Elf Swordsman

More effort than it was worth.
EDIT: New swords and new head. Thank God.

EDIT: Hey, Dio here! If you enjoy my work, a tip would be most welcome! Even a little helps a lot!

elf, human, blademaster, sword, swordsman, alliance, elven, warrior

Elf Swordsman (Model)

Elf Swordsman (Model)

Frankster: Extremely cool use of in-game textures and nice choice of the demon Hunter animation set. Works in-game and performs very well. Approved. Good job.
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Moderation: 11:13, 11th July 2011
Extremely cool use of in-game textures and nice choice of the demon Hunter animation set.
Works in-game and performs very well.
Approved. Good job.
Level 6
Mar 6, 2009
I think it's a very special unit. Mostly because it can have numerous of usages. You don't see many "ordinary" elves such as this. His swords though look rather heavy for being wielded as dual.

I think it's a 5/5!
Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
To me it looks like a high elven ship captain, which in all honesty is pretty neat. Overall he’s good but there’s a lot more you could do with him to make him even better, pistols dangling from his belt, duel crossed sheaths on his back and more interesting/unique hair.

As he stands (pun not intended lol) I give him a 4/5 with a lot of potential, and some + rep for you for good work.



EDIT: Also I'd scale his swords back by about 30% or so, they look to disproportionatal big at the momment.
Level 3
Aug 10, 2004
Paździoch! :D

sorry guys had to write this;

(he looks like polish actor Ryszard Kotys, who is mostly known (in my conuntry) form role of Paździoch)

Enought OT

Imo he doesn't look much elvish, those swords seems more orc like.

Think about making version without long ears, maybe people will like it more.
Paździoch! :D

sorry guys had to write this;

(he looks like polish actor Ryszard Kotys, who is mostly known (in my conuntry) form role of Paździoch)

Enought OT

Imo he doesn't look much elvish, those swords seems more orc like.

Think about making version without long ears, maybe people will like it more.

maybe he killed two orcs and took the swords :)
Uhmmm it would be Alien/Futhure model, cause he(his face) looks like raped by predator. Sorry dude, but it's rly ugly(like all b. elves MALE.). 4/5 for body and hard work ^^

male BE dont look bad, this one looks bad though, and he even putted on the keywords the words "gay" and "fag" on it... this model is a joke
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Look, you guys.
Dionesiist just got bored and decided to re-model an old model edit he did a long time ago(which looked HORRENDOUS).
So he took the Demon Hunter model and edited it, even making some bits from scratch, which he himself was amazed by. (By the fact that he got as far as making stuff from scratch for this so-called simple model edit)
He used the Medivh face texture because he LIKES it. He used those keywords because, apparently, he isn't quite impressed by his own model, and he's just being silly with you guys.
In my personal opinion, this model is outstanding. But whether or not it is ugly in your eyes, it's certainly not a "joke model", or was "made" to be ugly. So please, cut off the troll and hate messages.
Level 49
Jan 20, 2010
you guys should stop complaining about the model. i really don't get it why you call it "ugly"
in fact, i think Dio really did a great job on this model, very creative texture choices. this gets a solid 5/5 from me.
Look, you guys.
Dionesiist just got bored and decided to re-model an old model edit he did a long time ago(which looked HORRENDOUS).
So he took the Demon Hunter model and edited it, even making some bits from scratch, which he himself was amazed by. (By the fact that he got as far as making stuff from scratch for this so-called simple model edit)
He used the Medivh face texture because he LIKES it. He used those keywords because, apparently, he isn't quite impressed by his own model, and he's just being silly with you guys.
In my personal opinion, this model is outstanding. But whether or not it is ugly in your eyes, it's certainly not a "joke model", or was "made" to be ugly. So please, cut off the troll and hate messages.

he should change the swords to a good ones and try to get a good fitting skin.. cause he is right.. this model looks gay
Any constructive criticism? Suggestions? Anything?
As far as I can see, you're just complaining that the model is ugly, but you're not helping Dionesiist at all, since you're not suggesting anything better.

try to find a better skin, and changue the swords.. isnt that constructive -.-"! im not going to make the skin for u, im bussy too
Level 1
Jul 17, 2011
So... I did not like the beard. It could more be smaller and subtle. Blades are a bit strange. I think he should use swords, not glaives. I dont specially like models created from demon hunter. It is so... not original. Maybe one exepction - troll predator. Oh, and i think there are more useful models.

Rate: (I can not rate 'cause i'm freshly registered) 3/5
I'm awfully flattered you joined just to tell me how this model is horribly uncreative. Thanks.

calm down, it would look better if u change the cloth skin (maybe u could really use some of the medivhs clothing and some of the BE clothing?). else now it looks great. and well. try adding some custom skin on to the swords, or at least make them look like some kind of mystical shit that could justify their size. the model is great, the only thing is that u could use the skinning better to turn this into a better model.
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