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[General] Get Location of Trackable

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Hello, I am rly inactive on THW in last time so I have a question, how to get location of trackable, I know one way but in it i need to create one trigger per trackable and making about 70 triggers isnt best idea, so how can I do it in GUI with JNGP not jass but I can accept custom scipt. And is it here some good way for keepen then in variable, if u havent understood last part ask for more.
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
Trackables cannot move. Save their locations when you create them. Trackables are not available within the normal GUI. You probably meant the outdated UMSWE plugin people usually advise against for a number of reasons.

Multiple selections can be done within an iteration. So no, you do not need to write 70 triggers or if branches.
/* Save */

local trackable track = CreateTrackable("mode.mdx", x, y)
call SaveReal(hash, GetHandleId(track), keyX, x)
call SaveReal(hash, GetHandleId(track), keyY, y)

/* Load */

set x = LoadReal(hash, GetHandleId(GetTriggeringTrackable()), keyX)
set y = LoadReal(hash, GetHandleId(GetTriggeringTrackable()), keyY)
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