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Exodus: The Violet Gate 2.05.1

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.

Macielos & Nyctaeus present


First the Undead Scourge's corruption and then the Burning Legion's invasion has left the Alliance of Lordaeron decimated and torn apart. Former Human and Elven Kingdoms now lie in ruins, roamed by horrific undead creatures, with major cities left under the iron fist of the Dreadlords' reign. To make matters worse, betrayal and discord has struck the Alliance from within, with treacherous Blood Elves conspiring with inhuman beasts and taking arms against their Human and Dwarven brethren. Despite the overwhelming odds, dispersed groups of resistance continue their desperate struggle. Even though the chances of victory seem to diminish with every comrade lost, it is said that even in the darkest of times a new hope may emerge from where you least expect it...
  • A total overhaul of 2010 Exodus campaign
  • 12 playable chapters + interludes
  • Unique storyline that takes some concepts and characters from the predecessor, but is basically a whole new experience, introducing new plots, reimagining some events known from the Frozen Throne campaign, adding more background and depth to main characters
  • Diverse gameplay, including classic RTS-style battles with plenty of new mechanics, exploration missions, epic boss fights and more
  • Major graphical overhaul, including plenty of custom environment, structures, doodads and tiles
  • Custom heroes, units, skills and items
  • Unique models for main heroes
  • Unique AI-generated voicelines for most playable units
  • Heroes levelling up to 15, with 4-level basic abilities and 3-level ultimate abilities
  • Several entirely new or modified techtrees, each featuring some new units, structures and gameplay style:
    • Alliance of Lordaeron
    • Alteraci Syndicate
    • Stormpike Dwarves
    • The Forsaken
    • Undead Scourge
    • Crushridge Ogres
    • And more…
  • All major shortcuts to units, structures and skills mapped to QWER-ASDF-ZXCV hotkeys for more intuitive gameplay
  • Custom soundtrack from Warcraft 3: Reforged, World of Warcraft and other sources
  • Normal or Hard difficulty level
  • Recommended to play on 1.31 (tested by 3 people), there are some problems on 1.35

Colonel Reynart Alinthor – a battle-hardened veteran officer of the Alliance of Lordaeron. Following the footsteps of his father, a humble old soldier nobilitated for his valiance in the Second War, Reynart dedicated his life to military service. Having lost his family, friends and far too many comrades to the Scourge, he ended up as a second-in-command of one of the last Alliance bastions in the northern realms – the ruins of Dalaran. Although his quick promotion to colonel came rather out of necessity when higher ranking officers one by one fell to the Scourge, he is a capable leader and experienced tactician who commands with deep care about his troops and determination to keep them safe against all odds.

Ranger-Captain Inaylia Aequath – a sole survivor of an orcish massacre in the Second War, Inaylia was taken, raised and trained by High Elven Farstriders from Quel’Thalas. Under guidance of Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner she began training a new elite unit of Alliance marksmen and assassins later to be known as Lordaeron Rangers. Consisting of trappers, hunters, former convicts and mercenaries, the Rangers were meant to perform black ops beyond Alliance’s military hierarchy… and free of moral doubts of paladins, knights and priests. Once the Scourge came, Rangers’ resourcefulness, ruthlessness and proficiency in guerrilla warfare made them an invaluable asset in the Alliance’s dwindling military under Grand Marshal Garithos. Distrustful and cold, focused and determined, hardened by difficult past and haunted by it, Inaylia values thinking outside the box and applying any means necessary to survive in a hostile world that surrounds her.

Eldin Tharennas – former priest of the Light and a skilled mage from Quel’Thalas, Eldin quickly became dissatisfied with existing schools of magic. Although his primary focus remains on the Light, he used to experiment with other types of magical energy and interact with them on very low level, leading to extraordinary results. His talent was quickly noticed by a certain Kirin Tor Archmage who has put it to much better use than service to the Church of Light…

Solymus Kangard – a mysterious, proud, stubborn and eccentric Archmage of the Kirin Tor whose actions have always been well hidden beyond the veil of secrecy. Although Dalaran corridors held rumours about highly controversial experiments he undertook in his early career and Kirin Tor councils regularly witnessed quarrels between him and Archmage Antonidas, his real activities remained known only to Kirin Tor’s inner circle and his deep and subtle influence upheld by a network of spies and contacts remained unquestioned. Soon after the First War he withdrew from public to focus on his private projects. Official reports indicate he returned to the Kirin Tor during the Third War and was eventually overwhelmed and killed by the Scourge in the Siege of Dalaran. However, is it possible that his role in the tides of history is not yet complete?

Margoth Leitenhove – impoverished Alteraci nobleman, one of the many whose lives fell into ruin after their king was deposed by Alliance forces in the Second War. Now the tides have changed, former oppressors of Alterac struggle to survive themselves and the remnants of the fallen kingdom, reunited within the Syndicate, fight for their own place in a devastated world. Impulsive, reckless and hot-tempered, lacking discipline, but definitely not foolish, Margoth must use all of his skill to keep his people in check, hold the Scourge at bay and maintain his position against greedy and powerful warlords at the court of prince Aliden Perenolde.

Valena Isgair – Archnecromancer of the Cult of the Damned and one of the top apprentices of Kel’Thuzad himself, Valena is deeply and unconditionally devoted to her master. She played a pivotal role in gathering cultists and distributing infected grain among the townsfolk of Lordaeron in the early stage of Scourge incursion and she kept the Cult in one piece until her master was resurrected by Arthas Menethil. As new powers strive for domination over ruins of Lordaeron, Valena acts in the shadow to uphold his master’s agenda and secure his best interests against any foe. Wielding a wide range of both ice and necromantic spells, she is an opponent not to be underestimated.

- Battlemage's Replenish Mana no longer affects himself, so won't be stopping during attack-move

Chapter One:
- A beetle no longer appears stuck behind a fence

- Added hosting info on loading screens
- Added text messages for Margoth's taunts
- New model and new unique voicelines for Battlemage, adjusted volume of existing ones
- Reynart's Medical Provisions now always cast 4 waves of supplies, but each level of ability grants higher heal boost per wave than before
- Increased extra armor provided by Eldin's Words of Glory, each level slightly increases its duration, also slightly increased mana cost
- Fixed one of Inaylia's hidden voicelines, now it currectly plays a unique line for Chapter Two and the standard one in the following maps
- Removed Call to Arms from Dwarven and Enclave's town halls as they did nothing anyway
- Replaced Enclave's Arcane Vault with Cleanser Feretory with some unique items available in them
- Added Enclave's banners for Gatekeeper buildings
- Increased Vulture Rider's training time
- Slightly reduced damage of Pulverizer and Protector
- Gunships's Energy Barrier now protects also from Ensnare
- Enclave's Altair of Reason now has brand new, custom model.
- Fixed some typos

Chapter Two:
- Added some extra hints and a small secret

Chapter Three:
- Periodic attacks now start also if the player explores too far ahead while leaving the caravan in its initial spot

Chapter Four:
- Increased number of towers built and troops trained by liberated villages
- Intervals between Syndicate attacks are now slightly randomized, also they are longer on Easy/Normal difficulty and shorter on Hard
- Peasants should less often stop after some cutscenes (unfortunately it still happens sometimes because pause + hide actions work like shit)
- Syndicate units should now pause properly during all cutscenes

Chapter Five:
- The two Hunters we can acquire now have their upgrades unlocked
- In the defense part we have less upgrades available because it is too short for them to have a major impact, so it is only misleading for players

Chapter Seven:
- Added an opportunity to recall reinforcements from your base before the final battle
- Added some extra enemies to Valena's bossfight and slightly increased her stats

Chapter Eight:
- Fixed lag by giving Dark Blue Forsaken AI a gold mine (still no idea why it occured here and not in other mine-less AIs, possibly because of map size and pathfinding complexity)
- Added a small visibility circle and a ping on Mug'thol's location
- Added a goblin shop where you can buy a book resetting hero's ability points

Chapter Ten:
- If you buy an Ivory Tower as Thamdan and build it, it will now be automagically given to Inaylia so that you can have buildings required for upgrades
- Added a new secondary objective so that people finally stop missing a cool secret

- New unique model for Solymus Kangard
- New projectile models for Eldin and Solymus
- Life regeneration gained per strength point reduced from 0.05 to 0.03 to make heroes a bit less OP in late game and increase the role of healing, scrolls, potions etc.
- Lowered mana cost of Transfer Mana and Replenish Mana, Replenish Mana now affects 5 units instead of 3 (like the Obsidian Statue)
- Enraged Elemental and Berserk Elemental can now attack air units
- Marksman's Snipe can no longer be used against buildings or mechanical units
- Cleanser's Healing Bond now correctly heals 3 units instead of 2
- Added missing Undead flag for some Forsaken units and Undead Blackclads
- Added passive Snipe icon for Dwarven tower's "bash"
- Fixed hotkeys for skills of Doom Guard and Orb of Decay's minion
- Minor corrections in dialogs

Chapter One:
- Added channeling animation for Valena when she escapes in outro

Chapter Three:
- Slightly stronger attack waves going for the caravan

Chapter Seven:
- Changed order of heroes

Chapter Ten:
- The gunship secret made easier to find because it's too damn cool for too many people to keep missing it

- Changed order of heroes for the final part

- Fixed descriptions of Vespira's Arcane Defence and Blade Whirlwinds
- Made Margoth's taunts louder

- New unique models for main heroes, also changed models for Thardis and Sylvanas
- New AI-generated voices for most new playable units
- New unit set for the Enclave and new upgrades for them
- New bonus chapter "Torch of a Reason" added before Chapter Eight

