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Final Fantasy Forever release 1c

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Final Fantasy Forever release 1c (Map)

Level 3
Oct 20, 2004
In release 1 which was done about 8 pm CST May 28th I used Pitzer's Widgetizer Optimizer on the map. Unfortunetly this resulted in a error with my custom doodads about 1/2 of the time with random people. This forced me to re-release the same map about 4 hours later that night as 1a. It was very unfortunet...I had no idea the compressor would goof the map like that. :cry:

What was even more unfortunet is several clan members had put up DL rooms for release 1 instead of 1a and gone to bed by the time we found out about the error.
Level 3
Oct 20, 2004

Final Fantasy Forever release 1b



- Tons of bug Fixes
- The cooldown on Double Up and Dragon Hoard increased to 30 minutes
- The sword model that works as an effect for many of the sword art attacks returns
- All but the Inn Music was removed from the map to descrease filesize
- Save Load system completely fixed, this fix invalidated all 1a codes
- The Level cap was instigated due to people leveling beyond the intended cap for this version
- The monk's bonus skills were organized under a spellbook and update on their own
- Tooltip/Typo Fixes
- The experience rate at the start of the game was sped up a tad, the rate from Itica Pass forward
was decreased, to bring leveling more in line with what was intended.
- Some broken item stats were fixed.
- Load Timer increased to 10 minutes
- You can now play this map offline, however saving is disabled


1b FAQ:

1) Why can't my saves from 1a load anymore?

- The codes from 1a used a type of name encryption that bugged on alot of screennames. This was
fixed in 1b but because of the fix 1a codes were invalidated. They compare a different aspect of
your name now when checking if your code is valid.

2) Why is there a level cap?

- The level cap was put in because players were hitting level 40+ and this wasn't intended. The
abilities past 35 are there and working, but said abilities aren't meant to be gotten until the
next continent. I don't want players ruining release 2 by spending all of release 1 leveling a
character to the high 60s or whatnot.

3) Why doesn't may new save code work?

- Since this is no longer a name issue and can't have a random outcome, if your taking screenshots
of your codes and using those to type out your code and load them back you shouldn't run into this
problem. If you aren't this is why your saves aren't working. Please read the quest tab on saving
and loading for full instructions on the best way to go about saving and loading.

4) When is release 2 due out and what will it add?

- Release 2's projected finish date is June 15th, but this date may change. Release 2 adds the
continent of Telathis, the water temple, the gigan mountain range, 4 new towns...over 70 peices of
equipment, raises the level cap to 50, a planned 20+ new monster types, including a planned number
of bosses both static and plot. You will also be able to do various sidequests and this time they will
be different for each hero. (8 in all). You will be able to unlock the Zokutso and Nerasa Boshido
skills for the Ninja and the Shiva and Titan summons for the summoner. This addition is expected to
add 10-20 hours of gameplay to the map, roughly.


Final Fantasy Forever release 1a


Game Description:

This map was built off of the concepts that make single player console RPGs so fun.
Final Fantasy Forever adapts these concepts into warcraft 3 allowing you to get a
multiplayer console RPG experience on battlenet with your friends. The game features
a massive list concepts new to warcraft 3 maps. It twists the existing game boasting
many custom designed ingame systems.


Primary Unique Features:

- Equipment System: Final Fantasy Forever allows players to actually equip items. The
stats of the item are added directly to the hero's stats scores. This leaves your hero
open to carry up to 6 charged items (potions/tents/heal/life potions). All of your
equipped items are saved when you save your character.

- Stacking/Saving Charged Items: These are your potions, your tents, your elixirs...all
those goodies. This allows players to live through bosses. You are expected to use all of
your group's power to survive these battles and emerge victorius. Charged items on your
hero are put into your save code and the exact amount you had when you saved will load
when you load.

