by Macielos and Nyctaeus
Special thanks:
Forsaken for his beta version, including selection of some assets and hero skills
Besregar/Footman16 for beta-testing, proofreading and lots of useful feedback
Models & Icons:
Blizzard Entertainment for their policy of using assets from their other games and hundreds of models and textures from World of Warcraft.
Alterac Dam by Nyctaeus
Vimthurn Skyyard by Nyctaeus
Dalaran building pack by wc3neverdies
Lich Woman by DarkClaw
Western province doodad path by LongbowMan
Winter doodad pack by TassAvadar
Walls and towers from Northrend by LongbowMan
Infected Trees by Palix
Trees from Loch Modan by Tomak
Bridges from the Howling by LongbowMan
Boulders from Skyrim by LongbowMan
Burnt trees by LongbowMan
Dwarven Decorations by LongbowMan
Rivers and Waterfalls by OgrE
BTNMageTower by Besregar/Footman16
BTNStormwindArcaneSanctum by Besregar/Footman16
BTNStormwindLumberMill by Besregar/Footman16
Alterac Tent by Besregar/Footman16
Ogre Score Screen Icon by Besregar/Footman16
Forsaken Score Screen Icon by Besregar/Footman16
Undead Trebuchet by Kuzakani
DarkSylvanas_by67chrome.blp by 67chrome
BTNDarkSylvanasby67chrome by 67chrome
BTNHolyBan by 8512590215848
BTNWeaver by 8512590215848
BTNWeaver03 by 8512590215848
Woman Vilager by Afronight_76
Human Catapult by AndrewOverload519
BTNHumanCatapult by AndrewOverload519
BTNUndeadArcher by AndrewOverload519
Forsaken Archer by AndrewOverload519
Timmy by Aquis
Tommy by Aquis
Captain Lordaeron HQ (Unit\Hero) by Asssssvi
Crossbowman Lordaeron by Asssssvi
Footman Lordaeron HQ by Asssssvi
Rider Lordaeron by Asssssvi
Spearman Lordaeron by Asssssvi
Rifleman Lordaeron HD by Asssssvi
Undead CatapultI Icon by BaiyuGalan
Undead CatapultI by BaiyuGalan, Blizzard Entertainment
Stromgarde Buildings by bakr
Dwarven Buildings (Bronzebeard) by bakr
Alterac Buildings by bakr
Battering ram by Battering ram, Mechanical Man
Human Airship by Bioautomaton
BTNBuckler by BLazeKraze
BTNAbility_Stealth by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNCharge by Blizzard Entertainment
HotS Stormpike General Vanndar + minions by Blizzard Entertainment
HotS Archlich Kel'thuzad + alts by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNINV_Weapon_Rifle_06 by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Holy_HolyProtection by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Holy_PowerWordShield by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Holy_RetributionAuraBTNSpell_Holy_RetributionAura by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Holy_Silence by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNChaplain by Blizzard Entertainment, Pyraeus
BTNPyrolia by Callahan
Pyrolia by Callahan
CloudOfFog by Callahan
Nerubian Guard by Callahan
NerubianWidow by Callahan
BTNNathanosBlightcaller by Chen
SnipingTarget by ChirusHighwind
BTNTarget by ChirusHighwind
BTNCWValiant by CloudWolf
Sir Valiant by CloudWolf
CastIronGolem by CryoniC
Blood elf lieutenant, and derivatives by Cuore
Napalm Dump by cyberkid
BTNFemaleNecromancer by
Garithos Axe Cleave by Darkfang
Red Legion - Zealot by Darkmoon Hero
BTNZealotDH by Darkmoon Hero
High Elf Chronomancer by Deolrin
BTNHighElfChronomancer by Deolrin
Archmagi by Direfury
BTNHumanStable by Eagle XI
BTNHumanZeppeline by Eagle XI
BTNBatteringRam by Eagle XI
Arcane Static by Edge45
Battering Ram by Em!
