Getting Both Attacks to Work for a Unit

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Level 6
Sep 19, 2005
It's been a while since I've messed around in the object editor. I'm trying to get a unit to have two attacks. I've enabled both attacks and the attacks have all the right values filled out, so why is the unit only using it's first type of attack? The second attack is farther ranged and does less damage. I'm new to trying to get both attacks working, so maybe idk something about the mechanics behind it. Do units only choose their strongest attack or something? Why wont both attacks work, and when out of the range of the first attack (400) but still in range of the second attack (900) why does the unit still move closer to get in range for it's first attack? Ideally both attacks would work at once when they are both in range, and when out of range of the first attack the second attack would keep continue unless out of range.

Any help would be appreciated.
Level 6
Sep 19, 2005
Thats disappointing. I am messing with the classifications, but I want them to overlap :/. For example, attack 1 is able to hit mechanical units, and attack 2 can attack mechanical and ancient units. Sucks that they cant work simultaneously. Is there another method that is lag free? The map I'm working on can at times have thousands of units on it, so is another method (ability?) viable or would that get lag intensive? I guess I'll play around with abilities for now...
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