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Good champ

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Level 6
Aug 2, 2013
I will soon have 6300 ip and i would like to know what champion is worth buying. I would prefer bot lane or top lane champ. I dont like to play as a jungler or support.
Champs i already own are: Alistar, Ashe, Masteri Yi, Darius, Irelia, Zac, Warwick, Jax, Janna, Morgana, Teemo, Tristana and Twisted Fate.
These are the ones that look pretty good, but dont know if worth buying are:
Rengar, Hecarim and Ahri.
Thanks :)
Level 2
Feb 23, 2014
If you get Elise and go heavy AP top lane versus the bruisers, you can do some crazy damage with her percentage damage. After the laning phase go more tanky and you can get really strong for team fights.

Another really good champion for top lane is Trundle, he can steal the defences of the top lane bruisers and make them very weak in team fights.
Level 9
Apr 4, 2013
Lucian and Jinx are top tier marksmen right now.

Rengar is awesome jungle and sometimes top lane, playing against Shyvana toplane always gets me frustrated.

I have a few friends who all play Darius top. He is a versatile tank/bruiser who counters two very common toplaners (mundo and shyvana).

I would buy Darius for toplane if that's what you want, but the others I mentioned are good too!
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