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Godfall Elves Prologue

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Finally a sequel to the old campaign...

Godfall Chronicles
Created by Mechanical Man & Em!

Campaign Info:

Millenia has passed since the last war between the elves and their dark skinned kin, which forced the latter to retreat back into underground. Now the Drow are threatening the surface fey folk again. There were many minor dark elven raids in last centuries, but none caused long term damage. Will be this time different?


This the prologue of the sequel to the original Godfall chronicles, taking place few centuries after the original. It contains elven demo campaign. Some features of the campaign:

  • Squad based systems
  • City based build system
  • Large scale battles
  • Plenty of custom models for units and buildings

Some else stuff about map:

I uploaded this campaign as a demo, so there may be still many bugs and things to repair. Maps are rather old, so there may be some credits missing, so in case you see your resource being used here, feel free to post here or contact me. After this, a human campaign is following in about a week or two, it is almost done, it just needs some testing and polishing. So I would like to hear some suggestions:

  • Should be the human campaign separate or incorporated into this prologue?
  • Heroes spells hotkeys are better QWER or name based? And unit abilities?





Change Log:

Uploaded the map

Most of the stuff is done by Em! and me, others are listed in credit list, but there may be some people missing

Callahan (shrines)
Dioneslist (matriarch)
communist_orc (hut)
Mike (farm, camp)
Rommel (spellweaver)
HappyTauren (lava plane)
Suselishe (fae armor)
Loading Screen
Heinvers (map loading screen)
Hafþór Már(?) (campaign screen)

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates

godfall, chronicles, elves, drow, demo, total, warhammer, rip

Godfall Elves Prologue (Campaign)

03:14, 22nd Feb 2015 StoPCampinGn00b:

Deleted member 237964


Deleted member 237964

I didn't expect that to come.I will have to play it when i will have some time.Looks interesting.

Edit: 22.01.15

Not much to say here.It's 4/5.Keep making good work.
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Gonna test that one.

edit: Done, here's the review:

Map: Godfall Elves Prologue
Version: 1
by Shar Dundred

I don't care too much about terrain, but this looks just beautiful.


There's not much to say about it so far. Drow attack Elves, Elves fight back, Humans cut trees. There's no real main character but this campaign doesn't look like that'd be its style.
Since there hasn't been much so far, I won't rate the story yet.


Duuuuuuude, I love the squad system. Reminds me of Dawn of War. The only issue is that even though there's a crown to show which unit is the leader, the other units are sometimes standing so close to the leader that it's hard to select him with a simple click. But this is my problem.^^
The building system is nice as well - reminds me of C&C. I like it.
It's a nice, innovative gameplay. There are some minor issues I listed above. Also some minor grammar issues, but nothing too bad.
Overall, very good.


I won't give any bonus points before I've seen more of the campaign.


This project looks very promising. I'm looking forward seeing its progress.

-/5 (no rating yet because of map progress)


I know that this is a demo and much is still under development, but I'll just list the main issues I came across.

- In the Tutorial mission, I retreated after attacking the drow at the first gold mine and when I came back with more troops, the drow were just standing around while I killed them, they only became active when I attacked them
- Perhaps make the Council Hall in Chapter One invulnerable before the second main quest is activated? Doesn't make much difference, so it doesn't really matter
- The other player's names in Chapter One are "Player 1/2/..."
- Some tool tips are missing
- Some icons' DISBTNs don't work (wrong path?)
- I tried to destroy the tower in the Tutorial with the ballista's "attack ground", but it didn't cause any damage

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- In the Tutorial mission, I retreated after attacking the drow at the first gold mine and when I came back with more troops, the drow were just standing around while I killed them, they only became active when I attacked them

You attacked before gathering all your troops?
- Perhaps make the Council Hall in Chapter One invulnerable before the second main quest is activated? Doesn't make much difference, so it doesn't really matter
If the player is such serious douchebags doing such retarded things, then he deserves to lose
- The other player's names in Chapter One are "Player 1/2/..."
I'll try to fix that
- Some tool tips are missing
- Some icons' DISBTNs don't work (wrong path?)
I will need more specific. The wildrider issue was caused by typo in import name.
- I tried to destroy the tower in the Tutorial with the ballista's "attack ground", but it didn't cause any damage

Zero damage or just little? That ballista does piercing damage, which is very innefective against buildings. It's more anti personnel weapon.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
You attacked before gathering all your troops?

It's called "Scouting". I just... got a bit too close. :p

If the player is such serious douchebags doing such retarded things, then he deserves to lose

Yeah, I can understand that. Just wanted to see what happens.^^

Zero damage or just little? That ballista does piercing damage, which is very innefective against buildings. It's more anti personnel weapon.

I know but I didn't have any other siege weapon to destroy the tower.
No damage like zero damage.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Not really a type of review I would usually give, this is more like a list of issues I've found. You'll see at the end why I typed out a list of problems instead of giving a full critique.