- Leadership/Party System: Battles are fought in battlefields using a RPG random encounter
system. Movement through the game is showns via area transition markers. The party leader
controls major area transitions to/from town to the world map...dungeon entrances. Ect.
Every hero has a party different leadership bonus ability, which updates when you change

- Epic Boss Fights: This release has a total of 8 Boss Fights. 3 Standard Boss Fights (
Red Fang, Arch Ghoul and Toad Lady) and 5 Plot Bosses (Granite Golem, Dark Shadow,
Vampire Lord: Drealnas, Drealnas (Berserk) and Terranus). Standard Boss Fights last
anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes and will require a degree of strategy to win. Plot
Bosses are epic fights and will take even strong teams 2-10 minutes to defeat (depending on
party config and which boss).

- Scaling Ability System: Almost every ability in the game scales with character power.
New items and level ups will increase the effectiveness of every damage/healing skill in
the game in some way. The static skills usually run off a % or are a set duration due to
their type (status effect skills, buffs ect.)

- Fake cinematic System: This system allows close-to cinematics for plot development that
each player can read seperately. If one character finishes before another character that
character is free to roam about town or the area while the others finish their cinematics.

- Custom Hate System: The Blizzard AI did not serve my purposes so, each hero is assigned a
custom hate value for each enemy. The starting value is based off which row your hero starts
off in. This value changes and the attack target for each enemy updates real time when
enemies take damage, or are taunted. Jump removes all hate until the dragoon lands then
re-adds it all + the hate the damage jump generated. Blink generates a large amount of
illusionary hate for the duration of the skill (10 seconds).

- JASS Custom Scripted Attacks: Most Attacks in this map are custom scripted in the map
code blizzard uses to build maps, this is why abilities scale in power when you level/get
new gear. Each Hero has between 13-25 custom abilities.


Explicit Features List:
- 223 Custom Abilities
+ 120 Hero Abilities (Not Including Game Menu and Spellbooks)
+ 18 Spellbooks
+ 15 Enemy Skills + 3 built in AI scripts
+ 11 Game Menu Commands
+ 58 Custom Item effects
- 8 Heros
- 25 Creature types to encounter in random battles
- 8 Status Ailemnts (Paralyze, Silence, Stone, Blind, Slow, Frog, Confusion, Poison)
- 8 Epic Boss Fights
- 14 Plot Updates to the primary quest
- 2 part sidequest with a side boss opened at a later point by completion
- 93 Seperate pieces of equipable equipment
- 13 Custom Stacking Charged Items (Tents, Potions, ect.)

Map Crap
- 156 Triggers
- 262 Functions
- 376 Regions
- 1886 Doodads (Other)
- 185 Doodads (Trees/Destructables)
- 136 Variables
- 517 Custom Objects (136 Units, 116 Items, 8 Doodads, 223 Abilities, 24 Buffs/Effects, 10 Upgrades)
- Tileset (Modified Lordaeron Summer)

Saving Recommendations:

When you save be sure to activate the game's "Black Mask" feature. This is under the game menu.
After the mask is enabled hit the save ability. While you can write the codes on paper its
better to hit printscreen while the information is displayed, alt+tab out of the game and
paste it into MSPaint or whatever image editing software you use. You can then save the image.
Its also a good idea to then copy the codes from the screenshot to a notepad file with -load in
front of the code. This way when its time to load the next game you can copy/paste from the notepad
to the chat line ingame and have the least chance of screwing up your code. If you screw up your
code, make a typo or miss a digit there is a chance your code will be invalid, if it isn't invalid
something will fail to load in the event of a typo or missed digit, if your code actually loads.
However the save/loader has been thoroughly tested and as long as your username complies with the
above disclaimer your codes WILL work if copied down and loaded exactly as they are displayed when
you save.
Level 2
Dec 29, 2004
So, I hear you gave credit to bestial finally for being the original creator of this game and doing most of the work that you edited...
Level 3
Oct 20, 2004
Ahhh at long last a credit stealer shows up. I'll be extremely blunt. 1) I don't know bestial is, I've never met them. 2) This map has over 5 months of sweat and blood in it of both myself and my clan. 3) The original concept map which this map is built off of "Final Fantasy IV" is already out there, and is also - clearly designed by me. Though with every great hit, no matter how clear you make your the designer, especially with the fact I'm providing constant updates to the map its very easy to see how your claims have absolutely no credibility.