- Playable Vespira Coldgaze with a unique Gatekeeper skillset
- Changed Archer model to avoid bugged arrows, also changed its icon
- Syndicate Skimisher's damage now increases with Machinery upgrades
- Scourge's flaming and frost archer now uses attack and armour upgrades properly
- Made Margoth's insults even more insulting both visually and vocally
- Gunships are now resistant to Crypt Fiend's webs as long as they have Energy Barrier on
- Increased Hunter's speed and added Evasion for him
- Discordant's Discord ability now only silences (and slows down) a single unit (area version given to Vespira)
- Reorganized descriptions of Alliance and Enclave units, each divided into a short summary and a more detailed lore information
- Heroes now continue to gain 50% experience from creeps until max level
- Fixed broken portrait of ogre Altar by removing it
- Added working portrait for Dropship (by Stefan.K)
- Fixed description of Thardis' Empowered Strike
- Fixed some Forsaken buildings still requiring Blight to be built
- Fixed some typos
- And more

Chapter One:
- Ghouls no longer remain in the camp in the north-west after the intro cutscene
- Turned down the death sounds of units with death animation at the beginning of barracks cutscene. All attempts to silence it completely by triggers didn't work. Alternative would be to use "create permanent corpse", but it looks skeletal for the first 8 seconds.
- Added hint about generators regenerating mana
- More realistic appearence of Crypt Fiends and Carrion Beetles

Chapter Two:
- Changed Inaylia's message when we destroy Red base in the middle of fighting Sylvanas' attack waves
- Red's rebuilt structures are now also required to be destroyed to fulfill the objective
- Reworked pathing of the north-eastern cave to make it partially accessible to flyers - done to get rid of air path blockers which in some cases block pathing of ground units too
- You can no longer accidently destroy path blockers by destroying gunpowder barrels

Chapter Three:
- Slightly reduced frequency of Grown Zombie's messages

Chapter Four:
- Restored missing sky in cutscenes

Chapter Five:
- Dwarven reinforcements at the beginning of Inaylia's mission stage join the fight only after killing the defenders of passing the outpost to prevent them from dying too easily

Chapter Six:
- Added special zoomout when camera is over the bridge in the east

Chapter Seven:
- Reduced Vespira's level so that we have more fun with her new skillset in the bonus chapter

Chapter Eight:
- Undead shipyard on an island no longer sells undead ships
- Removed Possessed effect from Mug'thol after he's freed
- Margoth can no longer die in the initial cutscene
- Marauder message can no longer be sent by a structure
- After Mug'thol is freed, Eldin's message can no longer overlap with interaction with Nathanos

Chapter Nine:
- Extended conversation with Sylvanas to address some heroes' new look

- Fixed hero portrait colors in some dialog lines in various missions

Chapter Three:
- Gave mana points to Blackclad Captain so he can use his skill

Chapter Six:
- Margoth's items from this chapter are now kept throughout Chapter Eight and Nine
- Fixed crashes caused by Valena's Revenant's Animate Death spell - it was replaced with an aura

Chapter Eight:
- Crushridge Ogres should no longer get stuck by exceeded unit limit and should send attacks normally
- Some extra items available in ogre shop

Chapter Ten
- Forsaken Army AI should no longer get stuck by exceeded unit limit and should send attacks normally
- Fixed icons of Dwarven Scout and Guard Towers

Chapter Eleven:
- Green AI should no longer get stuck trying to send ground attacks, it now also properly trains Destroyers
- Reduced max number of units in the swarms to improve performance

EDIT: Removed debug in Chapter Ten

Chapter One:
- Increased HP of Valena, extended the final chamber and added some extra boss fight mechanics
- Removed possibility to attack Valena's guards before entering the final chamber e.g. by using a shockwave

Chapter Two:
- Defence of Garithos base now lasts longer and it a bit harder
- Garithos should no longer get stuck having returned with the dwarves
- Strengthened Balnazzar's attack waves and added some demons to them
- Removed Balnazzar's Earthquake on Hard due to FPS drops and because he has tons of fuck-you to cast anyway
- Balnazzar no longer casts spells in mid-game cinematic on Hard
- Initial Sylvanas attack extended to several waves and both heroes, but Varimathras removed from the following periodic attacks
- Decreased intervals between Forsaken base attacks
- Gunpowder barrels now actually deal damage to units and destructibles upon death
- Your retreat may now be a tactical one if you keep your castles intact...

Chapter Three:
- Extended final part of the mission, new adventures, enemies and story-related content along the way

Chapter Four:
- Wolves in Greenwood forest should no longer get stuck between the trees

Chapter Six
- Gave some items to Valena and other enemy heroes

Chapter Seven:
- Increased HP of Valena

Chapter Eight:
- Fixed bug with convoys not being launched when playing on a loaded save
- Increased level of enemy heroes and gave them some items
- The Ogres are using upgrades now

Chapter Nine:
- Increased HP of Sylvanas

Chapter Ten:
- Fixed Light Blue Forsaken AI - it was getting stuck trying to train a hero they didn't have. Now it should launch attacks properly
- Fixed Dark Blue Forsaken AI - it had several problems, e.g. hitting max food limit and not sending attacks until it loses some of them in the outer bases
- Increased level of enemy heroes and gave them some items

Chapter Eleven:
- Made moloch timers show that the moloch is active after they expire
- Fixed Enclave AI bumping into the wall
- Increased level of enemy heroes and gave them some items
- Vespira's ult (Bladestorm) replaced with Tornado as I couldn't make the model's 'attack slam' animation work
- Thamdan's items from Chapter Ten can now be picked at our base

- Reduced interval between spider spawns
- Increased HP of the broodmother
- Increased HP of the liches

- Removed Scepter of Healing, replaced with a second occurence of the Wand of Mercy
- Rebalanced Alteraci Lament to increase both Agility and Strength to fit Inaylia more
- Rebalanced item drops - moved some items too OP for early missions to later ones, slightly reduced number of drops, increased number of dropped items with charges at the expense of permanent ones, moved book drops (stat bonuses) to drop mostly from optional enemies to encourage map exploration. It came to my mind when during a retest I realized that equipment random drops since chapter ~4 are mostly useless as we're already full of better gear

- Shockwaves, War Stomps, Thunder Claps and Empowered Strikes (Thardis) replaced with terrain deformation-free version that shouldn't cause lags on weaker computers
- Fixed Reynart's Command Aura to properly give 15% bonus damage instead of +1. It only affects melee units now though as Reynart's speeches are unlikely to act on rifles
- Fixed Eldin's spiritual healing to actually work on living units

- Unified AI flags in all missions - the Undead and the Ogres no longer withdraw their wounded. Human and Forsaken enemies still do
- Translated some Polish texts that were missed before, mostly in unit and skill descriptions
- Unified color of main heroes as well as Rangers throughout the chapters
- Fixed pathing on several maps, like too wide bridges or holes in the pathing enabling you to enter an unwalkable area
- Lots of small fixes, too small to list...


We did our best to credit the authors of every resource we are using in our campaign. However, due to a large scope of the project, there is a chance we might have missed someone. If you notice your resource being used without you being mentioned on the list below, just let me know and I will be more than happy to update it. Also, there are several resources from Forsaken’s original remaster whose authors I was unable to determine. They are listed as “by unknown author”. If you are one of these authors or you know them, please also let me know.

by Macielos and Nyctaeus

Special thanks:
Forsaken for his beta version, including selection of some assets and hero skills
Besregar/Footman16 for beta-testing, proofreading and lots of useful feedback

