

I've seen many people who belive that one can't use trackables in GUI so here is a tutorial which shows how it is done.

What are trackables?

Trackables are models which can be placed on the map and are used to detect click- or mouse-hover-events. They can't be moved or destroyed. The function to create them is the following:
native CreateTrackable takes string trackableModelPath, real x, real y, real facing returns trackable

How to handle them

We start with creating a local variable for our trackable. This is necessary because we can't create global variables of type trackable with the variable editor.

  • Custom script: local trackable tr
Other variables are:

s: the path of the model (string)
x: the x-position (real)
y: the y-position (real)
z: the z-position (real)
a: the facing angle (real)
d: a destructable
p: a player
i/i2/i3: integers
Track_Table: a hashtable

To use global variables for custom script code you will have to add an "udg_" to them because warcraft renames them internally. So "x" becomes "udg_x" and "Set x = x + 1.00" becomes "set udg_x = udg_x + 1.00".

Next we create the hashtable to hold all the data about our trackables.

  • Hashtable - Create a hashtable
  • Set Track_Table = (Last created hashtable)
Then we setup the position in 3d-space.

  • Set x = 100.00
  • Set y = 200.00
  • Set z = 300.00
To apply a height to a trackable we create an invisible platform to put the trackable on it.

  • Custom script: set udg_d = CreateDestructableZ( 'OTip', udg_x, udg_y, udg_z, 0.00, 1, 0 )
After that we create the trackable.

  • Custom script: set tr = CreateTrackable(udg_s, udg_x, udg_y, udg_a)
There is no way to get any data of a trackable like GetTrackableX/Y/Z. A condition to check which player clicked the trackable is not given as well so we will have to find a way around it.
The first problem is easy to solve. We save all data of the trackable at creation and since it can't be destroyed or moved the data won't change. We will save the data in a hashtable and use the handle id of the trackable to find it again later.

  • Custom script: set udg_i = GetHandleId(tr)
  • Hashtable - Save x as 0 of i in Track_Table
  • Hashtable - Save y as 1 of i in Track_Table
  • Hashtable - Save z as 2 of i in Track_Table
  • Hashtable - Save s as 3 of i in Track_Table
  • Hashtable - Save Handle Ofp as 4 of i in Track_Table
The second problem is a little tricky. But since we can change the model of a trackable we can solve it as well. A trackable with no model can't be clicked so we will use GetLocalPlayer to set the model path for one player only. We will have to do it 12 times for every player and trackable in order to make it MPI.

  • Set s = units\human\Footman\Footman.mdl
  • Custom script: if udg_p != GetLocalPlayer() then
  • Set s = <Empty String>
  • Custom script: endif
Last we register our events. There are two of them. The first fires if a trackable is clicked:

  • Custom script: call TriggerRegisterTrackableHitEvent(gg_trg_Hit, tr)
The second fires if the mouse cursor is above it.

  • Custom script: call TriggerRegisterTrackableTrackEvent(gg_trg_Track, tr)
To register the event to a specific trigger you will have to add "gg_trg_" in front of the name of the trigger because warcraft (just like the "udg_" of global variables).

  • Ini
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • -------- Create a local variable for our trackable --------
      • Custom script: local trackable tr
      • -------- And one for a destructable which will be used to raise our trackable in the air --------
      • -------- Create a hashtable to save our trackables' data --------
      • Hashtable - Create a hashtable
      • Set Track_Table = (Last created hashtable)
      • -------- Facing angle of the trackables --------
      • Set a = 270.00
      • For each (Integer i2) from 1 to 50, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • -------- X/Y/Z-position of our next trackable --------
          • -------- We will create a spiral of them just for fun --------
          • Set x = ((Cos((20.00 x (Real(i2))))) x 150.00)
          • Set y = ((Sin((20.00 x (Real(i2))))) x 150.00)
          • Set z = ((Real(i2)) x 15.00)
          • -------- Create 12 of them --------
          • -------- 1 for every player so it is MPI --------
          • -------- Usually you don't know which player clicked on it so we use this workaround --------
          • For each (Integer i3) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
            • Loop - Actions
              • Set p = (Player(i3))
              • Set s = units\human\Footman\Footman.mdl
              • -------- Make model visible for 1 player only --------
              • Custom script: if udg_p != GetLocalPlayer() then
              • Set s = <Empty String>
              • Custom script: endif
              • -------- Create an invisible platform with z-height to put our trackable on --------
              • Custom script: set udg_d = CreateDestructableZ( 'OTip', udg_x, udg_y, udg_z, 0.00, 1, 0 )
              • -------- Create trackable --------
              • Custom script: set tr = CreateTrackable(udg_s, udg_x, udg_y, udg_a)
              • -------- Remove invisible platform --------
              • Custom script: call RemoveDestructable(udg_d)
              • -------- Register Click event --------
              • Custom script: call TriggerRegisterTrackableHitEvent(gg_trg_Hit, tr)
              • -------- Register Move event --------
              • Custom script: call TriggerRegisterTrackableTrackEvent(gg_trg_Track, tr)
              • -------- Get handle id of our trackable --------
              • Custom script: set udg_i = GetHandleId(tr)
              • -------- Save all data related to our trackable --------
              • Hashtable - Save x as 0 of i in Track_Table
              • Hashtable - Save y as 1 of i in Track_Table
              • Hashtable - Save z as 2 of i in Track_Table
              • Hashtable - Save s as 3 of i in Track_Table
              • Hashtable - Save Handle Ofp as 4 of i in Track_Table
      • -------- Null handle leaks --------
      • Custom script: set tr = null
Now our trackables are created. Now we only need to know how to load the data if a trackable is clicked.
Again we start with a local variable and save the triggering trackable in it.

