• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Level 14
Dec 12, 2009

By Boris_Spider and Crabby_Spider

Object: Use your Hero to take control of the 5 Obelisks, unlocking the gate back to Azeroth, and escape.

Plot: You have been killed in battle on Azeroth and entered Erebus, a middleworld between the living and dead, and gateway to the Underworld. Neither here nor there, you are doomed to wander here for eternity ...unless you can escape.
There are 5 rivers which lead to the gateway: Styx, Phegethon, Cocytus, Acheron, and Lethe. Each of these rivers exploits a weakness within you and your units through a mist, affecting your ability to command and fight.

~Styx is the river of hate, and intensifies such hatred of enemies, your units attacks become reckless and less effective.
~Phegethon, the river of flame, takes what burns in the hearts of warriors and uses it to destroy flesh and metal alike.
~Cocytus is the river of lamentation, reminding all units of their regrets and failures, dulling their vitality.
~Acheron, the river of pain, corrodes the body and mind of your units until there is nothing left of them.
~Lethe is the river of oblivion, robbing your units of their memories, it leaves them standing with no knowledge of purpose.

The power of each river is focused through an Obelisk. To control each river, and cast off the effects of it's mist, you must control the river's Obelisk. Each is protected and you are not the only Hero planning to escape. You must raise an army to defeat the challenges which lie before you. Not until you conquer all of your weaknesses, shall the gateway from Erebus be revealed. Not until then, shall you escape ...Erebus.

-Erebus has a competitive AI. Depending on your system abilities, we recommend that you use no more than 4 computer players if you're playing by yourself. It's best used for practice/testing or to fill an empty slots in multiplayer games. You can use more, but the framerate may become an issue (especially if on your own) due to the sheer volume of AI commands to it's units on the map.
Note: Multiple (user) players with full armies do not cause this, just the AI micro.
-The AI is designed to harass other bases; it will not capture Obelisks (This is Thanatos' task).
-The AI does not use a 150-soul army.
-If the AI can make a Slave, it can make a base.

For some reason, saving the game and loading it later will cause the game to glitch. This is assuming you can load the saved game at all. I do not know what causes this, as it's an issue with the save/load feature of WarCraft 3 itself. It is advised that you finish the game you're playing. However, you can save and view replays.

Gameplay: You begin the game as a Soul. Your first step is to find a slave and Possess him. You will then be given your Hero form and take control of the buildings around you. Next, use these buildings to create slaves which can build aditional buildings allowing you to create more complex/powerful armies. With enough power, and the use of Sky Barges, you should be able to take control of an Obelisk by defeating the Guardians and placing your Hero within the Circle of Power. Your Hero must survive for 45 secs (you will not be able to control him during this time) before the Obelisk falls under your control and the effects of the river channeling through it are removed from your units. By controlling adjacent obelisks, you open portals between them allowing you to quickly travel across the map. Be warned, your enemies can use these portals as well.

Note: Erebus is a FFA.

To begin you must choose your hero class, a list/description is given to you on the loading screen.


You begin as a Soul, and must wander around the map until you find a Slave and possess it.


A neutral Slave must be captured to begin building your base. They are found near Shrines and Mausoleums.


Raise Slaves from your recently acquired Shrine.


Before you can build anything else you have to build your primary structure, the Fissure...


...then you must build a Necronage.


In order to build your army you need a Crypt.


In the event your Hero (Your Incarnation in Erebus) is defeated, you can revive it at a Shrine you control or at a Temple of Vengeance.


The more Necronages that you have, and/or their upgrades, the larger your income will be. The more Crypts that you have, and/or their upgrades, the faster you'll be able to regenerate your army. Upgrading your primary structure will allow you to upgrade your existing buildings as well as build specialty structures such as Soul Towers, Beacons, and Temples' of Vengeance.

There are a variety of methods for capturing Obelisks. You can wait to steal one just captured by another player or take it from Erebus.

In either case, you have to build a Sky Barge in order to reach the platforms.


