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Eras Zombie Invasion 0.96

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Reactions: Bamsestryparn
Europe is in the dark ages and news of unthinking and slow humans from afar have reached Europe. More news have been told that these "humans" kill others, and these killed ones get up and kill again! Maybe these are just tales to scare children?

Improve your technology, stick with the rest of Europe and kill off the infected.

Medieval Zombie Invasion was the previous name, but now you advance quite far in time.

0.92: Zombuilder gold bug fixed, lag reduced, new units: medium and scout helicopters, light attack drone, self-propelled howitzer. Remember the weird zombie spawning and dying after a human attacks another human? Well that's gone now. New terrain, slightly easier for humans.

0.95: New units: V2 rocket launcher, heavy helicopter, spaceport satellite, patrol boat. Various terrain changes, re-implemented the events, added a -rename command, quarries and mines can't die, added level 6 quarries/mines, zombies now get 1 lumber for every player that leaves and they can spend the lumber on mega-upgrades. Changed names of units, added rebel cities etc, cities can now be captured. Removed some models.

0.96 Bugfixing, new unit: transport helicopter, new rebels.


Medieval, Time, Eras, Zombie, Infected, Zombies, Guns, Tanks, War, Warfare, Modern, Soldiers, Europe, Age, Technology, Advances, Infection

Eras Zombie Invasion 0.96 (Map)

09:08, 2nd Oct 2008 VGsatomi: A risk style map with a lot of imported models to help create a good theme. An odd but interesting implementation of a zombie nation trying to invade Europe at the same time. Straightforward but slightly repetitive...




09:08, 2nd Oct 2008
VGsatomi: A risk style map with a lot of imported models to help create a good theme. An odd but interesting implementation of a zombie nation trying to invade Europe at the same time. Straightforward but slightly repetitive action. Overall good map. Terrain was decent and there didn't appear to be many bugs.
Level 2
May 24, 2008
i played it many times and people loved it, but generally the game ends once zombies are avaible to walk in water...
also, america as too many zombies, a experienced zombie may be waitig the colonist and then kill them...
Level 2
Jun 3, 2008
i love maps with zombies and i want to tell you that you have to make it more scary and harder.
Level 2
May 24, 2008
i found a weird bug, the zombies left the game so we started to kill each other, but once a unit is killed, it's become a zombie! only red, purple and green can't have zombies
Level 2
May 24, 2008
I believe that's because you were playing an older version, it should be fixed in 0.62.

No, i found that bugg in the 0.62version :bored:

when does atomic age will be ready? we were waiting to nuke all the zombies before they were able to destroy our last base in africa, but we run out of techs and they destroyed the wall...
Level 6
Apr 30, 2008
another one is that it gets really buggy when you have to many troops in one area
and one other thing i would like to know how you made the trigger or spell or w/e you used for when the zombies attacked someone else it instantly turned them into a zombie
Level 1
Jun 26, 2008

This, while buggy and the next version will fix lots, is a more balanced version of this, made from an early unprotected version by me, and i know you may have problems with that, so i left it unprotected and it will stay that way.

The problem with your map is that everything has SO much health and damage that at the end, it becomes boring.

Im also gonna note a few problems which really dosent hurt the gameplay.
- You say the water zombie things are armoured, how can zombies produce armour? If you ment like a layer of bone, type that it evolves into having a layer of bones.
- No APCs.
- How the heck can zombies gain acces to America? Its not like there is a walkable passage.
- Why does zombies use gold? My version still have zombies using gold, while the next version will change that, and no matter how much you change resource names, it still makes no sense since zombies dosent use resources

Tell me if you have any problems with me "fixing" an early version of your map.
Level 4
Apr 29, 2008
This is so fucking rigged, 5 gold for 1 zombie? And zombies randomly get 5K? All they have to do is mass in very begging and they won, fucking humans never win cause bye the time they get 1 wall or so the zombies are already in. Balance it out cause it sucks ass and no one can win like that. Whats up with the fucking zombies walking on water? If a zombie walked into water then he would sink and the presser of the very bottom of the ocean would explode him, and those crows need to be nerfed, all they gotta do is make like 4 and send them straight at your workers and then your screwed cause you got zombies in your base. Ive played some rigged maps before and won on both sides, but jesus this was horrible.

