Just a few questions n suggestions:
1) would it be possible to make like two teams instead? i mean, two travelling teams (f.ex. 3n3). so that u could arrange duels n stuff, or questraces, coz it's things like these that helps keeping rpg's alive much longer n encourages ppl to get all heroes n lvl them n such. if this is not an option, then maybe u could make another map late like an arena where 2 teams could load their heroes from the rpg... would that be possible?..
2) i've seen other ppl complain about starting at last town when they save. i was just wondering, maybe u could make like free buildable portals, scrolls or something like that in each town?.. offcourse, u would also have to find a way to keep these items to the player that earned them... haven't thought this idea trough, but it might give u some ideas
oh and hey, u do know that blue slot is bugged right?.. back to lvl 1 but items stay... so to thos who don't know: DON'T PLAY ON BLUE SLOT IF U WANNA LOAD A CHAR!
3) i don't exactly know this map in and out, but i guess u'll add many items that r hard to find or VERY rare drops n such... and one more thing, would it be possible to make things a bit more random? i mean, some guy always tries to get in head of everyone else to get the usual treasures n stuff like that...
4) Then for a little noobish request
there r so many different things to do to fix this problem so i'll leave it to u if u decide to take action, but anyway, here's the deal: the first time i fought the frog lady i had all my slots filled with items. so that when we finally killed her everyone who had an open slot (everyone but me that is) got an unique item, while i stood there with nothing but slots filled with crap
*would be nice if u added a bigger backpack, virtual or smthin...
5) just one last suggestion for a quest:
in first town u could take a quest that starts like this: kill x of x kind of monsters, u do that, get a price or something, n get a new kind to kill, then after a few here this can go on to next town n so on, and in the end u can get a nice price or something coz a quest like this could go on for some time and can only be finished when u have access to all towns.
so that when u do have access to all towns this could be a quest that could go on for let's say 30-60 mins if u wanna finish it, or just a few mins to earn some money or maybe make it last 15 mins in first town, then quest finished and u can move on to the quest in next time whenever u load, then finished there and on to next town and so on if u understand... the idea is that the quest can be usefull all the way, even though u can't finish it at first or second try...
just some ideas... if they don't participate in any changes i hope atleast they've made u think in some new ways
* btw, is this map in some way related to this? FF IV (v0.28) something like that..
[as i understood it u were slowed down in map-making progress coz of probs in reallife, and therefore i'm trying to be as gentle as possible
but it would be nice if u could at least give us some amount of days, weeks or months of how long we have to w8 untill the new content is released... my understanding is that u have sacrificed alot to make it possible for alot of people to enjoy a first-class unique RPG-map. no map maker could earn my respect more, so i thank u, and i hope everything works out for u...]
- w8ing patiently for ur reply - AliaZ -