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For Warcraft data, should i use renee's or blizzard's archives?

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Level 2
Dec 5, 2016
I've been making a mod for some years with renee's war3 mod,
then realized that like a year ago blizzard updated sc2 editor and added their own war3 data packs,
but then i read on these forums that some things are not working

i will test it myself but since a year has passed, do any of u which of the 2 should i use and why?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Ideally if you are building from scratch you should use the Blizzard one since it is official so included in most StarCraft II installs. However since you already use Renee's data set I would recommend sticking with it. Changing over will most likely require a lot of effort debugging and fixing incompatibilities, time that could be better spent on new features, fixing other bugs, even new maps, e.t.c.

I would not recommend trying to use both data mods at the same time. Even if there are no direct compatibility issues, it is sure to make working on the data much more confusing and error prone due to the additional entries added.
Level 2
Dec 5, 2016
thanks. i'm not really seeing the real upside of switching to blizzard's because unless they completed it to 100%, people in the forums stated that stuff were missing, renee's even comes with the UI of war3 and day/night cycle, so i'm guessing its 100% worth whatever extra time people will get downloading the extra data

edit: forget what i said, its better to use official blizzard mod now, as it has some improvements like reforged UI, its prolly overall more complete over renee's since they used that as base
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