Oh as a note for the fans, there will be a 1c shortly...which is the last patch-fix update for this map prior to release 2. 1c fixes alot of the trading issues...ect. ect. We're internal testing it now. Before anyone asks, yes, save codes from 1b will work with 1c, no change there. Same with release 2 as well.
Level 1
Mar 9, 2005
for being the original creator of this game and doing most of the work that you edited

I think you are confused - you are either thinking of a different map or just flat out lying. Not only can I vouch for Xalterax's authenticity on making this map, he's been in my clan the entire time and we have worked extremely hard on this map as a clan for the past 5 months. We have all of the early alphas (with no abilities and no storyline and 1/4 of the game system together), we have all of the betas in between the early stuff and the finished project, and we have helped program, playtest, and polish this map. There is no way that I can conceive of any one else taking credit for this map. Whatever claim you think you are making, you owe Xalterax an apology.
Level 4
Nov 22, 2004
absolutely i belive in Xalterax man stop causing problems...

btw Xalterax i find it interesting the way u did for the dmg to show (dmg or healing spell) ive been trying to do that for months, and im not that good triggeres, but triggers are my speciality (i want to)

could u tell me atleast howd u did that? plz :wink:
Level 2
Dec 29, 2004
I just played your game and I must say... you should be ashamed of yourself for not giving credit to the original creator.. you edited Final Fantasy IV to make this game.. I have the orginal game that I got directly from bestial along time ago as proof... this game and that game are nearly alike.. same items, heros, etc. Ive spoken with Bestial who is the creator of Final Fantasy IV awile ago.. and he said although he appreciates you making his game alot better he is saddly disappointed that you never gave him credit for all his hard work.. it took him a year to make that game.. you could at least cut the guy some slack and give credit for the work that you edited. Boy I tell you, its a tradegy these days when people want to suck up all the glory and lose their own integrity in the process. I think Xalterax should appologies to bestial, and thank him that he did all that work that Xalterax was to lazy to do. He never made Final Fantasy IV, he might have not known that Bestial made it because bestial never put his name in the loading screen or the map description, so Xalterax used this opportunity to give himself the credit, but he did not make final fantasy IV.. that was all of bestial's doing. You make me sick, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! So please give bestial a hand for sewing the seed that led to the creation of this game.
Level 1
May 30, 2005
Hmm. Seeing as bestial has never uploaded a map, and that you provide no proof, Xalterax IS innocent until proven. Until then, keep your mouth shut.

My respect.
Level 3
Oct 20, 2004
Its hard to give someone a hand for trying to take credit for the original FFIV map that I spent over 2 months developing then had to scrap at b0.28 because the system design for it was so flawed that adding content to it was causing it to crash. I'm sorry but when you've worked over 7 months combined on the 2 projects and some kid is trying to descredit your efforts to some guy who has never uploaded a map to any site, anywhere...whereas I have 2 maps before FFF and never put FFIV up anywhere because I scrapped the project. DarkShoGun, find another map to troll. Seriously.

I've never met or had contact with anyone named bestial...and both FFIV and FFF I made from the ground up, and have many beta copies of both maps on my machine. If this alleged bestial does exist let him show up here and post, and give a link to an actual copy of "his" FFIV.
Level 2
Dec 29, 2004
Who cares if you never met Bestial.. doesnt mean that you couldnt took his map and made changes to it and then give yourself all the credit.. and so what if he never uploaded his game to this site.. Maybe he never knew about it? Ever think of that? Im not saying that bestial had anything to do with the making of this map.. I dont know much about it.. but the tooltips and icons of items are remarkably similar to bestial's FF IV. What pisses me off is that you said you made FF IV entirely... this is so not. I have a version .. 0.7 I believe of FF IV, which has Bestials name listed in the world editor where it would say author I could even upload it to this site to show everyone the truth. This was Bestial's first release. I met bestial awile ago and later he gave me his game on email for me to host on battle.net since he was unable to. So I got it and hosted it and I believe only 2 other people were willing to wait for the extremely long download that my slow server provided.. Fuck, for all I know you could have been one of the guys that was there with me, I do remember one of em had an X in their name. But anyways, after a day or two he asked me to not host the version i received but instead host a protected version which I think is what I have now. But I never hosted it after that, and probably never got spreaded, and it wasnt long before Bestial told me that someone had edited his game for the better but had not given him any credit at all.. which is you. So save your jibba jabbing lies for someone who's stupid enough to believe them. It really doesnt matter to me, cause Final Fantasy on Warcraft III doesnt really appeal to me, infact, after playing this for 30 minutes I quit to go do something more exciting.. like watch the grass grow. just thought ide let people know the truth about your so-called hard worked with sweat and blood game.
Level 2
Jan 8, 2005
I have yet to download/play this, but from what I can see, it sounds like it's going to be really fun when I do (I'm on a gameless streak of sorts...its a bet). The only thing I'm curious about is if it's at all possible to play/beat this game with one player. (Yes, I know save/loads won't work. But is there perhaps a trigger that makes it easier for less people?)

