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Favorite Video Game Character

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Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
JC Denton from Deus Ex: Sooo... badass....
Really? I personally thought the main characters of both games lacked personality. And the times that they did have personality were inconsistent because they were usually choices to be made in the game. But he does gain more of a personality in the second game.

I loved this line, though:
You mechs have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Master Chief Petty Officer SPARTAN John-117 said:
Thought I'd shoot my way out; mix things up a little
Just barely badass, but funny in context. I actually laughed a little the first time I heard it.
Level 2
Feb 22, 2008
Lord Osmund Saddler (Resident Evil 4) FTW!!! Hardly anyone comes even close to Saddler.... except Anub'arak of course.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
This thread needs moar GLaDOS.
There was even going to be a party for you. A big party that all your friends were invited to. I invited your best friend the companion cube. Of course, he couldn't come because you murdered him. All your other friends couldn't come either because you don't have any other friends because of how unlikable you are. It says so here in your personnel file: Unlikable. Liked by no one. A bitter, unlikable loner whose passing shall not be mourned. SHALL. NOT. BE. MOURNED. That's exactly what it says. Very formal. Very official. It also says you're adopted, so that's funny too.
That thing you burnt up isn't important to me. It's the Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit; it made shoes for orphans. Nice job breaking it, hero.
Didn't we have some fun though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said "Goodbye" and you were like "NO WAY!" and then I was all "We pretended we were going to murder you"? That was great!
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
Shadow from Shadow the Hedgehog, hes got the mind enough that its easier to pull a gun on eggman than turn into a ball and hit him.
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Actually, shadow the hedgehog was cool not because he used guns, but because his chaos powers pretty much enable him to march faster through what sonic has to go over.

However that got defeated by Sonic Riders 0 Gravity as in there, all characters could no matric style jumps and a form of chaos controle without any emeralds.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Meh, I actually liked the original Sonic characters much better, I mean it was clear that Shadow was nothing but a false pretender, and that Sonic was the real deal. It was the same thing with that bat-chick and Knuckles, the original is stacked, the pretender is half-bat. No competition.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
You will be baked, and then there will be cake.
Amy is pretty funny, because she's pretty useless. Like in Sonic R she drives some car with a badass boost instead of driving, and in most of the other Sonic games she runs around with a hammer instead of properly hitting things. Well, in Sonic Battle she does punch with boxing gloves, and is actually one of the nastier characters.
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
My other favorite character is Metal Sonic, he's really freaken cool, but I was dissapointed with the metal overlord in sonic heroes, he was freaken easy to beat and it was gay he turned into some giant dragon. I was hoping for a SonicV.SMetal one on one. But o well.:infl_thumbs_up:
Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
Umm, Shy Guy FTW? He's cool, wish he was in SSBB... But for characters with actual games? I'm gonna say Ness. He such a sweet ass character.

As for my favorite character quote?

Charmander: "Charmander"
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Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
Dammit! You have revealed my one true weakness! I am not a Pokemon expert! Damn you to hell Brad...
Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
ahem. Raziel: Soul Reaver. Then, Kain: Soul Reaver(He was less interesting in blood omen games)

I just finished Soul Reaver 2 again like 10 minutes ago. Looking back on it there were some parts of the game seriously lacking. It's ridiculously short, the autotargeting (on PC anyways) was crap, and the closest thing to a boss fight is at the end when you face off against The leaders of the sarafan brotherhood, including your own past self - but you have the blood reaver, which when combined with your soul consuming weapon and your soul reaving self makes you invincible, so though it may take a while, you can't actually lose against the only bosses in the game. Out of all those things that sound like major issues, you only really notice the bad camera control. Course, it was developed as a ps2 game then ported to pc, so maybe thats just something that bugs me cause im playing on a pc. And although the other things would drive you nuts in most games, the story and acting are so fantastic that you don't even notice the problems. I didn't notice them till AFTER I finished the game today, and this is the third time I've beaten it.

and The Cutscenes are amazing.
Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
I'm not gonna lie, I had Soul Reaver on Dreamcast and I own Defiance and SR 2 on PC. It's one badass series of games.

Raziel is of course my favourite though :D

Soul Reaver for the Win!


Someone should go approve my series of 8-9 legacy of kain themed modeling/model editing contests like a modeling competition tournament with rounds. The we can make some really cool shit.

and not that anyone knows what I really look like here anyways, but on a whim I decided to shave off my sideburns today. I've had sideburns most of the time for the past like 5 years, and they went to the bottom of my chin, as inch wide strips with hair about an inch long. I look so different now. o_O

it's kinda weirding me out when i see my reflection.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Shiki from Tsukihime. Few characters can manage to be as badass with a knife as he is. And considering he's being frail and anemic all the time, it's quite a feat.
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Dammit! You have revealed my one true weakness! I am not a Pokemon expert! Damn you to hell Brad...

Do you happen to need a Pokemon expert?
I resent Brawl making it seem like Lucario says "Lucario" (like when you select him to play) He TOTALLY is telepathic/speaks English
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Yeah except Brawl rapes Pokemon any day of the week, and I resent Brawl for even INCLUDING stupid fucking Pokemon in the game.