Ogron by Explobomb
Creep Hut by Exyte
Dark Soldier by Freddyk
Dragon Knight by FrIkY
BTNDragonKnight by FrIkY
Human Assassine by General Frank
BTNDwarvenWarrior by General Frank
Dwarven warrior by General Frank
Human Archer by HappyTauren
Tyrannosaurus Rex by Hayate
Factory by HerrDave
BlackSunSpellbreaker by Himperion
Elven Assassins by Himperion
Cage/Transport Chariot pack by Hoth
Priest Pack by Ilya Alaric
Ogre Legion Models (Re-Classic Pack) by johnwar
Bandit Enforcer (Re-Classic) by johnwar
Ravager Battleship by Kam
Voodoo Temple by Kam, Retera, Kam, Blizzard
Ogre Stone Thrower by Kitabatake
BTNVillagerManVar03 by Kuhneghetz
Male villager variation (Brown haired version) by Kuhneghetz
BTNHumanWarlord by Kuhneghetz
Human Warlord by Kuhneghetz
Dark Portal by Kwaliti
Anduin Lothar by loktar
Knight (WC2) by loktar
Bandit Lord (WC1) by loktar
Riderless Horse (WC1) by loktar
Live Potion by Marcos DAB
Fortification palisade by MassiveMaster
Fortification palisade gate by MassiveMaster
Fortification palisade inner edge by MassiveMaster
Fortification palisade outer edge by MassiveMaster
Stable by MassiveMaster
GilneasGunship by Mephestrial
OrcBlacksmith by Mephestrial
Assassin by Miseracord
Academy by Mr. Bob
Arcane Sanctum by Mr. Bob
Archery by Mr. Bob
Armory by Mr. Bob
Barracks by Mr. Bob
Build by Mr. Bob
Castle by Mr. Bob
Church by Mr. Bob
DecayMesh by Mr. Bob
Encampment by Mr. Bob
Guard Tower by Mr. Bob
House by Mr. Bob
LumberMill by Mr. Bob
Market by Mr. Bob
Mines by Mr. Bob
Plantation by Mr. Bob
Medieval Buildings: The complete collection. by Mr. Bob
Stables by Mr. Bob
Tavern by Mr. Bob
Town Center by Mr. Bob
Watch Tower by Mr. Bob
Wizard Tower by Mr. Bob
Workshop by Mr. Bob
Human Battlemage by Nebilac
BTNDwarfEnginer by NFWar
Dwarven Thane ( One Horn variation ) by Norinrad
BTNAltar of Elders (Elf) by Null
BTNMagicShield by PeeKay
BTNThane by Norinrad
ArtilleryAttack by Praytic
FireStrike by Praytic
BTNHarbingerStaffMace by PrinceYaser
Ogre Beserker(Helmet version) by PROXY
Garithos Abilities by r.ace613
Ogre MEGA Pack by r.ace613
Bandit Enforcer by r.ace613
Prince's Kiss by Remixer
BTNMagicTent by SantoRayo[iP]
oger_barracks by SantoRayo[iP]
Banshee Queen by Sellenisko
BTNDarkSoldier by Sin'dorei300
FemaleNecromancer by Sin'dorei300
Shadowlands 9.1 - Devourer Flier by Sire Denathrius (portrait fix by A]mun)
BTNSpearAttack by Static
Archmage by Stefan.K
Butcher by Stefan.K
Forsaken Champion by Stefan.K
Nathanos Blightcaller by Stefan.K
Bandit Leader by Stefan.K
BTNCourtMage by stein123
GrassAnimated by Sunchips
Altar of some sorts by supertoinkz
Ogre Worker by supertoinkz
Cyclon Explosion by Suselishe
OrcLumbermill by Syroco
ogre arena by takakenji
Natural Winter Ice by Tamplier
Natural Winter Snowy Rock by Tamplier
UndeadWarlock by Tarrasque
BTNMegapod by tee.dubs
Megapod by tee.dubs
WheelchairWarlock by tillinghast
Archmagi and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Rifleman and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Altar of Darkness and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Dragonhawk Rider and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Footman, Captain, and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Hunter's Hall and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Mage Tower and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Tomb of Relics and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Altar of Kings and Derivarives by Ujimasa Hojo
