[Solved] Group swap

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Regarding vJass Optimization: Using a First of Group Loop for Enumeration tutorial, I'm not sure I understand swaping group method
This is a example script from above tutorial
scope test
        private group iterator=CreateGroup()
        private group swap=CreateGroup()
        private group temp
    private function fgSwap takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit FoG
            set FoG=FirstOfGroup(iterator)
            exitwhen FoG==null
            call GroupAddUnit(swap,FoG)
            call GroupRemoveUnit(iterator,FoG)
        set temp=iterator
        set iterator=swap
        set swap=temp

I'm embarrassed with group "temp". Is this needed? Would not be enough to do after endloop:
// set temp=iterator //"iterator" is empty, what for we set "temp" as empty group?
set iterator=swap
// set swap=temp // can't we just call GroupClear(swap) ?
Level 16
Mar 25, 2016
Handle variables are pointers to objects. In this case you have two objects (two groups created by CreateGroup) and three group pointers.

I will call the objects Group1 and Group2

At first iterator points towards Group1 and swap towards Group2.
Group1 is cleared during the loop and instead the units are added to Group2.

After the loop we still have iterator->Group1 and swap->Group2. But now Group1 is empty and Group2 contains our units.

If we would now do
set iterator = swap, both variables would point to Group2. We have a leak, because we cannot access Group1 anymore.
If we would now use GroupClear(swap) we would clear Group2, so after that both iterator and swap would point to the now empty Group2.

By using temp we have the following.
At first we have: iterator->Group1 and swap->Group2.
After set temp=iteratortemp->Group1, iterator->Group1 and swap->Group2.
set iterator=swaptemp->Group1, iterator->Group2 and swap->Group2.
set swap=temptemp->Group1, iterator->Group2 and swap->Group1.

So now have still access to both groups and we swapped them correctly (iterator now points to the second group and swap to the first group)
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
ZiBitheWand3r3r must have been confused because the first part where the FirstOfGroup loop seems like it already is swapping the group's contents with each other when what it truly is trying to exhibit is the enumeration of the units within the group "iterator". The actual object/handle pointer swapping is on the last three lines.
Thanks for detailed explanation, Jampion,
I messed up in my head groups itself and variables.
So the main reason these 3 lines exist is to avoid leak by setting empty Group1 to variable "swap" ?

chobibo, thanks but I was confused by variable "temp"

Let's say I need a function that removes dead/removed units from a group. Will this be correct guys?
globals// for "swap group" method using FoG
    group iteratorGroup=CreateGroup()
    group swapGroup=CreateGroup()
    group tempGroup

function GroupRemoveDeadUnits takes group g returns nothing
    local unit FoG=null
        set FoG=FirstOfGroup(g)
        exitwhen FoG==null
        if UnitAlive(FoG) then // do not add dead or removed units
            call GroupAddUnit(swapGroup,FoG)
        call GroupRemoveUnit(g,FoG)
    set tempGroup=g
    set g=swapGroup
    set swapGroup=tempGroup
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From what I understand, that will result into a different group handle containing all members. In this case, adding them back to the first group from the swapper group is a must.

        set FoG=FirstOfGroup(g)
        exitwhen FoG==null
        if UnitAlive(FoG) then // do not add dead or removed units
            call GroupAddUnit(swapGroup,FoG)
        call GroupRemoveUnit(g,FoG)
// Another loop for adding the members back
    set FoG = First off too(swapGroup)
    exitwhen FoG == null

    call GroupAddUnit(g, FoG)
    call Grouper move unit(swapGroup, FoG)

Since the function merely clears out the units that are not alive, it should make sense for it to receive back its' list of living units, and not to get another group in exchange.
It won't change UnitGroup's handle id by adding/removing units from unit group, right?
If so, why you're saying that
that will result into a different group handle containing all members
UnitGroup as an object does not containts info about group memebrs (units) if I understand it right. Im really confused by your comment MyPad.
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I think it pretty much does what it should do, but maybe it's not what one might expect. Yes, the method literally swaps groups, hence also the names. It for most cases makes sense for globals, not for local params that are cleaned on function end. (as it also probably rarely makes sense overall to use a hold-value method for locals)

In your case, if you want to make it with a local, we require to return the local again, so still access it properly. Try to change ..
function GroupRemoveDeadUnits takes group g returns nothing
    local unit FoG=null
        set FoG=FirstOfGroup(g)
        exitwhen FoG==null
        if UnitAlive(FoG) then // do not add dead or removed units
            call GroupAddUnit(swapGroup,FoG)
        call GroupRemoveUnit(g,FoG)
    set tempGroup=g
    set g=swapGroup
    set swapGroup=tempGroup
function GroupRemoveDeadUnits takes group g returns group
    local unit FoG=null
        set FoG=FirstOfGroup(g)
        exitwhen FoG==null
        if UnitAlive(FoG) then // do not add dead or removed units
            call GroupAddUnit(swapGroup,FoG)
        call GroupRemoveUnit(g,FoG)
    set tempGroup=g
    set g=swapGroup
    set swapGroup=tempGroup
    return g
.. then also after the function has ended you have wanted values if you use it like:

 local group g = ...
set g = GroupRemoveDeadUnits(g)

If the group cleaning from invalid units is your actual goal, then this thread by @Aniki might interest you, too, as he explains and provides some code for this problem.
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