Models & Icons:
Blizzard Entertainment for their policy of using assets from their other games and hundreds of models and textures from World of Warcraft.
Alterac Dam by Nyctaeus
Vimthurn Skyyard by Nyctaeus
Dalaran building pack by wc3neverdies
Lich Woman by DarkClaw
Western province doodad path by LongbowMan
Winter doodad pack by TassAvadar
Walls and towers from Northrend by LongbowMan
Infected Trees by Palix
Trees from Loch Modan by Tomak
Bridges from the Howling by LongbowMan
Boulders from Skyrim by LongbowMan
Burnt trees by LongbowMan
Dwarven Decorations by LongbowMan
Rivers and Waterfalls by OgrE
BTNMageTower by Besregar/Footman16
BTNStormwindArcaneSanctum by Besregar/Footman16
BTNStormwindLumberMill by Besregar/Footman16
Alterac Tent by Besregar/Footman16
Ogre Score Screen Icon by Besregar/Footman16
Forsaken Score Screen Icon by Besregar/Footman16
Undead Trebuchet by Kuzakani
DarkSylvanas_by67chrome.blp by 67chrome
BTNDarkSylvanasby67chrome by 67chrome
BTNHolyBan by 8512590215848
BTNWeaver by 8512590215848
BTNWeaver03 by 8512590215848
Woman Vilager by Afronight_76
Human Catapult by AndrewOverload519
BTNHumanCatapult by AndrewOverload519
BTNUndeadArcher by AndrewOverload519
Forsaken Archer by AndrewOverload519
Timmy by Aquis
Tommy by Aquis
Captain Lordaeron HQ (Unit\Hero) by Asssssvi
Crossbowman Lordaeron by Asssssvi
Footman Lordaeron HQ by Asssssvi
Rider Lordaeron by Asssssvi
Spearman Lordaeron by Asssssvi
Rifleman Lordaeron HD by Asssssvi
Undead CatapultI Icon by BaiyuGalan
Undead CatapultI by BaiyuGalan, Blizzard Entertainment
Stromgarde Buildings by bakr
Dwarven Buildings (Bronzebeard) by bakr
Alterac Buildings by bakr
Battering ram by Battering ram, Mechanical Man
Human Airship by Bioautomaton
BTNBuckler by BLazeKraze
BTNAbility_Stealth by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNCharge by Blizzard Entertainment
HotS Stormpike General Vanndar + minions by Blizzard Entertainment
HotS Archlich Kel'thuzad + alts by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Weapon_Rifle_06 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Holy_HolyProtection by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Holy_PowerWordShield by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Holy_RetributionAuraBTNSpell_Holy_RetributionAura by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Holy_Silence by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNChaplain by Blizzard Entertainment, Pyraeus
BTNPyrolia by Callahan
Pyrolia by Callahan
CloudOfFog by Callahan
Nerubian Guard by Callahan
NerubianWidow by Callahan
BTNNathanosBlightcaller by Chen
SnipingTarget by ChirusHighwind
BTNTarget by ChirusHighwind
BTNCWValiant by CloudWolf
Sir Valiant by CloudWolf
CastIronGolem by CryoniC
Blood elf lieutenant, and derivatives by Cuore
Napalm Dump by cyberkid
BTNFemaleNecromancer by D.ee
Garithos Axe Cleave by Darkfang
Red Legion - Zealot by Darkmoon Hero
BTNZealotDH by Darkmoon Hero
High Elf Chronomancer by Deolrin
BTNHighElfChronomancer by Deolrin
Archmagi by Direfury
BTNHumanStable by Eagle XI
BTNHumanZeppeline by Eagle XI
BTNBatteringRam by Eagle XI
Arcane Static by Edge45
Battering Ram by Em!
Ogron by Explobomb
Creep Hut by Exyte
Dark Soldier by Freddyk
Dragon Knight by FrIkY
BTNDragonKnight by FrIkY
Human Assassine by General Frank
BTNDwarvenWarrior by General Frank
Dwarven warrior by General Frank
Human Archer by HappyTauren
Tyrannosaurus Rex by Hayate
Factory by HerrDave
BlackSunSpellbreaker by Himperion
Elven Assassins by Himperion
Cage/Transport Chariot pack by Hoth
Priest Pack by Ilya Alaric
Ogre Legion Models (Re-Classic Pack) by johnwar
Bandit Enforcer (Re-Classic) by johnwar
Ravager Battleship by Kam
Voodoo Temple by Kam, Retera, Kam, Blizzard
Ogre Stone Thrower by Kitabatake
BTNVillagerManVar03 by Kuhneghetz
Male villager variation (Brown haired version) by Kuhneghetz
BTNHumanWarlord by Kuhneghetz
Human Warlord by Kuhneghetz
Dark Portal by Kwaliti
Anduin Lothar by loktar
Knight (WC2) by loktar
Bandit Lord (WC1) by loktar
Riderless Horse (WC1) by loktar
Live Potion by Marcos DAB
Fortification palisade by MassiveMaster
Fortification palisade gate by MassiveMaster
Fortification palisade inner edge by MassiveMaster
Fortification palisade outer edge by MassiveMaster
Stable by MassiveMaster
GilneasGunship by Mephestrial
OrcBlacksmith by Mephestrial
Assassin by Miseracord
Academy by Mr. Bob
Arcane Sanctum by Mr. Bob
Archery by Mr. Bob
Armory by Mr. Bob
Barracks by Mr. Bob
Build by Mr. Bob
Castle by Mr. Bob
Church by Mr. Bob
DecayMesh by Mr. Bob
Encampment by Mr. Bob
Guard Tower by Mr. Bob
House by Mr. Bob
LumberMill by Mr. Bob
Market by Mr. Bob
Mines by Mr. Bob
Plantation by Mr. Bob
Medieval Buildings: The complete collection. by Mr. Bob
Stables by Mr. Bob
Tavern by Mr. Bob
Town Center by Mr. Bob
Watch Tower by Mr. Bob
Wizard Tower by Mr. Bob
Workshop by Mr. Bob
Human Battlemage by Nebilac
BTNDwarfEnginer by NFWar
Dwarven Thane ( One Horn variation ) by Norinrad
BTNAltar of Elders (Elf) by Null
BTNMagicShield by PeeKay
BTNThane by Norinrad
ArtilleryAttack by Praytic
FireStrike by Praytic
BTNHarbingerStaffMace by PrinceYaser
Ogre Beserker(Helmet version) by PROXY
Garithos Abilities by r.ace613
Ogre MEGA Pack by r.ace613
Bandit Enforcer by r.ace613
Prince's Kiss by Remixer
BTNMagicTent by SantoRayo[iP]
oger_barracks by SantoRayo[iP]
Banshee Queen by Sellenisko
BTNDarkSoldier by Sin'dorei300
FemaleNecromancer by Sin'dorei300
Shadowlands 9.1 - Devourer Flier by Sire Denathrius (portrait fix by A]mun)
BTNSpearAttack by Static
Archmage by Stefan.K
Butcher by Stefan.K
Forsaken Champion by Stefan.K
Nathanos Blightcaller by Stefan.K
Bandit Leader by Stefan.K
BTNCourtMage by stein123
GrassAnimated by Sunchips
Altar of some sorts by supertoinkz
Ogre Worker by supertoinkz
Cyclon Explosion by Suselishe
OrcLumbermill by Syroco
ogre arena by takakenji
Natural Winter Ice by Tamplier
Natural Winter Snowy Rock by Tamplier
UndeadWarlock by Tarrasque
BTNMegapod by tee.dubs
Megapod by tee.dubs
WheelchairWarlock by tillinghast
Archmagi and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Rifleman and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Altar of Darkness and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Dragonhawk Rider and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Footman, Captain, and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Hunter's Hall and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Mage Tower and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Tomb of Relics and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Altar of Kings and Derivarives by Ujimasa Hojo
Arcane Sanctum and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Barracks (Human) and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Blacksmith and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Farm (Human) and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Lumber Mill and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Tower (Human) and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Town Hall, Keep, Castle, and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Workshop and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Altar of Storms and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Peasant and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Forsaken buildings by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNUndeadAssassin by Uncle Fester
ForsakenAssassin by Uncle Fester
VultureRider by Uncle Fester
Dwarven Miner (variative) by Villagerino
Airstrike Rocket by Vinz
Alacrity by Vinz
Armor Penetration / Stimulus by Vinz
Armor Penetration by Vinz
Sacred Exile by Vinz
Transport cart by vlekje5
Bandit Crossbowman by Wandering Soul
Mounted Bandit Spearthrower by Wandering Soul
Ancient Explosion SFX by WILL THE ALMIGHTY
Stormwind Knight by Wulfrein and Ket
BTNDaggerBleedingPierce by zbc
Brass_Borer by -Grendel
Engineer by -Grendel
Human Commander (Reynart) by (probably) Ket
High Necromancer (Kel'Thuzad recolor) by unknown author
LightAura effect by unknown author
BTNDrainLife by unknown author
BTNSinister by unknown author
Inaylia - Model by Nyctaeus, textured using WoW materials. Animations from Garona by Tauer. Converted by Stefan.K. Inspired by Human Assassine by General Frank and Xaran Alamas.
Reynart - Model by Nyctaeus and Stefan.K, textured using WoW materials. Animations from Kilrogg by Tauer. Converted by Stefan.K
Eldin - Model by Nyctaeus, textured using WoW materials. Animations from Medivh. Converted by Stefan.K. Inspired by High Elf Chronomancer by Deolrin, and borrows some mdx data from it.
Margoth - Model by Nyctaeus and Stefan.K, textured using WoW materials. Converted by Stefan.K. Based on Bandit Leader by Stefan.K.
Vespira - Model by Nyctaeus, textured using WoW materials. Animations from Valkyrie by Zwiebelchen. Converted by Stefan.K
Valena - Model by Nyctaeus, textured using WoW materials. Animations from Khadgar [young] by Tauer. Converted by Stefan.K
Solymus - Model by Nyctaeus and Stefan.k, textured using WoW materials. Converted by Stefan.K. Based on Archmage by Stefan.K
Enclave units by Jiok, based on models by Asssssvi, bakr, johnwar, Ujimasa Hojo and Eagle XI.
SorceressRommel.blp texture for Discordant by Rommel
Sylvanas - HotS port by Razorclaw_X
Blood experiment machine by Sarsaparilla
BTNArcaneBlast by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
BTNBreakerDefend by graystuff111
BTNGoldenHammer by Whisper
BTNWindShield by Darkfang
Ephemeral Slash by Vinz
Mana Resource Gem Crystal by Darkfang
Paladin by Murlocologist
Bloodelf 'Scorpion' Ballista by General Frank NOTE: This asset was modified exclusively for Exodus with written permission of General Frank. You're not allowed to extract, reuse, redistribute and modify this asset.
Shock Blast by Vinz
Ranger by HappyTauren
BTNMilita_Ranger by HuanJuan
SlowTarget by JetFangInferno
TC15 Model Bundle by Vinz
War Stomp by 84chrome
IceBolt by Weep
Psionic Shots by Vinz
Armored Skeleton by Anvil, Direfury, Galadgod, HappyCockroach, Paultaker
Generators by Tranquil
Orb Generator icon by MyPad
Battlemage by Stefan.K
Altar of Reason by Stefan.K

Vanilla tiles edits by Nyctaeus
Tile packs by Snart
Natural Winter Ice by Tamplier
Natural Winter Snowy Rock by Tamplier


Warcraft 3 Reforged: Arthas Theme
Warcraft 3 Reforged: Sad Mystery

World of Warcraft: Dalaran Theme
World of Warcraft: Elwynn Forest
World of Warcraft: Molten Core
World of Warcraft: Naxxramas

