: reduced skillpoint cost by 1
  • Assassin:
    • Added the professions: Focus
    • Backstab: Removed the flat damage increase at the skill's final level
  • Zombie:
    • Plague breath: removed the damage increase
Profession changes:
  • Dark regeneration: generation of dark energy was halved
  • New profession: Damping siphon: increase the magical damage suffered reduction of soul tap/spirit tap
  • New profession: Focus: Increase the chance to trigge "enchanter" by 25%
Enemy changes:
  • Gnoll brute: Damage decreased by 1
  • Magma well: Reworked: Erupt every 10 seconds, coating every target in magma
  • Efreet: Life regeneration decreased by 0,5 per second
  • Gnoll shaman:
    • Ball lightning: Added a new marker and visibility was improved
    • Storm circle: Delay to impact was increased by 1 second

Added two new commands: -give; -zoom
Disabled the trading of gold and skill points via the alliance menu
Moved some terrain and edited some of the terrain to make it work out better with the zoom function
Reduced the life gain of enemies per player from +33% to +20%
Removed the damage increase per player suffered
Added markers to show the element enemies posses. It is shown via a particle effect on them
Increased the time to game begin and ending
Elementals, spirits and undead units drop corpses and remains now
Added the organical subtype: Gain increased damage from darkness but reduced from light
Fixed a nasty bug with buffs that could cause memory leaks and overall performance issues​

Fire cave:

Changed the tileset for better visibility
Frozen lake:

Removed the damage over time

Cursed forest:
Reduces the movementspeed-decrease of the vines to 35%​
Item changes:
Staves: increases magical damage by 5% per staff in the item.
Belt of giant strenght: Increase stun duration by 1 second
Elemental amplifier: Increases damage when dealing effective damage by 40%. Increase cost by 100
Voodoo doll: Now grants 3 mana
Vile Vial: Increase duration by 10 seconds
Healing potions got their cooldown split up from the other potions
Hero changes:

Corpse gatherer: Reworked: Instead of healing when killing an enemy, heals when an enemy dies within 350 of you. Decreased cost by 2.
Decay: Removed the damage to flesh shield for additional damage, increased damage by 1 per second. Decreased cost by 1.
Plaguebringer: Increased damage by 2 times your life regeneration, removed the increase by nearby corpses. Decreased cost by 4.
Added new profession: Rotting armor
Removed some bugs connected to flesh armor
Corpse gatherer: Reduced cost by 2​
Spell nova: Added 1 extra stage to the spell
Acceleration: Instead of being useable once per round, the spell now has a 45 second cooldown
Elemental storm: decreased time per wave by 0,2 seconds
Elemental bolt: Decreased cooldown by 1 second​

Powerrush: Changed Icon​

Mellee-armor: increased damage reduction by 1% per stage
Dagger throw: Decreased cooldown by 1 second​
Shadow priest:

Made all skills target undead units
Possession: replaced with a new ability: share pain
Soul drain: Decreased cooldown by 1 second​
Far Seer:

Earthquake: Reduced skillpoint-cost by 1; Reduced cooldown by 5 seconds and mana cost by 2
Mana Claws: Increased base damage by 10%. Reduced mana gain by 0,5
Spirit claws: now increase the damage by 10%
Spirit wolves: Now have 25% magic resistance​

Fire Hydra: Decreased cooldown by 10 seconds
Unbind: Decreased cooldown by 1 second​

Heavy slam: Decreased cooldown by 1 second and the last stage does decrease the cooldown by 1 second again
Heavy slam: Now slows the target by 20% for 5 seconds
Added new profression: melee armor
Taunt: Reduced cooldown by 3 seconds​
Profession changes:
New Profession: Rotting armor: Decay/Plaguebringer consume 1 health of your flesh armor every second to increase its damage by 2
Bash: Increased stun duration by 1 second and stun chance by 10%
Focus: Removed requirement
Frost shield: Removed requirement
Iron will: Removed requirements
Melee Armor: Removed requirement
Pillager: Removed requirements
Brain feast: Removed feeder as a requirement
Feedback: Removed requirement
Mana amplifier: Removed requirement
Enemy changes:
CC-Protection: Duration is increased by the duration of the effect that caused it to trigger
Changed up the AI in a way that bosses now retarget more properly if not taunted (This mainly fixed the efreet always focussing the same hero)​
Kobold chieftain:

Seismic shatter: added indicator and a 3 second delay at the falling rocks
Seismic shatter: halved stun duration​
Gnoll shaman:

Added more clearity what to do on the summoning ritual
Removed the Protections wards from the fight
Roar: Has now a 5 seconds fixed duration
Far more likely to cast ball lightning
Increased the time to the next cast from ball lightning
Ball lightning: Reduced End damage by 5​
Infernal Juggernaught:

Overall increased the Interval of its abilities, drastically increased speed
Increased mana gain through its abilities
Infernal barrage: Removed stun
Reduced vulnerability time by 25% on Hard and above​
Tainted wisp:

Reduced health by 15
Thorned Ent:

Reduced health by 8
Reduced movementspeed by 25​
Corrupted Ent:

Reduced movementspeed by 70
Increased health by 2​
Night elven archer:

Reduced health by 6
Changed attack element to light​
Composing slime:

Now their size increased more drastically to show their size
Decreased base movementspeed by 25​
Night elven druid:

Decreased health by 5​
Shrine of the elders:

Decreased health by 7​

Decreased health by 3​
Graveyard Ooze:

Decreased movementspeed by 50​

Spectral guardian:

Reduced health by 15
Reduced damage by 5​
Evil contraption:

Reduced Armor by 7
Reduced health by 20​
Protection ward:

Reduced health by 20​
Living flame:

Reduced health by 5​
Satyr slicer:

Reduced health by 5​
Red welp:

Reduced health by 5​
Frost sentry:

Reduced Attack speed by 1,5 seconds
Removed health regeneration
Reduced health by 10​
Water spirit:

Changed damage type to "blunt"
Raised level by 2
Raised bounty by 5
Increased health by 5​
Reduced damage by 1
Reduced missile speed
Reduced health by 15​
New enemy: Icy appatition

New enemy: Clay golem

Ancient of torment:
Torment: Now takes 15 seconds to end. Enemies in an area of 400 around the ancient suffers 5 darkness damage per second
Torment: Reduced damage scaling with difficulty
Ancestral walk: Takes now a set time to reach its destination. Nerfed impact damage significantly and slowed the nova
The boss wont summon more than 10 wisps​
The cold maiden:

Changed attack type to arcane
Ice nova: decreased damage by 7
Summons water spirits depending on the amount of players and now summons apparitions
Ice Comet: Added an impact marker​

-fixed a bug in which cause buffs with floating texts to behave strange
-fixed a bug in which invisible allies werent visible
-poisons now deal magic damage
-posions now don't ignore armor anymore
-Bosses now have their abilities shown as floating texts
-Added a text when you deal damage to yourself by Overheat
-Added floating texts whenever a creep gains permanent stat changes
-Players revive now before gaining experience and triggering abilities at round ending
-Increase time before game start by 2 minutes
-Fixed a bug that made invis heroes unviewable for player 2-4
-Blink skills now will also be cast directly, independing of range. The hero will be transported depending on the range
-Added Round 26 - 30 into the game
-Switched icon of profession and researches to match skill points icon

Enemy changes:

Tainted wisp: Reworked
-Instead of damaging units on the roots, now creates a small aoe that deals damage and smites targets

Thorned ent: Reworked
-Now is a melee unit

Spectral watcher: Reworked
-Teleports to its target, bursting after an delay and dealing damage and willpower damage
-Reduced health by 30
-Reduced movementspeed
-Bounty decreased by 10
-Level reduced by 1
-Increase damage by 3

Drowned priestess:
-Heal is now a set 10 and has an area of 600
-Reduced level by 1
-Reduced bounty by 5

Clay golem:
-Now pulls through its attack to the point it chosen for its attack. Will be handled as a channeling enemy.

Night elven ranger:
-Health increased by 5

Frost sentry:
-Reduced level by 1

Reduced level by 1

Graveyard ooze:
-Health reduced by 10

Ancient of torment:
-Health reduced by 50

Curse manifested:
-Circle of roots: Reduced the SFX amount
-Afflicting howl: Reduced area of effect and increased cast time
-Dissipate: Increased Cooldown, Changed Summoning table
-Decreased attack speed from 1.4 to 1.6
-Health reduced by 30

Cold maiden:
-Frost nova: Reduced the SFX amount
-Teleport: Now is bound to a mana timer
-Shockforst: Decreased cast speed
-Comet: Increased Impact speed from 5 seconds to 3
-Amplify: Decreased duration in difficulties below hard by 5 seconds
-Decreased damage from 17 to 13
-Decreased health by 50

New Unit: Fungal spewer

Hero changes:

-Taunt: Fixed multiple bugs, most based on slow responsive of the ai to the taunt. Bosses and channeling enemies are now affected by the taunt debuff.
-Increased armor by 1
-Added profession: health training

Shadow shaman:
-Ring of invisibility: removed from shop
-Added item to shop: warding totem
-Essence drain: Increased damage by 2
-Spirit tap: Decreased heal and cost per level by 1. Reduced magic resist by 5%, increase magic damage reduction by 5%.
-Soul tap: Increased cost by 4
-Share pain: Area increased by 150 and duration by 5 seconds

-Spell nova: Reduced SFX amount

-Dagger throw: Reworked, is a line targeted skillshot now
-Sacrificial dagger: Reduced damage by 2
-Added profession: health training, cc-protection
-Pillage: Increased level by 2. Reduced chance per level by 1%
-Plunderer: Increase gold gained by 1. Reduced chance by 7%. Increased cost by 2