Make the zombies cost more so they don't have like 300 in the first minute, make the towers strong or faster so they can actually kill some zombies without dieing once the bad asses come and make the walls stronger. Nerf the flying zombies, make the tier 3 zombies super slow when on water so you have a chance of defending your self from those beasts. I can do all this easy if you gave me an uprotected version.

i love maps with zombies and i want to tell you that you have to make it more scary and harder.

Just wondering are you fucking talking about making it harder for humans or zombies? Humans are already fucking impossible to win as unless your whole team isn't a complete newb or the zombies are complete newb. The crows and the tier 3 zombies are the worst, thats just going way to far with unbalanced, did you play as zombie or human? When you play both a couple of time then you can post.
Level 1
Jul 6, 2008
Quick Review

I've played this map quote a number of times (20 or so) and I'd like to say that I love the concept behind this map!:grin:Even though I can say this it is very imbalanced and seems since you copy protected it has no been modified for some time by anyone. Here is a list of things that I see totally buggered in this game:
1. Zombies get exponentially weaker in game. If I was smart and walled up a 10 layer thick wall and upgraded it from time to time without having the zombies lvling to lvl 2 they would get really bored and quit or whine and complain. They need some sort of seige unit that goes through walls but doesn't infect or something. Also when the world has decided to wall itself away from zombies, the 10 minute 5k gold doesn't cut it. The zombies need something that gives them a decent amount of gold or units... maybe a trigger spawn the spawns carriers for them.
2. Spawned triggers; that stuff is not very noob friendly. Seeing how this game has almost no downloads most people playing are noobs. I have seen countless times a person playing Italy will be totally bum raped by the trigger spawn. (It's very funny and I laugh at them)
3. A great issue is sometimes zombie players get shitted in the pants when they decide to spam units the WC3 engine doesn't support that kind of game play, so i suggest you put a unit limit for all of the players.
Overall the concept is there. but the game is so imbalanced that people cry foul at every point and turn. People in the prehost phase are always curious about this game only to be disappointed by its tough learning curve, because they don't know the tricks to the game.
I would give this a 2/5 for playability; 4/5 for concept; and 0/5 for noob friendliness
Level 1
Jun 26, 2008
I have been given the unprotected version and will slowly balance the map, however im working on my own project which i will of course focus on.

But to reply to you Sinistra.

1. Im going to add make walls unrepairable or make ranged zombies, have yet to decide.

2. True true, i might make the spawns special so they cant infect, but we will see.

3. Im going to change all health and damage in the next version, and later im gonna remove gold for zombies instead giving them spawning zombies and timed upgrades, if you want to see some of the stuff im adding try playing Medieval Zombie Invasion Fix 9.
Level 4
Mar 26, 2008
1. Zombie mass spam gold generating stuff
2. Zombie upgrade their damage and life to over nine thousand
3. Zombies win. Always.
Level 1
Jul 6, 2008
The greatest problem is the sharp contrast between humans and zombies... it seems that if the zombies were exactly like the humans except undead this would make it more balanced.
And for the post above; the zombies in my games usually fail when i go human... badly.
Level 3
Jun 29, 2008
The map is fairly good and balanced. There is a problem if the humans wall up in the start as the zombies won't get enough gold then, but as most are newbs that doesn't happen too often.

The spawn triggers works fine, it adds a learning curv and once you know them they are easy to deal with while adding at least something to think off as one of the safer nations.

The main problem of the map is that it takes way too long to win as humans. Also, there is no win condition if you actually do win.
Level 7
Feb 28, 2005
New update: fixed zombies spawning for humans.

And also, this map is not designed for one-off players, you're meant to play it alot and learn and gain experience.