Now, you can take Obelisks by using Soul Towers and and steady stream of units to divert the Guardians' attention.


In the event you don't like taking high-risk chances you can slowly advance walls and towers to remove the Guardians before you send your hero into the circle of power.


Once you reach the platform, build a Necronage and protect it. Otherwise you'll have to fly more Slaves in from somewhere else.

There may be up to 12 challengers struggling for control of the Obelisks, and all 5 must be controlled by the same player to open the Gate to Azeroth and escape. Building a force sufficient to not only take control, but protect each Obelisk is necessary. If there are many challengers, it may be necessary to destroy them before pursuing the task of controlling the Obelisks. Once all 5 Obelisks are under your control, move your Hero to the Gate and send him through it.

Lich's ultimate.


King's ultimate.


DeadEye and Lich using ultimates while battling each other.


Attacking a base.


Destroying a base.


This is the table depicting all possible unit match-ups (except vs Hero, Sky Barges, and Wyrms). Test was done in open area (no choke points) with 24 units vs 24 units (no micro). Footman all had defend active for all tests, Warlocks had Deathmark on autocast, Preachers had EoP on autocast, and all Obelisks affected all units. Avengers are support casters and not meant to be on the "front line." Their spells were not used in the tests.

The blue "about-even" results were given if 8 or fewer (1/3 or less) units remained after the test. It's assumed good Micro can yield either unit a victory.

Our goal is to produce a sort of Rock/Paper/Scissor scenario, loosely based on Armor/Attack types, that will allow for each unit type to easily defeat, be defeated, or be fairly matched with other units, and no unit dominate all others. Your experience in actual gameplay will be affected by you and your opponents ability to micro and combine unit types. If a specific unit or combination is found to consistently defeat others, regardless of player skill level, please notify us so we can adjust.


Custom: Nearly everything in Erebus (terrain: tiles/cliffs, doodads, models, and icons) is custom and made by either a THW user, Crabby_Spider, or myself.

The following models can all be found on www.HiveWorkshop.com:

Unit Name -=|=- Model File -=|=- Author
Incarnation -=|=- Deadeye -=|=- jigrael
Warden -=|=- SkeletonLordX -=|=- levigeorge1617
Slave -=|=- SkeletonPeasant -=|=- Cavman
Avenger -=|=- SkeletonFireMage -=|=- HappyTauren
Preacher -=|=- SkeletonWarriorFireMage -=|=- HappyTauren
Assassin -=|=- BurningArcher -=|=- BlizzardEntertainment
Mist-Walker -=|=- ShadowInferno -=|=- Necromancer_187
Reaver -=|=- GhoulMurloc -=|=- DonDustin
Ghostrider -=|=- Skeletal Death Knight -UPDATED-=|=- Meteor-demon
Tomb Breaker -=|=- TombPharoah -=|=- Callahan
Thanatos -=|=- Wraith_Final -=|=- donut3.5
Ker -=|=- Destroyer -=|=- Dionesiist
SwordMaster -=|=- AngolmorTorturer -=|=- Ampharos_222
King -=|=- KingLeoric -=|=- Dan van Ohllus

Building Name -=|=- Model File -=|=- Author
Fissure+upgrades -=|=- Chaos Citadel -=|=- HappyTauren
Crypt+upgrades -=|=- Cruel Cloister -=|=- Gottfrei
Necronage+upgrades -=|=- Necronage -=|=- BlizzardEntertainment
Temple of Vengence -=|=- ShrineoftheDeathWalker -=|=- Thrikodius
Beacon -=|=- DemonTower -=|=- HappyTauren
Wall -=|=- MishaWall+ -=|=- Misha

The following models are used, but not found on www.HiveWorkshop.com:

Unit Name -=|=- Model File -=|=- Author
Footman -=|=- DefendSkeleton6 -=|=- Cavman
Wyrm -=|=- FrostWyrmV2 -=|=- Revilo

