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Drugs Are Bad, M'Kay?

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Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Just saying a fun fact for all those smokers smoking can cause you to lose the ability to maintain a erection and that is only if you do it for quite some time and a certain amount of times per day or so that's all for my fun fact. =]
Level 27
May 30, 2007
In the US, the time in which drinking was at it's peak of use was when it was illegal - along with the dangers associated with it, without standards things like moonshine could be sold (not legally of course) - after it became legal again the popularity and amount of alcohol addicts decreased over time.
No shit. Really? Source please.
The only difference between beer and drugs is that beer has been traditional for thousands of years thus that holds up in law today.
Same as weed. Did you know George Washington grew marijuana?
Prove it.
Spend two seconds looking. The cannabis family didn't evolve just recently, and neither did people find out it had interesting properties just recently either. Same as coca, as someone else pointed out. Tobacco too. Oh, and how ancient are opiates?
Weed provides hardly any benefit, and if you really need it for medical purposes, they invented morphine and their equivalents for that.
Are you honestly citing morphine as an alternative to marijuana? Do you realize that morphine is a hard drug? It is unquestionably physically addictive, hard addictive, with possibly fatal withdrawal symptoms?
Yet another big-government bureaucracy that would be built up to...
Such offices already exist. Regulating drugs isn't a new thing. Need I ask that you explain the exact mechanics that would make the legalized state of marijuana so expensive, so that your argument can be properly debated?
People who think legalising it is going to usher in this new world order of awesome rainbow flavoured peace and love.
Has anyone said that?
The most psychoactive cannabinoids chemical in marijuana that has the biggest impact on the brain is tetrahydrocannibol, or THC. THC is the main active ingredient in marijuana.
I don't know what you've been smoking, but my breed isn't like that.

Yeah, that's right. I knocked it up a notch. You want to talk cannabis? Let's talk cannabis. The whole family of plant. Breeds and all. Link whatever studies and factual science you like, and we can start ruling out the breeds that turned up negative results, and accepting the breeds that brought up positive results. Provided those studies even knew to note the breed they used. If they even knew which breed they used.

I can assure you that nobody is fully informed on this subject because such knowledge is impossible to obtain by a solitary individual.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Weed is used in food too, seriously, they sell alot of food with weed in Amsterdam for instance.
There is no scientific proof that weed causes brain damage, it can only mess up your lungs, but the same can be said fir cigarettes which are legal, alcohol (strong alcoholo 40% +) even when drunk in moderation wrecks your liver and kidneys.

Wait, you mean there is weed in my cooked egg here? D;

Let's try and sum this up:
- Elenai is a conversative evangelical roleplayer.
- Alcohol is drugs.
- You are talking way too serious, take a sip of this shit.
- Weed is considered fine according to European standards and bad by the US of A (however, only Elenai supports this).
- Don't involve chemistry in this topic, this aint Medivh Tower.

Brb, got stuff cooking.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Wait, you mean there is weed in my cooked egg here? D;

Let's try and sum this up:
- Elenai is a conversative evangelical roleplayer.
- Alcohol is drugs.
- You are talking way too serious, take a sip of this shit.
- Weed is considered fine according to European standards and bad by the US of A (however, only Elenai supports this).
- Don't involve chemistry in this topic, this aint Medivh Tower.

Brb, got stuff cooking.

That's generalizing.

Smokers are looked down upon in Norway - especially if they smoke weed.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I am getting pissed off with people calling alcohol a drug using broken logic. . .

Yes it is a class of Psychoactive drug, but so is caffeine. While you are at it, lets get coffee classed as a drug and be made illegal as well as it is a Psychoactive drug!

All the major medical problems related to alcohol are caused by major abuse or excessive dosage. Drinking 3 beers in a hot country for example will do shit all to your body and you will not even get dizzy. However drinking 3 leters of vodka before going into a night club will seriously damage our body in a permant way. If you are doing that, why not drink 80 leters of water, its as bad for you.

Ethonal is dangerous if you take cocain, as it reacts to form a very dangerous chemical far worse than eithor of them.

The fact still remains that people who have been drinking ethonal every day in the form of wine for 80 years have lived to be almost a centuary old, well past the average life expectancy while still being very sharp.

Point out any users of crystal meth or cocaine who have been using it for 80 years and who are still alive. I will happily change my argument if you manage to do so but I seriously doubt it.

Fact is I drink 1 - 2 beers every day and have been drinking since a young age (logically I drank less when I was younger). Fact is that I am in the top end of my classes.

My parents have also been drinking since a young age every day, and both of them are very smart and have no health problems that can be the slightest bit related to Ethonal.

And this wiki image looks good to me at supporting why alcohol can stay.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Top end of your classes? Huh.