-Blur: Increased the cap of the last level by 2% and cleared up the tooltip. Also added a floating string which shows the evasion
-Added profession: corroding magic, cc-protection
-Removed profession: enhanced venom

-Cannibalism: Fixed a bug which made enchanter a disadvantage
-Added profession: corroding magic

Far Seer:
-Stone wall: Added a 20% slow for 5 seconds
-Added profession: health training, callers secrets

-Well of health: removed
-New ability: Energise
-Rock golem: Increased movementspeed
-Added profession: caller's secrets

Profession changes:
-Offense: Now affects overall damage
-Aura of brilliance: Moved to Enchanter
-Veteran Aura: Moved to Offense
-Extended Blur: Increased the cap by 25%.
-Dampening Siphon; Decreased the resist increase by 2%
-Library; Increase Exp-rate by 5% per stage
-Enchanter: Increase trigger chance by 2% per stage
-Focus: Increase trigger chance by 5%
-Adept: Increased cooldown reduction by 3%
-Feedback: Increase mana burn by 3% and make it work with attack damage
-Enhanced Venom: Removed Prerequisite

New professions: health training, caller's secrets, corroding magic, CC-Protection

Item changes:

New item: Mark of empathy: combination of 2 mark of the wild
New item: spirit pendant: combination of 2 mana pendants
New item: Enchanted jade ring: combination of 2 jade rings
New item: Paladin's ring: combination of 2 rings of courage
New item: Toxic thorn: combination of 2 venomous thorns
New item: Nightstalker cloak: combination of 2 nightsilk cloak
New item: Warding totem: Reduces damage from undead units
New item: guiding totem: combination of 2 warding totems

Ring of courage: Decreased heal by 1

-Flame essense: Lavaspawns now have a homing, non splash attack
Disturbing blade: Increase feedback by 2%

-Gem of greed: Reduced gold gain by 10%, now affects all players

Ledger: Now grants 25 base experience

frost staff: Reworked into Shifting staff. Now a powerfull item which element can be changed on a 30 second cooldown.

Glowing mail: Increased magic damage reduction by 2% and made it multiplicative stacking

Nightsilk cloak: Now stacks multiplicatively

Vile Vial: Increased damage per second by 1


-Temporary disabled the shadow priest
-Added workarounds for the research-requirement bug on hero ultimate abilities
-Professions now have their requirements in the tooltip and show the requirements when clicked, if unfulfilled
-Set the graphics of the map to SD
-Updated to description to fit the smaller avaible textbox of the reforged loading screens​

Fixed a bug that made many professions not work for player 2-4
Fixed pillage icon having critical strike icon at level 3-4
Fixed an issue that player 2-4 had their vision not moved properly
Causing the host to leave will transfer host rights to the currently active player with the lowest player number
Host leaving while selecting game difficulty/settings won't cause a softlock of the game anymore. The new host will be able to continue.
Added command: -repick​


Ancient of torment:

Reduced damage by 2​

The cold maiden:

Fixed some bugs containing her casts when the round restarts
Reduced damage by 1​

Elder bronze dragon:

Static wave has its free area always where the boss is facing
Reduced amount of bronze welps summoned by 1​

Hero changes:

Increased Battlecries cooldown by 10 seconds​

Duration of Earth wall's slow scales with the walls duration
Area around Earth wall's for slow got increased​

Unbind now works on any enemy with halved effect for non-elementals
Added new profession: Corroding magic​

Item changes:

Mark of the wild: Reduced health gain by 1
Mark of empathy: Reduced health gain by 2​


  • Bribe for his GUI damage engine, unit indexer and isunitmoving systems
  • Blink Boy for the Ln-Function
  • Guhun for his disable system

  • Will_the_Allmighty for his "Shadow Golem" Model
  • Pyritie for the "Caster hand attachement" pack
  • Callahan for the "Invasion Vine" and "funguvor" Models and their corresponding icons
  • JetFangInferno for their "Dark Nova" Model
  • The_Silent for their "Concrete Cliff" Doodads
  • Tirlititi for their "StaffDecoration" model
  • Fang for their "Sword of Supreme" model
  • darkdoom for their "DualBlade" model
  • Tenebrae for their "Nightelf Blade" model
  • Kitabatake for their "metal blade" model
  • Mythic for their "Blackshell Blade" model
  • HerrDave for their "Serpent Blade" model
  • Red for their "Naginata" model
  • Lestat(br) for their "dancing scimitar" model

  • The_Silent for the "Devour" Icon
  • Peekay for his "Rainbow Negation", "Absolute" and "Absolute Enchanted" Icon
  • Amiguru for his "Demon Wall" Model
  • Marcos_DAB for his "Critical strike" Icon
  • Peekay for his "Catlike Reflexes" icon
  • Kingbdogz for his "BloodletV9" Icon
  • Kola for the "DemonSoulControl2" Icon
  • 4eNNightmare for his "FingerofDeath" Icon
  • MrGoblin for his "Beasttraining" icon
  • Blizzard for the "Shadow Rain of Fire" "Curse of Sargeras" and the "Mindsooth" (Anachron for the posting) Icons, and the icons of wc3 which i could recolour :)
  • Blizzard for the "Curse of Sargeras", "Evasion", "INV_Potion_19" "INV_Stone_13" "Spell_Shadow_AntiShadow" and the "Mindsooth" (Anachron for the posting) Icons, and the icons of wc3 which i could recolour :)
  • Someone (Sorry, the readme-data didn't had the author of the recolor and the data got gdeleted from THW) for the "Shadowcoil"-icon (A Recolour of the blizzard icon)
  • Venom for the "Bash"-Icon
  • -Berz- for the "Rift" icon
  • L_Lawliet for the "Mana drain" and "Life drain" icons

  • -Kobas- for his Map Description Template

Author's notes:

I've wanted to create a survival map with a new twist on the genre. I was fed up to see blank survival maps where you could go full vamp/cleave/dps and call it a day, so i just said "Well, do it for yourself".

The first thing that came out was a Map called Dark Survival (Epicwar-Link), which turned out be... well not greatly developed and full of bugs. So one year ago i started to make a remake. Still, now i'm confidend enough to go with it among the hive.

I have to warn you though, builds are ment to fail in this game. Depending on the paths and build you choose, you can face the problem that you cant beat a wave at all (for example that you cant deal damage fast enough or are too squishy). On the other hand, abilities are quite focused. So many skills work on demons, undead or mechanical units, making adjustment and teambuilding important

So if you have feedback, or time to test it, your opinion is welcomed! :)


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Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
Well now, Version 4.1 is up.

this are just some small tweaks and content additions. They are more geared towards making the game harder for more than 1 player and overall polishing:

Alpha 4.1:
General Changes:
- Living creeps now always drop corpses, with a lifespawn of 5 seconds.
- Increased HP of units per player by 13% (Now the creeps got double hp in fullhouse)
- Increased damage of units, depending on current player number (up to +30% damage in full house)
- Removed powerfull and empowered standard weapons from the shop
- Made magical and powerfull standad weapons upgradeable
Hero changes:
- Reworked Corpse gatherer:
- Increases the lifespawn of corpses instead of creating some, making multiple player stackable.
- Increase the cost of leveling corpse gatherer by 2 skill points per stage
Boss Changes:
Ancient of Corruption:
- Added a new ability: Acentral walk
- Fixed a bug with amount of tainted wisps not scaling with player number
- Made the willpower drain of field of sorrow depending on the current difficulty and increased the drain overall.
- Increased attack speed
Cold Maiden:
- Added another ability: Summon water elemental (Every 5th cast)
- Moved Frost meteor into the randomly casted spells
- Made her casting spells more often
- Lowered the cast point of ice nova by 0,5 seconds.

Alpha 4.1a:
General Changes:
- Fixed some lines of code which could have caused fatal errors
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Level 14
Nov 30, 2013
The Grand Review Exchange
I've played your map and only played the 1st stage of the map. Here's my opinions.

  • The gameplay is really fun to play.
  • The terrain is pretty neat. Maybe try to improve it a little?
  • You should consider on how the mushrooms will be beaten. They keep multiplying and get a chance to be stuck when destroying all of its projectiles.
  • When obtaining new levels and skill points, people may have a hard time to empower their hero while dodging the enemies' projectiles and even have themselves a small amount of time to empower their hero before the wave starts.
  • So far, I don't see any bugs which is good.

Overall, the map is good and its fun to play but there's still some changes to do. Rating this to 3.5/5.
Keep it up! :thumbs_up:
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
Thank you for your review :) . i look about some of the points:

  • The terrain is pretty neat. Maybe try to improve it a little?
I have an eye on the right side. I dont like the blank mountain on that side. Its quite misplaced.

  • You should consider on how the mushrooms will be beaten. They keep multiplying and get a chance to be stuck when destroying all of its projectiles.

Well, the mushrooms are a tough cookie. They need to be kited around the whole wave until at least all gnoll and skeletons are killed. Then they can be dps'ed down. I will probably tone their mana regeneration, so you got more time to kill them. Do you mean being stuck in the sense of collision or that you cannot kill them fast enough?

  • When obtaining new levels and skill points, people may have a hard time to empower their hero while dodging the enemies' projectiles and even have themselves a small amount of time to empower their hero before the wave starts.
The point is, increasing the time between the waves enlonger the game time artifically. I will probably add a function to decide how much time you got between waves.
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
Well, in fact, when you let them get to this amount, the round is lost and it should be this way. You cannot even kill 4 of them without them spawning new ones. Its about controlling them to the number of 2, when your dmg is high, 3. I can limit them to 5 mushrooms, but even then you wouldnt beat them when they get out of control.