As for the whole credit thing...No offense intended to anyone, but I'm heavily inclined to believe Xalterax and CHUNK, as they have proof, what with all their early alphas and betas and such. Also, they're more civilized in their manner of speech. I've played an "FFIV" or something, I believe (the one where you play the kids of the original FF4 characters, yes?) and I happen to have a copy of it as well. I don't know who made it, but I will check (as soon as my gaming hiatus is over) and let you all know.

Also, DarkShoGun, I would advise against cussing and flaming. It serves only to hurt your position, because Xalterax and CHUNK are being civilzed and such, while you are cussing at them and insulting their map. Please either stop posting, or clean up your act.

A few suggestions for Xalterax/CHUNK: First off, protect your map. Speaking from experience, it's best to make sure that whatever you create is protected in one way or another. Second, please clarify on the condition/location of your FFIV map. In one part you say that your FFIV map is already out there and is constantly being updated, while in another you mention that it was never released because it caused crashes. Which was it? Or are you talking about 2 different maps? I'm sorry if this is really obvious to everyone else, but I'm confused, so please clarify for me.
Level 1
Mar 9, 2005
First, let me make something clear: This isn't my map. I'm not an author and I never claimed to be one, but I have been working with Xalterax as he has developed it (as has several of our clan's map-makers and playtesters). All I can really be credited for within this map is a potion model (which I made) and a lot help with trigger issues, JASS questions, inspiration, and gameplay suggestions. Xalterax made this map. I didn't sit with him at his computer and watch, but considering the number of times questions, problems, code, and discussions were carried out between us - the time our playtesters spent playing this map (and the previous beta) and the fact that Xalterax has been working closely with our clan since he joined it and never once have I had any reason to doubt his word - I don't see why I should start now.

Secondly, Specter - FFF isn't protected in the strictest sense of the word, but it isn't exactly something that anyone could edit well without some tools that are probably a bit more difficult to obtain and use than a simple unprotector might be. The map was design in a custom WE that 6 people (in existance) have. The map has also been optimized, which makes it difficult to edit any triggers, objects, or anything else, even if you hack your way in.

Thirdly, and hopefully lastly, Re8eL8 - you were told that you needed to provide an email for your forum account. You failed to comply in a reasonable amount of time. You were offering to other forum members to help hack their code (despite your inability to even do more than figure out a few random things yourself for your own code), and apparently you have made a habit of being a pest, which got you banned from our clan's channel, and you later made an attempt to hack into the map itself and then bragged about your mostly failed attempt to Xalterax. As forum admin, a request was made that I ban you, and the evidence presented made an effective case for why I should accomodate that request. You were given numerous opportunities to control yourself and follow through with the forum policies, and you opted to ignore those policies. If you'd like, I could continue to publically expose your actions, but I doubt that any of them will make you appear any more innocent than you currently appear. In conclusion, your actions on our forums are not the type of behavior that we tolerate, and because we spend considerably more time there than you, there is no reason why we should be subjected to your poor behavior.