The following skins can all be found on www.HiveWorkshop.com:

Unit Name -=|=- Skin Name -=|=- Author
Eredar Warlock-=|=- skeletalwarlock -=|=- EvilYardGnome

The following tiles are used, but not found on www.HiveWorkshop.com:

Erebus_SkullTile (Overrides the Felwood Leaf Tile) -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Erebus_RoughDirt (Overrides the Icecrown RoughDirt Tile) -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Erebus_GDirt (Overides Underground Dirt) -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Erebus_Grass (Overrides DalaranRuins Grass) -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Erebus_Cliff0 (Overrides Underground Natural Cliff) -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Erebus_Dirt (Overrides Icecrown Dirt) -=|=- Crabby_Spider

The UI was created by Crabby_Spider, and currently is not available on www.HiveWorkshop.com.

The following icons can all be found on www.HiveWorkshop.com:

Icon Used As -=|=- Icon Name -=|=- Icon Creator
Lord -=|=- KingLeoric -=|=- Dan van Ohllus
Slave -=|=- SkeletonPeasant -=|=- Cavman
Avenger -=|=- SkeletonFireMage -=|=- HappyTauren
Preacher -=|=- SkeletonWarriorFireMage -=|=- HappyTauren
Fissure+upgrades -=|=- Chaos Citadel -=|=- HappyTauren
Beacon -=|=- DemonTower -=|=- HappyTauren
Evasion -=|=- Restlessness -=|=- 67chrome
Possession -=|=- Possess -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Bone-type Armor -=|=- BoneArmorA -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Cancel -=|=- BoneCancelmod -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Hold -=|=- BoneHoldmod -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Move -=|=- BoneMoveA -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Patrol -=|=- BonePatrolFinal -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Stop -=|=- BoneStopA -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Ignite -=|=- Fire_Siege -=|=- Boris_Spider
Fire-type Damage -=|=- Fire_WC3 -=|=- Boris_Spider
Fire-type Armor -=|=- FireShield -=|=- Boris_Spider
Demolish -=|=- Explode1 -=|=- Muoteck
Subvert -=|=- OrbPain -=|=- Big Dub
Lightning-type Attack -=|=- Electric Blast -=|=- The_Silent
Spiked armor-type -=|=- Shoulders -=|=- Mr.Goblin
Clad armor-type -=|=- SoulArmor -=|=- Mc_!
Tomb Breaker -=|=- TombPharoah -=|=- Callahan
Warden -=|=- GrimReaper -=|=- Dan van Ohllus
Thunderbolt -=|=- LightningStrike -=|=- -BerZeKeR-

The following icons are used, but not available on www.HiveWorkshop.com:

Icon Used As -=|=- Icon Name -=|=- Icon Creator
Guardian [armor type] -=|=- Guardian_Armor -=|=- Crabby Spider
Archer -=|=- Archer_Icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Ranger -=|=- Ranger_Icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Assassin -=|=- Assassin_Icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Reaver -=|=- Reaver_Icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Temple of Vengence -=|=- Temple_Icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Wall -=|=- Wall_Icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Crypt -=|=- Crypt_Icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Barracks -=|=- Barracks_Icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Fortress -=|=- Fortress_Icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Shift -=|=- CloudOfFog -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Pierce the Veil -=|=- PierceTheVeil -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Moros's Caress -=|=- Cleaving -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Eredar Warlock -=|=- EW_icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Hadian armor-type -=|=- HadianArmor_icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Mend -=|=- AvengerMend_Icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Swordmaster -=|=- Swordmaster_Icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider
Thunderwrand -=|=- Thunderang_Icon -=|=- Crabby_Spider

The following icons were altered only in that a passive version was created. No change to the art was made.

