21st Dec 2011
Bribe: "(Number of units in EM_Cores) Equal to 0" can use the "group is empty" function instead.
This looks quite interesting and it gives some ideas as well. 4/5 (Recommended).
Bribe: "(Number of units in EM_Cores) Equal to 0" can use the "group is empty" function instead.
This looks quite interesting and it gives some ideas as well. 4/5 (Recommended).
Maker, Energy Matrix V1.00, 19th Dec 2011
- You're not using the ability variable in the activation trigger, in the for loop declaration
- Move turn on trigger actions out of the for loop
- Lightnings appear at incorrect height if the groud level is altered.Use the raise tool and test it. You need to use GetLocationZ when you move and create the lightnings
- Loop trigger leaks TempGroup
- I'd like to see better tooltip description, but you don't have to change it. "Generates (2 + (1 * level of ability))..." looks bad