The fact that any of this needs to be discussed or that unsubstantiated suggestions that Xalterax didn't make FFF are even given consideration repulses me.
Level 22
May 11, 2004
Bestials name listed in the world editor where it would say author I could even upload it to this site to show everyone the truth. This was Bestial's first release.

Upload it, then. If thats your proof then what are you holding back for? If you wont show your proof, then you are just tossing accusations. We take map thievery very seriously here. But one thing we dislike as much as map thieves are those who accuse people of map thievery with no grounds.
Level 2
Jan 8, 2005
((Before I say anything, I just noticed that Re8el has uploaded a map called "FFForever by Re8el" that happens to have the exact same little minimap replacement picture thing, that even says "-Xalterax-" on it...))

I'll play this this weekend (who cares about the bet, I want to play :p ), and let you all know what I think as soon as possible. Another question, though...is it based off of any particular Final Fantasy? Or does it have elements/characters/places from every Final Fantasy? Or is it mostly original? I'm just curious... :D
Level 3
Nov 21, 2004
OMG REBEL you dumb ass please someone take that off the site...
1) Dont unprotect it and hack it and leave it unprotected for everyone to f*** up
2) Why do you think he added the level cap? So people wouldnt get to level 70 and complain that continent 2 is way too easy
3) Why do u hack it i seriously think you are retarded and should be temporarily banned for hacking such a great map
4) Seriously can't you just wait until June 15th (projected ver2 release) to get the 2nd continent and an increased level cap u kno he added a cap because people were too high and like i said before once the had their L33T level 99 heroes once all the other continents were out they would complain the map is bad quality because they didnt realize that they wouldnt be able to play the next continents so stop hacking the map n00b bitch
Level 3
Oct 20, 2004
Specter - the map's abilities and themes come from final fantasy but the adventure itself...bosses ect aren't modeled after a particular game in the series..afterall thats what made Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy. Its a unique experience many players are deeply enjoying. Unfortunetly due to Rebel's actions I have to rework the save codes yet again...so I wouldn't get heavily involved making 6 character saves or anything crazy like that until 1c is released.

Despite these events I hope you enjoy the map. if you visit the tdg forums (the link is actually in the map's description) you can keep up to date on the status of the map ect. Though future releases will appear on this site first, as it is the premier one to upload to and has an instant update responce time.
Level 1
Jun 11, 2005
is it me? or...

i know its just not me cuz this happened to many other players too

except its fixed for them now and not me

i see purple boxes instead of objects

also when i join someone else's game i get disconnected when the game starts

tried about 4-5 times

the disconnection doesnt happen for me when i make - others get disconnected

others advised me to restart my comp or restart the game but its not working for me

please help me out
Level 2
Jan 8, 2005
Ok, I've played it now. Suggestions...

- Have option to toggle locked camera (or something along those lines). Locked camera is the one thing that's ruined the experience of lots of maps I've played. However, since I know people who enjoy locked camera, I think it should be toggle-able.
- Not sure if this is even possible in Warcraft 3, but a system to name your character, even if it's just listing several names to choose from. I think it'd add to the FF feel...and even moreso if you add Namingway somewhere in there.
- I have some character class ideas and suggestions, but I won't make them until I finish trying every character.
- I can't find the very first place I'm supposed to go. Maybe make it so you can try and talk to certain people, and they can tell you stuff? You could make it so that it's not like Final Fantasy where you can talk to pretty much anyone, but more of an automatic thing for certain NPCs. For example, I could walk up to Villager #128 and he could pause and turn towards you, and on screen there'd be a message appears, like "Villager: Itica Pass is to the north" or something.

That's all I can think of for now.
Level 3
Nov 24, 2004
Wow, this map is surprisingly boring.
I can see you put a lot of time into it, but its still a fail.
I think you getting lots of downloads due to fancy minimap and cause its ff.