Icon Used As -=|=- Icon Name
Souls [Icon] -=|=- ShadeTrueSight
Mist of the Phegethon -=|=- LightningShield
Mist of the Cocytus -=|=- DeathAndDecay
Mist of the Acheron -=|=- AntiMagicShell
Mist of the Styx -=|=- UnholyFrenzy
Mist of the Lethe -=|=- Banish
Cloak of the Phegethon -=|=- WallOfFire
Stun -=|=- Dizzy
Torch -=|=- SearingArrows
Lyssa's Rage -=|=- FireBlade

The following doodads/models can be found on www.HiveWorkshop.com:

Name -=|=- Author
Shadow Trap -=|=- JetBlackInferno
CloudOfFog -=|=- JetBlackInferno

The following models were found on the Ultimate Terraining Map v3.0 on www.HiveWorkshop.com:
Crystal -=|=- Celestea
DeadTree-DeadTree08 models -=|=- Unknown

The following spells can be found on www.HiveWorkshop.com:

In-game name -=|=- Spell name -=|=- Author
Deadman's Aura -=|=- Sparky Aura -=|=- Elainie
Lightning Nova -=|=- Lightning Nova -=|=- MortAr
Thunderbolt -=|=- LightningStrike -=|=- Paladon
Thunderwrang -=|=- Thunderwrath -=|=- Mr.Goblin
Wrath of Zues -=|=- Destructive Lightning -=|=- cyberkid
Lightning Speed -=|=- Lightning Speed -=|=- MortAr

~Swapped Deadeye's and King's Shock Therapy and Thunderang, respectively.
~Corrected Deadeye AI build error
~Decreased the Stun ability duration from 2 to 0.5 seconds
~Obelisks now have the Obelisk Mist ability as a defense against attacks.
~Nerfed Deadeye Lightning Nova to 50 D/T instead of 75 D/T
~Buffed Lich's Lightning Strike to 35 damage instead of 25
~Modified AI scripts to allow better defense when bases are severely damaged
~Removed the space in front of the name: King of Kjeldor

~Added -FASTGAME information in the |cffffcc00Info|r tab in-game
~Buffed King's Ultimate (20 DPI instead of 10 DPI)
~Buffed DeadEye's ultimate (5% DR/B instead of 20%, 75 D/T instead of 10, 10 bounces instead of 5)
~Nerfed Lich's ultimate (-10% DR/B instead of -20%)
~Corrected trigger which failed to show the name of the player who opened the gate to Azeroth
~Swapped base buildings to prevent glitch that makes heroes unreviveable:
---Temple of Vengeance is now based off of the Altar of Kings instead of the human Barracks
---Shrine is now based off of the Altar of Darkness instead of the Dranai Haven
~Player names are displayed properly after a victory occurs
~The victorious player is no longer "killed" during the closing cinematic
~Buffed starting mana for the Deadeye/King; 150/200 instead of 100/100, respectively

~Corrected the trigger which determines when a player is defeated to prevent players from having no units and remain in game blind
~Corrected Interface statement referring to Farms when unit production is maxed

~Added the FastGame Option
~Walls are no longer counted as units to prevent a player from being defeated
~Increased Swordmaster model scale from 0.5 to 0.8

vAI_1.4a, 06/20/11:
~Corrected Tomb Breaker and Peon animations when attacking trees
~Decreased Volcano upgrade time from 140 to 60 seconds
~Decreased Inferno upgrade time from 140 to 120 seconds
~Increased Reaver model scale from 0.8 to 1.3
~Corrected several interface typos
~Updated/removed all Incarnation references
~Dimmed the brightest crystals on Acheron's island to ease strain on eyes
~Decreased Sky Barge minimum height from 90 to 50 to allow easier visibility of it while passing over tall trees
~Buffed movement speed of all units (includes Neutral Hostile) +30 to allow quicker traversing of the map

vAI_1.4, 06/19/11:
~Erebus now has a custom interface designed specifically for it
~Corrected interface typos
~Kings, Liches, Peons, and Tomb Breakers can attack trees; however, Ghouls are still the most effective tree removal

