Dyablo's Capture The Flag

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Level 2
Jan 30, 2008
I have been working on this map for like 5 months now. I didn't like all the other capture the flag maps that I had seen before and since I love World of Warcraft's PvP Warsong Gulch I thought I'd start making a map. Besides the fact that I was a total beginner 5 months ago and that I had no help except a little bit from thehelper.net the map is evolving good, I have some fans, especially on GG.
You can checkout the official site here: www.dyablohunter.ilive.ro download the map, watch the trailer, play it at least 3v3 (it's a teamplay game, even more than DOTA). I didn't have so much free time lately to dedicate on it's improvement and I really need some helpers, some kind of support, any kind of advertisement related to recruitment or something.
Visit the forum also: www.capturetheflag.xhost.ro if anybody can help in any way please post on my forum or here.
Thank you.
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Level 2
Jan 30, 2008
I am aware of this but u cant really judge a map by an old trailer done in 1 hour. The trailer is very old... the terrain is diffferent ...
It's not really much of a trailer I know... I promise a much better one in the future. :)
And the ideea is not really the same, everything is based on world of warcraft, the heroes, hero classes, abilities.. everything. There is a lot of new stuff to be seen in that map if you play it right.
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