Screw changing the save codes because of rebel, just make ur game fun for at least 10min.
Level 3
Nov 21, 2004
Wow, this map is surprisingly boring.
uh details plz
I can see you put a lot of time into it, but its still a fail.
why do you think it fails, and i bet your some person who plays dumb games that take 5 min to make
I think you getting lots of downloads due to fancy minimap and cause its ff.
you really are stupid and obviously this map lures people by the FF theme but keeps them with the great gameplay
obviously you have no reasons for your insults make something good yourself before you insult maps like this
Level 1
Jul 29, 2004
- "I can't find the very first place I'm supposed to go. Maybe make it so you can try and talk to certain people, and they can tell you stuff? You could make it so that it's not like Final Fantasy where you can talk to pretty much anyone, but more of an automatic thing for certain NPCs. For example, I could walk up to Villager #128 and he could pause and turn towards you, and on screen there'd be a message appears, like "Villager: Itica Pass is to the north" or something. "

as a matter of fact EVERY npc in the game other than the guards can talk to you, and all of them give you hints, and sometimes quests and usually directions. Simply walk up to an npc and right click it. 8)
Level 3
Oct 20, 2004

Final Fantasy Forever release 1c



- Even More Bug Fixes
- Equipping items from the Inventory Vault no longer works
- Experience cap is now 35 1/2 allowing you to save at level 35
- Various Graphical Updates (Attack Type/Armor Type icons on char display)
- There is now an enforced gold cap per level
- Saved and Loaded Gold is locked to your character
- Gold is now only traded through the use of the -give command (See Quest Tab)
- Saved and Loaded Potions are locked to your character
- Locked Potions work on a stack count this count decreases when they are used
- There are now caps are the number of potions you can have for potion types
- Jump is now melee damage, to offset how incredibly usefull it is
- The Hyper damage bug has been fixed (extremely high damage at random)
- Note: Save codes from 1b do not work on this version. =(
- Bosses have been upgraded and are more difficult from previous versions
- You can no longer frog allies unless they are already a frog reversing the effect
- Leadership Bonuses for White Mage, Black Mage, Monk and Summoner were buffed
- Hp/Mp gain numbers are now updated realtime for approximate amounts
- "Double Loading" no longer works. This would occur if you loaded twice, really fast
- Stat descriptions updated to be far less confusing
- All Heros but the Ninja/Monk were reskinned to look more like Final Fantasy characters
- When a player leaves the game automatically displays save codes for the other players
- The kick command was added to the game, this command allows the host to remove unwanted players
- You can only save/load your game if there are at least 2 players
- From when hero selection begins all players have 2 minutes to chose a hero, players who fail
to pick a hero before the timer expires will be dropped and removed from the game.
- The Music has returned in 1c there is a Non-Music version on worldofwar.net
- If you have the Non-Music version you can get the music one at the link:


1c FAQ:

1) OMFG WTF BBQ My 99 hacked Elixirs from 1b poofed?

- The elixir cap for this version is 3 Elixirs. That is how many elixirs are on the map for
players to find. If you somehow exceed the cap it will reduce your stack size to the cap with
a message that you exceeded the elixir cap. Every stackable item of siginificant value has a
cap on it though I was nicer with the cheaper items.

2) What are the potion stack caps?

- Elixir: 3, X-Potion: 2, Hi-Ether: 1, X-Ether: 1, Ether: 30, Hi-Potion: 50, Cabin: 2

3) Will my save code still work?

- Save codes from 1b will not work. The codes in 1b were sadly too easy to hack, and this
resulted in rampant cheating, along with other problems. This was fixed with the 1c
dynamic save code system. This system creates save codes that are not only local to the
player but codes that are local to the code.

4) When is release 2 due out and what will it add?

- Release 2's projected finish date is June 20th, but this date may change. Release 2 adds the
continent of Telathis, the water temple, the gigan mountain range, 4 new towns...over 70 peices of
equipment, raises the level cap to 50, a planned 20+ new monster types, including a planned number
of bosses both static and plot. You will also be able to do various sidequests and this time they will
be different for each hero. (8 in all). You will be able to unlock the Zokutso and Nerasa Boshido
skills for the Ninja and the Shiva and Titan summons for the summoner. This addition is expected to
add 10-20 hours of gameplay to the map, roughly.