I see it hosted MANY times on Northrend and so there are quite alot of us out there who know how to play this now.
Level 3
Jun 29, 2008
New update: fixed zombies spawning for humans.

And also, this map is not designed for one-off players, you're meant to play it alot and learn and gain experience.

I see it hosted MANY times on Northrend and so there are quite alot of us out there who know how to play this now.
Well, I've hosted this quite a bit of times as well and I always play with a friend.

As zombies, if you win it is usually quite clear cut and takes a normal amount of time. But for you to win as humans, you usually have to turtle up for at least an hour so you can get tanks and then attack. During this turtle phase nothing happens, which makes it quite boring for all players.

Otherwise the map is great fun to play.
I would make walls deal 1 - 1 damage each 8 second, so that zombies auto attack while they self are under attack, and zombie players don't leave because they have a hard time getting their minions attack them instead of trying to attack the troops who attack them.

Else this is one of the funniest maps i ever tried, just tried 71 vesrion, i must say that zombies need to have some over power units at last in the map and that humans should be allowed to use neuclear technoligy and air planes.
Level 2
Aug 30, 2007
Anteep, I've modded your map. I would like to say that I've always been a fan of your map, and I like the balancing you've added vs. other versions of Zombie Invasion floating around. However, I felt that it was lacking somewhat in aesthetics, and frankly is poorly optimized, so I did my best to rectify such. I added in a scoreboard, as well as completely rewrote your resource triggers to make them more efficient, as well as a few other optimizations here and there on the triggering level. I did not touch any aspects of game balance such as unit stats or amount of income gathered from units (although I unrigged two of the resource generating structures for humans that were being counted twice and thus giving ridiculous amounts of resources for a very low cost). I also added a 200 unit cap, with the rational being that even if you had all 10 hotkeys fully assigned with squads of zombies, that would only amount to 120 zombies, combined with the fact that the Blizzard AI starts choking up if a single player controls more than 230 units or so. For an aesthetic touch I added a trigger to change a player's name to match the country that he or she is playing as - you might have to redo your trigger that changes your name to "The Master" when you join a game. I was certain to distinguish that it is a modification and that this map is not an original creation by myself, and I was certain to not remove any of your credentials or in any way insinuate that I am the original author. Send me a private message if you want to discuss my modification further. The link to the modded version of this map is here (That's a protected version, I can send you the non-protected latest version if you'd like).
Last edited:
Level 2
Aug 16, 2008
I can honestly and rather bluntly say that I am a BIG fan of this map.
I've played about every version there is out there, as well as being there when Pyro re-hosted a game with his optimized versions ;)

I do have a few concerns though. :p
I'll try to be unbiased when typing this out, but my only defense is that I play both zombies and humans with the same frequency and notice some silly things.

1) Crows
I believe they were removed in some of the later versions. However, they are quite ridiculous. Especially when the zombie targets the munchy peasants and lumberjacks behind those pesky walls, nearly instant win there. (As well as them being to spy all over the place) Now of course, people will say that I should build more towers n00b and that random shit, which brings the second point. A massive crowd of crows dealing damage in the hundreds will kill at least one peasant or jack no matter how strong the defenses may be. And what doesn't help is that most of my infantry and gunmen, including my hero, can't even target crows. That urks me the most :p

2) Heroes
I was slightly disappointed when i massively dumped all those funds into pumping my heroes. The upgrades are only good for maybe the first 5 minutes of the game, and you can't really afford any of them until maybe the last 5 minutes of the game before you watch yourself obliterated. The lack of skills also doesn't help. From what I've seen, the only 'decent' heroes that are deemed a necessity by me would be: Spain, Britain, and Sweden. Spain has a nice endurance-like aura that boosts damage percentile, Britain with a trueshot skill, and Sweden with a utility spell. But other than that, what the fuck. Everything else is practically useless. They barely stand their ground as a tank, and become more and more of a hassle than an asset later in the game. The only benefit of heroes I can see are zombie heroes attacking through walls at peasents at the other side.

