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Event Horizon

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Level 34
Jul 4, 2007


In the year 2047, faint radio signals from the starship Event Horizon are picked up on Earth. The ship had mysteriously disappeared in 2040, just beyond the planet Neptune; her loss was attributed to an accident, and was widely considered to be the worst space disaster on record. The ship appears to be in a decaying orbit around the planet Neptune, and the rescue ship Lewis and Clark is dispatched to investigate. The crew, which includes the Event Horizon’s designer, Dr. William Weir (Sam Neill), must spend a 56-day journey to Neptune in stasis in order to reach the ship.

When the Lewis and Clark reaches Neptune’s high atmosphere, the crew comes out of stasis. They are informed by Dr. Weir of the true story behind the “accident” which befell the Event Horizon. The ship had been a top secret prototype vessel equipped with an experimental stardrive. The drive, which would fold space-time and create an artificial wormhole extending to any point in the universe, allowed the ship to traverse great distances instantaneously. To test the new gravity drive, the ship was sent to a designated “jump-point” with the goal of reaching Proxima Centauri (the next closest star to our Sun); it subsequently vanished without a trace.

So you maybe thinking what is on my mind. It's a horror sci-fi movie, so this map becomes also that. It's about X amount of crew members and 1 of them is the Bounded. The Bounded is actually someone who's mentally connected to the ship, s/he wants that the ship -the Event Horizon- goes back in gravity stardrive and 'find' his/her way back to the other dimension. If the Bounded succeeds to do that, the game is lost for those who are not Bounds.

The rest of the crew must find out who's the Bounded and kill him/her to prevent to let him/her jump the ship in the dimension. They have arrays of simple weaponry on the ship so it won't be that hopeless for the poor guys.

Now you must think; "W.T.F is this" or "This reminds me very much of Parasite and/or Who's the Alien." Well you're close, but no. This game takes WC3-horror to a another step by showing horrorific pictures of like blood and such (think of Wulf's art and get the picture). The longer that the game continues, the more scarier the tension and pictures get. It also increases the rate of them.

There is also sound available (seriously it does remind me of those screamercommercials) to make it MORE scarier.

Now the Bounded could be anyone, watch out with who you trust. Because there's a chance that you become: A) a Bounded Minion, B) Dead, result is that you leave the game.

The ship follows the close infrastructure of the movie's ship but also consists out of other floors to make it a worthwhile.



Crewmember - This unarmed unit of this map. Can use equipment like weapons, survival gear, misc. items, military suits, space suits.

The Bounded - This character could be anyone, watch out for him very carefully, because he can kill and/or transform you. Can Transform into higher mental forms.

Bound Minion - If you survive, you become one like your master, but weaker. You depend on him to evolve. When your master evolves, you evolve right after. If he dies, you can take his place.

Fear-O-Meter - This represents how much fear you got at the moment, the more you have (because you see more illusions), the more you attract the Bounded. Eventually when you reach a crisislevel he can even see you.

More scarier, more gore, a total new level of Wc3Horror - The pictures and all the other scary stuff will push your andrenaline to a new level.

The Tiertree - The Bounded can evolve after a series of hunting of blood and fear. The higher the tree, the stronger he gets. Physcially, Mentally, Agility or combinations of them.

NFK-Ratings - The most discusting pictures shall be shown. Well.. Most discusting.. We keep it at a decent but effective level shall we?

More then 15 (low poly) pictures with blood and gore and <10> sounds to break your mentally-self!

This map, if someone dares to make it, shall be based on Parasite and Who's the Alien.


Save yourself, from hell.
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Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
If this shall be in production, I recommend to use well uhm..

Maximum effect and minimum resources so it can be still stuffed with scary sounds and pictures. :smile:
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Well you've mentioned this, and it's like parasite, and who's the alien, but your idea sounds better, make sure not to have a dl and loading like parasite XD. Get a better icon for crewmember lol, i'm tired of seeing peasant. lol But no seriously sounds like a great idea man.

but... i don't see how pics will make it scary, unless they sorta flash in places now that'd be awesome, so you see some glimpses of gore and horror. Then your just like "wtf was that..." also make a loud scream when someone dies lol, like those car commercials you know somethings gonna jump up it's too peacful then it's just like "roooooar" and you jump anyways.
Level 4
Jul 4, 2007
Never was a fan of Parasite or Who's the Alien, but I do really enjoy the survival-horror game "Zerg Infestation". Thats a game that should really be looked at if anyone decides to turn this idea into a game. It has a lot of creative concepts in it that I wont even begin to describe.

I also was thinking of making a survival horror type of game, but i think it willl be far different from this one. I may post the idea sometime..
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Never was a fan of Parasite or Who's the Alien, but I do really enjoy the survival-horror game "Zerg Infestation". Thats a game that should really be looked at if anyone decides to turn this idea into a game. It has a lot of creative concepts in it that I wont even begin to describe.

I also was thinking of making a survival horror type of game, but i think it willl be far different from this one. I may post the idea sometime..

Ugh, ZI. ~_~ Too many cameras, guns, everyone can target everyone. Rigged captain, rigged zerg medic, rigged heroes and I can go on forever..
Level 4
Jul 4, 2007
I dont see how the cameras are really a problem. You can destory them in 1-2 hits, some areas aren't even covered by them, and captain has to be in his office to activate them. Also you can just kill the captain, and pretty easily in the right circumstances.

The guns are needed to defend against the zerg, are weak, and often times are completely destroyed after the zerg invade the command center, so I fail to see how there's too many of them.

Big reason I like that map is because you can target everyone, since killing jackasses can be necessary at times, and also help you gain more power.

Its true the game does have a lot of problems, but for me there's still plenty of awesome things about the game that allow me to usually enjoy myself.
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