Arcane Sanctum and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Barracks (Human) and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Blacksmith and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Farm (Human) and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Lumber Mill and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Tower (Human) and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Town Hall, Keep, Castle, and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Workshop and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Altar of Storms and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Peasant and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Forsaken buildings by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNUndeadAssassin by Uncle Fester
ForsakenAssassin by Uncle Fester
VultureRider by Uncle Fester
Dwarven Miner (variative) by Villagerino
Airstrike Rocket by Vinz
Alacrity by Vinz
Armor Penetration / Stimulus by Vinz
Armor Penetration by Vinz
Sacred Exile by Vinz
Transport cart by vlekje5
Bandit Crossbowman by Wandering Soul
Mounted Bandit Spearthrower by Wandering Soul
Ancient Explosion SFX by WILL THE ALMIGHTY
Stormwind Knight by Wulfrein and Ket
BTNDaggerBleedingPierce by zbc
Brass_Borer by -Grendel
Engineer by -Grendel
Human Commander (Reynart) by (probably) Ket
High Necromancer (Kel'Thuzad recolor) by unknown author
LightAura effect by unknown author
BTNDrainLife by unknown author
BTNSinister by unknown author
Inaylia - Model by Nyctaeus, textured using WoW materials. Animations from
Garona by Tauer. Converted by Stefan.K. Inspired by
Human Assassine by General Frank and Xaran Alamas.
Reynart - Model by Nyctaeus and Stefan.K, textured using WoW materials. Animations from
Kilrogg by Tauer. Converted by Stefan.K
Eldin - Model by Nyctaeus, textured using WoW materials. Animations from Medivh. Converted by Stefan.K. Inspired by
High Elf Chronomancer by Deolrin, and borrows some mdx data from it.
Margoth - Model by Nyctaeus and Stefan.K, textured using WoW materials. Converted by Stefan.K. Based on
Bandit Leader by Stefan.K.
Vespira - Model by Nyctaeus, textured using WoW materials. Animations from
Valkyrie by Zwiebelchen. Converted by Stefan.K
Valena - Model by Nyctaeus, textured using WoW materials. Animations from
Khadgar [young] by Tauer. Converted by Stefan.K
Solymus - Model by Nyctaeus and Stefan.k, textured using WoW materials. Converted by Stefan.K. Based on
Archmage by Stefan.K
Enclave units by Jiok, based on models by Asssssvi, bakr, johnwar, Ujimasa Hojo and Eagle XI.
SorceressRommel.blp texture for Discordant by Rommel
Sylvanas - HotS port by Razorclaw_X
Blood experiment machine by Sarsaparilla
BTNArcaneBlast by Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment
BTNBreakerDefend by graystuff111
BTNGoldenHammer by Whisper
BTNWindShield by Darkfang
Ephemeral Slash by Vinz
Mana Resource Gem Crystal by Darkfang
Paladin by Murlocologist
Bloodelf 'Scorpion' Ballista by General Frank
NOTE: This asset was modified exclusively for Exodus with written permission of General Frank. You're not allowed to extract, reuse, redistribute and modify this asset.
