Frank, you seem to be good at making dragon like humanoid's. Your last dragon titan was amazing, but i'm sorry, compared to your last dragon submit this is terrible. I dont find the chest done well enough, specially the part where it intersect's at the leg's, i think you narrowed it alot at the hips. i think it should have a similar broad shoulder's, and buff body figure as your last one, and i think you made too much team color at the pant's, they could use some hinge's where piece's of the dragon's leg is showing and golden outline frame's on the pant's or something alike. BUT, remember as i said, this is bad compared to your last dragon. This INDIVIDUALLY is a pretty good model, 7.9/10 Very good. But after seeing your last model i expected more of you. Dont take my comment's as an offence, just critisim.