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Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
The Wartimes : Rebirth map was a little bit too much for me, so ive decided to abandon the project and im planing to make another map, Gatekeepers.
Basically, you gotta choose between 6 class : Seraph, Devil, Archer, Gunner, these are done and their skills are too, the heros to come are Samurai, Necromancer or Captain, which do you guys want between Necromancer and Captain? Also going to add the "Elementer", basically, WIZARD XD.
Anyways the goal of the map is to protect the gate from 30 waves of soldiers, most of the time, officers *mini heros* will spawn, these can attack you but the soldiers wont, they will just try to pass so be careful. 10 of the 30 waves will be Super Officers, it means only 1 unit will spawn, but he can attack and is one heck of a foe. There will be like a sorta different terrain near the gate and if enemies reach that spot, you start losing lives. You have 200 lives, the last Super Officer steals 50 lives but the other Super Officers only steal 10, normal officers steal 5 and soldiers steal 1, different types of soldiers will spawn to give the players some challenge thought. There will be 2 teams, to win, a team has to lose all their lives. If the two teams survive...gonna be like equal or something, maybe team with most life wins then.

Seraph :
This unit is the true attacking unit can summon angels to aid him.
Skills :
Angelic Armor :
Gives bonus armor, very useful against Super Officers, recommended to max.
Angelic Touch :
The Seraph sends an amass of souls flying towards a group of enemies, dealing very high damge, if maxed, around 100k, considering officers are gonna have ALOT more then that ^^.
Spirit Severing :
The Angel's attacks severs the souls of his foes around him, dealing part of his damage to enemies around the Seraph.
Summon Angels :
Summons 2 Angels to help you, the further you level, the stronger and the more they are, at max level, spawns one God that can PWN plenty of soldiers considering that theres gonna be plenty of troops.

Devil :
This hero is more about striking fast then tanking or anything, can summon demons to help him.
Devil's Frenzy :
Makes the devil go crazy, attacking as fast as hell.
Hell Fire :
Engulfs a large area around the devil in fire for a moment, deadly against troops but not as effective against Officers.
Spirit Severing :
Same as Seraph
Summon Demons :
Same as Seraph, summons a Satan at max level, this guy cant attack plenty of guys like God, but hes waaaay faster and attacks faster too.

Archer :
Attacks fast and not bad at tanking, best used to take out troops.
Multi Arrows :
Archer shoots many arrows at the same time, attacking many foes.
Moving Arrow :
Archer blesses an arrow, making it become alive and striking foes around it.
Range Love :
The Archer's Love for range makes him stronger *buff, not passive*
Sea Of Arrows :
Creates a sea of arrows, brutaly killing anything in its way.

Gunner :
His attacks are great, the second best suited to kill Officers/Super, first is Seraph and Devil.
Multi Bullets :
Almost the same, but less amounts of bullets but stronger attacks.
Head Shot :
Gives a chance to the gunner to head shot a unit, killing it instantly even Officers main reason its as good as the Seraph or Devil.
Range Love :
Same as Archer Version.
Bullet Explosion :
The Gunner sets off one of his special Bullet Bomb, when it blows up a circle of bullets fly and destroys everything that blocks its route, effective against everything.

The rest, im unsure...

Anyways, the max level is 70 but Xp rate is x1k so its faaast, Samourai gonna be like the "tank" man, highest defense in the game and fast attack speed but Devil is still the king of attack speed. Captain depends on his Banner Skills to buff himself and people, i think ill give him 4 banners :
1- Banner Of Courage : Gives additional attack
2- Banner Of Greatness : Gives additional armor and hp regen rate
3- Banner Of Speed : Gives additional movement speed and attack speed
4- Banner Of Ultima : Gives 20k Damage *Maxed Multi Bullets, Head Shot and Range Love + Banner Of Ultima = Ultimate PWNAGE ? XD*

Necromancer summons the most units in the game, these are his skills :
1-Summon Undead : Summon skeleton units, good at beginning but useless at the end because of a lot more powerful troops and officers and all.
2-Summon True Dead : Summons an undead dragon for the necromancer, can PWN and Tank
3-Death Ball : Shoots a ball of death, maybe i'll add a 20% to instant kill.
4-Heaven's Portal : The necromancer creates a portal that links heaven and earth, his powers attracts the souls of the people in heaven and makes them fall to the ground, shattering and dealing damage to the enemies.


