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[Spell] Four Directions Formula

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Level 2
Sep 5, 2012
How do I make this ability? What ability should I base it of?

The skill itself is a Faerie Fire ability but can be turned on and off (like Mana shield or immolation) while requiring a target unit to turn on. When the skill is on, it will drain health of the caster.

First question: What ability should I base it of? If there's no certain ability for that, how should I make one?

Four Directions Formula (Toggle) - Tracks an enemy unit from all directions gaining vision of it and granting allies around it with increased attackspeed and movespeed. Motoharu becomes visible to his target as well. Drains 2% of current health per second when active. Toggles off upon using another magic-based skills.

Level 1 - 20% attackspeed and movespeed
Level 2 - 25% attackspeed and movespeed
Level 3 - 30% attackspeed and movespeed
Level 4 - 35% attackspeed and movespeed

Cooldown: 25/20/15/10 seconds
Health cost (activation): 5% of current health
Casting time: 1.5 seconds
Casting range: 9999
Area of effect (bonus): 350/500/650/800
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
Here you'll find the properties of most Wc3 abilities so you can choose the one that fits the best for you Wacraft 3 Ability Guide

There are several abilities that can be turned on, if not, you can create 2 abilities, one to use the ability (wich is removed when used) and add a "Turn off" ability, wich is removed upon using, and replaced with the first one.
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
Mmm Create 2 Abilities, one to turn on, another to turn off (That if one of the toggled ones doesn't work for you)

Use the triggering to add the The TurnOff Ability when the TurnOn is cast, and add the TurnOn when the TurnOff is cast. The action is "Unit - Add Ability"

Now, most of the effects the tooltip describes are triggered and somehow "hard" to achieve.

So far, seems to be based on Unholy Frenzy, wich already takes 2% of the unit hp, Turning it off with another magic cast is easy,

Four Directions Formula (Toggle) - Tracks an enemy unit from all directions gaining vision of it and granting allies around it with increased attackspeed and movespeed. Motoharu becomes visible to his target as well. Drains 2% of current health per second when active. Toggles off upon using another magic-based skills.

Then you have to Pick every unit in the area of effect and check if the picked unit is a hero, grant that player visibility of the unit (or create a dummy lantern over it).. and so on..
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
while requiring a target unit to turn on
How does this skill works exactly ?
It needs a target for it to be set on auto-cast (which means you can't auto-cast at will (right-click) ?)

IF the spell is used on target unit (left-click), only then it would be set to auto-cast and will cancel the effect when it is turned off by the Player himself ?
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
he doesnt mean autocast, he means something like avatar but with the option to turn it off(thats what I got from what he post at least)
Spartipilo's solution is good but you need dummy spell to learn because if you remove the ability then it resets the ability in learn tab to level 1
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
So, basically, selects a unit to track giving speed bonus to enmies around (Like Gondar's Track in Dota) while it takes a % of hp (Like Unholy Frenzy) and can be turned on off...
Level 2
Sep 5, 2012
Ohh. It's simply like this:

1. Ability requires a target to be casted (aka Storm Bolt)
2. Requires 1.5 seconds of casting
3. Ability becomes turned on (activated). Effect of Faerie Fire will be added to the target. Caster will lose health per second while the skill is active.
4. Clicking the skill again will turn it off (deactivate), will stop draining health, and will remove the Faerie Fire effect on the target.
5. Ability uses a toggle button like Mana Shield (instant, auto, or self target), Pudge's Rot (instant or auto target), Voodoo Restoration (instant or auto target), Goblin Shredder's Chakram (requires area target).
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