The mushrooms are like a test, since in the later rounds, you cannot win them if you dont analyse the enemies and priotize them properly. It was hinted with the farms, because they heal the targets, you should focus them first. The mushrooms are more "in the face"-style of this design, because when you let the first 1-2 spores hit you at the beginning, its more or less a lost round except when you kill the spawned mushrooms fast enough.
The game is more or less designed around the principles of the "rogue-like" games. Everything is beatable if you have died enough to know what is coming against you. Keep in mind that some heroes are not able to solo the game, due to how they are made (currently only the shadow shaman, hes a pure supporter and highly focused against living enemies, making him bad against the undead and elemental ones in later rounds)

What i can do is reducing the time for the spores to spawn, so you have more time to react properly. I also need to remove the collision of corpses, they tend to block people sometimes. I look what i can do there, though.

Upcoming changes for the next versions:
-Reducing of the health regeneration of some enemies in the cursed forest
-Reducing of the mana regeneration (read: Spawn time) of the spore shrooms, making it increasing with the number of players
-Reduce the movement speed of spores
-Reduce the collision size of spore shrooms
-Increasing the mana regeneration (Read: increasement of health) of water elementals
-Make the "living unit" subtype: They suffer 25% more darkness damage but 25% less light damage
-Add a modifier to the farms on nightmare difficulty: add a global life-regeneration aura
-Make it more appearend what to do on the "ancient ritual" of the gnoll chieftain
-Remove collision size of corpses and remove the SFX when they spawn. Also reduce their lifetime.

-Add the GBS to the Map
-Changed to stackability of multiple buffs
-Adjustment on the terrain of the first area
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
Well, i know that this type of design can lead to frustration. At the beginning it comes along easy, but you know just about nothing about the enemies, which become gradually stronger and complicated with progress. Games like "The Binding of Isaac", "Dungeon Crawler: Stone Soup", "Dwarf Fortress", "Faster than Light" and other rely on this design. (btw. 2 of these are free to play ;) ). You just get an edge by playing it over and over again to learn enough about builds and the enemies that it becomes masterable.
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
I made a new version. Sadly, i haven't got that much times because of exams, so only ballancing and reworking this time:

New item: Bloodstone
- In the shop of the zombie
- Empowered item, costs 900 gold.
- Increase health by 7. Whenever you die, this item gehts a charge. Every charge increases your mana- and health-regeneration by 0,15 per second.


Level Changes:
- Increased the area in which farms spawn, making them more spread out

- Life upgrades give 1 additional health per level
- Corpsed get their collision removed

Item changes:
Reworked Skull of the damned:
- Renamed to Summoning skull
- Instead of having a chance to deal more damage has an active, which makes it able to summon a spirit
- Removed from the shop of the zombie
Jade Ring:
- Increases mana by 1 now
Cannibal's Claw:
- Increased damage by 2
- Turned into a "powerfull" item, increased its cost by 300

Hero changes:
- Reworked essence chain:
- Made it not dispell after the first instance of magic damage, but decreased the buff time to around the halved duration.

Enemy Changes:
Spore shroom:
- Decreased their mana regeneration by 10% (Now need 22,5 instead of 20 seconds to spawn shrooms)
- Reduced Movementspeed of the spores by 5
- Removed the life regeneration from the shrooms
- Reduced the collision size to a quarter of the former size (from 64 down to 16)
- Spores doesnt drop corpses anymore
Spectral guardian:
- Reduced life regeneration by 33%
Night elven archer:
- Reduced life regeneration by 25%
Shadow spawn:
- Reduced life regeneration by 20%
Gravejard ooze:
- Reduced life regeneration by 20%
Spectral watcher:
- Reduced life regeneration by 50%
Water elemental:
- Increased mana regeneration by 50%
- Increased health regeneration by 50%
- Increased AOE of the heal by 100

Boss Changes
Infernal dreadnought:
- Removed life regeneration
- Changed the tolltip of the energy shield, giving a hint what to do on the bossfight
- Gave the firespawn cannon a chance to increase its count, slowing down the enrage mechanic of the boss
The curse manifested:
- Removed life regeneration
Gnoll Chieftain:
- Changed the tolltip of the ancient ritual, giving a hint what to do on the bossfight
- Ancient ritual creates special effects, giving a hint what to do on the bossfight
- Decreased the time between his skills
- Decreased the attack speed by 0,1
Level 2
Mar 24, 2016
Is poison supposed to deal what feels like 10x damage while in multiplayer? It feels like you missed a decimal point somewhere when accounting for multiplayer balance.
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
oh man, that was a dumb mistake of mine: any instance of damage should be multiplied by (1 + 0,1 *(#Players - 1)) when there is more than one player. I Instead made that every instance of damage is increased by that number. And since poson triggers like 7 times per second, any poison was amplified by 7 damage per second.

Hotfix 4.2a:
Fixed Bug:
Instead of adding a flat amount damage to any instance in multiplayer, all damage get multiplied with that number.
Level 3
Mar 2, 2017
Interestingly, we actually share some views on what survival-style maps should be - they should be about surviving, not slaying helpless mobs again and again. But, you took it the different (AKA more serious way), and it is cool to see what has turned out instead. My map has sort of similar idea behind, but executed in much more chaotic and "careless" way, ending up totally different.

As for things I don't like, the map feels a bit "clunky". Dunno how to explain it better, but wish it could be a bit faster or something like that.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

By the way those screenshots look, I'm sure the gameplay is badass! <3
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
I made a new version. I added some professions, reworked bits of the raider and thaumarturge and made baugfixed. Also made it possible to choose the lenght between waves.

Fixed multiple pathing blockers in the entrance area and the cursed forest
Added the possibility for pathability checks in the movement trigger
Made corpses now only have a 4 second lifetime
removed the sfx from corpses
Fixed a bug that caused mail armor to take less damage from blunt attacks
Fixed a bug that caused plate armor to take more damage from blunt attacks
Made it possible to adjust the time between waves from 5-20 sec

Hero Changes:

Raider: Reworked
Increased the cooldown of rush by 2 seconds
Reduced Armor by 1
Replaced critical strike with melle armor:
Reduced physical damage suffered when the source is in an area of 175 around you.
Removed Improved critical strike proffession
Moved the hero into the "Hunter/Gatherer" role from "Damage dealer/Gather"

Thaumaturge: Reworked
Instead of giving a flat magical damage increase, erratic mana gains stats depending on the element
Fixed a bug that caused essence feed to increase the mana regeneration permanently

Shadow Priest:
Increased the mana cost on finger of pain by 2.

Removed the magical damage reduction from the fifth lvl of fortified skin
Fixed a bug that made fortified skin reduce the damage by 2% more than it should
Corrected the tooltip of enchanted skin
Reduced the magical damage reduction of enchanted skin by 8% and increased the cost by 1

Increased the cooldown of rush by 2 seconds

Profession changes:

Reduced damage of battlelust by 1% per 15% missing health per stage

New profession: Painfull surge:
Main tree: Offense
When casting pain of finger of pain, every enemy in an area of 200 around the target gets also affected by a pain spell with reduced power
Required: Profession, Wizardry
Heroes: Shadow priest

New profession: Melle armor:
Main tree: Defense
Reduced physical damage suffered when the source is in an area of 175 around you.
Required: Stone skin
Heroes: Shadow priest

New profession: Static net:
Main tree: Enchanter
Ensnare deals storm damage and attacks against ensnared targets deal storm damage.
Required: Wizardry
Heroes: Raider

Boss changes:

Attackspeed of bosses get increased by 15% per player above 1.

Infernal dreadnought:
Added a pathing check on the "Trembling charge" ability for both the boss and hit targets

Ancient of corruption:
Added a pathing check on the "Earth blade" for affected targets
Increased damage of mass torment by 5% of max hp
Fixed the animation of acentral walk
Reduced Ancentral walk missile speed by 100

Cold Maiden:
Increased cast animation of frost meteor by 100%

The Curse manifested:
Increased cast animation of shadowcoil by 100%
Increased the amount of shadowspawns and spectral guardians while channeling dissipate
Dissipate should cancel now when all spawned enemies died.

Enemy changes:

Shrine of the elder:
Added the light element

Water Elemental:
Increased permanent health gain by 3 + (Player)

Thorned ent:
Doubled the damage against melle attacker

Tainted wisp:
Increased damage for entagled enemies by 1.5
increased health gained to "Aid of the Ancient" carrier per dead wisp by 5*(#Player)

Drowned priestess:
Fixed a bug that caused the heal from the attacks to not work

Soul reclaimer:
Made reclaim soul not work on the own death
Increased the heal to 50% of the max health

Soul reclaimer:
Made reclaim soul not work on the own death
Increased the heal to 50% of the max health

Frost sentry:
Added Truesight
Gained a chilling attack

Red whelp:
Increased damage by 1

Item Changes:

Healing potions:
Increased cooldown to 10 seconds from 4.

Bag for the survivor:
Reduced the gold gain by 5 gold per round
My friend is saying the wave 15 boss gets stuck in the south wall when it charges at it.

This shuld have been fixed in this version. The ability was lacking a collision check.

Interestingly, we actually share some views on what survival-style maps should be - they should be about surviving, not slaying helpless mobs again and again. But, you took it the different (AKA more serious way), and it is cool to see what has turned out instead. My map has sort of similar idea behind, but executed in much more chaotic and "careless" way, ending up totally different.

