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Full Conversion Map

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The most complete race in my map is the Chaos race. The others still need work.
These are the units are currently have for this race.


Built from Barracks:



Built from Demon Portal:



Built from War Factory:




(The final structure is still in progress, as is the unit it trains)


-Fel Mage


This is just a simple overview of the Chaos orcs, and this information isn't set in stone, so the final product may be different. If anyone could help with names and such it would be a great help. Thanks, and enjoy!
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Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
So? If it's a full conversion, everything is MPQs.

What about the ingame Chaos Peon, Warlock, Grunt, Raider, etc models?

Also, if you need ideas/stuff, I did a Blood Elf race at one point (which I could always fix up and send you if you really want it), and have done a good deal with Chaos Orc and Naga too.


Berserker: Chaos Grom model?

Fel Orc Warlord: 'Warlord'?

Odd demon guy: Doom Bringer? (Blah...)

Grunt: Fel Orc Grunt?

Peon: Fel Orc Peon?


Something that would be neat which you could do with the available models is use Mount Hippogriph to allow for Felhounds and Felguards, where the Felguard could mount the Felhound to form a Fel Rider. Thus, you'd have a light cavalry, light infantry, and heavy cavalry armed and ready.
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Well, thanks for the suggestions. I', going to keep the names "Grunt" and "Peon" because I think people understand that they're on the Chaos Orc team, I don't need to put that in front of every name. But I like your ideas. The Berserker guy is actually the chaos blademaster mdoel. I was originally going to use the fel grom model, but then I noticed that the icon for grom fit the fel mage really well and i could just use it for that. The red baldemaster looks really cool anyway. I'm still using grom voice for the Berserker, though. I don't need any japanese chaos orcs running around blowing things up.

-Peon (Uses fel orc peon model)
-Grunt (uses fel orc grunt model)
-Fel Mage

-Devastator (currently using the infernal cannon model, but i'm in the process of making something wicked awesome for it, so expect changes)
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Oh guys, and about the kodo fortress, what it does is it has a Load ability, which is like the battlestations ability that the orc burrow has. But it calls up to 4 nearby Crossbowmen and then hide inside of the kodos structure thing on its back. They can fire at nearby enemies from the safety of the kodo. Yipee. But what i was wondering was, is the any way that i can make it so a variety of units can go in? And if they have a raned attack, they can attack. And caster would be a ble to cast from within. But I can't think of any way to do this. Is this possible? If so, how do I do it?
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
I', going to keep the names "Grunt" and "Peon" because I think people understand that they're on the Chaos Orc team
I actually had the format <Already selected name/model>: <Not selected name/model>, so in that case I meant models :p

Oh guys, and about the kodo fortress, what it does is it has a Load ability, which is like the battlestations ability that the orc burrow has. But it calls up to 4 nearby Crossbowmen and then hide inside of the kodos structure thing on its back. They can fire at nearby enemies from the safety of the kodo. Yipee. But what i was wondering was, is the any way that i can make it so a variety of units can go in? And if they have a raned attack, they can attack. And caster would be a ble to cast from within. But I can't think of any way to do this. Is this possible? If so, how do I do it?
Acting from inside the kodo is unfeasibly tricky to do in this sort of game.


How about calling the crossbowman Arbalest?
Which one? The Chaos Thrall one? No I did not. It is the chaos warrior skin by...someone...i forget who. But, no i did not make that.

Oh yes, it is by falcoknight50

For the naga, I made this skin for a siege weapon.

If you are interested in using this skin, or just want it, just pm and I'll send it to you.
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Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Ditch the names "Chaos Shaman" and "Chaos Warlock", that'd be like saying a Human Footman, High Elven priest.... Well that's my opinion. To criticize some more stuff just for the sake of it, this could probably work really well in theory, bu a Full Conversion is much more than one can believe at first. Just some units, abilities, upgrades etc. Well, balancing everything but still making the races different can be quite some work, but I still wish you the best of luck.



Level 3
Mar 1, 2008
sounds like a great map, when u get done msg me im eager to play it now lol. ya im worken on my latest map called Alpha 200 http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/f341/need-some-ideas-98546/ theres my link and its got a good over all discription over it. Anyways im good at elf customs so just holler if u need anything. ill also try to look at this thread a little more and post some of my ideas to u. right now im in school posting this so i cant give much idea's atm, lol ive been posting few things and looking for replies when i get home. Anyways when u come to the elves ill start posting more. im not that well with chaos orcs or orcs alone. Good luck :wink::thumbs_up:

Level 5
Jun 20, 2008
erm i think a choas orc race has already been done by masterhoies if i not wrong and it seem to be the same as yours same custom models and stuff



Level 3
Mar 1, 2008
even if another chaos orc race was made it doesnt stop him from maken his own....idk truithfuly i think its perfectly fine if he had his own...and if he used someones elses then i think its ok to. idk me personaly think if he wanted to use a race of mine it be perfectly fine....:thumbs_up:
Level 5
Nov 28, 2008
On top of 'Fel Orc Warlord' is nice i believe its 'Chaos Knight' right?
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