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Edit Button Gone in one thread

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Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
What offending comment could possibly be said in SE that couldn't, in any way, be said in any other forum? I myself love to read over my post in case i made a typo, and it always screws me over when i want to correct it, or add a little more in to my post, but putting that aside, what could be said there that can't be said anywhere else?
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
What offending comment could possibly be said in SE that couldn't, in any way, be said in any other forum? I myself love to read over my post in case i made a typo, and it always screws me over when i want to correct it, or add a little more in to my post, but putting that aside, what could be said there that can't be said anywhere else?
You could always use Preview Post

Also, alot of the spammier posts and threads get moved there, so it's a likely place for flamewars and such to commence and develop.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Also, alot of the spammier posts and threads get moved there, so it's a likely place for flamewars and such to commence and develop.
Well, chances are, they won't think about taking the words they've said back. I just don't understand how the "holding your words against you" logic is especially more effective on SE than on anywhere else. I also don't really follow the "no attachments and no smileys" logic.
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