World of Warcraft Cataclysm: Western Plaguelands
World of Warcraft Cataclysm: Elwynn Forest (Westfall)
World of Warcraft Cataclysm: Stormwind

World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria: For The Alliance

World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor: Blackrock and Roll Remix

World of Warcraft Legion: Dalaran Khadgar Theme
World of Warcraft Legion: Dalaran Jaina Theme
World of Warcraft Legion: Dalaran Halls
World of Warcraft Legion: Dalaran Sewers

World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth: Warfronts Alliance Music
World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth: Warfronts Arathi Horde Music
World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth: Battle for Lordaeron Horde Music
World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth: Forsaken Flame

World of Warcraft Shadowlands: New Player Experience Human

Heroes of the Storm: Alterac Pass
Heroes of the Storm: Arathi Highlands

The Witcher: Dead City
The Witcher: Last Battle
The Witcher: The Order
The Witcher: Night Approaches
The Witcher: Swamp theme
The Witcher: unnamed Salamandra combat theme
The Witcher: unnamed Order combat theme

The Witcher 2: Within The Mist
The Witcher 2: The Tournament

The Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone: Gaunter o'Dim Theme

The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine: The Night of Long Fangs
The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine: Tesham Mutna

Richard Wagner, Ride of the Valkyries (don't ask me where it plays)


Reynart - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: McCree from Overwatch
Reynart [DEPRECIATEd] - Original lines from Heroes of the Storm. Source: Varian.
Inaylia - Original lines from Heroes of the Storm, additional lines generated using ElevensLab. Source: Valeera from Heroes of the Storm
Vespira - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Kelly the Frost Archer from V Rising by Stunlock Studios
Eldin - Original lines from World of Warcraft, additional lines generated using ElevensLab. Source: Rhonin from World of Warcraft.
Margoth - Original lines from Starcraft 2, additional lines generated using ElevensLab. Source: Tychus from Starcraft 2.
Thamdan - Original lines from Heroes of the Storm. Source: Vandar announcer.
Archer - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vanilla Peasant
Spearman - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vanilla Footman
Rider - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vanilla Footman
Arbalist - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vanilla Footman
Hydromancer - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vanilla Archmage
Dropship - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Gazlowe from Heroes of the Storm
Legionnaire - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vanilla Footman
Discordant - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Valla from Heroes of the Storm
Cleanser - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Mercy from Overwatch
Hunter - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vincent the Frostbringer from V Rising by Stunlock Studios
Cataphract - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Inquisitor Paladin from V Rising by Stunlock Studios
Protector - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Harvest Golem from World of Warcraft. Additional editing by Nyctaeus.
Battlemage - Original lines from Heroes of the Storm. Source: Medivh.
Ranger - Original lines from World of Warcraft, additional lines generated using ElevensLab. Source: Matthias Shaw.
Gunship - Original lines from World of Warcraft. Source: Catherine Rogers.

Chronicles of Second War: Ironforge Footman Soundset by ShadiHD
Chronicles of Second War: Ironforge Knight Soundset by ShadiHD
Chronicles of Second War: Ironforge Worker Soundset by ShadiHD


Retera's Model Studio
BLP Lab by Shadow Daemon
Mdlvis by Anonymous
Mdx Pather
Ladik's MPQ Editor
Ladik's CASC Viewer
War3 Model Editor by Magos
Button Manager v1.8.2 by Shadow Daermon
Inkarnate (loading screen maps)
Adobe Photoshop
Hiveworkshop Icon Borderizer


Please do not edit the campaign and the maps without our permission. Do not rip assets from campaign file and respect the authors of them. If you don't know who made asset you want to take, feel free to ask.

It's highly recommended to play on 1.31. We initially assumed later versions to be moreless compatible, but apparently that's not true and 1.35 may have some issues.

- English (original) version
- [2023.04.03] Added Chinese localization for version 2.01 provided by @NovaLan
- [2023.04.10] Updated Chinese localization to 2.02 provided by @NovaLan

Exodus: The Violet Gate 2.05 (Campaign)

逃亡:紫罗兰之门 2.02 (Campaign)

Level 3
Jan 16, 2021
its 3:43am and i just finished the campaign! Had so much fun. Made me lose many hours of sleep this week but truly exceptional. The maps are all beautiful. Cinematics are wild and put the ones blizz had originally put in the game to shame. Thank you so much for making this!! Can't tell you had much fun I had playing.

Story was awesome too. Ultimate wc fan fiction. Can't wait to see what the new world looks like!!
Level 3
Jan 16, 2021
By the way my only thoughts on then next one (which imagine you all have already thought of or it's irrelevant since all the characters left right now are original ones you made:

If you end up using characters from Warcraft lore in the next one. Like Kel'Thuzad or Arthas or something -- feel free to shock some people w/ the plot by killing them off!! Obviously you made a whole new world in the lore which is incredible. But i guess what I'm saying is feel free to completely go against the current lore with current characters alive in WoW. Like you killed off that forsaken lieutenant (l think he's dead for good?) which was awesome. That kind of stuff is so unexpected narratively and who cares if Kel'Thuzad or whatever real character in warcraft lore dies for good -- because we're in your story and it only makes your alt universe richer!!

Anyways you basically have already done this but would be so fun and unexpected if you guys leaned into that even more! Thanks again!


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
By the way my only thoughts on then next one (which imagine you all have already thought of or it's irrelevant since all the characters left right now are original ones you made:

If you end up using characters from Warcraft lore in the next one. Like Kel'Thuzad or Arthas or something -- feel free to shock some people w/ the plot by killing them off!! Obviously you made a whole new world in the lore which is incredible. But i guess what I'm saying is feel free to completely go against the current lore with current characters alive in WoW. Like you killed off that forsaken lieutenant (l think he's dead for good?) which was awesome. That kind of stuff is so unexpected narratively and who cares if Kel'Thuzad or whatever real character in warcraft lore dies for good -- because we're in your story and it only makes your alt universe richer!!

Anyways you basically have already done this but would be so fun and unexpected if you guys leaned into that even more! Thanks again!

I'm terribly sorry to disappoint you, but Nathanos is not dead. He said "You sent me straight to my lady", which Inaylia or Eldin commented by saying "Big words for a simple teleportation spell" ;).

In TVG we tried not to directly contradict Warcraft and WoW lore, rather create something that originates from it, is moreless consistent with it, but then expands and lives mostly on its own. We'll probably continue with this approach, but one thing I can promise...

No Shadowlands, no time travels, no alternate timelines and no demonic spaceships in our universe. Inaylia already confirmed the first one in chapter 8 :p. With the rest or Blizz lore we're going to be moreless consistent.
Level 20
Oct 16, 2021
Can't wait to see what the new world looks like!!
The missions around Lonely Ridge features patches of corrupted ground, with some chatters to support the hints. I wanted to feature that as a sneak-peak of the alien world beyond titular Violet Gate. Of course it's just a tip of the iceberg. I can reveal that Jiluun has it's own, unique ecosystem, mechanics shaping the biosphere and landscape and complex history, backed by tons of writing that already exist in our design docs. It's a living place. We're about to see how much of it we will share with players to explore.
Last edited:
Level 3
Feb 2, 2023
The missions around Lonely Ridge features patches of corrupted ground, with some chatters to support the hints. I wanted to feature that as a sneak-peak of the alien world beyond titular Violet Gate. Of course it's just a tip of the iceberg. I can reveal that Jiluun has it's own, unique ecosystem, mechanics shaping the biosphere and landscape and complex history, backed by tons of writing that already exist in our design docs. It's a living place. We're about to see how much of it we will share with players to explore.
how long will part 2 be is it the same as the first part or will it be longer since i feel it would be longer since there's an entire world to explore how manny continents exist the local flora and fauna the local races other than the long gone advanced race like gold wouldn't just exist in the new world like there has to be a new form of currency like mana infused crystals or something being mined to be used as currency but wood would still be available but who know there's a lot to explore in the world of jiluun
Level 20
Oct 16, 2021
how long will part 2 be is it the same as the first part or will it be longer since i feel it would be longer since there's an entire world to explore how manny continents exist the local flora and fauna the local races other than the long gone advanced race like gold wouldn't just exist in the new world like there has to be a new form of currency like mana infused crystals or something being mined to be used as currency but wood would still be available but who know there's a lot to explore in the world of jiluun
When it's done, then it's done. It's hard to estimate, as the sequel is likely to be a bit longer longer, and feature some unique gameplay systems. We both have busy, professional careers and majority of our time is being occupied by them, so we work irregularly on WC3. Also at this point, Macielos is focusing on patch for TVG, so atm it's just me working on terraining.
...but tons of stuff is ready. I have terrain/doodad palettes ready for 4 of 5 planned biomes, and lots of extra stuff for several sub-biomes.

Gold is worthless in Jiluun and there is a new currency that replaces it, along with corresponding mine. This new resource will be also collectible from smaller, Starcraft-style deposits which will be renewable in some missions.|

I do not know how many continents are there. The area that's known to the Enclave is comparable to Denmark peninsula. Enclave inhabits only a portion of it that's moreless isolated from the rest by geological features. The rest is poorly explored, as the Enclave has limited resources and spends them on development of their own pocket civilisation, rather then massive expeditions they don't have need for. Even the areas controlled by Enclave are not fully explored, not everything was converted to habitable state and there are lots of dangerous places there. A map exists and will be revealed in time.


