Do not post messages like this and give it a 1/5 rejected afterwards!
I know you're a mini-mod, but the purpose of that is to give constructive critisism.
If you think this is boring (the reason for rejection), explain why it is and explain the 1/5 further.
About the map:
The author name is invalid, unless you are happy little boozer.
I see you have used WEU (I couldn't open it without).
There are a lot of bad things about that:
- The map leaks extremely much, causing lag and critical errors to occur.
- The "advanced effect" is one of the worst triggers made by WEU
- Advanced functions can crash the map (in the world editor), so all your work will be lost (and you won't be able to retrieve it ever again).
I would recommend on banishing WEU-triggers: do not use them anymore from now on.
Create your own special effects, or just delete them, but don't use this option.
If you wish to keep WEU for it's terraining-capabilities, it's all right (though I recommend JNGP), as long as you don't use the advanced functions.
The triggers are highly inefficient and bad!
- You can easily add the entire "Remove Dummy"-category (34 triggers) into 1 trigger.
- You didn't use loops, you just copy/pasted actions.
- Almost every trigger leaks... remove all of them
The description is really bad...
The hive's description looks really bad, the credits are missing (no: the hive did not make those models) and there are no quests for basic information at all.
I will be honest: the map is close to 'lost'.
Though the terrain looks good, the massive amount of leaks and advanced triggers this map creates/uses are almost impossible to fix without getting bored and throwing this map in the garbage-can.
The amount of triggers that need to be made more efficient are also very high, of course it works right now, but I really don't see the point in keeping it like this.
The description is easy to add, but it still won't cover up the rest.
I have to reject this map due to the lack of credits and highly inefficient triggering, making the map unplayable after a while.