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[SD/Modeling] Forsekan race map

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Level 12
Feb 13, 2012
hello i am currently working on a Forsaken race map but i am needing some help to fill the blenks in order to implemnt my ideas

Melee- dreadguard ,deathstalker(?????),deathguard?()

Range- dark ranger unit, forsekan archer ?

Casters - banshee, apothecary ,dark
claric(?????),forsekan mage(?????) , warlock ?

Sige weapons- forsekan catapult ,abomantion

Flyers- bar raiders?(),valker

Heros - Dark Ranger ,death knight ,deathstalker hero , pleagebringer (apothecary hero?)(????)

any ideas pleass help 🙏🙏🙏
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Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
While it can be tempting to fulfill the desire for 'eye-candy' with a full complement of custom assets, don't forget that you're doing game design when you make a custom faction; you'll want to sit & think about all the different gameplay Roles & Functions you need filled, and come up with cool, Forsaken-y ideas to fill them, even if maybe there isn't an existing model for it.

I would encourage you to think about what your version of the Forsaken should act/play/feel like; what should make it unique, what should make it similar, what kind of gameplay should it allow, what sort of strategies should it encourage, etc etc. It's harder than just filling a bunch of blanks with custom models, but I think it will be more satisfying in the long run.
Level 12
Feb 13, 2012
While it can be tempting to fulfill the desire for 'eye-candy' with a full complement of custom assets, don't forget that you're doing game design when you make a custom faction; you'll want to sit & think about all the different gameplay Roles & Functions you need filled, and come up with cool, Forsaken-y ideas to fill them, even if maybe there isn't an existing model for it.

I would encourage you to think about what your version of the Forsaken should act/play/feel like; what should make it unique, what should make it similar, what kind of gameplay should it allow, what sort of strategies should it encourage, etc etc. It's harder than just filling a bunch of blanks with custom models, but I think it will be more satisfying in the long run.
well i want to make it a hybrid of sorts of the Humans and Undead race in turn of play styel while also staing true to some degry to the lore of the forsaken
Level 12
Feb 13, 2012
can some one pleass make a death guard unit baesd on this pictuer pleass ?
prefurebly based on a footman model with the hood instead of a helmet pleass
mabey some sort of a less elite version of kangyun Forsaken Dread Guard


  • 668978-forsaken-deathguard.jpg
    209.7 KB · Views: 10
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Level 12
Feb 13, 2012
Is there not an Ujimasa "derivative" model that looks similar to that? Either an edited footman or the zombie?
i know what you meen but the move and stand animations are that of a zombie if it was of a footman or a skeleton it would work and all i wolud need is a skin for it ,
also is alturnetiv is to change the zombie animations of Ujimasa Hojo risen mage and footman to that of the skeleton or to his wrecheds animation or even for the footman to return it to the originel animtions maby ?
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