As for things I don't like, the map feels a bit "clunky". Dunno how to explain it better, but wish it could be a bit faster or something like that.

i played your map and can uderstand where you are coming from :D, almost thought i would be alone with that idea ^^.
The gameplay was faster to be honest, but i found out that it didn't suited the focus i wanted to set, which is on the builds and unique approach on each wave. i had really the problem that heroes like an stage 35 raider (aka: full slotted) or an assassin could just pludge through bosses and overall enemies were killed before they even could do some fancy stuff. So i bumped some hp values up, buffed the enemies up and gave bosses and some other units resistance against skills and summons. This was a boon for tanks to be honest, since they are now at least able to compete with the damage dealers (not damage wise, but they do now not feel comepletely lacking like before.)
And above this, i have gotten some replies that they have a hard time skilling their heroes while the rounds are running, so i believe bumping up the speed could hurt. Now i feel i hit just the right spot between too fast and too slow, but i think about bumping up the movement speed of heroes and enemies with the projectile speed, so it can feel a bit more fast paced (and i would nerf rush again, which im fine with :D )

By the way those screenshots look, I'm sure the gameplay is badass! <3

You will see ;) , btw, i wanted to add some new screenies anyway. probably featuring the footman.
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Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

I will try it this evening and give you a proper feedback and rating so far. :)
Level 3
Mar 2, 2017
The gameplay was faster to be honest, but i found out that it didn't suited the focus i wanted to set, which is on the builds and unique approach on each wave. i had really the problem that heroes like an stage 35 raider (aka: full slotted) or an assassin could just pludge through bosses and overall enemies were killed before they even could do some fancy stuff. So i bumped some hp values up, buffed the enemies up and gave bosses and some other units resistance against skills and summons. This was a boon for tanks to be honest, since they are now at least able to compete with the damage dealers (not damage wise, but they do now not feel comepletely lacking like before.)
And above this, i have gotten some replies that they have a hard time skilling their heroes while the rounds are running, so i believe bumping up the speed could hurt. Now i feel i hit just the right spot between too fast and too slow, but i think about bumping up the movement speed of heroes and enemies with the projectile speed, so it can feel a bit more fast paced (and i would nerf rush again, which im fine with :D )
Yeah, I kinda understand that. You want to emphasize on theorycrafting part. My idea was that theorycrafting should be done in an extremely harsh environment (with no "safe windows"), but that turned out to be a bit too hard for most to focus on that (which is shown by replies here aswell).

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Okay, so I tried it. I...I don't even know how to say the joy I felt while playing. You have talent in Warcraft 3 modding. I played with the Shadow Priest, damn! Once the first wave appeared and those minions started to attack me, and what an attack! The way you programmed them to move and fight in the combat field is really cool! I am going to play more heroes. So far, I have no objections. My rating for you if you uploaded the map in the maps section, would have been 5/5 for sure. Good job!
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
I played as the Raider.
-I like the introductionary text. Dramatic and adds to the atmosphere of the game.
-The loading time was really long! Since the map filesize is reasonably low, this probably depends on your triggers. I'm not sure how, but I've heard that you can greatly reduce loading times through more efficent triggering.
-I like that there wre not many heroes to choose from. However, their tooltips contained a bit unuseful information, such as the names of their abilities.
-The tooltips are short and to the point. Additionally there are general useful information about the abilities, which is nice.
-Mana costs and damage is kept low, which feels good and provides the feeling of them being well balanced. The mana cost also helps you keep track of your mana mroe easily.
-The hero selection area is nice in concept, but the blue fire, and that you could see outside the walls kinda ruined it. Good idea, but could be made better.
-The first wave plunged the player straight into chaos!
-The rock throwers in the backline is a nice idea, but I think you should icnrease the AoE of their attacks, and make the projectiles move slower, so that you actaully have a chance of being hit, and then being able to see where the projectile goes and move out of the way.
-I liked the gnoll poachers. they ran around and attacked, rather than just staying in one spot, which made them feel much more alive than in some other wc3 games.
-The rock throwers never tried to target me either, which made them too easy.
-The terrain of the first level was minimalistic and good looking.
-The first two levels was pretty much the same, I think.
-The regeneration of the hero was pretty crazy.
-Nice use of coloured texts.
-The abilities of tha raider was underwhelming. You barely gained anything from using the abilities. It would be ok if you could use them more, but now, with each ability costing about half mana with slow regen, it was not worth.
-Nice with QWER hotkeys.
-I like that the hero is not auto acquiring targets.
-Battlecry added no damage to me early, since 15% of 5 is not over 1 dmg.
-Perhaps I missed it, but if I didn't, some game messages about the different menues you can access as hero icons would be nice. I didn't notice those until wave 3.
-The rockthrowers was not a very nice addition actually. All you can do is hope you don't get hit by the random flying projectiles. I think those really need a rework.
-The boss rock thrower was better since it had that warstomp thingy, but not really hard to win over.
-If health regen and mana regen would ahve been swapped, that could be ncie I think.
-Loved the Purple kobold boss' first ability where he spawned dummys that then exploded! The second ability also looked awesome. I'll defenitly get inspired by this. Nice visuals.
-Enemies were hard to catch, so i jsut maxed the dagger throw ability to get them. Then the boss was piece of cake too.
-The game became really repetetive after the first boss. I expected new enemies.
-The giant spore enemy was creative and fun.
-I lost at level 8, but it didn't really feel fair, as I died by chance from the raining stones.
-Also, I didn't feel like restating because (1) The laoding time is super long and (2) then I would have to play through those repetetive waves again. Perhaps you can offer to restart the game after the 30 seconds have passed, so the players can at least skip the laoding time? :)

Perhaps you should have longer pauses between waves, and have the upgrade menues available only then? having them available during waves or in the short durations between waves was an unneccesary stressful element.
It seems like you have really put a lot of thought into the game creating a nice upgrade system (loved the possibility to upgrade abilities) and other fun abilities to use.
The game really felt polished and nice, but it was also repetetive and uncreative in terms of wave divergence. It was a deal-breaker for me. I think this really needs to be improved in order to make the game fun.

This shows a lot of promise, but have some more work that needs to be done first.
This could become real nice. :)
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Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
Thank you very much for the review, you pointed out some of my main concerns about the current state of the map to be honest ^^ :

Wave diversity:
I completely agree with you there. I havent touched Wave 1-9 for almost a year now, which seems to get obvious that it is a mistake. I have some problens figuring out how many types of divergent enemies i can throw at the player round after round without overwhelming them too much. Thats the reason why wave 1 and 2 are so similar, because i want to give the players time to get used to dodging and maneuvering through the map. I believe that is a reason why sone testers had some concerns about the spore shrooms, because they drastically demand a special gamestyle, which i want to promote actually.
But i believe, since i have a properly working revive system, that i can go more agressive into this. Im working out AI concepts, so that i give some of the enemies more features.

Rock thrower:
i was never really happy with them, because it was mostly random when you get hit or not. I like the suggestion with the slower projectiles, i will incorporate this for sure (probably let them also move around a bit)

About the additional menus:
ihe info about them is actually in the loading screen (via their hotkeys). I think i add some frequent hints when you have too many points to spent. I want to keep the avaiability of them in the rounds, since i find it usefull to get an upgrade or potion when you were savin for something else. But since you had mentioned the time between the waves, what do you think is feasable for time between rounds? I had added last version the possibility to choose this time, so im open for suggestions about that :)

Long loading time:
This comes from the upgrade system actually, since its eating lots of Object Editor space. Since the Command card position aren't changeable, every profession needs (at least) 5 abilities (1 to learn, 1 to upgrade, 3 for each row on the command card) and 1 Research. With 46 professions, were already at around 230 abilities alone. If i would have access to the command card, the loading time could be halved, i guess. I look if i can change it via stacking abilities on the same command card space, so i can crop diwn the space. I look into that.

Yeah, you hit the first hero i made for the map. This one, the zombie and the shadow priest need some reworked abilities. The problem with that hero is that he got some redundant abilities. For chasing, ensnare can be substituted with either dagger throw or rush. I believe that i will require to throw rush out of the kit, so ensnare will become usefull. I dont mind roar being unusefull in SP, but i see that the duration is too short. Keep in mind tough, that roar amplifies green damage and dagger throw. It scales quite savagely. The game really promotes specialisation (in later rounds), so skills like roar will be reserved for certain builds, like a supporter.
I think i will increase the cost of the nukes (like dagger throw) so they dont completely trivialize the early game.

Have you played on easy difficulty? It increases your health regeneration by the equivalent of 2 regeneration-upgrades (0.3 per second). That mode is meant to punish much less for mistakes since you recover faster.
Overall, the game the regeneration is needed to recover from the damage spikes you will suffer ingame, since you can recover fastly from small mistakes. Compare it a bit with the estus flask from dark siuls: you are fast at the brink of death, but with good execution you can easily recover from it.

I found out that it was often not worth to upgrade the mana reg because of the high cost of that upgrade. I will reduce its cost. Spell spamming should be discouraged without upgrades. I think i will readjust some regeberation values, though.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
because they drastically demand a special gamestyle, which i want to promote actually.
Yup. I think that is the way to go. :)

Perhaps you should have a one minute pause between each wave, but the option to launch at any time (when all plyers are ready).

Yeah I played on easy. That might have been it. :)
Sounds like you have loads of good ideas for updates on things.

I'm excited to see where this goes!
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
I have taken a break on developing the map due to real life, i think i have time to continue working next week. I have developed some concepts for new enemy unit types for the first area. Also, there will be an AI overhaul with implemented threat list (considering distance between targets, either).

Upcoming enemy changes:

Kobold hurlers/barrager/taskmaster: will now, instead of bombarding the map randomly, bombard players directly. They have a bad aim, so their attacks will land on an area of 300-400 (pending because of balance) around their targets instead of directly onto the player. Will reduce their attack speed and missile speed either. They will begin to move to other areas when taking damage, giving a chance to disrupt their attacks. The taskmaster doesn't increase attack speed anymore, instwead the MS-Boost gets increased so he becomes a prime target when you can't chase the enemies. Taskmaster will also defend themself with earthshocks instead of casting it randomly.