Shock Blast by Vinz
Ranger by HappyTauren
BTNMilita_Ranger by HuanJuan
SlowTarget by JetFangInferno
TC15 Model Bundle by Vinz
War Stomp by 84chrome
IceBolt by Weep
Psionic Shots by Vinz
Armored Skeleton by Anvil, Direfury, Galadgod, HappyCockroach, Paultaker
Generators by Tranquil
Orb Generator icon by MyPad
Battlemage by Stefan.K
Altar of Reason by Stefan.K
Vanilla tiles edits by Nyctaeus
Tile packs by Snart
Natural Winter Ice by Tamplier
Natural Winter Snowy Rock by Tamplier
Warcraft 3 Reforged: Arthas Theme
Warcraft 3 Reforged: Sad Mystery
World of Warcraft: Dalaran Theme
World of Warcraft: Elwynn Forest
World of Warcraft: Molten Core
World of Warcraft: Naxxramas
World of Warcraft Cataclysm: Western Plaguelands
World of Warcraft Cataclysm: Elwynn Forest (Westfall)
World of Warcraft Cataclysm: Stormwind
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria: For The Alliance
World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor: Blackrock and Roll Remix
World of Warcraft Legion: Dalaran Khadgar Theme
World of Warcraft Legion: Dalaran Jaina Theme
World of Warcraft Legion: Dalaran Halls
World of Warcraft Legion: Dalaran Sewers
World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth: Warfronts Alliance Music
World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth: Warfronts Arathi Horde Music
World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth: Battle for Lordaeron Horde Music
World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth: Forsaken Flame
World of Warcraft Shadowlands: New Player Experience Human
Heroes of the Storm: Alterac Pass
Heroes of the Storm: Arathi Highlands
The Witcher: Dead City
The Witcher: Last Battle
The Witcher: The Order
The Witcher: Night Approaches
The Witcher: Swamp theme
The Witcher: unnamed Salamandra combat theme
The Witcher: unnamed Order combat theme
The Witcher 2: Within The Mist
The Witcher 2: The Tournament
The Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone: Gaunter o'Dim Theme
The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine: The Night of Long Fangs
The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine: Tesham Mutna
Richard Wagner, Ride of the Valkyries (don't ask me where it plays)
Reynart - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: McCree from Overwatch
Reynart [DEPRECIATEd] - Original lines from Heroes of the Storm. Source: Varian.
Inaylia - Original lines from Heroes of the Storm, additional lines generated using ElevensLab. Source: Valeera from Heroes of the Storm
Vespira - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Kelly the Frost Archer from V Rising by Stunlock Studios
Eldin - Original lines from World of Warcraft, additional lines generated using ElevensLab. Source: Rhonin from World of Warcraft.
Margoth - Original lines from Starcraft 2, additional lines generated using ElevensLab. Source: Tychus from Starcraft 2.
Thamdan - Original lines from Heroes of the Storm. Source: Vandar announcer.
Archer - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vanilla Peasant
Spearman - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vanilla Footman
Rider - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vanilla Footman
Arbalist - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vanilla Footman
Hydromancer - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vanilla Archmage
Dropship - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Gazlowe from Heroes of the Storm
Legionnaire - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vanilla Footman
Discordant - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Valla from Heroes of the Storm
Cleanser - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Mercy from Overwatch
Hunter - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Vincent the Frostbringer from V Rising by Stunlock Studios
Cataphract - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Inquisitor Paladin from V Rising by Stunlock Studios
Protector - Generated using ElevensLab. Source: Harvest Golem from World of Warcraft. Additional editing by Nyctaeus.
Battlemage - Original lines from Heroes of the Storm. Source: Medivh.
Ranger - Original lines from World of Warcraft, additional lines generated using ElevensLab. Source: Matthias Shaw.
Gunship - Original lines from World of Warcraft. Source: Catherine Rogers.
Chronicles of Second War: Ironforge Footman Soundset by ShadiHD
Chronicles of Second War: Ironforge Knight Soundset by ShadiHD
Chronicles of Second War: Ironforge Worker Soundset by ShadiHD
Retera's Model Studio
BLP Lab by Shadow Daemon
Mdlvis by Anonymous
Mdx Pather
Ladik's MPQ Editor
Ladik's CASC Viewer
War3 Model Editor by Magos
Button Manager v1.8.2 by Shadow Daermon
Inkarnate (loading screen maps)
Adobe Photoshop
Hiveworkshop Icon Borderizer