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exact max filesize on Battlenet

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Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
Straight to the point -> What is it exactly? I've heard people saying around 4 mb.

And I've another question: What do you need to do to host a game? So that you know for sure that people can join your game.

And another question: Which autorefresher works well and how do you use them?

Thanks for taking the time.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
It IS 4Mb. Period.

You need an internet connection to be able to host. Period.
But I guess you're talking about people that "can't" host? They technically should be able to host but are behind a firewall or router that blocks battle.net connections. That can usually be fixed by port forwarding.

Last question: I don't know. I personally think refreshers don't even do anything in the first place, out of personal experience. It's just to make people feel good.
Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
1.) Yeah Battle.net mapsize limit is exactly 4Mb (4069Kb - 4194304b)

2.) You gonna need some Internet connection, and you have to forward and open the port 6112, allow this port for your router AND the firewall you've got. You also need to allow the roc.exe and tft.exe that it works for sure. (got some experience in it)

3.) Just use banlist, it's easy to understand and it works pretty good, it also has some nice plus features like the message chat part, where you can chat in wc3 via windows desktop
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