vAI_1.3b, 02/07/11:
~Nerfed Ker HP regeneration (5HP/S to 1HP/S)
~Nerfed Mist Walker HP regeneration (5HP/S to 2HP/S)
~Switched to Heavy Green Fog for weather effect
~Added a linear Black Fog to darken Erebus moderately
~Replaced Thunderang icon
~Hades Pathrazers will only attack heroes and structures
~Nerfed the chance that Thanatos will recapture a lost Obelisk (50% instead of 60%)
~Fixed targeting issue preventing Slaves from being healed by the Avenger's Mend ability
~Buffed Thunderbolt's (Lich spell) cast range (500/700/900 instead of 200/400/600)
~Footmen are raised with Defend active
~Changed the Bone - Decay time to 10 seconds (Prevents confusion as to whether certain units are still alive)
~Corrected hotkey conflict for the Avenger (Enter the Veil and Subvert no longer collide)
~Repositioned a Shrine to prevent the AI from getting stuck trying to build a Fissure
~All players will be alerted when a player's hero is destroyed in battle (They'll know who killed and who got killed)
~All players will be alerted when a player's primary structure is destroyed (They'll know who crippled and who got cripled)
~The AI will build and attack with Reavers
~Buffed the King with 10 starting armor
~Corrected selection circle size for the Mausoleum and Shrine
~Gave Lightning Towers a small AoE attack

vAI_1.3, 01/05/11:
~Added modified GDirt tileset (Base: Underground-Dirt)
~Added modified Dirt tileset (Base: Icecrown-Dirt)
~Added modified cliff tileset (Base: Underground-Natural Walls)
~Added modified grass tileset (Base: DalarenRuins-Grass)
~Added modified vines tileset (Base: Felwood Vines)
~Swordmaster has new model and icon
~Corrected Credits lists
~Added New 'Toll' bridges between the 5 islands
~Players can choose 1 of 3 possible hero types
~Added Paladon's Lightning Strike Spell
~Corrected Incarnation ultimate, now chain lightning is casted.
~Incarnation renamed to Deadeye
~Players can choose one of three hero types [Strength, Agility, Intelligence] to play
~Players are renamed to their chosen hero's proper name
~Smother now only targets Slaves
~Added a new loading screen, with hero-class information

vAI_1.2b, 12/19/10:
~Corrected ability names on unit tooltips
~Added new Bone Tileset
~Added modified Rough-Dirt (Base: Icecrown) Tileset
~Terrain has been improved:
---Acheron's island has a variety of crystal models and colors
---The eastern half of Styx's island has more variety of trees present
---Phegethon's island has been redesigned to allow better use by players and AI as well as to improve terrain art
~The Incarnation now gains XP for killing Guardians from level 5 on
~Corrected movement animation speeds for the Incarnation, Tomb Breaker, Warden, and all archer units
~Fixed Reaver icon glitch (It would disappear if repeatedly clicked)
~Reset Tomb Breaker tint
~Avenger can now cast Mend
~AI can now build and use Avengers
~AI will now research Preacher and Avenger upgrades

vAI_1.2, 12/12/10:
~AI script improved (if it can build a Slave, it can re/build a base)
~Removed all unit/tree shadows
~Added 3 realistic tree models
~Added 6 new crystal varieties
~Necropolis can now attack
~Altered tree minimap colors (no longer all green...)

vAI_1.1, 12/05/10:
~Replaced Tauren Chieftan with Tomb Breaker
~In games with 4 or less players, any AI players will start on the SE island. Human players may travel there if desired
~Warden model and icon replaced
~Starting buildings remodeled and renamed (Village Center is now Shrine, Village Stable is now Mausoleum)
~Repositioned building icon locations (Slave's build menu is now tiered in appearance)
~Added Thanatos and Guardians to retake Obelisks for Neutral Hostile
~Comp controlled Heroes take control of nuetral Slave units
~Demolish and Subvert now have special effects
~Thanatos (Guardian Hero) will now try to recapture lost Obelisks
~Warrior's Grace renamed to Mania's Dexterity
~Double Strike renamed to Lyssa's Rage
~Cleave renamed to Moros's Caress
~Reaper renamed to Ker
~Removed unused variables

