First online multiplayer game you ever played

What was the first online multiplayer game you ever played?

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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Not very many options. :\
I'd say SC was about the first for me, back in the 90's.
Level 10
Aug 22, 2008
I think it was warcraft 3. I might have played some other shit online through the web or something before, but I'm pretty sure it was wc3. I have played RuneScape too but that was nothing I kept playing.
Level 10
Aug 22, 2008
That's because you're supposed to post ;]

I only made it a poll so I could see how many WoW faggots we have at the site, and how many people started with runescape back in the day.

Only because someone started with WoW it doesn't mean that the guy still plays it?
Or the guy could play it but it's not his first online game. :p
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
I dunno if I started with wow or wc3 online. I had played wc3 before but I dunno if I played online.

Edit: I'm sure now that it's wc3
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Level 2
Apr 17, 2009
counter-strike, didnt have a clue what to do and i remember falling of a building :/

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Whah.. I can't believe so many played that crappy game Run Escape (^^, it's blasphemy to write the full name correctly, it's the sworn nemesis of Tibia), when the much beter choice at the time was Tibia. My first MMORPG was Tibia, was my last too.. it's still my favourite MMORPG, it's a great 2D game.
Not sure when I started with WC3 Demo (was awesome playing melee on the same map every time with only Far Seer as hero. Met a lot of great people. Then I bought the full game and melee wasn't as exciting anymore.
Anyhow, C&C:RA2 .. Quake .. I don't know.. a lot more.. I've always been a fan of playing online.
Level 9
May 10, 2009
Halo Demo - HD graphics, a glorious port of the revolutionary Xbox shooter, the best level, and completely non-linear, a shooter level without linearity (actually, there were two), amazing, vehicle combat, amazing A.I, graphics, and such, and if you see something like 10 - 30 people at a time still play the Mac demo online. One map, Blood Gulch -- a classic.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Halo Demo - HD graphics, a glorious port of the revolutionary Xbox shooter, the best level, and completely non-linear, a shooter level without linearity (actually, there were two), amazing, vehicle combat, amazing A.I, graphics, and such, and if you see something like 10 - 30 people at a time still play the Mac demo online. One map, Blood Gulch -- a classic.
Wh yare you constantly posting Halo Demo here?
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Halo Demo - HD graphics, a glorious port of the revolutionary Xbox shooter, the best level, and completely non-linear, a shooter level without linearity (actually, there were two), amazing, vehicle combat, amazing A.I, graphics, and such, and if you see something like 10 - 30 people at a time still play the Mac demo online. One map, Blood Gulch -- a classic.
Amazing AI? I'm not sure we played the same Halo.
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
don't remember much, but I played a... where they called Rogues then?
Ahh... Don't remember much from Diablo (not DII, I remember alot form that),
I remember that I asked for help in Swedish, tho they probebly didn't understood a word.

Tho, I really remember how much I played Nox (Multi and Camp OFC), a lot.

So Diablo.
But the best game and the first multiplaying game I really remember a lot from is NOX.
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
blitz 1941. possibly the best free online game ever. it had a 6 month beta period, and was getting ready to go to full retail mode where you pay to play, but suddenly the game company terminated it.
it was essentially a tank vs tank rts/rpg, based in World War II. Before you start playing the game, youre forced to choose to either be the Germans or Soviets.
u scored critical hits on how well u can time your shots, u can modify youre tank or buy a new one if your level permits it.
There was a total of 20 levels, I got up to level 12 i believe, and was using my beloved PzIV "Stubby". The game is gonna reopen for free (permanently) soon, so im hoping to get started early.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I guess I should say Age of Empires 2. I used to play it with my Dad and cousins over lan/internet. It was an awesome game some 5-6 years ago, and it's an awesome game now.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
First PC game was one of those that you have to clear a field from colourful cubes but you can do it only by combining two or more of the same colour...
And first online was fucking... goddamn... ugly... Runescape... I hate it so much now, but then it was my favourite game...
Level 6
Aug 24, 2008
I played a game called "Mu" I am pretty sure that not much people have played, or eaven heard about that game. It is like WoW.
Level 4
Oct 23, 2009
i played runescape from 2005 - 2007... but aft the put in the lame 10k trade limit i gave up... cause i couldnt drop trade and do other stuff....

but ive also played warcraft 3 TFT, Diablo 2 LOD, diablo, warcraft 2, oblivion, and many others

Yeah you can't imagine how annoying it was to transfer 1-5mil from one account to another with that stupid 10k limit.
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