Freedom or Death

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This map is a mix between HumNe VS OrcUD and Dota. Two teams of 4 players each must fight each other trying to destroy the enemy base. Players will be able to choose between a wide range of unique heroes with custom abilities and to equip them with powerful items. There is also an arena where players can face each other in duel for an extra gold prize.
I am aware that the concept of the map isn't original, though i tried to focus on two aspects that i thnk are necessary for a good multiplayer map: teamplay and balance. Almost every hero has a disabling ability, making ganks even more lethal than in Dota. Heroes and items are balanced from the lower to the highest levels. Creeps will upgrade themselves in lategame keeping them dangerous for high level heroes. From the testing i have made, i can say that in the first half of the game, intelligence heroes overcome agility and strenght heroes, but in the late game it happens the opposite. I don't think there is a way to completely fix this, since even in Dota after 50 minutes intelligence heroes are almost useless compared to the agility ones. Anyway i tried to overcome this by giving intelligence heroes many disablers, even with items, so that they can still support their team.
For all the other information you may need there is a proper shop ingame.

dota, arena, duel, hero, freedom, death, pvp, custom, battle

Freedom or Death (Map)

16:00, 19th Jul 2009 ap0calypse: Rejected The credits are missing and advanced triggers of WEU have been used a lot. Author name doesn't match uploader name. This is a warning for everyone who uses WEU: the leaks that advanced triggers create...




16:00, 19th Jul 2009
ap0calypse: Rejected

The credits are missing and advanced triggers of WEU have been used a lot.
Author name doesn't match uploader name.

This is a warning for everyone who uses WEU: the leaks that advanced triggers create, cause the map to lag a lot and critical errors aren't rare.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Vote for Aproval

Barathrum's Review (Mini Moderator)

Map Name: Freedom of Death
Author: Apprentice

Description, Author, Map Name:
The Author and Map Name are ok, the description must be better. 6/10
The terrain looks very good.
Protected map
The heroes seem unbalanced, the victory buildings should be invuernable untill a specific action is made (like both guard towers near it are destroyed)
Example, in dota that prevents back door for easy victory.
Imported Material:
Protected map
max score is 30 in your case

0%-49% = 1/5 vote for rejection
50%-60% = 2/5 but i vote for reviewed
61%-70% = 2/5 but i vote for Aproval
71%-80% = 3/5 vote for aproval
81%-92% = 4/5 vote for aproval
93%-100% = 5/5 vote for aproval

Total: 21/30 = 35/50 == 70%/100%
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
uhmmm... D:

Do not post messages like this and give it a 1/5 rejected afterwards!
I know you're a mini-mod, but the purpose of that is to give constructive critisism.
If you think this is boring (the reason for rejection), explain why it is and explain the 1/5 further.

About the map:

The author name is invalid, unless you are happy little boozer.
I see you have used WEU (I couldn't open it without).

There are a lot of bad things about that:
  1. The map leaks extremely much, causing lag and critical errors to occur.
  2. The "advanced effect" is one of the worst triggers made by WEU
  3. Advanced functions can crash the map (in the world editor), so all your work will be lost (and you won't be able to retrieve it ever again).

I would recommend on banishing WEU-triggers: do not use them anymore from now on.
Create your own special effects, or just delete them, but don't use this option.
If you wish to keep WEU for it's terraining-capabilities, it's all right (though I recommend JNGP), as long as you don't use the advanced functions.

The triggers are highly inefficient and bad!
  • You can easily add the entire "Remove Dummy"-category (34 triggers) into 1 trigger.
  • You didn't use loops, you just copy/pasted actions.
  • Almost every trigger leaks... remove all of them

The description is really bad...
The hive's description looks really bad, the credits are missing (no: the hive did not make those models) and there are no quests for basic information at all.

I will be honest: the map is close to 'lost'.
Though the terrain looks good, the massive amount of leaks and advanced triggers this map creates/uses are almost impossible to fix without getting bored and throwing this map in the garbage-can.

The amount of triggers that need to be made more efficient are also very high, of course it works right now, but I really don't see the point in keeping it like this.
The description is easy to add, but it still won't cover up the rest.

I have to reject this map due to the lack of credits and highly inefficient triggering, making the map unplayable after a while.