vAI_1.0, 11/27/10:
~Added AI script to combat bases (can't capture Obelisks)
~Wardens, Footman, Swordmasters, Archers, and Preachers have new soundsets
~Theme music will be played whenever an Obelisk is captured, or the Gate to Azeroth is revealed
~If Obelisk taken from Player controling 5 Obelisks, Gate to Azeroth is hidden again
~Removed Obelisk Reaper script (Reaper patrols still occur)
~Avenger must now research all upgrades for it's abilities

V1.3b, 11/25/10:
~Added Hadian armor type icon
~Set hero icon position back to 0,0 to prevent the inability to resurrect him
~Buildings under construction were immune to damage due to Normal armor type edit. Now these buildings can be destroyed.
~Corrected typos in Hero's fade ability
~Corrected various grammar/typo errors in all abilities; removed unused World Editor abilities

V1.3, 11/21/10:
~Major balancing corrections made, includes:
-New armor types (Hadian, Clad, and Spiked) and attack type (Lightning)
-2 new abilities (Spirit Link and Enter the Veil) [ for Avenger ]
-Introduction of a general "Rock, Paper, Scissors" concept;
~Replaced Soul Tower with Lightning Tower
~Avenger is now a support caster
~Added a new caster: Eredar Warlock

V1.2b, 11/16/10:
~Removed unit-group leak from Headcount trigger
~Replaced Cinematic actions from Defeat triggers with Visibility modifiers
~Fixed PlayerLeaves trigger (it turned off after the 1st use)

V1.2, 11/14/10:
~Simplified Player Leaves and Limit Bases triggers
~Simplified the Income trigger via turning it into a loop
~Removed about 40-50 leaks, most of them Location leaks
~Corrected misspelled name (Temple of Veangeance)
~Added a creep patrol system
~Elaborated Obelisk Mist abilities (i.e. Phegethon reduces armor by 5)
~Hid map playable boundaries with tree walls and cliffs
~Fixed Soul Tower's misplaced Attack icon
~Nerfed Mist-Walkers (HP now 100 instead of 1,000)
~Replaced Subvert and Demolish icon art

V1.1, 11/07/10:
~Corrected Possession tooltip
~Modified unit tooltips to more accurately suggest strategies
~Buffed Footman speed (now 300 instead of 270)
~Gave Peons the Stun ability
~Gave Tauren the Cleave ability; corrected Tauren's selection circle size
~Gave Archers the Double Strike ability
~Corrected icon art (passive abilities now have passive icons)
~Added 'Slave Radar' and ping Obelisk locations
~Starting buildings are now repairable
~Added an Observer mode when a player no longer has any units
~Added Subvert hotkey
~Added terrain to Obelisk platforms

V1.0, 10/31/10:
~Initial map upload

How you can help:
~We need testers. If you find terrain issues, bad/miss-spelled tooltips, unit imbalances, ability imbalances, leaks in code/inefficient coding, or anything else you find worthy of mention, please do so. Or, you can simply provide suggestions for improving the game.
~I'm aware some users prefer fancy descriptions. If they think this description is inadequate, then they can make what they feel to be the best design and PM it to me. I may not use it, but I will thank you for your efforts.
~We're new to AI scripts, if you have suggestions for priorities or conditions (to optimize performance) or any other changes then please post or contact one of us.
~We're looking for Skeleton Models/Skins. If you have recommendations for a particular model post a link to it. If you'd like to make one for Erebus let us know and we'll tell you what we're looking for.

The map can be found here.

NOTICE: Erebus [Builder] is open source. We first learned how to map by starting with an unprotected CastleBuilder map, and do not wish to inhibit others from doing the same. Other users may NOT upload versions of this map, on this site or any other, without permission from both myself and Crabby_Spider. Since we can't ensure that others won't upload rigged versions of this map, we strongly recommend that you only download from www.HiveWorkshop.com for the most recent and balanced version.