  • Custom script: local trackable tr = GetTriggeringTrackable()
To retrive its data we get the handle id of the trackable and load it.

  • Custom script: set udg_i = GetHandleId(tr)
  • Set x = (Load 0 of i from Track_Table)
  • Set y = (Load 1 of i from Track_Table)
  • Set z = (Load 2 of i from Track_Table)
  • Set s = (Load 3 of i from Track_Table)
  • Set p = (Load 4 of i in Track_Table)
  • Hit
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • -------- Get trackable --------
      • Custom script: local trackable tr = GetTriggeringTrackable()
      • -------- Get its handle it --------
      • Custom script: set udg_i = GetHandleId(tr)
      • -------- Load data associated with it --------
      • Set x = (Load 0 of i from Track_Table)
      • Set y = (Load 1 of i from Track_Table)
      • Set z = (Load 2 of i from Track_Table)
      • Set s = (Load 3 of i from Track_Table)
      • Set p = (Load 4 of i in Track_Table)
      • -------- Clear text messages --------
      • Cinematic - Clear the screen of text messages for (All players)
      • -------- Display data --------
      • Game - Display to (All players) the text: Event type: Hit
      • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (X: + (String(x)))
      • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (Y: + (String(y)))
      • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (Z: + (String(z)))
      • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (Model path: + s)
      • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (Triggering player: + (Name of p))
      • Custom script: set tr = null
That's it! Now you can use trackables in GUI! Have fun with them :)


  • Trackables.w3x
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Nice tutorial. Great for GUI users who want to incorporate some of JASS's great features into their own map.

  • Set s = <Empty String>
  • Custom script: if udg_p == GetLocalPlayer() then
  • Set s = units\human\Footman\Footman.mdl
  • Custom script: endif
You might want to change that to this:
  • Set s = units\human\Footman\Footman.mdl
  • Custom script: if GetLocalPlayer() != udg_p then
  • Set s = ""
  • Custom script: endif
This way, the string table stays synched with all players in case the "s" local string wasn't already entered into the table.

Basically, once you declare it, it will enter it into the table. Then it will set the s locally to "" (null string) for everyone else, which is already in the string table. The first method would have set it to the null string, which is fine, but then it would set it to some string locally that might not be in the string table for everyone else. ;)

~Approved, you might want to update for that though.

EDIT: Updated tutorial. There was a little mistake in the code (a missing exclamation point in the condition). It should work properly now.
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This needs an update, the current method from the uploaded map doesn't work because someone edited it I think and didn't know to change the player grabber.

Here is how to fix it if anyone is interested.

Map initialization
-------- Create a local variable for our trackable --------
Custom script: local trackable tr
-------- And one for a destructable which will be used to raise our trackable in the air --------
-------- Create a hashtable to save our trackables' data --------
Hashtable - Create a hashtable
Set Track_Table = (Last created hashtable)
Set s = units\human\Footman\Footman.mdl
-------- Facing angle of the trackables --------
Set a = 270.00
For each (Integer i2) from 1 to 50, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
-------- X/Y/Z-position of our next trackable --------
-------- We will create a spiral of them just for fun --------
Set x = ((Cos((20.00 x (Real(i2))))) x 150.00)
Set y = ((Sin((20.00 x (Real(i2))))) x 150.00)
Set z = ((Real(i2)) x 15.00)
-------- Create 12 of them --------
-------- 1 for every player so it is MPI --------
-------- Usually you don't know which player clicked on it so we use this workaround --------
For each (Integer i3) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set p = (Player(i3))
Set s = <Empty String>
-------- Make model visible for 1 player only --------
Custom script: if udg_p == GetLocalPlayer() then
Set s = units\human\Footman\Footman.mdl
Custom script: endif
-------- Create an invisible platform with z-height to put our trackable on --------
Custom script: set udg_d = CreateDestructableZ( 'OTip', udg_x, udg_y, udg_z, 0.00, 1, 0 )
-------- Create trackable --------
Custom script: set tr = CreateTrackable(udg_s, udg_x, udg_y, udg_a)
-------- Remove invisible platform --------
Custom script: call RemoveDestructable(udg_d)
-------- Register Click event --------
Custom script: call TriggerRegisterTrackableHitEvent(gg_trg_Hit, tr)
-------- Register Move event --------
Custom script: call TriggerRegisterTrackableTrackEvent(gg_trg_Track, tr)
-------- Get handle id of our trackable --------
Custom script: set udg_i = GetHandleId(tr)
-------- Save all data related to our trackable --------
Hashtable - Save x as 0 of i in Track_Table
Hashtable - Save y as 1 of i in Track_Table
Hashtable - Save z as 2 of i in Track_Table
Hashtable - Save s as 3 of i in Track_Table
Hashtable - Save Handle Ofp as 4 of i in Track_Table
-------- Null handle leaks --------
Custom script: set tr = null
If you don't do it that way then you have 12 trackables in every created spot instead of only one.