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Eternal Dawn ORPG Feedback and Ideas

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Level 4
May 16, 2007
An ORPG that I have been working on in my spare time, thought id put it on the Hive, see what people think of it so far. Its not complete, nowhere near, so don't download it expecting an entire game. This is for testing purposes only, so all feedback is welcome and appreciated

Unique Combat/Magic System
Camera System
100% Custom Triggered Spells
Creep System
Attribute System

Please read the quests on information on how to work the combat system. The camera system is worked using the directional keys. Everything else is pretty self-explanatory.

MAP IS PROTECTED. However, if people find that annoying, I will happily reload an unprotected version.


  • Eternal Dawn ORPG V0.1.w3x
    786.5 KB · Views: 188
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
Hmm... Very nice!
The attack thing was new and very original!
The choose system was awesome too!
Only strange thing is that you can choose an Orc and you come in an Human camp...

If it's finsihed let me know then i will rate it :infl_thumbs_up:
Level 3
Jul 6, 2005
Think i'll try it out sometime this week.
if i realy like it, i would like an unprotected version to learn from.
I am against stealing, so no worries there... then again all u have is my word
Level 4
May 16, 2007
AvaloN - No, its fine. This is definitely not near finished, and to be honest, knowing myself, I'l probably never finish it. I'l upload unprotected version soon.

Squidle - True, having an Orc in a human camp is weird, but then again, its a whole different universe, Orcs and Humans could be best buddies. I haven't exactly thought out the specifics ^_^
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
I got the same problem as you, Starting a map and never finishing it...
It's like a curse:eekani:
Level 4
May 16, 2007
Here's the unprotected version. I made a few changes, so its a bit different. Don't download this if you just want to play, this is only for those who want to look at my triggering. Oh, and ignore the fact that its called 'Lol its an ORPG, I just named it that so I don't get versions confused.


  • Lol its an ORPG.w3x
    986.5 KB · Views: 76
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
AvaloN - No, its fine. This is definitely not near finished, and to be honest, knowing myself, I'l probably never finish it. I'l upload unprotected version soon.

I got the same problem as you, Starting a map and never finishing it...
It's like a curse:eekani:

It's called an attention disorder. Many people have this, so do I.
Finished 1 map out of the perhaps 40 I made.
Level 6
Nov 10, 2006
It's very nice for a start but I need to ask, how did you make that Human 3D Glue screen to appear? No matter how I tried to do that in your map I failed miserably.
Level 2
May 6, 2009
u knw shangai, I tried that once, but when i get bored and work on the other one, i somehow manage to make a fifth map combining the two, then i get bored of THAT one, and make a sixth and well...the looping starts :p but now im focusin on ONE! and i plan on making it perfect :D (of course i ocassiaonlly go back on other maps and play around with them a bit every time i discover somthn new)
Level 4
May 16, 2007
Oh, that glue screen was an annoying one. I had to make it as a doodad, rise it up from the ground using ctrl + page up. Then create a camera, edit its properties, and rise it off the ground by increasing its z value offset, as well as positioning it in the right place.
Level 4
May 3, 2009
Wow I really loved the map. Great race selector thing. :)

1. Spelling mistake: EThe Orcs are a race of proud warriors.....

2. DISBTN: Toggle Left and Toggle Right has their DISBTN missing. (They're blizzard icons right? :D)
Also Pentagram, ?unit, ?item, inventory abilities has their disbtn missing too.

3. Idle Workers: When selecting a race an idle worker appears.

4. Tooltip missing: Pentagram's tooltip missing from night elf blood mage. (I mean attack toggle thing)

5. Ability jump: All abilities jump (I mean changing positions) when i attack. maybe two has same position.

That's all i see right now.

Terrain: 5/5
Liked the terrain so much. Trees look very real. Units are smaller. Balanced.

Heroes: 4/5
Very nice inventory system. Also attacking is cool too. But i think sometimes it is hard to play and sometimes it's bugging. Clicking all time is making it's hard to play.

Quests: 3/5
Classic quest. Kill x of y unit. But a need for an rpg. Hard to kill monsters. All follow you when you attack.

Story: 2/5
I haven't seen any story in it. Maybe it is too early for the review. But liked the hero selecting. Don't know why i said that. lol

Overall: 4/5
Actually Epic map when it's developed. Finish it please :p

[Sorry about my English]
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Level 4
May 16, 2007
Thanks for the comments. I did realise issue with DISBTN, so I will have to get some user-made icons for them. Silly Blizzard. Other issues have been fixed in my new version (not released yet). Oh, Idle Workers, removed that now too.
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Level 4
May 16, 2007
I should be adding an updated version by the end of the week. The significant changes will include a full functional equipment, fade filter, and item drop systems. But, other than that not much new, had a few difficulties with the equipment system.
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