Elementer is the basic mage of the game with the Necro, one ability for a different element :
1-Mage's Knowledge : Gives INT bonus to the Elementer, quite important because its INT that determines damage for INT heros, str is life and agi is attk speed/def.
2-Fire Ball : Attacks ONE unit with a fire ball, incredible damage, recommended to be used on Officers, its part of the No Spam section, so cooldown kinda slow
3-Tornado : Makes a strong tornado, good AoE but not so great DMG, good to win some time.
4-Lightning Bolt : Creates a lightning bolt and shoot it towards the Elementer's enemies, small AoE but baddass damage.

Map Stats :
Terrain : 100%
Heros : 100%
Abilities : 90%
Units : 60%
Triggers : 30%
I wasnt too good in terraining so i just modified Hero's Valley, a custom melee map. By units, i mean the enemy Spawn and heros/abilities are almost done :),
triggers, well not much to do, just do like the spawn, choose hero stuff and some abilities that will require triggers. If you guys wanna help, be my guest, shouldnt be too long before i release the first version of the map.
Comments and if ya want, rate it /10~
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Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
So basically a tower defense with heroes instead of towers?
Well, I do like the idea of 'officers'.

Go for Necromancer. "Captain" is a rank, not a class.

I suggest making a "Corpse Explosion" skill for the necromancer. It's an awesome ability. Basically you raise a Goblin Sapper from a corpse which explodes the moment it's summoned. Just requires a simple trigger to make it, (When unit spawns a summoned a unit, (If (summoned creature) is equal to (custom sapper unit), Then order (summoned creature to (Goblin Sapper - Kaboom!) location of (summoned unit).) and it really adds to the 'necromancer' flavour.
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
K I think ill remove Death Ball or Summon Death Dragon for the corpse explosion skill, and BTW, does locust make your unit unable to click AND attack?
And i could make the the sapper w/ wind walk ability or something that can hide it so it looks really like a corpse explosion where you cant see the goblin.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
K I think ill remove Death Ball or Summon Death Dragon for the corpse explosion skill, and BTW, does locust make your unit unable to click AND attack?
And i could make the the sapper w/ wind walk ability or something that can hide it so it looks really like a corpse explosion where you cant see the goblin.

If I were you I'd replace Death Dragon. It doesn't suit the necromancer as much as an orb of death with a % chance to insta-kill.

Locust makes your units invulnerable, and they cannot be targetted by you, or enemy units. They can still be ordered to perform spells / abilities by using triggers.

It's easier and nicer-looking if you simply replace the goblin's unit model with an explosion graphic. Look for "NeutralBuildingExplosion" under the "Spawned Effects" menu, when selecting his unit model.
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
K, i guess a skill like Bone Lance or Bone Force Field would be good :

Bone Lance :
Hero Summons a lance made of human bones, it hits multiple targets and cannot miss.

Bone Force Field :
Hero Creates a force field made of bones that protects him from enemy agressions *in other words, a buff that adds def*
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
Screenies here :

First is the archer/siren using her Ultimate, i changed it for Soul Arrow Fall, looks cooler XD
Second is the heros, Elementer is missing thought...

Gonna update the screenies as soon as i finish with the skills...

NOTE : Attaching the files was the only way ive found to display them, if youve got a better way then please tell me >.>


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Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
sounds like hero line wars, but you don't summon the creatures. But it does sounds fun, heroes are cool except they need more "unique-ness." (copyright Rakdos,defiler 2008) Like Seraph and devil are almost exactly the same thing. I mean cmon I know they are opposites but give them different abilities. I can give suggestions, also look at abilities in the hero factory thread.

