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Favorite MMO Games

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Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
Well, for me it would be WoW, but it's not free. So:
1. Exteel
I spend hours of my life with this. What's WoW for RPGers, that's Exteel for FPSers. I am still playing it.

2. Savage 2
I love this thing! Fast, nice, brutal... Beautiful. Like DotA in FPS. But better. MUCH better. LOADS better.

3. Megaten
Before I saw that it was to mysterious and repeatitive, this was my favorite game. I was just grinding whole day.

4. Battleswarm: Field of Honor
You like FPSs? A game for you. You like RTSs? A game for you. Almost perfect mix. Human players, who play FPS, defend against the bug army player, who plays in RTS mode. But... one day update crashed and I didn't want to bother downloading it again, so... bye, Battleswarm!... Field of Honor.

5. City of Heroes
I actually don't like this game so much, but when I was a kid, I was drawing comics with electrical superhero: Zacto-Man. Yeah, meaningless name. I dreamt of playing a game with him, and my wish came true after 8 years ;-)

So, what MMO games do YOU play?
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Well, since it seems you're looking for a list of our favorite F2P games, I'll happily oblige. I've been reviewing free games during my free time and I've gotten quite a following up on youtube.

Anyways... My top mumorpuger that is free to play has got to be:

Runescape - Now I know, Runescape is fairly controversial, especially here, but I think it is one of the best free to play RPG's. First off, it is VERY easy to start playing, and requires only that you download the SUN Java application, after which you can play from any decent computer with internet access. The graphics actually feel very lovingly crafted, and even after the big "HD" update, the art team still tweaks and refines everything. Animations are getting improved, and you'll find that the attacking animations for most weapons are very fluid as opposed to how it was before. The fact that combat is necessary to be successful is something I also enjoy. Want to become a master chef? Go ahead! You'll even earn money for cooking lobsters, which heal quite a bit of health. Want to become the dirtiest and grittiest blacksmith in all of Gielinor? Same as before! Keep at your blacksmithing and you'll eventually be able to form legendary rune weapons (although it takes an awful long while...)

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Meh... Tibia is 2D.

It's still the best out of all MMORPG games. The 2D is no problem at all, I find it to look rather neat. 3D Tibia would be stupid.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
It's still the best out of all MMORPG games. The 2D is no problem at all, I find it to look rather neat. 3D Tibia would be stupid.

The fact that characters don't even have attack animations- which is something EVERY free MMO has- is reason enough for me not to want to try it.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

The fact that characters don't even have attack animations- which is something EVERY free MMO has- is reason enough for me not to want to try it.

Meh, it wouldn't make it more interesting to add attack animations.. I mean, it would still just be the same animation every second or so, instead of no animation and just effects. You don't play Tibia for it's incredible graphics, you play it for the community, the ever-growing map and vast amount of literature and story within the game, I mean it's a roleplayers paradise compared to most other MMORPGs, while it's also superb for power-gamers compared to other MMORPGs because your level and skills simply know no bounds, you can go on forever - if I am not mistaken, I think the highest level(s) has passed 400 now. There's also, though declining in amount, a lot of unsolved, mysterious quests that there is a lot of leading information about, but you never seem to solve it completely (it probably isn't either, until a new update where some more clues are added). The problem with Tibia now, is all the non-English speaking players (although it is required to be able to communicate in English, the rue enforcement is not handled well enough, part because there's a lack of Gamemasters and part because more important issues like cheating comes first) and cheaters (in particular bots). Though that's a problem most MMORPGs have anyway.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

I would play WoW all day if it would be SP.
How boring isn't that? A full MMORPG world.. and only you. The key ingredient in a MMORPG is PvP, without multiplayer, it's completely useless.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

.. I'm .. completely speechless.
Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
WoW is boring if its just you questing because it wasn't meant for single player. Oblivion and Morrowind are the kind of games you should be playing if you want to have fun.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
NWN [Overall Rating: 4/5]
Neverwinter Nights
- How can I give so old game so much points? Well. The game is so great! and even the graphics pwn wows graphics.
==-=-== ==-=-== ==-=-== ==-=-==
Neverwinter Nights is NOT an MMORPG, and in no way does it have superior graphics to World of Warcraft.
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
WoW's graphics are pretty cartoonish. Unlike Guild Wars or Aion. But still a great game. Also, what I don't like in WoW is lots of humor. Come on, humor in Warcraft? Spare me. I hope it ends with Cataclysm. What made me love WoW a little more is the Sunwell Trilogy anime.
Level 6
Aug 21, 2009
The reason why WoWs graphics look so "cartoonish" is because they want the game to be played on pretty much any computer, without their computer blowing up on them. Whats wrong with a bit of humor? Hmm...those mohawk grenades ARE pushing it...
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