Brawl is rated T for teen. Teen being 13 and up. No one in their right mind over the age of 13 likes Pokemon. So why the hell include it?

My life is a lie? Is that what you're saying? Or maybe you're saying I'm not in my right mind. Well, I'm not really, so I guess I can forgive you. Teh_Ephy at least agrees with me. Please, though, don't insult Pokemon when I'm around
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Pokemon was awesome. Was. Until they made 5 or 6 million clones of the exact same game with a few bells and whistles. You know what I want to see? A 3D pokemon real time combat game. Of course I don't want it to be part of the main series, but it would be pretty fucking sweet to see that.

I don't compare SSB with Pokemon, however. I play both of them, so quite frankly, I don't care. They're both awesome to me, and that's all that matters.
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Sez you. I personally think thay although new ones keep coming out, they keep getting better. Without the GTS on Pearl I would have to spend God only knows how much money to call long distance to talk to my frined in Michigan (I can't IM) With the GTS, I can talk to him AND do Pokemon stuff with him. That seems quite useful. I do, however, agree that the plots of the games are getting repetitive
Level 4
Jun 16, 2007
Banjo and Kazooie...

Hehehe, one of the greatest series ever:smile:. Unfortunatley it lost it's publictity and there was never a 3rd...:hohum: oh well... surprised anyone even remembers those games though. Did the gameboy ones count towards the series? I didn't like those ones so I could care less...

More Pokemon related topic: I'm surprised the damn things are even around. The show was good until they changed the characters... May is so dumb... only reason I even own the friggin' games now is cuz my brother demands I play them with him, though I dunno why being I just import all of my lv100s from my Sapphire... hehehe PWN him every time:smile:.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
though I dunno why being I just import all of my lv100s from my Sapphire... hehehe PWN him every time
Then you're kinda missing the point of the games. It's like using cheat codes to complete the Warcraft 3 campaign. Only slightly more boring.

Anyhow, I've always been a fan of the fire starter pokemon. Then they came up with a fucking flaming monkey. They're definitely running out of good ideas.

You know who's an awesome character? The Rivals you get in Pokemon. They always make you choose your Pokemon first, then take the type you're weak against, and you can't do jack shit about it. Badass.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
The Pokémon games are monster. The show was bad waaay before they changed the voices (like after they moved onto G/S/C), and they're actually getting some of that back after they moved onto D/P.
Level 4
Jun 16, 2007
All I can say is "well I'll be damned" for I just picked up this month's issue of game informer and noticed another Banjo Kazooie game. (This is a follow up to my last post I just don't think it's smart to quote the whole thing being I dunno how to quote a portion) I opened the magazine and began flipping through noticing facinating releases such as the new Guitar Hero (basically a Rock Band 2 due to the fact that it's full band) and such. Near the end I noticed a picture of a bear and a red bird and went "OMG IT'S BANJO AND KAZOOIE!" and sure enough there it was. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts. Although this game doesn't look as good as the first 2 it still looks promising. Best part is that it's for the X-Box 360 due to the fact that Rare joined Microsoft or got bought out or W/E. Point is that there's gonna be another Banjoo Kazooie game! WEWT!

Pokemon: I dunno... although the show is... making a comeback, shall we say, it's still not what it was. The names confuse the hell out of me now being there's like... 450+ or sumthin', the games are getting easier, the show is getting kind of dopey being it's the same old stuff over and over again (1.Ash finds crew 2. They get to know each other 3. Each start out with cool Pokemon 4. Go to Gyms and Contests now while catching Pokemon as they walk along the road and fight random trainers with random names and Pokemon (WTF!!! The contests, in my eyes, are a terrible addition, I don't play pokemon to show how pretty my pokemon is, I PLAY IT TO CONTROL AND DESTROY! *cackle*) 5. Team versus champions and win 6. They go do extra pointless stuff for no reason 7. Repeat with new series name and pokemon) Now maybe I don't like it cuz I feel I've outgrown it (which is very likely), but it's just redundant now. Worst part about it though is that although I complain about the games I still buy them. And has anyone heard about the new Pokemon Platinum? The legendary pokemon looks pretty damn cool:grin:.

Response to "MySpaceBarBroke": Yeah, well they did make you work for the importing "opportunities" shall we say. You had to beat the elite four and see all the Pokemon in the friggen game just to get a special Pokedex... quite annoying. So I did beat the game with a regular team, but now that I have and there's not much I can do I just import some of the Pokemon from my Sapphire to my Diamond seeing as to how it makes training a hell of a lot easier (wewt for Exp Share), so it's not really cheating, it's more of a reward. Plus I don't always use the 100s although that is what I made it sound like (sry about that).
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Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
What do you mean, have I heard of Platinum?
Of course! I have heard of everything Pokemon! (do you people know that there actually WAS a Green Version?)I CAN NOT WAIT for Platinum to come out
The show. Hm. I used to keep track, but I've lost count. I'll watch the movies and the occasional show, but they are degenerating. Also, the names aren't really that hard to keep up with, if you're obsessed (I mean dedicated.)
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