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elredir's terrains

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Level 11
Aug 28, 2009
sooo heir be ma terrain showcase,
here i'll upload all my "artistic" terrains since i started terraining

the majority of the terrains,as you'll see,are updated versions,this being one of the main reasons for making this showcase so i can post the updates to terrains here instead of necroposting or making new threads with the same terrain for cc/feedback

so here they are:
Forest.pngBabylon.pngprecata.pngpostcata.pngMidnight.pngPlains of Sand.png
All Gone.pngFictional World Wonder.pngPicture 5.pngThe Journey.pngLone Warrior.png

Two Steps From Hell.png(with Megafyr)

feel free to leave your feedback below
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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Babylon came out great, quite the improvement really. Minor thing though, I'm not overly pleased with the fore-(and to some extent mid)-ground. Partially because I don't care much for that grass model, which incidentally looks even worse when placed so detached from the cliffs.

Mainly refering to the ones I've circled (geometrical excellence, thy name is fladdermasken) with a red marker.

- [Now, watch me leap from one terrain to another in a bastardly fashion] -

O cartoon sky, wherefore art thou cartoon sky?

No, really. The scene by itself is quite magnificent, but I just don't like that sky in correspondence to the rest of the scenery because a) it's way too bright in contrast to the... rest as a whole (note: not hole), and b) it doesn't look as authentic as the rest of the scenery.

I don't know why I never replied to your co-terrain with megafyr, it was in fact quite a success. It has one seminal flaw though. The sky clashes with the mountians in the background. It should definitely be tended to, you can (and should) easily fix that either by changing the fog color slightly or covering it with glow models.

Overall I really like your style though, well done.
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Level 11
Aug 28, 2009
yeah i know the sky looks cartoony in that terrain,but i don't have any ideas on a sky fitting for that terrain,i will update it when and if something comes to my mind
and the scenery in that terrain,i'm not really satisfied with it,the sole reason i did this terrain is because of the cathedral(which i made a long time ago when i was just having fun creating buildings and stuff)and it was really hard to find a scenery and a fitting camera angle for it...

i didn't pay much attention to the grass in Babylon(because i was to focused on that damn sky,god,it was a pain in the ass to make),it's sort of a left over from the previous update,and looking at it now it kinda looks awkward,not just the grass in the sand but the other as well,it's...too lush

and the rock placement,well i like how they are,maybe the rocks on the right of the foreground could use a little polish but i don't think i'm gonna make an update soon on this terrain,partially because of my PC,because it loads it veeery slowly and sometimes when i work on that map the editor has a "crash-fest"

Thanks very much for the comments guys!
Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
and the scenery in that terrain,i'm not really satisfied with it,the sole reason i did this terrain is because of the cathedral(which i made a long time ago when i was just having fun creating buildings and stuff)and it was really hard to find a scenery and a fitting camera angle for it...

You should never be "satisfied" with your terrains, because once you become satisfied you'll either be amazingly proficient at getting all those beautiful little details, or you'll forget about them in the first place and it will look bad.

On another note, after I saw Babylon for the first time I knew you were gonna be one of my favorite terrainers and you sure lived up to that.
Level 3
May 25, 2013
Wow. Nice terrain there, elredir. The plains_sand one looks so ... realistic. It's so alive even though it's a desolate wastelands. Kind of reminds me of Thousand Needles from World of Warcraft.
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