//\\oo//\\ //\\òó//\\
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Level 14
Dec 12, 2009

Erebus has now been released. The link is in the main thread.



A very great game, It was fast-paced and action filled.
I played with 3 other friends and they also say the same.
The only thing missing were items. It would be better with some.

Only 20 min? Did you finish the game? (usually takes me about 1/2 an hour to capture all five obelisks and escape; longer if Crabby_Spider digs in.)

How would items improve gameplay?

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Level 11
May 17, 2010
While my Garena was loading, I started off TFT and scanned the map in single player.
Got time to take info while my other friends were logging in.

While they were downloading, I briefed them about the map and what to do.
I just said that we were just gonna test it first and find any bugs or mistakes.
Gladly, We found none.

Here are some of what I saw:
- One of my friends had a hard time finding a slave. Maybe try putting in a slave detector/radar or so?
- Possession missile is slow.
- What else? Almost everything is perfect, Just the two comments above.

My suggestions:
- Adding some items which either boosts the Hero or the army.
- Items can really buff up game play and gives more edge than who's gonna build the strongest units first.
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
Here are some of what I saw:
- One of my friends had a hard time finding a slave. Maybe try putting in a slave detector/radar or so?
- Possession missile is slow.
- What else? Almost everything is perfect, Just the two comments above.

My suggestions:
- Adding some items which either boosts the Hero or the army.
- Items can really buff up game play and gives more edge than who's gonna build the strongest units first.

~Alright, it seems it'll be necessary for Crabby and I to ping the location of each slave for all players shortly into the game. Crabby has also had issues as well. We'll see to it that it's incorporated in the next update.

~Crabby wanted the Possession missle to be slow so the artwork could be seen. I'll increase the speed slightly, but it probably won't be as quick as you'd like.

~As for the items, I'm still not to sure about what to do for those yet. I rarely see items in builder games, but I did try to design Erebus to be completed in 30-45 min. Items could allow a faster completion.

Thanks for the review. I'll notify you when it's updated. (Probably in a couple of days)


The units are intended to all counter and be countered by other units. Massing T3 units against T1 doesn't guarantee victory. For example, the Assassin (T3) is a powerful ranged unit, but it can't damage units with fire armor. Footmen (T1) with Defend activated can walk up and tear them apart. The Ranger (T2) is the only unit capable of seeing invisible units (such as the T3 Warden) and can damage units with fire armor.
Last edited:
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
Erebus has been updated. Testers are needed (preferably 4+ players in game).

Erebus has been updated. Note that the Capturing an Obelisk strategy is only a suggestion. It's not the only way to do it.

If any triggerers are checking this out, please inspect the code andd notify me of any leaks. Suggestions for more efficient coding would also be appreciated.

Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
I like it so far (though I can only play as one player, so my observations will be mostly along the lines of errors and stuff)

* Please put the descriptions of what it is the rivers do in the Info box.

* If building more Necronages (what does that mean?) allow you to increase your income, there should be a counter saying how much you get.

* A few spelling errors (it's Temple of Vengeance, for instance)

* Lack of creeps I won't comment on, since it'll be put in later.

* Perhaps you could make all magic fire-based, it looks strange to see a Lightning spell fail because the target is immune to fire (though Shock therapy is admittedly a hilarious name).

* Having normal voices for skeletal units is... strange (though that's just me, the game works fine).

That said, I really like the map design, the atmosphere from the bleak environment is really well done. The buildings and units are very well designed, and the techtree is easy enough to understand (though I think upgrading Necronages to their fullest should have a different effect, like attacking or producing different units).

Hope this helps.
Last edited:
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
There's a problem with the Avenger: Several tooltips mention his being able to cast Curse without upgrades, he has no spells at that point.

And until creeps are put in, please let the hero gain experience from killing the flying monsters and obelisk guardians.