3) Ships
Ships are useless other than for transport. That is all :p
(I would like to see them play a greater role in the future however ;)

4) Lumberjacks
I hate my jacks after i depleted their use.

5) Human Win Conditions
Now maybe the objective of the game is not for humans to win, but it would be nice if there was an objective.
EG: Each zombie has some special building or unit they start off with, and the destruction of that will result in a game over for them (Or heavily cripple them) It'll be nice to see the occasional last ditch effort by the human team to suddenly turn the table and make zombies defensive. :p

6) Random Events
I feel like Sweden, Britain, and those other western-most countries have it too easy, having to do nothing but to research and bunk in nicely while the East takes the blow. It would be nice if there were move 'outbreaks' on the western side :p In addition, how come Byzantine doesn't get any free units :(

7) Lumpys, Stalkers, Maulers
They really don't play a big role from what I've noticed. Instead of upgrading those why not just get lvl 3s that swim and rush the undefended shores of other nations. I'm not sure if its just me, but those names don't really strike the same fear in me as it used to. Instead, when im playing humans, I think of them as a benefit. They take up more space in front of my walls thereby allowing fewer attackers in =\
The next time i want to hear that Zombies have just developed the ability to create fire-breathing-brood-spawning-Lumpys, I want to shit myself, mmkay?

8) I love Pyro's Scoreboard

Hopefully you won't get me wrong on what I'm saying. In no way am I insulting the map in any way. In fact, I really love the map. I'm just throwing some ideas for future consideration, and I have no expectations on any of them getting added on :p
I know i should not answer these questions, but i'll do anyway

1) Crows
I know i gonna sound like one of the shity people you where talking about, but for god sake builder some ranged defends, crows got like no life.

2) Heroes
You right, forget heroes that can't use ranged attacks or use ''mirro image''

3) Ships
Yep, but if you use them propper you can attack the zombies ''main base'' directly, while they can't attack you.

4) Lumberjacks
They need that suicide abillity from crazy's vamp

6) Random Events
I feel green is overpower, because of his number of markets and lumbermills, if a pro plays green, he'll pown the zombie alone (I done 11 times or so, soo fuun!)

7) Lumpys, Stalkers, Maulers
In newer versions, (as far as i remember) you are able to upgrade ALL zombies, so that they are able to ''swim''
Level 1
May 21, 2008
This game overall is very unbalanced. I didnt like the terrain at all. And when a zombie kills something it makes a zombie, no matter what it is. This shows me that you made a general trigger to save time rather than putting effort into your trigger. And like the other guy said once the zombies get water units its over because you cant kill any zombies after that point. The begining is decent but the mid and end game sucks. Its too overpowered. Put more time into your triggers and you terrain and the map will be better. But some serious balanced has to be done.
This game overall is very unbalanced. I didnt like the terrain at all. And when a zombie kills something it makes a zombie, no matter what it is. This shows me that you made a general trigger to save time rather than putting effort into your trigger. And like the other guy said once the zombies get water units its over because you cant kill any zombies after that point. The begining is decent but the mid and end game sucks. Its too overpowered. Put more time into your triggers and you terrain and the map will be better. But some serious balanced has to be done.

No balance change plz! Only pro humans can win Eras zombie invasion, because of the overpower zombies, that true, but thats just fun. Maps you can't lose is in general not fun, but you right he could improve many of the triggers and some terrain.
Level 1
Sep 2, 2008
Anteep,I see many unofficial noob versions that they have no balances and they are full of bugs.Dont let many edit your map,cuz the other versions are getting boring and people thinks that this map sucks.I always plays your official,but people always tell me "Old version cuz they think that 1.96 edited by shadowrouge version is the newest :S.Anyway do't let people edit this map,you are the best and you got so imagine at editing maps(F.E. sneezers).Keep going and make this map more funny.
Level 1
Jan 19, 2008
I disagree, if you have alot of workers repairing the walls its almost impossible for the zombies to get through unless they all pool one person for stalkers + damage upgrades.
Level 1
Oct 6, 2008
Like the new direction for 8.5 havnt gotten too far in it cause well one problem


need to unlink there upgrades from normal zombie ones and make it seperate (at least the damage)

cause its realy easy for there heros to get to about 1000 damage if they bother before humans can do much of anything

otherwise like the improvements

but i have bad feeling once zombies can swim=gameover...