Level 2
Jan 8, 2005
as a matter of fact EVERY npc in the game other than the guards can talk to you, and all of them give you hints, and sometimes quests and usually directions. Simply walk up to an npc and right click it. icon_cool.gif

Oh. *smacks forehead*
Ok, then I have another suggestion...put something somewhere that tells people that :D
Level 1
Jun 14, 2005
This may be painfully obvious to some,but I didn't think of it at first. If your really having trouble downloading this here do it at their website.
Level 1
Feb 20, 2005
Coment for eternal whatever on his camera probs: you can turn the camera off just press ctrl+c once and it will unlock the camera but once you go into a fight or a new are it will be locked again >.< oh well good for town traveling lol...
Level 3
Jun 14, 2005
uh, im having trouble with the map. i downloaded here and on the site so i dont know whats wrong, but when i unzip it, i get an error that the file is corrupt and it would let me open the file :cry:

anyone else having this trouble,

can someone email me the map, ill map another acc if anyone is willing to help me cause the ones i have now are currently full :shock:
Level 2
Jan 8, 2005
Ok, now that I've played this excessively...I have a few more suggestions:

- Ninja is way overpowered IMO. Every time I've played with a ninja, even if he is 5 levels lower than me, he starts with Kujinato and kills pretty much everything instantly.
- This might be my typing issues, but save codes seem a little messed up. My white mage has lost sprint shoes 3 times now, and my dragoon lost an elixir. This is probably just due to my typos though. But please, please, PLEASE somehow make it easier to differentiate between 1 (one), l (L), and I (eye).
- The whole "That isn't your item" thing is a good idea, but if a character is, say, dropping an item on another character on purpose, then let it go. I tried giving someone my Amulet of Might and it wouldn't let me.
- Make movement between areas (like world map > town) easier. I've often been stuck for that.
- An option for people to oust a leader if all the rest in the group vote for it. This could be nice to counter bad leaders who won't admit that they are bad and continue to lead badly.
- This is a much smaller thing and has less to do with mapping than artistic ability, but it'd be cool to have a custom loading screen with a cool FF-like logo or something. Perhaps, like FFT's logo, have the characters in the background all poised for battle. It's hard to explain, but I'll find an example if you'd like.

- I love how you use the FFT sprites for icons. What bothers me is how Agrias (a female Holy Knight for those who don't know) happens to be the Dark Knight icon. This bothers me even more when I know that there is Gafgarion's (a male Dark Knight) sprite that could be used.
- Speaking of FFT, I'm so obsessed with this I'm doing an FFT challenge based off of this map.
Level 3
Jul 23, 2004
Very Good map! Not played much but what i saw it makes me happy! Keep going on making maps because there aren't too much good map makers!

I would give it a (5)!
Level 1
Jun 29, 2005
excellent map 8)

i suggest put some FFT music in the map,like there is battle music,town music,shop music and stuff,although it ruin the size,but worth it.by the way it omly allows 4 players anyways :)


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
Just a few questions n suggestions:

1) would it be possible to make like two teams instead? i mean, two travelling teams (f.ex. 3n3). so that u could arrange duels n stuff, or questraces, coz it's things like these that helps keeping rpg's alive much longer n encourages ppl to get all heroes n lvl them n such. if this is not an option, then maybe u could make another map late like an arena where 2 teams could load their heroes from the rpg... would that be possible?..

2) i've seen other ppl complain about starting at last town when they save. i was just wondering, maybe u could make like free buildable portals, scrolls or something like that in each town?.. offcourse, u would also have to find a way to keep these items to the player that earned them... haven't thought this idea trough, but it might give u some ideas ;) oh and hey, u do know that blue slot is bugged right?.. back to lvl 1 but items stay... so to thos who don't know: DON'T PLAY ON BLUE SLOT IF U WANNA LOAD A CHAR!

3) i don't exactly know this map in and out, but i guess u'll add many items that r hard to find or VERY rare drops n such... and one more thing, would it be possible to make things a bit more random? i mean, some guy always tries to get in head of everyone else to get the usual treasures n stuff like that...