You capitalized the first letter of ethanol and psychoactive every time you wrote them, and, in addition, spelled "ethanol" as "ethonal" every time, so I sincerely doubt that you are "in the top end" of your English class. If you are, the "top end" must be like half the class or something.

More on topic, that picture does not specify what small consumption and large consumption rates actually are. I also believed that it failed to adress some negative effects of small consumption, though I might be wrong:

"Reduces artery spasm from stress." Does this not mean that you are more sluggish?
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Spend two seconds looking. The cannabis family didn't evolve just recently, and neither did people find out it had interesting properties just recently either. Same as coca, as someone else pointed out. Tobacco too. Oh, and how ancient are opiates?

I have yet to see an Egyptian hieroglyphic wall featuring scooby-doo and the rest of the gang...I do however, see alot of references to wine, and beer.

Are you honestly citing morphine as an alternative to marijuana? Do you realize that morphine is a hard drug? It is unquestionably physically addictive, hard addictive, with possibly fatal withdrawal symptoms?

First of all: It was a general concept off the top of my head regarding various substances that have been used as heavy pain relievers (what weed is excused to be regarding medical patients).

Secondly: It is done under medical supervision, as it should be: Not recreational with a doctor's excuse like weed.

Such offices already exist. Regulating drugs isn't a new thing. Need I ask that you explain the exact mechanics that would make the legalized state of marijuana so expensive, so that your argument can be properly debated?

hakeem said:
Spend two seconds looking.

This is an area of basic economics, basic government, and basic market. I am not going to teach them in an online course via hiveworkshop.

I will only say this: "Adding more responsibility = more money to maintain it, money comes from tax payers, not just the tax on the substance either, there is a whole branching out of effects that; "Area of effect cost", we can barely afford to keep up our current b'cracies, we don't need to increase what is quite frankly a useless one that should not even have to exist in the first place".

Has anyone said that?

It is definitely an underlying keynote.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Many, because they are idiots about it usually. There are however, necessary risks, and those that are not necessary at all: Weed is one of those unnecessary things.

On an alternate note, Cultural Poison, remains poison none the less, you remove poison out of a system, you don't legalise it. Weed, and recreational use/abuse of drugs is cultural poison.

I certainly will not be wanting my future sons and daughters hanging around with stone heads, legal or not. To do so would be ludicrously irresponsible of me as a parent. And there are a vast multitude of parents and responsible adults who thoroughly agree.
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
I don't know what you've been smoking, but my breed isn't like that.

Yeah, that's right. I knocked it up a notch. You want to talk cannabis? Let's talk cannabis. The whole family of plant. Breeds and all. Link whatever studies and factual science you like, and we can start ruling out the breeds that turned up negative results, and accepting the breeds that brought up positive results. Provided those studies even knew to note the breed they used. If they even knew which breed they used.

I can assure you that nobody is fully informed on this subject because such knowledge is impossible to obtain by a solitary individual.

Ahem, 1 word, Pothead, I was responding to TriggerHappy not you or anyone else, and I don't feel like I need to "talk cannabis" with you, though I really like how fiercely you appear to be defending "your breed" at a post that was entirely quoted from the page save for the word Ahem at the beginning, regardless thats all I have to say about the matter, if you want to look it up feel free to and provide your source as well if your going to try and defend your drug of choice as hypocrism is a bad thing. In any case I'm done with this topic, it is, very much like both drugs and alcohol, a poison to me and my eyes and I don't feel like wasting more time with it than I already have.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
I didn't care to read the whole thread, just looked at a few posts on the first page.
Anyway, I don't think Cannabis or hashish and all that crap should be legalized, I do however, think that alcohol should be illegal. Why? Because most murders, robberies, car crashes, fights, etc. are done after drinking even a little bit alcohol. Now, lets look at marijuana: Some English scientist did some research on the effects of marijuana to find some arguments for why marijuana should be illegal, what they did discover was that people who have smoked marijuana were A LOT more careful in traffic. Also, for you religious people, Jesus used marijuana to heal people, some scientists discovered that our brain got a small center dedicated to the processing of a certain ingredient in marijuana, last but not least, some guys in Afghanistan who only smoke opium and marijuana all their lives have lived for over 100 years, all of them, one actually reached the age of 150.

Summary: Marijuana is way less dangerous than alcohol, yet it's not that good for us and you shouldn't smoke it unless you want to spend the next 150 years sitting on your ass smoking weed.
Summary: Marijuana is way less dangerous than alcohol, yet it's not that good for us and you shouldn't smoke it unless you want to spend the next 150 years sitting on your ass smoking weed.

Lol, well I wouldn't call Marijuana the next miracle drug (in the medicinal sense of the word).

Jesus used marijuana to heal people

Source please? I find this hilarious - I also heard somewhere that Mosas did weed
Level 10
Aug 15, 2008
Alcohol is slowly taken out from organism, while about smoking... Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more.