Skeleton guardian: AI Overhaul. They Will wander in an area of 400 around an as defendable flagged target, only attacking player which comes near them or damage them or the defender target. Can get nasty if you want to get close and personal with the defended target, since these are the supporters like taskmaster/farms/kodos.

Kodo-Beast: New unit. Wanders around the area without an attack. Spawns gnoll poacher.

Kobold Geomancer: New Unit. Creates periodically Earth shields around targets in an area, blocking a complete physical attack. Same AI as Poachers/Assassins. Attacks create delayed earth spikes, knocking targets away and blocking pathing for 5 seconds.
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
Well, it has taken far longer than i like to admit, because of real life, but i finally managed to get it together.

This is a rather big update, i revamped the first area of the game, rewritten the whole AI and all buffs on the map and (hopefully) fixed a lot of bugs on the way (and hopefully i haven't created new ones....). have also applied several balance changes, so i think i'm onto something there. Some early rounds certainly got harder and/or more interesting, so here we go:

Changelog 4.3:
-Changed the terrain to make the outside of the arenas less visible
-Added the GUI Disable System intot he map (Thanks to Guhun for this system)
-Added the GUI Buff System into the map to streamline buffs and increase performance
-Updated the Damage Detection System to its newest version. this should get rid bugs-
-Merged and removed triggers to increase performance, mainly ones which involve buffs
-changed how movement speed gets calculated ingame, increasing the performance and interactions of buffs
-completely reworked the game on the first stage
-Increased the time for rocks to hit the ground at the second stage by 1
-Rework of multiple buffs:
-Venom: Now stacks when applied by different units
-Invisibility: Can now be applied to yourself while channeling
-Affinity to Nature: Renamed into "nature's guidance"
-Smiting is now considered a curse
-Stuns don't stop the target anymore, instead inflict a standart stun. This get rid of some bugs.
-Ensnare doesn't cause CC protection to trigger
-Buffs that incraese the virtual hp of a unit (e.g. flesh shield) will take defensive abilities into account before firing
-Buffs that incraese the virtual hp of a unit (e.g. flesh shield) will always be rounded up instead of down (so the shield doesn't show 0)
-Purge now removes most buffs from the target
-Fixed a bug that made stoneskin to not reduce damage suffered
-Fixed a bug that made amplify not increase damage
-Overheated now only works if the target casts a spell
-Gave Overheated a new sfx which is more appearend​
-Mana regneration upgrades cost 1 skill point less and doesn't increase in cost anymore
-Reduce movementspeed by 20
-Roar's Cooldown and Duration increased by 5 seconds
-Merged the buff of growl of victory into the roar buff
-Vulnerability from sacrificial dagger affects demons now
-Increased the cost of Dagger throw upgrades by 1 skill point
-Rush got replaced by rush tactics:
-Increase the movement speed for the first 45 seconds of a round by 20%​
-Vulnerability from desecrating strike affects demons now
-Plague breath and Venomous breath applies disease instead of venom now, so they stack with foulsome touch​
-Added a 45 sec duration to Arcane barrier
-Reduced the health of healing fountains by 30​
-Merged the buff of Beserker's outcry into the battlecry buff
-Merged the buff of heavy metal into the metal clash buff
-Increased movement speed by 15
-Increased damage by 1
-Taunt applies now a debuff for 5 seconds on non-boss targets which forces them to attack the hero
-Taunt forces now barraging targets to focus the hero
-Taunt disables active spellcasting of non-hero targets
-Reduced intimadation duration of intimidating taunt by 1 second.​
Shadow Priest:
-Increased health by 3
-Vulnerability affects demons now
-Merged the buff of curse of corrosion into the vulnerability buff
-Curse of corrosion's defense reduction was reworked into a new buff: Corrosion
-Corrosion is considered a venom
-Haunting affects demons now
-Draining enchantment can now be cast on demons
-Merged the buff of vampiric enchantment into the draining enchantment buff
-Merged the trigger of vampiric enchantment into the draining enchantment trigger
-Finger of pain (upgrade from pain) affects demons now
-Merged the buff of Haunting into the Haunting buff
-Call fo the haunted doesn't increase the cap anymore​

Static net:
-Fixed a bug that caused basic attacks to not deal storm damage on attack against ensnared targets​

New Creep: Kodo beast
Summons gnoll poachers every 25 seconds​
Skeleton guardian and gnoll brute:
Reworked AI:
Instead of the standard Attack/Move pattern, they stay close around defendable flagged targets and engage to the enemy only if the defendable target is attacked or themself or the defended target is threatened (coming into 400 range)​
Kobold hurler/barrager/taskmaster
-Instead of attacking random points of the map, they attack players instead
-Added a 300 range inaccuracy
-Reduced missile speed by 400
-Reduced Attack-AOE by 35
-Reduced damage by 2 each
-Reduced attack speed by 0,5
-Kobold Taskmaster damage scaling with difficulty reduced​
-Complete Rework of the Unit AI. This should get rid of some bugs and make them run more smoothly and intuitive
-Reduced the damage of every venom, due to the new stacking rules, by 25%
-Creeps flagged as defendable targets:
-Kodo beasts
-Kobold Taskmaster
-Shrine of the elder
-Frost sentry
-Graveyard ooze
-Soul reclaimer
-Gnoll shaman (Boss)​
Got rid of a bug that made bosses be considered with 2 more armor than they have in reality​
Kobold Chieftain:
-Reduced damage gain through difficulty by 1 per stage above normal
-Reduced armor gain through difficulty by 2 per stage above normal
-Reduced armor by 3​
-Reduced the proc chance of firery magic by 50%, halving his enrage mechanic
-Make overheat from ray of heat trigger only on Spellcasts, increase its damage by 10​
I was kinda impressed that, although i added 3 bigger systems to the map, the filesize didnt went that much higher. They really helped to optimize some spells and issues.

These are my next priorities:

1. A rework for the profession system:
This is a big one. This system soaks that much loading time and OE space that i see no future for it in its currently space. Since i'm hitting hardcoded limitations of wc3 considering the command card, will rewrite it the following way:
Every Main profession will only have 3 lvls and every sub professions only 1. Profession points are now gained only every 3-4 levels (i need to keep an eye on balancing here). One new point in this system equals ~2,5 professions in the old one. This leads to more impact of small choices and delays advanced profession to later levels, enabling me to buff them a little.
This should save me around 400 levels of abilities in the OE. It also enables me to make some more crazed out stuff with professions, since i don't need to scale them.​

2. A rework for the shadow priest
I don't like his current kit. His debuffs mainly only increase damage suffered and many of his skills are pure pasta coding, which i need to streamline and merge. I also dislike his main heal, since its kinda flat, while his lifestealing buff is very flavourfull. This one will get replaced either
3. Rewrite of the AI System
This one is currently a (while working) early draft. It has a good amount of magic numbers and repetative functions in it. This will get rewritten properly​

4. More content
At one point i should go further with developement of the later stages, but i still think that this is the last priority for now. I really like to polish stuff :)
As always, i would highly appreciate feedback. Bugs, oddities, ideas, balance issues, i'm up for suggestions. It would be awesome if you could provide replays, so i could keep an eye out on the flow of the game.

Edit: As always, i have updated the main post with the newest version. You can ask me if you need old ones for any reason.
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
EDIT: I couldnt recreate this bug, so i believe it was a one-time client side thing. please report if there is a desynch when playing in multiplayer.
Somehoe in the newest version a very nasty bug came into the map that made playing it on multiplayer impossible, invoking a desnych on loading. I will work As soon as possible on this.

Singleplayer works fine, though
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Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
Hello guys! I have updated the map to the newest version. I couldn't recreate the bug mentioned at the former post, so i think that it was more a client baes thing instead map based one. So here we go:

Changelog 4.4:
  • Arcane barrier does show now the correct buff and the correct amount of temporary health left.
  • Bosses now show the properly true sight indicator on affected heroes
  • Summoned units now spawn remains instead of corpses, indicating that they don't benefit from recource gaining effects
  • Damaging buffs now correclty takes abilities into account.
  • Gold income at round end is increased by 10 per surviving player.
  • Fixed a bug where melle enemies would attack twice instead of running away
  • Getting rid of cases of friendly fire (You can still attack your own summons, which can be intended sometimes)
  • Silence causes CC Protection to trigger
  • Changed how Buffamplification gets calculated
  • Got rid of a bug which made units coliding with objects to move at their starting location
  • Got rid of a bug which caused creeps to target dummies, which made them attack heroes they normally wouldnt attack
New item:
Robe of magi:
  • Increases defense by 2 and mana by 6
  • Can be created by aquiring 2 mantle of intelligence
Silencing venom:
  • Applies a venom for 5 seconds on the next three attacks that silence the target and deals 1 damage every second
  • Can be bought by the Assassin

Item changes:
Voodoo Doll:
  • Increase the duration of affected buff additionally by 1 second
  • Only affects curses now
Jade ring:
  • Increases now the duration of the buff by 25% instead of a flat 2 seconds addition
  • Affects positive buffs only
Belt of giant strenght:
  • Increased health gain by 4
Insignia of the horde:
  • Now increases attackspeed by 15% instead of damage by 2.
  • Increased health gain by 3
Shredded flesh:
  • Increased flesh shield health by 7
  • Decreased cost by 5
Scroll of power:
  • Increased duration by 20 seconds
  • Increased damage gain by 5%
  • Decreased cost by 5
Berserker potion:
  • Increased duration by 20 seconds
  • Removed from Assassin's shop
Cold blood:
  • Decreased cost by 10 gold
Scroll of warding:
  • Decreased cost by 20 gold
Flame essence:
  • Decreased cost by 5
  • Increased duration by 10 seconds
Stoneskin potion:
  • Increased duration by 20 seconds
  • Changed icon
Bag of the survivor:
  • Decreased the gold gain by 5
Gem of greed:
  • Decreased the bounty gain by 5%