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
Damn, I got totally carried out by ambition... I planned to introduce a small change in 03 - to make Inaylia playable for the final battle so that we can give her some of our units' items. It ended up as a major revamp of the finale, a new cutscene and a new map segment with extra music and models... guess I'll never learn. But at least I'll give you a good reason for a replay.
Last edited:


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
Alright, I finally reproduced the infamous convoy bug in chapter 8 and oh boy, that's some shitty coding by Blizz underneath... First funny thing - it only happens when you play a loaded game. I was using "specific unit event" to detect using a skill on a beacon and apparently after loading a save the game no longer recognizes this specific unit as the same unit as in trigger. A solution was to replace "specific unit event" with "player/generic unit event" with a condition "casting unit equals myunit".
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Just finished the campaign, and while I don't have time for a detailed review right now, believe me when I say it's very good. While Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 are only quite decent imo, the quality of gameplay and character writing drastically go up as I play the later chapters, with funny dialogue and well-timed music being the cherry on top.

Also, do you balance the campaign around the Heroes (specifically Reynart) having a ton of mana to spam AoE spell? I'm kind of a farming addict, so as soon as I discovered that the campaign has random book drops, I must have quicksave-reload for more than a few hundred times in Chapter 1 and 3 to get a ton of Tome of Intelligence +1 to him, making a lot of later levels trivial because of Shockwave spam.


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
Just finished the campaign, and while I don't have time for a detailed review right now, believe me when I say it's very good. While Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 are only quite decent imo, the quality of gameplay and character writing drastically go up as I play the later chapters, with funny dialogue and well-timed music being the cherry on top.
Well, chapters 1, 3 and 4 come from the first Exodus (after heavy modifications ofc.) and chapter 2 was created at the very beginning of TVG development (so e.g. it has Blizzard cliffs that were later covered with doodad ones :p), so they may seem a bit rough. But there will be some major changes in them in the coming patch, especially in chapter 3, so stay tuned ;).

Also, do you balance the campaign around the Heroes (specifically Reynart) having a ton of mana to spam AoE spell? I'm kind of a farming addict, so as soon as I discovered that the campaign has random book drops, I must have quicksave-reload for more than a few hundred times in Chapter 1 and 3 to get a ton of Tome of Intelligence +1 to him, making a lot of later levels trivial because of Shockwave spam.
I sure knew that random drops create a possibility to buff the heroes in a variety of ways, but to be honest I didn't expect the drops to be different every time you load the game, I thought it's based on some seed that is generated when you start the mission and stays the same on load. So I don't think there's much I can do, apart from handling random drops with triggers... which could be a bit time-consuming to change it everythere. For now - enjoy your lifehack ;).

Maybe I'll increase a bit the cooldown for major spells of our heroes.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Now that I have time, I'll deliver my promised detailed review, mostly in the gameplay aspect. I hope you like reading, because I have a lot to write.

- Chapter 1:
  • The opening cinematic and the first defense section worked pretty well in setting up the mood of the chapter.
  • The enemies were quite easy to deal with, since there were plenty of those Mana Regenerators around the maps to keep the rest of my troops healthy. The only real threats are Ghosts and Banshees to take over my Knights and Spearmen, but they can be bursted down quite easily.
  • I took my time farming around 10 Rings of Regeneration and even more Tomes of Intelligence, took a detour to grab a Ring of Archmagi from the Dark Wizard to turn Reynart and Villenfall into monsters. After that, the rest of the chapter is easily cleared.
  • Reynart's broken Command Aura also helped a lot, giving my army an ENTIRE 1 bonus damage, instead of 10% like I initially thought. It's not the worst ability I've seen, but laughable nonetheless.
  • There were also two City Entrances on both sides of the bridge near Villenfall's base, but I couldn't use them as a shortcut after destroying them.

+ Bugs: The Energy Bridge quest is not marked as Discovered.

+ The line 'Attack ground and air units' in the Clerics' unit description is in Polish instead of English.

- Chapter 2:
  • The new Rangers were pretty sick, and they also have a bugged Bladestorm ability. I totally did not try to use it against Balnazzar, and totally did not fail miserably at all. (Also Aequath's Stealth hotkey is wrong only in this mission.)
  • Anyway, without proper planning, this mission was crazy. Garithos' base got constantly harassed by Undead air raids, and Garithos and Aequath's units don't have the answer to both those air attacks and Balnazzar's Rain of Chaos. Not to mention if the game went on for too long, the Undead would start sending big attack waves to Aequath's base as well.
  • But then I saw a glimmer of hope. Lord Garithos, almost immediately after he finished rescuing the Dwarves, amassed a huge strike force to go on a crusade against the inhumans in the Green Undead base. I pulled every combat unit I have to aid him, leaving only a few Guard Towers behind to defend my own base against the first attack wave, and it was a huge success! The Green base was permanently crippled. Lord Garithos could focus all his efforts on dealing with Balnazzar, while I took my time dealing with the rest of the Undead bases in the East using the very tanky Gyrocopters (the Undead had pathetic anti-air smh).
  • I stacked a ton of Tomes of Knowledge on Aequath, allowing her to spam Fan of Knives quite consistently.
  • Sometime during all that, I decided to get rid of the Forsaken for their future treachery. I was surprised, and pleased, that you put in the trigger to fail the mission when I did that. Attention to details turned me on.
  • Although, I had a backup plan...


+ After the absolute destruction of Sylvanas' base, Sylvanas herself was so devastated by loss, that she decided to run into Garithos' base to take out Aequath by herself. I greeted her with twenty Gyrocopters dropping bombs on her head, before making a retreat (A tactical one, mind you, and definitely not a Humiliating Retreat like the name of the main quest suggested).

- Chapter 3:
  • Villenfall's items were dropped for me to use. Nice. And...oh my God...was that... a button that allowed me to stop the Caravan whenever I want? So that I could do this mission at my own pace, instead of watching out for my allies doing stupid shit? This was, perhaps, the best thing I'd ever seen in an escort mission!
  • Anyway, the voice in my head told me to farm for more Tomes, so I did. Spending time clearing creep camps and looking for hidden crates was, honestly, quite a relaxing experience.

- Chapter 4:
  • The Town Elder is chairbound, and yet war still haunted him. One could say that he couldn't stand it anymore, right? Pls laugh.
  • Trading resources by training Horses from the Storehouse was another creative idea that I really like.
  • Hydromancers were another great addition to the army, but frankly, I was too lazy to micro, so I didn't train any at all.
  • More Tomes. And this time, there was even a Goblin Merchant who provided Reynart with more Circlets of Nobility, which meant more Intelligence.
  • I explored the map some more and found a Keg of Ale and a Scepter of Healing. Insanely broken items this early into the game?
  • With my newfound artifacts, Poor Margoth and not-so-poor whoever-that-bald-guy-is were wrecked. Reynart, a few Mortar Teams, alongside Spearmen and Knights shredded through anything in their way.
  • The Greenwood creatures would have been a threat, if it weren't for the fact that half of the wolves got stuck behind trees, and the Revenant itself couldn't even outdamage Reynart's healing. It wasn't even a fair fight, and more like a massacre.


- Chapter 5:
  • There wasn't much to talk about in this chapter, except for the fact that I like the terraining.
  • The Battlemages, with their Feedback and Transfer Mana, made them quite useful. Although, the helmet in their portrait is quite low-res, and the fact that they're wearing capes make it hard to distinguish them from Rangers, Riflemen, and Clerics, all of whom are also wearing capes.
  • The last defense section was just Fan of Knives/Shockwave. Also pretty relaxing.
  • Also, the damage of Crippling Blow is shown incorrectly, and Assassination is called Sinister Strike after learning.


- Chapter 6:
  • Bald guy went boom-boom, and now badass Margoth rallied the entire Syndicate to join my side. Nice.
  • I also noticed that in an Undead base, when all Necropolises are destroyed with no Acolyte around to rebuild it, the factories will stop pumping out troops altogether. With that in mind, everytime I attacked a base, I built a decent army to bait the defenders, and then Reynart just...walked in. Aequath already dealt with the Acolytes with her Stealth, while Reynart just spam Shockwave and Healing Spray to do everything else.
  • Valena was also no problem. Aequath could just stealth in, Attack+Q+W+R and Velena went down. Easy.

- Chapter 7:
  • Mountain climbing is fun. The first thing I noticed was that I had control of Eldin, a mage that can play multiple roles in the team, from disabler to healer to nuker. Although, his Spiritual Healing was a bit...odd, so I booted up the Editor and checked it for myself to see that it was based off of Aura of Blight. I'd run a few tests to see how this ability works, and let's just say that it's niche af. The buff doesn't show up on the user, and it doesn't heal non-Undead units at all. When it does work however, it actually increases their life regen rate by a flat 0.5, and not 50% of their base regen. As someone who enjoys making custom abilities, I suggest using a much better ability as a base: my beloved Unholy Aura (Neutral Hostile).
  • Also, Eldin's Word of Glory's learn description says that it gives 100/200/300/400 armor instead of 1/2/3/4. Quite a weak ability, but I guess it makes sense because most of his power budget goes into Holy Wrath and Flash of Light.
  • The Blue Dragon had inconsistent pronoun. The Quest log called it "him", while Eldin called it "her". I, personally, called it "dead af". Their fault for carrying valuable treasures.



+ I could also climb the mountain from this side, which allowed me to use Shockwave to soften up the Undead's defense before getting to the Enclave's base. I also noticed the camera zoom-out mechanic, which was a nice touch.