Oh and level 2 zombies seem like they might have too much HP but havnt gotten far enough to realy see
Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
Zombies are way too strong..
it takes too much time to build up as human, and without the right techinc (like massing lumber mills and markets, and build walls and towers and upgrade their dmg +hp) you haven't a chance to survive the first time of the game.. so troops are way to weak and sensless for the moment.. its better to mass income and build walls and towers with more hp and dmg (upgrade on lvl15+) to survive.. also later if you escape to one of the isles and build urself up.. soldiers and units of human way to weak, they haven't even a chance to kill some zombies.. they get too fast too strong.. and too many..

they destroy a wall, a tower, just anything a player owns and it turns into a zombie..
we played 8vs1 zombie (dunno, all human slots were full) and we lost anyway.. if built with a player together and we used the best way ou can survive and we haven't had a chance..

so pls make massive balance fixes.. add some better stuff in it, reduce some build time, add more units, better units.. dunno but fix this, else it dont makes ufn if you always lose as human.. 1.5/5 so far
Level 1
Oct 27, 2008
I've played this map a lot too (well, at least .78) and that was a lot better than .88 (no offense)
nukes rule, nuclear zombies (should) rule, but are impossible to beat, I would love to edit the .78 opt 14 version, but someones protected it (not sure if its an official one??)
1. Theres a fatal crash bug, seems to be around scientists and maybe the satelite attacks
2. Turn off zombie spawns for buildings, easy fix
3. Turn off nuclear zombies spawning nuclear zombies (max the level)
4. Balance changes, needs some hindered income or something somewhere....
5. Maybe some more late game events?

Anyway, if you care to send me the unprotected one that would rule.
Level 3
Nov 3, 2008
Hi Anteep,
i tryed play your last 0.88 version but map is unbalanced. Zombies are too strong, one zombie can beat all. Change of terain now looks good, but in map are bugs. Like zombie have incoming now every 10 minuts like is wroted in QUEST but every 1 min and later every 10 sec. Next bug for me is when zombie kill Tower from tower spawn next zombie. Same on other buildings and mechanic units.
And if you need help with JASS i am very good in it.
Why i will help - map like me and i like finished maps :).
Level 1
Nov 11, 2008
0.88 look realy nice but its very imba. The map is very good and have the action who
miss. Something what can you make better:

-give teal more Ore and stone for techning. He need it
-teal need very very very more meel units at start.
-the undead hero are imba.
-dont make zombie spawn. The game dont need more action.
Level 1
Oct 6, 2008
any truth to the rumor that Anteep abandoned this map?

but if not i will say .88 the limiting of humans possible income realy castrates them it slows humans down WAY to much one noob and the games over for humans

and the completely open shore lines are also GG for humans like in all the other versions zombies can just spam flesh piles and rank up there zombies but in other versions ther were at least choke points now level 4s and its GG everyone

it still fun to play
Level 8
Jun 1, 2008
I like eras but unfortunatly is very bugged and in first instance the entire map (Execept Terrain) looks like it was made by a noob (soory)... There is also a bug many people have never realised and one of which i always exploit. So i shall now reveal it to you all lol.. If a zombie kills a zombie they will get a zombie AND they will also get the gold bonus. Lol so what i do is mass build zombiebuilders and get my hero to kill them... I get ridiculous ammounts of gold and a pleantyfull amass of zombies xD anyway good luck with this although i think you realy need to impress people with your next few vers or you will cease to be the origonal creator in many peoples eyes.
Level 7
Feb 28, 2005
0.92: Zombuilder gold bug fixed, lag reduced, new units: medium and scout helicopters, light attack drone, self-propelled howitzer. Remember the weird zombie spawning and dying after a human attacks another human? Well that's gone now. New terrain, slightly easier for humans.