4) Then for a little noobish request ;) there r so many different things to do to fix this problem so i'll leave it to u if u decide to take action, but anyway, here's the deal: the first time i fought the frog lady i had all my slots filled with items. so that when we finally killed her everyone who had an open slot (everyone but me that is) got an unique item, while i stood there with nothing but slots filled with crap :p
*would be nice if u added a bigger backpack, virtual or smthin...

5) just one last suggestion for a quest:
in first town u could take a quest that starts like this: kill x of x kind of monsters, u do that, get a price or something, n get a new kind to kill, then after a few here this can go on to next town n so on, and in the end u can get a nice price or something coz a quest like this could go on for some time and can only be finished when u have access to all towns.
so that when u do have access to all towns this could be a quest that could go on for let's say 30-60 mins if u wanna finish it, or just a few mins to earn some money or maybe make it last 15 mins in first town, then quest finished and u can move on to the quest in next time whenever u load, then finished there and on to next town and so on if u understand... the idea is that the quest can be usefull all the way, even though u can't finish it at first or second try...

just some ideas... if they don't participate in any changes i hope atleast they've made u think in some new ways :)

* btw, is this map in some way related to this? FF IV (v0.28) something like that..

[as i understood it u were slowed down in map-making progress coz of probs in reallife, and therefore i'm trying to be as gentle as possible :) but it would be nice if u could at least give us some amount of days, weeks or months of how long we have to w8 untill the new content is released... my understanding is that u have sacrificed alot to make it possible for alot of people to enjoy a first-class unique RPG-map. no map maker could earn my respect more, so i thank u, and i hope everything works out for u...]

- w8ing patiently for ur reply - AliaZ -
Level 1
Jul 1, 2005
Good work! :D Congatulations on such a good map but there is something I am dissapointed about. You can't play it solo. :( Maybe it's not made for solo game, but somethimes I can't find partner. The problem is when you take spellcaster creeps are too strong and you die fast. With warrior you don't have that problems, zombies make them. You can kill them only with magic.

Anyway, keep going! :wink:
Level 3
Oct 20, 2004

1) No, the map was designed to be 4 player, Due to the way everything is built its not possible to make it 8 player.

2) Thats a convience thing. Later on (like release 3) there will be an airship and that should lower the gripe on transit alot. As for red slot being the load thing? No. Its by leader...so if red transfers leadership to teal before teal loads then it will load from teal's main quest progress.

3) Random Genric placed items would be a major pain, sorry...none of the other FF's did it, why should I? As far as rares...yes there will be a few obscure super rares, but they may be added in only at the end when the map is totally done.

4) For release 2 quest rewards are being dumped to your virtual vault, instead of your character. There's a message telling you the reward went there as well.

5) Extra quests for cash? I never had any money problems playing this map, I don't see why anyone else would...so I wasn't planning on adding this, sorry.


Ninja isn't overpowered, he's popular but he's not a god..many find his damage lacking later in the game. I took the time to balance him out, trust me..

World Map movement is tough because its a click-to-move system and some objects are larger than others (Castles) but it doesn't bother me enough to get a headache over it and change the whole system.

Logo? I have my own logo and its on the load page and preview image...thats not good enough for you? =P

Item locking is intentional and isn't going to change, sorry. People are finding ways around it despite..

In release 2 the dark knight's icon is changed to Gafgarion.

The kick command works and has been fixed...having a party vote to "oust" leader is something I can consider, I guess...heh. Just more work before I can keep going on content for release 2. :roll:
Level 2
Jul 23, 2005
k, the map was made only multiplayer so that u cant cheat by going solo then typin greedisgood or something like that... the map is awsome, btw dragoon can kill zombies when he gets jump... kills them one shot, and theres several other ways to kill them if i remember right 8)
anyway, i love the map... and cant wait for the new version... :D
Level 3
Dec 4, 2004
Ah yes. I finally got to play this about 3 days ago. Stupid other hosts cant host for squat. This is a very great game, and no complantes here. Just one thing, is it just me or does Split Stack not work? Or is it because the Potions are locked to me?
And as an Dragoon, jump still does squat to Zombies.
Level 2
Sep 9, 2005
awsum ass map, but the no music version is better, much smaller and i found out how to cheat kinda

im a level 23 black mage