- The Enclave had some fun units to play with, mainly Cleansers and Discordants. I, however, didn't use them, because the Undead was too pathetic, so I saved my troops for the last showdown with Valena instead. She was slippery, sure, but my overbuffed army with Lion Horn+Legion Doom-Horn+Fortitude+Scepter of Healing,etc... made short work of her.
  • In the end, Eldin seemed to not be so happy about that one time Valena imprisoned him, so to make her understand his frustration, he gave her an out-of-body experience. What a nice guy.
  • Also, my favorite dialogue:


- Chapter 8:
  • With Gryphon Riders and Gyrocopters, my force was extremely solid. So, first step was to secure Mug'thol's trust, using Aequath and my air units to take out the guards, clearing the way for Eldin to go in.
  • And Mug'thol wanted to bang Sylvanas. This man has taste. Not good taste, but a taste nonetheless.


+ And a Gryphon Rider somehow got stuck here with no way out. I had to use a Staff of Sanctuary to bring him home.


+ I knew about the mission's convoy bug, but for the sake of honor, I full-cleared the entire map first, grabbed the two unique items (Garithos' Axe and Alteraci Lament), before using allyourbasearebelongtous.

- Chapter 9:
+ Immediately, I was hit with another piece of dialogue that reminded me of good ol' Edmund Duke. I can see why Solymus and Margoth like her.


  • Nathanos was an ass, turning my own allies against me. Well, at least I got the power of friendship (and Mind Control). Margoth was persuaded back to the winning team, and since he was using Tychus' voice set (one of my favorite SC2 characters), I was genuinely pleased.
  • The Forsaken was much weaker than the Scourge, so I broke through only using my Heroes, Sylvanas tried to lock me inside for a showdown, but little did she know, I had rescued the entire Syndicate to use against her. Took a long time, but it was worth every second.


+ Kel'Thuzad, the Arch Party-Pooper arrived, and ruined my victorious moment, forcing Aequath to flee.

- Chapter 10:
  • Today random loot drops include... Mask of Death and Ancient Janggo of Endurance? Holy cow, this is orgasmic. Literally some of the best items in WC3, so yeah, thank you very much.
  • Thamdan Hrell is a god. At level 4 Bash, he has a 50% chance to stun his target on an attack, which made any enemy Lich unfortunate enough to walk near him suffer a slow death.
  • I realized how powerful the Advanced Machinery + Imbued Masonry combo is when a few Guard Towers hold off the Undead's air attacks trivially, turning this level into yet another relaxed experience.
  • I took my time killing each Forsaken and Scourge base, listening to Flight of the Valkyrie (nice choice of music btw, definitely a 10/10) while I dropped napalm upon helpless Undead.
  • However, fuck Crypt Fiends. They kept pulling my own Gunships into the bombing zone.

- Chapter 11:
  • Hrell was gone, but he didn't return my item like Villenfall did. I was sad because I lost a Mask of Death, a Janggo, and multiple Crowns of Kings. At least I still have Claws of Attack +20.
  • I didn't let my loss deter me, however. Immediately, I mobilized my Heroes to deal with the Molochs, while building Gunships and Gyrocopters to defend my base and my allies' bases.
  • One Moloch down, then two, then three, then...oh god. They popped up faster than I could destroy them, and countless Undead had decimated the Alteraci Syndicate. I splitted my army into two to hold off the tides of Undead. On my side, I had Guard Towers, Rangers, Gunships, Gryphon Riders,..., while on Solymus' side, I had Reynart spamming Shockwave, with Aequath to assassinate key targets, and Eldin to help with healing.
  • The Molochs ended up destroying most of my buildings, but it didn't matter. All civilian safely escaped to Jiluun, and it was time for the final showdown.

- Finale:
  • I thought it would be a boring defense mission, but I'm glad I was wrong. Turns out, the chapter was split into multiple sections, which spiced up things by a lot.
  • Although the Crypt Broodmother isn't a detector, which made Stealth->Assassination very effective, it was still overall quite fun to fight. To top it off, Kel'Thuzad nuked the portal and killed Vespira, which forced our heroes' hands. They cleaved through legions of Undead, giving time for Eldin, then Solymus, to destroy the Archlich and his minions (especially Valena) once and for all. He might come back eventually, but by that time, he wouldn't be Reynart and Solymus' problem anymore.
  • Solymus and Eldin wanted the Alliance to keep the Enclave within their best interest, and even took a liking to Aequath. Wonder how well Margoth would fit in though, but I guess that, along with other questions, have to wait until the sequel.

- Conclusion:
+ I would normally put the Pros and Cons here, but I admit, I have a really strong bias towards this campaign that I can't really think of anything that irks me. In simpler terms, y'all deserve the 5/5 rating. I hope you keep updating this campaign or release newer ones on the same (or higher) level of quality.


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
A very detailed and insightful review, thank you. I'm glad you picked up lots of easter eggs ;). That motivates me to speed things up with the patch. It's almost ready, most issues you mentioned are already addressed there, like OP items available in early missions and the 08 bug.

I'm still thinking how to make random drops indepedent from game reloading without rewriting everything to some script/trigger based system... In the worst case I'll write such a system for the sequel and one day update TVG to use it. If only I could inject a seed number into the game's random function...

Unfortunately last week, after I finished a full playthrough and fixes to the last missions, the editor just went "go fuck yourself" during save and corrupted the campaign file, turning all strings in object editor to somthing like TRIGSTR1234. I probably didn't lose that much since the last backup and it seems I can export and import missions with only fixing the imports, but it's still pain in the ass.

EDIT: Done that, everything seems to work apart from loading screens in 2 missions, no idea why yet...
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Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
I'm still thinking how to make random drops indepedent from game reloading without rewriting everything to some script/trigger based system...
Since I'm also thinking about implementing random drops into my single-player maps, this'll also be my future problem, so I took some time off to write this system. The code is quite scuffed when compared to Uncle's or Pyrogasm's or any other coder in the World Editor Help Zone, because it was written assuming that none of the destructibles can drop two or more items plus the fact I've never even used Hashtable before, but I'll post it here in case you find it useful.

- First off, this one is to handle different loot pools and the drop rate of each item in said pool.
function RandomDrop takes integer LootPool returns integer
    local integer DropRate = GetRandomInt(1,100)
    local integer ItemType

    if LootPool == 1 then
    if DropRate <= 20 then 
    set ItemType = 'tst2' // Tome of Strength +2
    if DropRate <= 40 then 
    set ItemType = 'tdx2' // Tome of Agility +2
    if DropRate <= 80 then 
    set ItemType = 'tin2' // Tome of Intelligence +2
    if DropRate <= 100 then 
    set ItemType = 'tpow' // Tome of Knowledge

    if LootPool == 2 then
    if DropRate <= 20 then 
    set ItemType = 'rat6' // Claws of Attack +6
    if DropRate <= 40 then 
    set ItemType = 'gcel' // Gloves of Haste
    if DropRate <= 80 then 
    set ItemType = 'rlif' // Ring of Regeneration
    if DropRate <= 100 then 
    set ItemType = 'rwiz' // Sobi Mask


    return ItemType


- The next one will be run in the Map Initialization trigger:

  • Events
  • Conditions
  • Actions
    • Hashtable - Create a hashtable
    • Set DestHashtable = (Last created hashtable)
    • Destructible - Pick every destructible in (Playable map area) and do (Actions)
      • Loop - Actions
        • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
          • If - Conditions
            • (Picked destructible) Equal to Crates 0073 <gen>
          • Then - Actions
            • Set TempNum = (TempNum + 1)
            • Custom script: set udg_RandomDrop = RandomDrop(1)
            • Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Picked destructible) as DestNum of TempNum in DestHashtable
            • Hashtable - Save RandomDrop as DestItemNum of TempNum in DestHashtable
          • Else - Actions
        • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
          • If - Conditions
            • (Picked destructible) Equal to Crates 1834 <gen>
          • Then - Actions
            • Set TempNum = (TempNum + 1)
            • Custom script: set udg_RandomDrop = RandomDrop(2)
            • Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Picked destructible) as DestNum of TempNum in DestHashtable
            • Hashtable - Save RandomDrop as DestItemNum of TempNum in DestHashtable
          • Else - Actions
- Each If-Then-Loop can handle one Destructible, so you have to do the Ifs manually and copy-paste the rest. The Custom script is to determine the loot dropped by said destructible.

- The last one is to actually make it drop when the destructible dies:

  • Events
    • Destructible - Crates 0073 <gen> dies
    • Destructible - Crates 1834 <gen> dies
  • Conditions
  • Actions
    • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions)
      • Loop - Actions
        • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
          • If - Conditions
            • (Dying destructible) Equal to (Load DestNum of (Integer A) in (Last created hashtable))
          • Then - Actions
            • Set TempItem = (Load DestItemNum of (Integer A) from DestHashtable)
            • Custom script: call CreateItem(udg_TempItem, GetDestructableX(GetTriggerDestructable()), GetDestructableY(GetTriggerDestructable()))
          • Else - Actions
- Again, you have to do the Events manually, and the maximum of Integer A should be the total number of Destructible in the Events. I don't use "A destructible within (Playable map area) dies" because it only monitors 64 destructible within the region, and splitting the map up into multiple smaller regions seems even more suboptimal than inputting manually.


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
Looks good. You may go even further and have a variable with structure similar to Blizz's item tables (it's not a JASS syntax, just a plain json, but you get the idea):
"Weaponry": {"item1": 5, "item2": 10},
"Potions": {"item3": 10, "item4": 2},
So first, you get better readability with strings instead of numbers and call a function like RandomDrop("Weaponry"). Second, when adding a new item to a set, you don't have to scale all previous weights, instead RandomDrop function just sums them all to get range for random number generation.

