Fire Dragon Fire Phalanx

Agile and deadly dragon cross-breed.
Please give Credits if you use it. Don't distribute and don't modify it in any way without my permission. Thanks.

The mighty Muoteck made a wonderful icon for it:

[12-02-07]: Add a real portrait.

dragon draconian lizard

Fire Dragon Fire Phalanx (Model)

Fire Dragon Fire Phalanx (Model)

Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
Frank, you seem to be good at making dragon like humanoid's. Your last dragon titan was amazing, but i'm sorry, compared to your last dragon submit this is terrible. I dont find the chest done well enough, specially the part where it intersect's at the leg's, i think you narrowed it alot at the hips. i think it should have a similar broad shoulder's, and buff body figure as your last one, and i think you made too much team color at the pant's, they could use some hinge's where piece's of the dragon's leg is showing and golden outline frame's on the pant's or something alike. BUT, remember as i said, this is bad compared to your last dragon. This INDIVIDUALLY is a pretty good model, 7.9/10 Very good. But after seeing your last model i expected more of you. Dont take my comment's as an offence, just critisim.
Level 4
Apr 9, 2007
Very nice model, sweet spell animation. Works well, performs well. 9/10

No 10 only cuz of death animation... lol he stabs himself in the stomach with the non sword end of his weapon. That's what you get when you take a demon hunter blade and make it one sided lol.

Can you make another dragon model, possibly one that is grey or yellow? I'm already set on using this and your dragon titan but i need one more.
Level 1
Jul 27, 2007
sorry, im kinda new at using custom models. i got some of the ones i downloaded to work, i was wondering what the path is for this guy. i thought models needed to end in .mdx
Level 2
Jul 27, 2007
@General Frank, I want to suggest this model, I suggest you to fix this death model, because this model while on death anim, it kills itself like kill with the invisible sword... oh... BTW, i will give 4.75/5 to this model.
Level 1
Dec 29, 2007
I downloaded it, but it only came with the 2 MDX files. Now I'm kind of a noob at using customs, but shouldn't it come with the skin or do I have to download that somewhere else? Also, when I try to change a unit to this one and try to select the MDX file for the model, I click it and it just goes to MDL.
Level 7
Dec 16, 2007
Hmm, only thing I can think would make it look a bit better would be making the pants look somewhat like the Demon Hunter's, as in longer and wider until about the ankle. Just my suggestion. Overall 5/5!
Level 1
Aug 17, 2008
@ Arab4life: Don't expect something from people that YOU can't do. So shut up and let me do my work, ok ?

I recognize this from tree tag as dragon charger! I love your models and am in process of creating a race off of em good work man!
Level 1
Mar 8, 2009
nice model im going to use it on my map 10/10 by the way can i modify the name a little?i give u all the credit of being a cool model
Level 6
Jan 22, 2012
I love the wings on this one...i'm far from experience to giving u any grading though^^ but it's rly cool;) Endlessly better then anything i'd be able to make:p

I think especially the wings and the swords look awesome