A chaotic and mostly difficult campaign with some interesting ideas.
-well, this could just have been an original story
-how are they talking to each other from such a distance (dragons and lizards)
-dragons are also healed by the lizard building; actually only the dragons and Malkor; don't know why; it worked before the cinematic scene with the Ventars
-cinematic mode needs skip
-don't understand. Only Malkor is healed in the base? That's how it looks; sometimes the dragons too
-good luck with keeping your units alive until you find a Fountain of Health and wait for the sage to reach level 5 killing dragons and surrounding creatures
-there's a bug; fountains don't heal the lizards only the sage; other lizards are not considered normal units (eg: ancients, mechanical etc.)
-it's the first level; players should get accustomed not annoyed
-the "closest" mine is well guarded and there's no certainty that the player will gather enough gold until then to build a resource stocking building
-why do Brutal Lizards have mana? What for?
-why was the first Brutal Lizard neutral and the rest are hostile?
-seems the loading screens are random
-units selected during cinematic mode
-the sage has other abilities than I previously chose; his items are different too
-if the scene with the ventar that flies nearby the elven village is skipped, the ventar remains near the village
-overall it's slow paced and very dependent on hypnotism
-what's the logic behind killing all the elves, especially when they are not in the way anymore?
-how do you kill the rest of the villagers if they run out of the map? Oh, they're invisible... well that makes the ventar quest very optional...
-too many cutscenes
-message from a Dryad: none; another one but I've heard "The hunt is on!" while seeing the "none" text
-since when do dryads work together with satyrs?
-everybody makes the lizard laugh
-cinematic scene after cinematic scene; what about fusing them?
-they're talking to each other from one side of the map to another, again
-well, they're bases can be destroyed as their AI isn't working, I guess because I haven't built anything yet
-this level is better than the others in that you can also rely on something else than hypnotism
-three Codices of Frost? What to do with them? One or two (one for eeach hero) would have been enough
-a Snowy Owl belonging to the blue player and some three rats
-Ancestral Mages suddenly appears and the camera remain on them unless reset
-killing every unit belonging to the enemy to win...
-Illidan!? What...
-mix of nelves and helves
-not Warcraft, have no idea why you bothered to "fit" the story there
-the witch doctor the lizard was talking too was died almost half-way during the conversation
-because units teleport to the cave, they might just appear on the cliffs with no way to get down...
-some warden look-alike heroes have names ending with "II"
-The Pilgrims Way Gate quest can be finished without being discovered
-Priestess of the Moon: none; two times
-buildings are too big for the used camera view; some of them occupy 1/3 of the screen
-I guess the dragon key should have been on the dragon king?
-Sylvanas Windrunner, eh?
-somehow the commander died during the scene where the king abandons
-so, they were trying to fend off the demons by having a demon gate in their city!?
-why would the dragons know how to summon demons and tell elves how to do it?
-killing every Lamdal unit does not go against the fact of chasing them through the green and brown bases...
-Altar of Ancestrals can summon Deathwing...
-how do you earn gold?
-the Dark Moonstone does not have a cooldown/duration in its description; the item's icon does not hint at how much time before it can be used again still remains
-next time Larodar appears, he attacks alone
-well, the Light Sphere is quite unprotected; also for what it is named, it doesn't really look like light
-Magtheridon level 9 and Magtheridon level 10
-"No way! We have to go back for some help." after the heroes returned to the region from the enemy base
-pretty much random and tiring
-Darksun's Vampiric Aura only affects other (melee) troops not him too
Roughly 3/5.