Hero changes:
  • Increased battlecries healthgain per stage by 1
  • Increased attackspeed while being under the fire element by 5%
Shadow priest: Reworked
  • Increased movementspeed by 5
  • Possession now longer slows movementspeed or silences
  • Decreased cost of Possession by 2 and mind corruptor by 4
  • Decreased mana cost of possession by 2
  • Increased damage of possession by 0,5 per 5% of transferred dark energy
  • Haunting now summons a single spirit only, but manacost and cooldown are greatly reduced
  • Increased damage reduction for every spirit and increased the damage reduction cap.
  • Increased duration of haunting by 15 seconds for creeps and 2 seconds for bosses
  • Haunting now has a 2000 range
  • Call of the haunted now summons two spirits instead of one
  • Corrosion isn't considered a venom anymore
  • Instead of amplifying magical damage, dark accumulator now increases curse duration by 25%
  • Cost of dark accumulator was reduced by 1
  • Dark ascension reworked: now increases the amaount of dark energy gained by 2% everytime a enemy suffers damage, cost is reduced by 4
  • Merged multiple triggers, increasing performance
  • Zombie:
  • Increased damage by 1
  • Moved flesh shield hotkey to E from Q
  • Decreased movementslow of ensnare by 20%
  • Increased the cost of pillage upgrades by 1
  • Increased gold gain from pillage by 1
  • Removed Bonus bounty from plunderer but decreased cost by 1
  • Plunderer also increases chance to trigger pillage by 7%
  • Reworked Depredator: Makes destructive blade work on ensnared targets
Creep changes:
Night elven archer:
  • Decreased health regeneration
Living flame:
  • Decreased health regeneration
Skeleton warrior:
  • Decreased health by 4
  • Decreased health regeneration
  • Decreased health by 1
  • Decreased health regeneration
Kobold taskmaster:
  • Increase the movementspeed increase of the aura by 15%
  • Decreased health regeneration

Boss changes:
Gnoll shaman:
  • Decreased base health by 30
  • Add a Mana meter for the storm circle-ability. Prevents the circle chains which could cause unavoidable deaths.
  • Can be affected by Feedback

Reworked the Profession system:
  • Professiontrees can only be leveled to lvl 3
  • Professions can only have a single level
  • Removed all level requirements for learning professions and leveling professiontrees
  • Profession points are now only gained every 3 levels
  • Profession points are no longer gained through surviving bossfights
  • Rebalanced all professions. Every profession has the equivalent of 2-2,5 former profession points in that ability
Reworked the following professions:
  • Achievement: Adds a complete level instead of gaining an amount of exp
  • Knowledge: Instead of giving every 2 levels points, every level now adds points to the hero
  • Devotion aura: now affects self; Requires additional Achievement now.
  • Veteran aura: now affects self; Requires additional Achievement now.
  • Alchemist: Instead of increasing buff durations by a fixed amount, now increases them by 25%
  • Shield bash: Instead of dealing 4 damage, deals damage equal to your attack damage

I have spant a lot of time on bug hunting an performance changes, so i believe that the map should go more fluently now. (@Rufus: would you mind looking if the loading time is better now? I had the feeling that it was better with the last update, but i cannot really tell. Would be kind if you look at it, since you were the one who pointed out in the first place)
I also increased the usefullness of several items over pure damage-increase but nerfed down item or profession based gold gain measures except for the gatherer-class, since it became very powerfull after you can get your hands on the investor perk at lvl 1.

I also spend some time on streamlining abilities (mainly the raider and shadow shaman), so their abilities are much more clear and better to utilize. The rework made the shadow shaman very teammate dependant, so i don't believe that you can solo with him (which was almost impossible to begin with before). I look if i will buff his kit a bit and give him more options.
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
The first post of this thread has the newest map attached (I always replace on changes the old map witht he new one on that post). When i'm done with my thesis (or hopefully earlier ;) ) i will get a new version ready and will go to host some games on Ent-hosting.

But even then i would appreciate any feedback on the map :)
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
A big thanks to you @Ralle for bringing the thread back from the dead!

I have picked the project up again and worked on a new version. The new version is attached to the main post (but it will be attached here as well)

This version features a new hero, the far seer, while having bunch of balancing and performance changes (Now you can see where these kobolds rocks will land).

The biggest change is with the items. I overhauled all items and mainly focussed on consumeables. Consumeables now don't perish and generate charges with each round or continue used. So now consumeables are a permanent investments which should be far more helpfull.

Most of the balancing went towards balancing groups more than 1 player. I scaled damage increases down by a lot and increased gold and experience gain.
Due to suggestions, you now can select how often teammates get revived.

There is still balancing to do. For example the gnoll seer, while being completely manageable solo, litterally shreds groups of 4 players. Mainly due to the spells being telegraphed somewhat poorly. This will be subject to changes in the next versions.

I also plan to do bigger steps towards more rounds. This will include making the last 15 or 25 rounds of the main path. After that i would focus on polishing and adding QOL changes. Like camera commands and modes.

Fixed a bug where enchanter triggered almost never.
Fixed a bug where buffs could be inherited to newly created units
Reduced the amount of object editor data some of the systems use
Fixed a bug that made depredator not deal extra damage at all while having no devestasting blades
Fixed a bug where units could be stunned indefinetly when they applied a purge on a unit while another unit is stunned
Fixed a bug which caused fire whelps to not attack after triggering their main attack
Fixed a bug which caused composed slimes to not combine
Adds 10 additional gold at the end of the round per player
Adds 100 +10*(current round) at the end of the a round. This bonus is increased by 20% for each player above 1.
Fixed a bug that let auras from professions not affect the hero
Added an option to set the amount of revives of teammates on completition of rounds

Kobolds were reworked: Now have always a 3 seconds impact timer and an impact indicator. Their attack rate was increased and their accurancy improved

Fire chamber:
The fire rocks have an added marker to see their impact location
Units were removed from the pool and moved into the hard difficulty

All consumeables were reworked. They are no longer perishable and generate charges at the end of each round
All consumeable gain charges every round. Their cost is equal to the same tier of lower permanent items
Cold blood: Damage addition increased from 6 to 12, set into empowered category
Vial of health: reduced life gain by 2
Scroll of warding: duration increased to 5 seconds, up from 3
Mana flask was added as upgrade of mana potion
Health potions can be upgraded to health flasks and vial of health
Health flasks in shops was replaced with health potions
Vial of health is removed from all shops due being upgraded from health potions
Vial of wisdom: put into empowered category
Gem of Greed: Increase the bounty increase by 10%.
Difficulties under hard have reduced mob count in waves up to 10. Waves beyond that will be adjusted in the future.
Elemental amplifier: Decreased gold cost by 100
Summoning glyph: Decreased gold cost by 100
Ring of divine intervention: decreased duration by 0,5 seconds

New item: Vile Vial: creates a nova that applies a long lasting venom to enemies in the area
New item: Booster: Increases your movementspeed by 75% for 3 seconds.
New item: Mana stone: Increases mana by 6 and mana regeneration by 0,15 per second
New item: Mark of the wild: Increases the health of summons by 4
New items: Storm hammer, ledger, scroll of beasts and stormbrew, avaible for the far seer

Hero changes:
New Hero: Far seer

Raider: Flask of will replaced with booster
Footman: Added flask of will to shop
Zombie: Added Vile vial to shop
Elementalist: Replaced mana pendant and robe of intelligence with mana stone and mark of the wild

Reworked many requirements, mostly to streamline certain aspects of it


  • Invasion on Azkar A4.5b.w3x
    2.6 MB · Views: 135
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
So, i added a new update to the map.

This fixes a very critical bug. Players 2-4 weren't able to learn sub-professions, only upgrade the main ones. That one should now be fixed (This was very hard to come by, since players couldn't tell it wasn't working simply because they couldn't understand it due to the bug itself... ugh)

Also, i reworked the shadow shaman to make the hero easier to understand and more streamlined and interesting to play. Still the most complex hero in the game, though.

Also, added some balance changes. It should now be far better to play with more players. But more testing is needed here.

With the next update, i will make sure to upload some screenshots from the other heroes and some multiplayer gameplay.

Improved performance of multiple enemies by taking dummies out of the indexer
Fixed oddities including bugs by making the buff system more robust
Improved overall performance by merging multiple triggers
Fixed a critical bug involving not being able to learn sub-professions for players 2-4

Mark of the wild: Increased health gained by 5

Hero changes:
Increased the health of every hero:
Shadow shaman, zombie and footman: +5
Elementalist, Raider, Assassin, Far seer: +4
Thaumaturge: +2

Shadow shaman: Reworked
Pain: Replaced with soul drain: deals magical darkness damage to generate dark energy
Spirit touch: Replaced with spirit tap: Heals health but debuffs the target, reducing magic damage dealt and suffered. Generates dark energy
Dark accumulator: Now doesn't generate dark energy when enemies are hit.
Dark ascension: Now doubles the curse duration increase.
Removed Painfull surge from professions
Draining enchantment: Rewritten the tooltip for better understanding
Vampiric enchantment: Removed the bonus to life steal, decreased upgrading cost by 3 skill points
Call of the haunted: Removed the damage suffered increasement
Added the professions: Damping siphon

Far seer:
Incite rage: decreased cooldown by 3 seconds
Mana claws: removed mana cost
Shamanic shield: Increased duration to apply 'static' by 5 seconds. Also increased the magical damage reduction by 1% every stage

Added the professions: Focus

Added the professions: Focus
Primed defend: reduced skillpoint cost by 2
Defend: Reduced the reduction to movementspeed by 20.
Warding shield: reduced skillpoint cost by 1
Dragonscale shield: reduced skillpoint cost by 1
Added the professions: Focus
Backstab: Removed the flat damage increase at the skill's final level
Plague breath: removed the damage increase
Profession changes:
Dark regeneration: generation of dark energy was halved
New profession: Damping siphon: increase the magical damage suffered reduction of soul tap/spirit tap
New profession: Focus: Increase the chance to trigge "enchanter" by 25%​

Enemy changes:

Gnoll brute: Damage decreased by 1

Magma well: Reworked: Erupt every 10 seconds, coating every target in magma

Efreet: Life regeneration decreased by 0,5 per second

Gnoll shaman:

Ball lightning: Added a new marker and visibility was improved
Storm circle: Delay to impact was increased by 1 second



  • Invasion on Azkar A4.5c.w3x
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Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
So, since i'm working further, i add some screenshots here. The progress is going fine and i fixed some good chunk of bugs and reworked some stuff.