These ifs for each destructible seem not very pleasant to work with, but as you said, there's no dynamic way to detect any destructible's death.

I also have one crazy idea to save a generated drop table in a game cache so the drops stay the same even when you restart the mission. But this may be a step too far... Anyway, I'll have a lot to think about before the sequel.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
I can only offer a cleaner version of my trigger in the attached Test Map (1.31 ofc), because quite frankly, I ran out of brain juice to think of anything better. If some good samaritan is willing to make the Destructible equivalent of the Unit Indexer, things may go a bit smoother. Emphasis on 'may'.
These ifs for each destructible seem not very pleasant to work with, but as you said, there's no dynamic way to detect any destructible's death.
And I don't know why Blizzard make Destructible-related functions so painful to work with, but it is what it is.

I also have one crazy idea to save a generated drop table in a game cache so the drops stay the same even when you restart the mission. But this may be a step too far... Anyway, I'll have a lot to think about before the sequel.
With the help of cache, this is certainly possible, but I will also be against that decision. The thing is, one of the appeal of Farming/Looting is to figure out the Loot Pools, the items in each pools, and then mapping a farming route. While doing so, the farmer can continuous finding ways to make said route more efficient. If you do this, farming will become too hard and time-consuming to be worth it, and you'll also hurt my feelings.

Jokes aside, in the end, the decision is up to you. If item drops prove to be to hard to balance and no longer fits your vision for the campaign, you can ditch it altogether to go for fixed drops instead. It's not as interesting, but it has its appeal and most importantly, it works in many other campaigns, both vanilla and custom ones.


  • Destructible Test Map.w3x
    18.1 KB · Views: 3


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
I can only offer a cleaner version of my trigger in the attached Test Map (1.31 ofc), because quite frankly, I ran out of brain juice to think of anything better. If some good samaritan is willing to make the Destructible equivalent of the Unit Indexer, things may go a bit smoother. Emphasis on 'may'.
No problem. I'm definitely the coding/scripting guy and I'm also lazy as fuck in terms of repetivive work, so I'll be surely working on my system for the sequel anyway to minimize manual work I need to add just another loot drop in another mission.

And I don't know why Blizzard make Destructible-related functions so painful to work with, but it is what it is.
Simple enough - they were coding the editor together with the game and they didn't have a use case for that in the campaign. I doubt Blizz ever expected what types of mechanics will be created based on WC3 editor. They created SC2 editor with greater possibilities in mind, I even tried making a campaign for it, but adding custom units and skills in it turned out to require so many not very intuitive steps that I gave it up and returned to WE.

Jokes aside, in the end, the decision is up to you. If item drops prove to be to hard to balance and no longer fits your vision for the campaign, you can ditch it altogether to go for fixed drops instead. It's not as interesting, but it has its appeal and most importantly, it works in many other campaigns, both vanilla and custom ones.
Easy, I'm definitely not going to drop (heh) random drops as they are great for replayability and they create possibilities to get various builds for the heroes with another playthroughs. Balancing them is a challenge, sure, but the results are definitely worth it ;). For the nearest patch I created better item tables so that a Ring of Regeneration won't have the chance to drop instead of +1 strength sword. I also moved some early OP items to the late game item pools or even to fixed locations.

One day I may indeed go for partially or completely fixed drops for the books, but only for the books, maybe even just for the book of intelligence. Together with making drops independent from reloading/restarting mission that should get the "best of two worlds".
Level 7
Jun 2, 2021
Really loving the reworked Chapter 3. So far the campaign feels much easier when played on hard (i. e. all undead bases in Chapter 2 crack much easier). I don't know if anyone else mentioned this, but there is this.. thing when heroes hold Lordaeron Banner. They go into continuous channeling animation until they are given orders or you remove it from the inventory. I believe this was in the original version as well. I got some pics just to give you a better idea of what I mean :)


  • Reynart + Lordaeron Banner.png
    Reynart + Lordaeron Banner.png
    373.8 KB · Views: 22
  • Inaylia + Lordaeron Banner.png
    Inaylia + Lordaeron Banner.png
    296.6 KB · Views: 22
Level 20
Oct 16, 2021
I played the old campain just a year ago and jumped on this one as soon as I saw it.
Didnt think too much would change but this campain is now im my top 3 of all warcraft created content.
11/10 dont know how you guys made this piece of art but it should be playable in the louvre.
Countless nights of intense brainstorm about how to make things good :]. Then development process with hopes that we screwed up as few things as possible :p .


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
I was also surprised how smoothly it went.
It began with Nyc experimenting with assets and terrain in some tiny-messy-side-project-just-for-fun-he-will-never-complete - the protoplast of Jiluun. We were both tired with our another project (an RTS game) that turned out a bit too ambitious, so we needed a break. That encouraged me to return to Exodus to refresh it a bit, mostly in terms of gameplay, balance and story which, let's be honest, was rather simple and a little cringy at some points (yup, the love story). I added chapter two about Inaylia's origin very early to better attach the story to TFT (although its initial look and gameplay differed a lot), but the rest was supposed to happen similarly. And then there was this sudden spark of an idea - let's combine these two. Why the Alliance has to escape to Kalimdor when it can escape to Jiluun? Let's just have Reynart get a hint of Solymus and his project somewhere... well, the very first mission is in the goddamn Dalaran. Why escort a caravan of supplies back to Dalaran if we can escort it from Dalaran to Alterac to search for Solymus? Reversed direction was just a slight inconvenience, as the loading screen map shows. Then there was the villages mission... okay, why are there so many undead just between inhabited villages and why are there no other enemies in this campaign? Let's put there some Alteraci bandits. Quick look at WoW-pedia... hmm, the Syndicate? We're home. What else do we have in the Exodus? Capture and defence of a strategic stronghold, an evacuation of civilians, some undead bitch as an antagonist and Inaylia trying to survive between the Scourge and Forsaken. Right, the Forsaken and Sylvanas... let's give them their own techtree, some backstory and relate it to Inaylia if they fight each other so often. Something was still missing... [Fortunate Son and Flight of the Valkyries begin playing in the background] okay, I know what it is. So all the pieces came together and we just went with the flow. Everything lasted a bit more than a year, I think, and the only major slowdown was when we were looking for beta-testers.
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Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
I've just added Chinese translation provided by @NovaLan. I don't know a word in Chinese and don't have a Chinese WC3 version, but I launched the campaign, played for a while and everything seems to work fine (except for the translation not being displayed due to lack of Chinese alphabet support on my localization of WC3). So enjoy and let me know if you find any problems.

(sorry for multi-posting)

PS. Can someone who'd already completed the campaign with patch 2.01 confirm that there are no new major bugs? I plan to write to some more youtubers so that they play the campaign and I don't want them to bump into something that's still broken, especially if they decide to do a live stream :p.
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Level 7
Jun 2, 2021
I've just added Chinese translation provided by @NovaLan. I don't know a word in Chinese and don't have a Chinese WC3 version, but I launched the campaign, played for a while and everything seems to work fine (except for the translation not being displayed due to lack of Chinese alphabet support on my localization of WC3). So enjoy and let me know if you find any problems.

(sorry for multi-posting)

PS. Can someone who'd already completed the campaign with patch 2.01 confirm that there are no new major bugs? I plan to write to some more youtubers so that they play the campaign and I don't want them to bump into something that's still broken, especially if they decide to do a live stream :p.
I finished it on the new patch when it was released and i believe there are no new major bugs. Maybe rework the green AI in penultimate mission since it doesn't do anything (not attacking, building etc.) but other than that, i think everything else is okay


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
I finished it on the new patch when it was released and i believe there are no new major bugs. Maybe rework the green AI in penultimate mission since it doesn't do anything (not attacking, building etc.) but other than that, i think everything else is okay
You mean chapter 11 or 10? In other words, penultimate including epilog or not? They both have green AIs :p.
Level 5
Mar 27, 2019
You mean chapter 11 or 10? In other words, penultimate including epilog or not? They both have green AIs :p.
I guess he means chapter 11 (Holding back the Tides), the green AI at the south-east. If you use iseedeadpeople you can see the green AI is trying to attack but they get stuck by the cliff. This base is totally isolated and ground units can't pass through the terrain. Maybe can let them have barges like in chapter 10. However, even if the green AI doesn't work properly this level still give players oppressing sensation.:infl_thumbs_up:

I tested it a bit after finishing translation and I think everything is fine except that. (One thing is if you use whosyourdaddy cheat you will get stuck at many points though:gg:)
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
Chapter 6

I experienced game crashes during fights with the undead, and only happened when I'm on the battlefield and controlling units. Reloaded, and avoided to go there with the camera and check things and control: no crashes somehow. No matter which faction of the undead I battled with on this map only - so far.

Fiends spawning on the northern part of the map, in a very wrong place - scripted event -.

In the map, there are Ogres too, as some other maps in the campaign. They are there, because of the story, or the player have some ability, to make them fight against the undead?

I tested it a bit after finishing translation and I think everything is fine except that. (One thing is if you use whosyourdaddy cheat you will get stuck at many points though:gg:)
That's a fail save! It helps to complete the map without cheating.
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Level 7
Jun 2, 2021
Chapter 6

I experienced game crashes during fights with the undead, and only happened when I'm on the battlefield and controlling units. Reloaded, and avoided to go there with the camera and check things and control: no crashes somehow. No matter which faction of the undead I battled with on this map only - so far.

Fiends spawning on the northern part of the map, in a very wrong place - scripted event -.
View attachment 429728

In the map, there are Ogres too, as some other maps in the campaign. They are there, because of the story, or the player have some ability, to make them fight against the undead?