Do you know where exactly the bad tooltips are? I searched through the unit data as well as the spells and upgrades and couldn't find what you mentioned. Of course, I fixed the unit tooltips Tuesday brought to my attention by another user. I may have fixed them already (not yet released though).

The gaurdians and Ker are creeps. They should be given experience when killed. I'll see if I can't fix that.

Next update should be tonight or tomorrow.

Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Mousing over the "rank" icon, the pop-up window has Curse as a starting spell. Shouldn't the Avengers get a starting spell though?

Some more:

Something weird with the murlocs: occasionally the icon disappears from the barracks, is there a hidden limit to the number you can have at any time?

I don't know how they did it, but the AI occasionally managed to send a single footman to my base, despite being on another island.

About the Styx: maybe the effect should be more related to recklessness, like missing in combat?

Also, I get the impression that Rangers are, well, not overpowered but there's no point in building anything but them to use against guardians.

I don't think you forgot to make creeps give experience, more like you didn't remove the "no experience gained past level 5" setting.
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
Mousing over the "rank" icon, the pop-up window has Curse as a starting spell. Shouldn't the Avengers get a starting spell though?

Some more:

Something weird with the murlocs: occasionally the icon disappears from the barracks, is there a hidden limit to the number you can have at any time?

I don't know how they did it, but the AI occasionally managed to send a single footman to my base, despite being on another island.

About the Styx: maybe the effect should be more related to recklessness, like missing in combat?

Also, I get the impression that Rangers are, well, not overpowered but there's no point in building anything but them to use against guardians.

I don't think you forgot to make creeps give experience, more like you didn't remove the "no experience gained past level 5" setting.

~Fixed (All fixes will be seen in the next update)

~Fixed. I don't know what caused that. I switched the base unit from a Skeleton Warrior (UD - Special) to a Grunt, and the glitch stopped occuring.

~The AI can build Sky Barges, but sucks at using them. All it did was pick up a unit or two and drop them on your island.

~I like that idea. I'm looking into implementing that currently.

~Archers and Rangers are the best units for dealing with Guardians, but the Incarnation is the most effective, especially at higher levels. The fire-based units are unable to attack them.

~Guardians will now give XP past level 5.

Thanks for the feedback.

Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
Might I suggest another (optional or not) boss?

Cerberus the three-headed dog, appearing to guard the gates of Tartarus. Of course, seeing as said gate is in the water, you'd have to make it a Hydra.

Also, is the AI capable of capturing obelisks from other players?

~We'd love to use Cerebus, but have been unable to find a good model for him.

~The AI isn't capable of capturign Obelisks. However, Thanatos will occasionally go around and recapture lost Obelisks.

Erebus has been updated (vAI_1.2b)

See the changelog for details.

Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
So far:

I've only played the Lich so far, the range on the thunderbolt seems far, far too short. (I like the names though.)

A problem with the Crypt and upgrades: it might be an issue with the model, but there were several times where I clicked on it without it selecting (dragging selects however).

Just my opinion, but I think the upgrade times are far, far too long for the Crypt and Fissure.

Given the massive amounts of units, could there be an option to have them autobuilt, à la Dawn Of War?

Could you modify the murloc's decay speed so the bodies disappear faster? Because it can get hard to tell which are alive and which aren't, especially with the Lethe's effect.

More later.
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
For those of you following Erebus, if you spot a bad iinterface message or gameplay doesn't work as expected please notify me. I just recently played through with Crabby_Spider and discovered that defeated players couldn't see the map as the had previously. There was also a message in game asking players to build more farms.

Level 1
Jul 3, 2010
Played the game with a friend, really cool!
Loved the varied units, allowed for a myriad of strategies. The fog of war effect was really well-made.
It might be just cause we're noobs, but finding the obelisks was probably one of the harder parts, maybe a command to re-ping the obelisk locations could help.

I wanted to know how you managed to create a negative health regeneration.
If I try to create a negative value, it just resets to zero.
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