I will hopefully upload a new version within a week or so. Or earlier, lets see :)


Image 1: A showcase of the Farseer, which went for a attacking build, which is a very niche and not that vaible thign to do... well, it works out :D


Image 2: One of the changes in the last version were markers for the impact of molten rocks in the fire cave. Also, it shows the reworked shadow priest. In the new versions, the shadow shaman doesnt gain exp through damaging. Instead, he has two skills, a healing and damaging one, which generate dark energy.


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Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
So hello again!

I updated the map with some new stuff but mostly balance changes and adjustments.

Most of the stuff are balance changes to make the game easier (honestly, getting wiped on round 9 on easy with a full group was not funny anymore....) and to make the creeps less tanky (even more on multiplayer). So i also adjusted the multiplayer scaling.

I also cleaned up the Profession tree so builds should be able to get more diverse and some skill changes here and there.

Added two new commands: -give; -zoom
Disabled the trading of gold and skill points via the alliance menu
Moved some terrain and edited some of the terrain to make it work out better with the zoom function
Reduced the life gain of enemies per player from +33% to +20%
Removed the damage increase per player suffered
Added markers to show the element enemies posses. It is shown via a particle effect on them
Increased the time to game begin and ending
Elementals, spirits and undead units drop corpses and remains now
Added the organical subtype: Gain increased damage from darkness but reduced from light
Fixed a nasty bug with buffs that could cause memory leaks and overall performance issues​

Fire cave:
Changed the tileset for better visibility
Frozen lake:
Removed the damage over time

Cursed forest:
Reduces the movementspeed-decrease of the vines to 35%​

Item changes:
Staves: increases magical damage by 5% per staff in the item.
Belt of giant strenght: Increase stun duration by 1 second
Elemental amplifier: Increases damage when dealing effective damage by 40%. Increase cost by 100
Voodoo doll: Now grants 3 mana
Vile Vial: Increase duration by 10 seconds
Healing potions got their cooldown split up from the other potions
Hero changes:
Corpse gatherer: Reworked: Instead of healing when killing an enemy, heals when an enemy dies within 350 of you. Decreased cost by 2.
Decay: Removed the damage to flesh shield for additional damage, increased damage by 1 per second. Decreased cost by 1.
Plaguebringer: Increased damage by 2 times your life regeneration, removed the increase by nearby corpses. Decreased cost by 4.
Added new profession: Rotting armor
Removed some bugs connected to flesh armor
Corpse gatherer: Reduced cost by 2​

Spell nova: Added 1 extra stage to the spell
Acceleration: Instead of being useable once per round, the spell now has a 45 second cooldown
Elemental storm: decreased time per wave by 0,2 seconds
Elemental bolt: Decreased cooldown by 1 second​

Powerrush: Changed Icon​

Mellee-armor: increased damage reduction by 1% per stage
Dagger throw: Decreased cooldown by 1 second​

Shadow priest:
Made all skills target undead units
Possession: replaced with a new ability: share pain
Soul drain: Decreased cooldown by 1 second​

Far Seer:
Earthquake: Reduced skillpoint-cost by 1; Reduced cooldown by 5 seconds and mana cost by 2
Mana Claws: Increased base damage by 10%. Reduced mana gain by 0,5
Spirit claws: now increase the damage by 10%
Spirit wolves: Now have 25% magic resistance​

Fire Hydra: Decreased cooldown by 10 seconds
Unbind: Decreased cooldown by 1 second​

Heavy slam: Decreased cooldown by 1 second and the last stage does decrease the cooldown by 1 second again
Heavy slam: Now slows the target by 20% for 5 seconds
Added new profression: melee armor
Taunt: Reduced cooldown by 3 seconds​
Profession changes:
New Profession: Rotting armor: Decay/Plaguebringer consume 1 health of your flesh armor every second to increase its damage by 2
Bash: Increased stun duration by 1 second and stun chance by 10%
Focus: Removed requirement
Frost shield: Removed requirement
Iron will: Removed requirements
Melee Armor: Removed requirement
Pillager: Removed requirements
Brain feast: Removed feeder as a requirement
Feedback: Removed requirement
Mana amplifier: Removed requirement
Enemy changes:

CC-Protection: Duration is increased by the duration of the effect that caused it to trigger
Changed up the AI in a way that bosses now retarget more properly if not taunted (This mainly fixed the efreet always focussing the same hero)​

Kobold chieftain:
Seismic shatter: added indicator and a 3 second delay at the falling rocks
Seismic shatter: halved stun duration​

Gnoll shaman:
Added more clearity what to do on the summoning ritual
Removed the Protections wards from the fight
Roar: Has now a 5 seconds fixed duration
Far more likely to cast ball lightning
Increased the time to the next cast from ball lightning
Ball lightning: Reduced End damage by 5​

Infernal Juggernaught:
Overall increased the Interval of its abilities, drastically increased speed
Increased mana gain through its abilities
Infernal barrage: Removed stun
Reduced vulnerability time by 25% on Hard and above​

Tainted wisp:
Reduced health by 15
Thorned Ent:
Reduced health by 8
Reduced movementspeed by 25​

Corrupted Ent:
Reduced movementspeed by 70
Increased health by 2​

Night elven archer:
Reduced health by 6
Changed attack element to light​

Composing slime:
Now their size increased more drastically to show their size
Decreased base movementspeed by 25​

Night elven druid:
Decreased health by 5​

Shrine of the elders:
Decreased health by 7​

Decreased health by 3​

Graveyard Ooze:
Decreased movementspeed by 50​

Spectral guardian:
Reduced health by 15
Reduced damage by 5​

Evil contraption:
Reduced Armor by 7
Reduced health by 20​

Protection ward:
Reduced health by 20​

Living flame:
Reduced health by 5​

Satyr slicer:
Reduced health by 5​

Red welp:
Reduced health by 5​

Frost sentry:
Reduced Attack speed by 1,5 seconds
Removed health regeneration
Reduced health by 10​

Water spirit:
Changed damage type to "blunt"
Raised level by 2
Raised bounty by 5
Increased health by 5​

Reduced damage by 1
Reduced missile speed
Reduced health by 15​

New enemy: Icy appatition
New enemy: Clay golem

Ancient of torment:
Torment: Now takes 15 seconds to end. Enemies in an area of 400 around the ancient suffers 5 darkness damage per second
Torment: Reduced damage scaling with difficulty
Ancestral walk: Takes now a set time to reach its destination. Nerfed impact damage significantly and slowed the nova
The boss wont summon more than 10 wisps​

The cold maiden:
Changed attack type to arcane
Ice nova: decreased damage by 7
Summons water spirits depending on the amount of players and now summons apparitions
Ice Comet: Added an impact marker​

This was a rather big update on the balancing, but there is still stuff to do, mainly convenience until i can begin to work further on content. Also, the taunt skill shows some inconsistencies, but i need to finetune the AI to get these right.


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Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
So. I am screwing around with Reforged, but sadly it seems like i got hit by one of the issues that are known (Windows 7 systems with under 4gb ram crash when loading most custom games, my potato hits that mark exactly. Wanted to upgrade next year anyway...)

But from what i saw in the editor, i need to overwhaul the terrain to make it look well with the editor (or that was a problem with doodad vatiation and size when converting from reforged to classic, dunno). Also there is the issue of my recolours of icons don't match woth the new reforged icons. But this was expected and need just a few asjustments to fit with the new art.

Anyway, i wont be developing on reforged anway for as long as no official release comes out, for obvious reasons. I will probsably post a new version on january.

What will be changed:

Item upgrades.: Every non-economy item with a cost of 250-300g should be upgradeable by aquiring another one of the same item. That one is already implemented, although due to how well items stack i would probably readjust some balancing-wise.

Cursed garden overwhaul: the rounds here need serious tweaking, since the variation isn't that high. Expect new enemies and rebalanced bosses.
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
Well, there we go again,

i promised to rework some rounds and add a few items. Well, i went a bit overboard. Regulary testing does certainly motivate to work on the project :D . Anyway, i have reworked the cursed garden, but also the frozen river while adding round 26-30. So the max round amount currently is 30.

I'm building up the systems to make the game restart when it ends. What is really needed is to add repicking and then i should be able to restart the game at will.

Since i got now the initial balancing to a pretty good shape, i will probably move forward and add the next 10 rounds and a new profession tree. From then on, it would only be a few steps where i would comfortable say that the map stops being an alpha.