That's a fail save! It helps to complete the map without cheating.
Man i forgot about that. Had to reload like 5 times cuz of those crashes lol. And yeah, as NovaLan pointed out, it's the one mission before the epilogue where you have to hold Lonely Ridge against the onslaught of Undead


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
Chapter 6

I experienced game crashes during fights with the undead, and only happened when I'm on the battlefield and controlling units. Reloaded, and avoided to go there with the camera and check things and control: no crashes somehow. No matter which faction of the undead I battled with on this map only - so far.
Did they only happen in chapter 6? I don't think there's anything special about this mission, except for huge undead meat grinder... I'll play it again anyway.

In the map, there are Ogres too, as some other maps in the campaign. They are there, because of the story, or the player have some ability, to make them fight against the undead?
Nope, they're just slightly stronger creeps to farm for items.

And yeah, as NovaLan pointed out, it's the one mission before the epilogue where you have to hold Lonely Ridge against the onslaught of Undead
Okay, I'll check this out. But it's strange that they block like this, I remember giving them only air attacks.
Level 7
Jun 2, 2021
That might be why it crashes in chapter 6? Due to the amount of units? I know most of my crashes occurred when I looked at fights between the Syndicate and the Undead. To be fair, the green AI in the holdout mission did attack couple of times, but it eventually just stopped. Not only did they stop attacking, they also stopped producing anything. Their base had barely any units, and the units they had were pilled up on a cliff near the bridge leading to the Alliance base.
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022

Since I can't quote your post, I added you in this way for now.

Chapter 6 crashes only. The log is even empty after crash, there is no window pop-up to send a log to Blizzard. I don't know the reason, and only happens, when I wanted to see how the fights going & controlling the units. I was completed this campaign before, and on my last run there was no crashes. It happens a lot actually, and maked very hard to complete the map. This is a major issue now with this chapter - for me, but I know there is somebody lurking in these comments, and saying: "Those crashes making harder to complete the map, so basically more fun can happen."

Also I noticed, if I give any items to Margoth (alteraci hero, I mean anything): he does not have them in the next map. His character appears next time in Chapter 8, and he has a clear inventory sadly.

Starting the chapter, after the first cinematic, the map is very laggy. I was the quality and the resolution, helped a bit, but not so much. After clearing the map a bit, the lag is no more.

Crushridge Ogres are not very active.

Fist of Humanity description is weird, when you not picked up yet. After you picked, is normal.

The Ogre's Shop also sells very few item
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Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
Okay, I took up some testing for 2.02 today, here's the result:
  • Fixed the Ogres on chapter 08
  • Inspected green AI in chapter 11, changed one thing that could be the reason why they sent ground units (AI target priorities, I'm never certain of these)
  • Got a crash in a middle of big battle... in chapter 11. So far not sure what causes them, possible suspect is Valena and her skills as she's present in both 06 and 11
EDIT: I played 06 too. Also got a crash once - it was definitely the moment Valena's Revenant of Death cast Animate Death, so I thought some unit's model is bugged and causes crash when undead "skin" is applied to it on reanimation. But I reloaded a save several times, continued playing to the (moreless) same moment, but the crash didn't occur. Maybe Animated Dead just didn't affect the "right" units or it happens only after some time from starting or loading a mission. No idea.

Fist of Humanity description is weird, when you not picked up yet. After you picked, is normal.
What's weird about it? Besides not fitting the window, about which I can't do anything. And it's too epic to be shortened :p.
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Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
Okay, I took up some testing for 2.02 today, here's the result:
  • Fixed the Ogres on chapter 08
  • Inspected green AI in chapter 11, changed one thing that could be the reason why they sent ground units (AI target priorities, I'm never certain of these)
  • Got a crash in a middle of big battle... in chapter 11. So far not sure what causes them, possible suspect is Valena and her skills as she's present in both 06 and 11
EDIT: I played 06 too. Also got a crash once - it was definitely the moment Valena's Revenant of Death cast Animate Death, so I thought some unit's model is bugged and causes crash when undead "skin" is applied to it on reanimation. But I reloaded a save several times, continued playing to the (moreless) same moment, but the crash didn't occur. Maybe Animated Dead just didn't affect the "right" units or it happens only after some time from starting or loading a mission. No idea.

What's weird about it? Besides not fitting the window, about which I can't do anything. And it's too epic to be shortened :p.
Thank you for your reply, than it's not a bug.

I also discovered that you gave new voicelines to Margoth and for the Dwaren units too. It's awesome. ( Or, maybe I forgot they had this voicelines before the 2.0.1 upgrade)


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
Thank you for your reply, than it's not a bug.

I also discovered that you gave new voicelines to Margoth and for the Dwaren units too. It's awesome. ( Or, maybe I forgot they had this voicelines before the 2.0.1 upgrade)
Thanks, but nope, they had them from the beginning.

Ehhh, some more testing of 06 crash... it's definitely connected with Animate Dead. I replayed the same fight over and over from a save and it sometimes happens, sometimes not, even with the very same units being revived. After removing this ability from the revenant I got no crash so far, so maybe I'll just leave it like that or give it something else... but it's still a pity. The same skill works like a charm for High Necromancer, although they are never used in the AI attacks and they're not summoned units, so maybe one of these is the reason.
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Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
Thanks, but nope, they had them from the beginning.

Ehhh, some more testing of 06 crash... it's definitely connected with Animate Dead. I replayed the same fight over and over from a save and it sometimes happens, sometimes not, even with the very same units being revived. After removing this ability from the revenant I got no crash so far, so maybe I'll just leave it like that or give it something else... but it's still a pity. The same skill works like a charm for High Necromancer, although they are never used in the AI attacks and they're not summoned units, so maybe one of these is the reason.
So that's why crashed a lot chapter 6 maybe... Thank you... I never thinked that an "animate dead" can cause such an issues. I only encountered problems with models or lack of memory, but Animate Dead?


Somehow I get this info when I want to upgrade a scout tower to a guard tower.

I can't buy an Orb of Fire for my Dwaren hero, because I don't have enough money somehow, and I can't buy to my dwaren unit either, because I lack the funds for it.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Somehow I get this info when I want to upgrade a scout tower to a guard tower.
That's a known issue, not just this campaign. The Upkeep message is actually longer than it looks and it goes all the way to the 2,0 button position. Just wiggle the mouse a bit, and you'll be able to click the tower.
I can't buy an Orb of Fire for my Dwaren hero, because I don't have enough money somehow, and I can't buy to my dwaren unit either, because I lack the funds for it.
Buying an Orb uses Aequath's gold, not the Dwarves'.
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
That's a known issue, not just this campaign. The Upkeep message is actually longer than it looks and it goes all the way to the 2,0 button position. Just wiggle the mouse a bit, and you'll be able to click the tower.

Buying an Orb uses Aequath's gold, not the Dwarves'.
Thanks, I can upgrade the towers, and I don't know how it's possible to buy something from the dwaren shop, when I selected a dwaren unit/hero, and I tried it a lot, not just once like in the picture as I posted previously.

I can't even purchase a Goblin Shredder from the Goblin laboratory for the dwaren allies. But it's not necessary: the two faction can send each other lumber & gold. If I want to give our dwaren hero an Orb of Fire, I can simply buy it by the human hero/unit and drop to the ground.
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Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
Okay, patch 2.02 is here, hopefully it's the last one. Not as massive as 2.01, but should address all the remaining issues.

And now I really need a break from mapmaking. Debugging these AIs really took a toll on me... Maybe I'll finally play someone else's campaign instead of just making ones :p.
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Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
Okay, patch 2.02 is here, hopefully it's the last one. Not as massive as 2.01, but should address all the remaining issues.

And now I really need a break from mapmaking. Debugging these AIs really took a toll on me... Maybe I'll finally play someone else's campaign instead of just making ones :p.
Thank you very much & Have fun!

(In your absence, I'm gonna post a few minor not game breaking bugs, but please, have some quality rest)

Be aware everyone: If you download the new version and replace it with the previous one, then you must start the whole campaign from the beginning.
Level 7
Jun 2, 2021
Thank you very much & Have fun!

(In your absence, I'm gonna post a few minor not game breaking bugs, but please, have some quality rest)

Be aware everyone: If you download the new version and replace it with the previous one, then you must start the whole campaign from the beginning.
Nothing like beating a quality campaign for the 3rd time lol
Level 9
Oct 1, 2015
I loved every minute of playing this campaign, and liked it even more than the original!
Though I won't leave a detailed review because nchp1903 said everything I had in mind and more!
The terraining, the gameplay, the characters, the story, everything is truly spectacular
I only encountered one minor issue. The "A" hotkey in the Blacksmith building didn't work for some reason, other than that, I didn't encounter any minor or major issues.
Hope to check out Part 2 when it comes out
I'll replay the campaign on Hard difficulty and hope I don't get smashed
Great work!


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
Be aware everyone: If you download the new version and replace it with the previous one, then you must start the whole campaign from the beginning.
You can also open a campaign file and enable button for the mission you were in :p.

EDIT: Uploaded a small fix - I forgot to remove a debug in Chapter Ten. I also updated Chinese translation @NovaLan provided before I even had a chance to ask him :p.
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Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
You can also open a campaign file and enable button for the mission you were in :p.

EDIT: Uploaded a small fix - I forgot to remove a debug in Chapter Ten. I also updated Chinese translation @NovaLan provided before I even had a chance to ask him :p.
Thanks the option, but no. Here have some bugs:
  • Chapter 10: Drop ship has no portrait whatso ever.
  • The whole chapter 10 is laggy a bit for me - probably because weak PC -