First Mission
- When attempting to train a unit that will exceed the food cap, the message is not in relation to the food cap
- In the first mission, the cross a river quest in named building a base
- Just east of the tree of life / world tree, there are holes in the tree wall that leads to what could be a long path to something, when infact there is nothing. If not, prove me wrong with a spoiler on it.
- The tool tip for the ultimate spell doesn't state whether it damages enemies only. This causes frustration if the damage is already done to allies / self units.
- There's a jagged piece of terrain down the river, more to the east. It isn't really a problem as the terrain you have is quite good, but you know, it would bother some. I personally am not bothered by 'naked boundaries' in some areas, but if you fix that you might make the terrain critiques happy :D

Second Mission
- The terrain is both better and worse than in the first mission. There is more customized content that players would look at in appreciation, but sometimes, they really don't blend it. You have these huge rocks, with not much around them. Maybe a tree on top of some and shrubs around it, but there isn't much matching going on.
- Though I understand that pathways are wider to compensate for the larger armies, the map is very noticeably less decorative that the first one.
- Many download campaigns to enjoy a story, not including one isn't very campaign-like. Sure, we get a few images that tell a few things but isn't very follow able.

Overall, the gameplay is quite innovative, but it's so short lived and has it's flaws, You executed the army systems very well, it was especially cool to see the artillery system in play. The difficulty was a little on the easy side, that could easily be tweaked by just changing various unit stats. The terrain was somewhat above average, but the choice of models surely made the map look more appealing.

I'll be setting this to await update due to it mostly being unfinished work. I really suggest you create a map development thread for this, as it has a lot of potential in being a great campaign.
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1. yeah I forgot about messages, they are still a bit messed up
2. I didn't notice that
3. originally there was some path containing something there, but it seems we forgot to fully close the area
4. most damaging spells damage all units
5. I don't see anything jagged there, but I don't think anyone will notice

1. but there is vegetation around those rocks, not much, but some it is and
2. this area of Whisperwood doesn't contain such dense forest as previous map
3. it was more a demo, since in 2 chapters without cinematics you can't say much, next update will contain a human campaign with cinematics and full story about them.

And there is already a map development thread, hell even the whole forum about it.
- The terrain is both better and worse in the first mission. There is more customized content that players would look at in appreciation, but sometimes, they really don't blend it. You have these huge rocks, with not much around them. Maybe a tree on top of some and shrubs around it, but there isn't much matching going on.

Overall, the gameplay is quite innovative, but it's so short lived and has it's flaws,

What the....are you kidding me? That's the worst nitpicking ever seen by me.

First of all I DO NOT AGREE with what you just said, It's kept at a minimal level suited for a melee type terrain while still retaining some detail and depth.

Second of all, there's the subforum for Godfall, you should check it out SCN.
Godfall is quite known for the minimal story that's told through the Loading screens instead.

Thirdly, this is a prologue not a stub. I think you should reevaluate your position and start re-reviewing it according to the general rules.

Edit: Oh and I mean no offense by this.
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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Heinvers said:
Thirdly, this is a prologue not a stub.
My bad for not clarifying. The reason why this is set to await update is not because of its flaws, it's because of it's unfinished work.

Heinvers said:
What the....are you kidding me? That's the worst nitpicking ever seen by me.

First of all I DO NOT AGREE with what you just said, It's kept at a minimal level suited for a melee type terrain while still retaining some detail and depth.
I think I understand what you're saying. Well, it is more barren than the rest of the first map. While it isn't at all unacceptable, it is usually recommended for the scenery of the map to be more appealing than unappealing.

True, this is melee styled terrain. However, it is recommended for maps to have more appealing terrain than unappealing terrain.

Well, I'm the one who has to decide how well it is. On a scale 1-10, five is exactly average for approved maps. Over ten is Acheron's Affliction type of visuals.
Mission one: 8.25
Mission two: 7.5
I'll explain this a bit more. No, I don't mean for it to be like a dense forest. If a dense forest does not suit the theme of the map then it rightfully doesn't. It's missing the ambiance the first mission had.

I honestly can't see how that's nitpicking. Those are the most noticeable things I see about the terrain.

Mechanical Man said:
And there is already a map development thread, hell even the whole forum about it.
Heinvers said:
Second of all, there's the subforum for Godfall, you should check it out SCN.
Heinvers said:
I know you both aren't trying to be mean, but it's tiresome to receive these type of comments. It's difficult to know about things like "This map has a forum," if there isn't even a link. It's not my job to research about the map I'm reviewing outside of the thread, but I do so anyway to avoid things like this. It didn't work.

I even checked to see Mechanical Man's recent threads and posts to see if he already has a thread. There isn't one under his name. There isn't a godfall map development thread Mechanical Man has even posted on for the first few pages. I finally found it since it's been mentioned it's a forum.

I also did not know it was a demo. I suspected it might be unfinished work due to the word pro luge, but I tested it just to make sure. This ties into my reasoning below.

Heinvers said:
I think you should reevaluate your position and start re-reviewing it according to the general rules.
I won't reevaluate my position because my position is already valid.

"Work in progress (WIP) maps are not allowed, the map needs to be a complete release.
ALPHA and BETA versions, "teasers/trailers", etc. can be posted in Map Development.
Furthermore, do not upload maps and use it as a request thread. If you want a user to add something to your map for you (system, etc.), then please make a thread in WEHZ."

That is the only thing standing in the way of approval. I won't be giving another review as Mechanical Man already informed me that he doesn't want an approval yet.