-fixed a bug in which cause buffs with floating texts to behave strange
-fixed a bug in which invisible allies werent visible
-poisons now deal magic damage
-posions now don't ignore armor anymore
-Bosses now have their abilities shown as floating texts
-Added a text when you deal damage to yourself by Overheat
-Added floating texts whenever a creep gains permanent stat changes
-Players revive now before gaining experience and triggering abilities at round ending
-Increase time before game start by 2 minutes
-Fixed a bug that made invis heroes unviewable for player 2-4
-Blink skills now will also be cast directly, independing of range. The hero will be transported depending on the range
-Added Round 26 - 30 into the game
-Switched icon of profession and researches to match skill points icon

Enemy changes:

Tainted wisp: Reworked
-Instead of damaging units on the roots, now creates a small aoe that deals damage and smites targets

Thorned ent: Reworked
-Now is a melee unit

Spectral watcher: Reworked
-Teleports to its target, bursting after an delay and dealing damage and willpower damage
-Reduced health by 30
-Reduced movementspeed
-Bounty decreased by 10
-Level reduced by 1
-Increase damage by 3

Drowned priestess:
-Heal is now a set 10 and has an area of 600
-Reduced level by 1
-Reduced bounty by 5

Clay golem:
-Now pulls through its attack to the point it chosen for its attack. Will be handled as a channeling enemy.

Night elven ranger:
-Health increased by 5

Frost sentry:
-Reduced level by 1

Reduced level by 1

Graveyard ooze:
-Health reduced by 10

Ancient of torment:
-Health reduced by 50

Curse manifested:
-Circle of roots: Reduced the SFX amount
-Afflicting howl: Reduced area of effect and increased cast time
-Dissipate: Increased Cooldown, Changed Summoning table
-Decreased attack speed from 1.4 to 1.6
-Health reduced by 30

Cold maiden:
-Frost nova: Reduced the SFX amount
-Teleport: Now is bound to a mana timer
-Shockforst: Decreased cast speed
-Comet: Increased Impact speed from 5 seconds to 3
-Amplify: Decreased duration in difficulties below hard by 5 seconds
-Decreased damage from 17 to 13
-Decreased health by 50

New Unit: Fungal spewer

Hero changes:

-Taunt: Fixed multiple bugs, most based on slow responsive of the ai to the taunt. Bosses and channeling enemies are now affected by the taunt debuff.
-Increased armor by 1
-Added profession: health training

Shadow shaman:
-Ring of invisibility: removed from shop
-Added item to shop: warding totem
-Essence drain: Increased damage by 2
-Spirit tap: Decreased heal and cost per level by 1. Reduced magic resist by 5%, increase magic damage reduction by 5%.
-Soul tap: Increased cost by 4
-Share pain: Area increased by 150 and duration by 5 seconds

-Spell nova: Reduced SFX amount

-Dagger throw: Reworked, is a line targeted skillshot now
-Sacrificial dagger: Reduced damage by 2
-Added profession: health training, cc-protection
-Pillage: Increased level by 2. Reduced chance per level by 1%
-Plunderer: Increase gold gained by 1. Reduced chance by 7%. Increased cost by 2

-Blur: Increased the cap of the last level by 2% and cleared up the tooltip. Also added a floating string which shows the evasion
-Added profession: corroding magic, cc-protection
-Removed profession: enhanced venom

-Cannibalism: Fixed a bug which made enchanter a disadvantage
-Added profession: corroding magic

Far Seer:
-Stone wall: Added a 20% slow for 5 seconds
-Added profession: health training, callers secrets

-Well of health: removed
-New ability: Energise
-Rock golem: Increased movementspeed
-Added profession: caller's secrets

Profession changes:
-Offense: Now affects overall damage
-Aura of brilliance: Moved to Enchanter
-Veteran Aura: Moved to Offense
-Extended Blur: Increased the cap by 25%.
-Dampening Siphon; Decreased the resist increase by 2%
-Library; Increase Exp-rate by 5% per stage
-Enchanter: Increase trigger chance by 2% per stage
-Focus: Increase trigger chance by 5%
-Adept: Increased cooldown reduction by 3%
-Feedback: Increase mana burn by 3% and make it work with attack damage
-Enhanced Venom: Removed Prerequisite

New professions: health training, caller's secrets, corroding magic, CC-Protection

Item changes:

New item: Mark of empathy: combination of 2 mark of the wild
New item: spirit pendant: combination of 2 mana pendants
New item: Enchanted jade ring: combination of 2 jade rings
New item: Paladin's ring: combination of 2 rings of courage
New item: Toxic thorn: combination of 2 venomous thorns
New item: Nightstalker cloak: combination of 2 nightsilk cloak
New item: Warding totem: Reduces damage from undead units
New item: guiding totem: combination of 2 warding totems

Ring of courage: Decreased heal by 1

-Flame essense: Lavaspawns now have a homing, non splash attack
Disturbing blade: Increase feedback by 2%

-Gem of greed: Reduced gold gain by 10%, now affects all players

Ledger: Now grants 25 base experience

frost staff: Reworked into Shifting staff. Now a powerfull item which element can be changed on a 30 second cooldown.

Glowing mail: Increased magic damage reduction by 2% and made it multiplicative stacking

Nightsilk cloak: Now stacks multiplicatively

Vile Vial: Increased damage per second by 1

Also, some here's screenshots that show multiplayer gameplay of the map. with 4 players, stuff already gets pretty wild :)





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Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
So, a few words what i have planed for the map so far with reforged coming out:

Most systems are working properly, except potion upgrading and the visuals on the profession system (looks like the new natives were messed up or file paths for icons).

On classic, the game looks and feels the same, so with a few changes/fixes the map will meet the quality standard of before.

Now with reforged. This will require work.

The terrain is messed up. Mainly because scaling of doodads are reset on reforged for some really odd reason. Doodad overlapping looks weird, which will need touchups Overall, i need to redo the whole terrain.

The resolution change on icons will require that i make mire defined icons than what is existing currently. Just a Fuckton of work, but not too serious.

The model changes are a double edged sword. While is certainly looks better now to some degree, a bunch of effects are misplaces/missing/resized, which is a big deal. Examples include:

-circle of power having an outer ring with twice the size. this is a big problem, i use the ring as an impact indicator with the area of effect. Now the inner ring marks the impact area, which us problematic)
-multiple effects being higher than they should be (broken attachement points?)
-Multiple effects missing now defined ends (like the circles warstomp did are gone)
-Some effects completely gone
-Some effects are less visible (mainly plague cloud)
-illidan missile is unclickable (you liked the mushroom spores before? Now you even cannot attack them before they hit you!)

Overall, i need to either wait for updates to make the game look properly for reforged or use a bunch of custom models. Currently i think i wait out a patch or two for that.

So i will fix some issues that came with the updates and post the new version here within some weeks.
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
So, i began working on the project again. I decided against porting the whole map to be playable with reforged and classic, since i am not able to bring the terrain to a point where it looks appropriate for reforged and classic. Simply because the doodads of reforged do neither fit in form or size with their corresponding classic models. And there is not the option to switch between different models between reforged and classic. So i set the map to "support SD only".

I made some rather drastic decisions, which are really upsetting, since i have quite some standard on the quality of my work.

Since there is a bug with reforged which breaks some systems i created (this one: [Feedback] Compiled List of Bugs & Issues for 1.30.1+), i needed to temporary disable the shadow priest from the hero roster.

I also needed to change how the professions show their requirements of the tree. You can now click on all professions, but they will show when you do not fulfill their conditions. These conditions were moved into the tooltip (this makes them sadly less visible). This change was actually on my to-do list, since this lets me save on some objects. This is a part of some optimisations i have planned.


-Temporary disabled the shadow priest
-Added workarounds for the research-requirement bug on hero ultimate abilities
-Professions now have their requirements in the tooltip and show the requirements when clicked, if unfulfilled
-Set the graphics of the map to SD
-Updated to description to fit the smaller avaible textbox of the reforged loading screens​

This workarounds and changes should catch all bugs that reforged has introduced into the map. I am open for suggestions and bug reports.


  • Invasion on Azkar A5b.w3x
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Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
I updated the map, added some requested features that were surely in need, like repicking.

Actually, the repicking function was a critical step. Since i am now able to revert heroes and all researches/talents included, it should be possible to make the game completely restartable from point 1. This will be the next major milestone i had planned. Hopefully i can utilize a free weekend for that change.

Above this, i am currently in the process to set up a discord server for the project, so i can probably move stuff like the changelogs to the discord (By the way @mods, is it ok to post map updates in this sucession? It feels like i would bump the project. Although of course somehow i want to communicate changes on the project and a new version. Dunno if i just put too much thought into that)

Anyway, heres the changelog.

Fixed a bug that made many professions not work for player 2-4
Fixed pillage icon having critical strike icon at level 3-4
Fixed an issue that player 2-4 had their vision not moved properly
Causing the host to leave will transfer host rights to the currently active player with the lowest player number
Host leaving while selecting game difficulty/settings won't cause a softlock of the game anymore. The new host will be able to continue.
Added command: -repick​


Ancient of torment:
Reduced damage by 2​

The cold maiden:
Fixed some bugs containing her casts when the round restarts
Reduced damage by 1​

Elder bronze dragon:
Static wave has its free area always where the boss is facing
Reduced amount of bronze welps summoned by 1​

Hero changes:
Increased Battlecries cooldown by 10 seconds​
Duration of Earth wall's slow scales with the walls duration
Area around Earth wall's for slow got increased​
Unbind now works on any enemy with halved effect for non-elementals
Added new profession: Corroding magic​

Item changes:

Mark of the wild: Reduced health gain by 1
Mark of empathy: Reduced health gain by 2​

Ultimativly, i decided to make the unbind ability of the elementalist useable on all targets. Although this frustrates me on the creative level, it now opens some use cases in its weakened form against normal targets like applying debuffs on elemental targets. Or triggering stuff like corroding magic i now added into his profession selection.
The other highly discussed skill was earth wall. I just added a slow to it but it was too unnoticeable to be actually usefull. So i buffed it. I thought about turning the skill into just a slow, but in the end i like the concept of an earthen wall to block enemies (even if it can be used to block players as well). The ability is on my "watched list" but i'm not sure if i should scrap the interesting concept for a boring slow.


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