Also spammed abilities? can they increase int with items. If so then this may over power them also. One more thing, don't forget about the people with only "semi-fast computers" nice way of saying slow, but we ignore 56k's lol. But don't wanna lag people, cause spells have animations, and animations cause some serious lag if too many of them lol. Need to take in account everyone in the game uses the same hero spams same spell... will comps run well with that?
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
Well there will be items that will boost stats and books too. The skills ive listed might be changed...matter of fact ive almost completely replaced the Archer skills.
Heres how the stat works for int/melee n range heros

Int :
Str gives hp/regen
Agi gives attack speed and def
Int gives attack, mp/regen

Melee And Ranged :
Str gives attack
Agi gives attack speed and def
Int gives mp/regen

And yeah ill list the credits for the models and BTW if you can, Rakdos, can you tell me which models were created by who? Im gonna replace a few models *Gunner and Necro* but it isnt really like hero line war because the rounds will be alot longer since if i summon a massive amount of units in one shot, its gonna lag like hell so to minimize lag, ill just constantly spawn creeps that will last longer but you have a Support Alter in the game, it can do 3 things :

1-Summon Aura Man : Invokes the Aura Man, he gives auras to the team that summoned it *note : has to be near the heros to give them the auras*
2-Summon Annoying Man : This gives incredible auras to the creeps of opposing team, can only be summoned every 8 minutes thought so use wisely
3-Summon Defenders : Summon defenders, steel armored giants that can do the defending for you while your dead of stuff, ill make a trigger that disables people to summon the defenders in enemy territory thought :), the higher you lvl it, the more defenders are summoned.
Support Alter is like a hero, you have to choose which abilities to learn and which to max, adding levels to the Annoying Man doesnt make the cooldown faster, it makes the auras more powerful...
I might replace a class with Cleric *thinking of Elementer ^^*
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
New changes :
Devil :
Hell's Approach :
Makes a meteor fall from the sky, it damages all enemy that are hit by the impact, also deals a 3 second stun.
Gunner :
End Bullet :
A bullet with the name of its victim written on it, deals decent damage to a target.
Archer :
Bow Mastery :
Increases attack of the archer
Soul Arrow Fall :
The soul's of the siren's dead sisters join her in her fight as they fall to the ground like millions of shining arrows, killing any target foolish to stand on theyre way.

To-Be Changes :
Seraph :
Instead of Summon Angels, has Essence Passage :
The Essence, or soul or the dead the angel has to bring to heaven tramples a group of enemy dealing great damage to them.

New Samourai Skills :
Tunnel Drive :
The Samourai disappears and reappears in front of its enemy and he slashes that target. Only attacks one target but has great damage, makes him exposed to hits thought but with his high defense, shouldnt be a problem.
Trick Walk :
When the Samourai is hit, mirror images of him will appear, dealing small damage but enought to dazzle the enemies, confusing them to the point they dont know which is the real.
Body Strenght :
Gives a hyper boost to the armor *buff*

Not sure for ultimate for the moment...
Accepting suggestions and sorry for double post ><
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
The Essence, or soul or the dead the angel has to bring to heaven tramples a group of enemy dealing great damage to them.
elaborate please

ultimate suggestion for samurai
Counter Attack- For "X" seconds, whenever the Samurai is attacked he strikes the attacker, does not interfear with normal attack.(trigger, just face attacking unit, play attack animation, and add some blood on unit, think thats best way to do it.)
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
Well, its like a group of souls that are on theyre road to heaven and they charge towards the enemy of the angel, it has a decent AoE damage.

The angel is sorta like a person that guides the dead to heaven, well something like that XD, so i thought that would be a nice ability to add.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
That sounds cool, also maybe add when the souls hit the enemy they have like a glow, like resurrection on them or something like that showing they are going to heaven?
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
Allright, its been a long time since ive posted, i stopped working on it for a long time because just didnt feel like doing it but now im continuing my map and ive done some changes/updates/infos :

There will be 3 normal soldiers :

But they have 3 classes, normal, veteran and godlike.
Normal is the weakest, easy to kill and move very slowly.
Veteran are okay, they will take alot more than one blow to kill and move fast enough
Godlike isnt that scary, they have no special boosts except for super fast moving speed :)

Here are 5 of the 10 Officers :

Suicider :You only see this guy once, he rushes towards the first hero he sees and instantly blows up, 1 hit KO so when he arrives, one HAS to die.

Berserker : Attacking hero, very bad stats in rest

Red Bull Fighter : Attacking hero, better than Berserker thought

Captain : Moderate hero that gives boosts to the soldiers, better take him down fast

Assassin : He is the only to have a chance to 1 hit ko u, but his normal damage is wack but def high enough.

The rest of the update will come later for now i gotta sleep ><--> NVM i drank a big load of coffee and im good to go for the moment...

heres the rest :

If my memorie is still right then there are 10 Super Officers so here are some of em :

1- Blood Baron : His special ability is that he drains 500 health each time he attacks, so make sure you dont get hit.

2- Silent Killer : I think ill make him ocassionaly "wind walk" like become invisible so it gives the real image of silent, also, has a damage multiplier skill like the more he attacks, the more his damage triples.

3- Executer : He can attack multiple units.

4- Soul Harvester : Can attack more units than Executer and stronger

5- Stone Golem : He's the only one, with the 10th Super Officer, to have a s**tload of hp but the rest he sucks seriously

6- Astarot : A mage that occasionally uses mirror image

7- Nejim : A fire mage

8- Andreea : A ice mage

9- Prince Taronso : A powerful unit good in all

10- King Dashki : Prepare for a big fight where every member of your team will be useful, do you know why? His ultimate ability is that when he has 3000 hp left, theres 20 copies of himself that are created, they take 2~3 times more damage and have 70% of the original attack, scary especially when he kills any unit in very few hits...

Skill Edits :

Samourai :

Blood Splitting :
The hero stabs his heart, reducing his health to 10 but creates 27 copies of himself that have same attack etc.. and if the samourai survives after the 27 copies disappear, he gets a temporary buff and health goes to the max, longest cooldown thought so have to use very wisely.
Katana Strike :
Just the new name for Tunnel Drive xD
Deadly Storm :
A Storm of blades starts flying everywhere, decapitating anything standing
Spirit Shield :
The samourai invokes the hidden spirit in his katana, the spirit absorbs part of the hero's taken damage.

Necromancer :

Scent Of The Dead :
The necro smells so much like the dead his enemies will ignore him for a little time before they realize the trickery

*MAYBE* Suicide :
Necro kills himself as a part of an experiment, has a 50% to transform him into a Bone Experiment, or hell die. After a certain time, the bone experiment will become a necro back.

Blood Bath :
The Necro makes a meteorite fall from the sky, creating a blood bath around it.


Bone Spirit :

Conjures a skull head that will hunt the unit the necro designated, it will give 20% of the damage back to the hero

Thats all, and now heres statistics :

Terrain : 100%
Heros : 80%
Abilities : 80%
Units : 30%
Triggers : 10%

Ok i know it might get annoying but heres my third update in this post :
Each classes have theyre own shops, but theyre a floating txt so you know which section it is. Then theres the potion
shop, the library and the Max Stats.
The names are self-explanatory no? So ill post tmr morning maybe but for now i gotta work on map.
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Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
Long time i didnt add screenies, here are the updates
1- Its the new gunner, Credits to Talon The Mage for the entire model except for hero glow xD, has double sub machine gun, pretty cool but abilities arent finished

2- Just a testing of the gunner to see if i worked

3- Another testing

4- Another Testing

5- Just the gunner owning an army of gunners by himself :) because mine is : max level and max stats xD

6- The Necro w/ Hero Glow and the aura is his passive ability but going to make some changes about it

7- A Necro that failed to complete his Bone Experiment Ability, 50/50 so has a chance to die by it quite easily

Thats it for the screenies, will add more as i finish the necro's ultimate


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