Several studies have reported that moderate drinkers -- those who have one or two drinks per day -- are less likely to develop heart disease than people who do not drink any alcohol or who drink larger amounts. Small amounts of alcohol may help protect against coronary heart disease by raising levels of "good" HDL cholesterol and by reducing the risk of blood clots in the coronary arteries.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
TwistedImage, English is a class of mine? All I do is electronic engineering, computer science and maths so what you said made no sense.

May I also remind people that ontop of these good effects of Ethonal, in the case of wine it comes with other very health molecules and elements. Weed on the other hand poisions your lungs with carcinogenic agents if smoked.

Large consumption is anything that lets you conciously notice you have drunken too much. In my case if I drink 2 beers too quickly. The whole problem with Alcohol is people drink vast quantities very quickly, or even just vast quantities. It is perfectly fine and not addictive in moderation, the whole key word is in moderation. You can not drink a whole 2 liters of vodka just because you have not dunk anything for the rest of the week, you will have to drink it like a small glass at a time over many days.

If you are banning alcohol, then why not ban coffee as that also is a drug or why not artificial sweetner as that is closly related to a neurotoxin.

If only you people would realise how silly you sound.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
"Ban food, it makes you fat."

One side of the extreme.

"Lets bottle urine! Because if water is drinkable, so should urine! Urine can be drank you know without harming you! People dying of thirst in deserts do it all the time and live perfectly normal lives!!!"

The other side of the extreme.
Still, though Alcohol may have some benefits if drunk in moderation, isn't the whole atrophy of the brain thing something pretty negative? Alcohol impairs judgment, thus it's not positive to drink it - doesn't mean it should be illegal, but doesn't mean everyone and anyone should drink it.

When it comes down to it, whatever you do to yourself is your own fault - as long as your not affecting other people, then in the large scope something like weed isn't terrible. Perhaps the problem here is not whether it should be legal or not, but if social smoking (like in public places) should be illegal (In the same way that you can't be drunk in public). The problem I see with this is that pot smoke could spread through ventilation, thus you would have a problem in an apartment - you'd be affecting other people.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Technically, if it affects you, it affects the people around you.

No matter your age, your parents will likely be worried; you'd annoy people like me to the point of ridicule; you'd likely lose friends, and your remaining friends would be worried, etc.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
Technically, if it affects you, it affects the people around you.

No matter your age, your parents will likely be worried; you'd annoy people like me to the point of ridicule; you'd likely lose friends, and your remaining friends would be worried, etc.

Not really. I'm 15, I smoke weed from time to time. My parents don't know, my friends don't care/join me. I'm awesome and I don't annoy anyone. I never lost friends because of being high. And if my friends would start to dislike me because of weed, they should end their lame lives asap :3
Level 35
May 22, 2007
TheDivineBoss: Off the top of my head, some examples of bureaucracies that currently exist.

http://www.fda.gov/ regulates food, and medicines.
http://www.atf.gov/ regulates tobacco, alcohol, firearms, and explosives.
http://www.doi.gov/ regulates Native Americans...?...and wildlife

Yeah...pretty sure Weed will either increase the size of one or more of the existing ones, or have its own built up to regulate all of it, and the businesses linked to it.

You can bark up a different tree now.
When it comes down to it, whatever you do to yourself is your own fault - as long as your not affecting other people, then in the large scope something like weed isn't terrible. Perhaps the problem here is not whether it should be legal or not, but if social smoking (like in public places) should be illegal (In the same way that you can't be drunk in public). The problem I see with this is that pot smoke could spread through ventilation, thus you would have a problem in an apartment - you'd be affecting other people.
I applaud the most sane post in this thread.
However, there's one flaw though, because there are lots of drunk people walking down the streets on saturday, there are smokers everywhere. The law doesn't really stop them, they get caught, pay a ridiculously small fine, do it again, etc. The only problem is that this law doesn't work and is not enforced well, the moral point of it is fine though.

As for weed spreading through ventilation - that's just another problem, it's basically impossible to not affect anybody by smoking anyway, and I hate all smokers around me, because they poison my lungs and I hate the smell (also I can't talk when under the effect). I believe smokers are the most selfish jackasses in the world - without even realizing it, they don't really CARE about people around them, because the cigarette/weed smell is completely fine to them, no matter how awfully disgusting it is.

Also - I don't see the point of inhaling anything into your lungs to make your life more enjoyable - it means you're rather empty, if you can't find other ways to fill your life with content and fun.
I never lost friends because of being high. And if my friends would start to dislike me because of weed, they should end their lame lives asap :3

What, your life sucks because you don't smoke pot? The smell of pot itself in your cloths can become a pain, often (I'm not saying your this) pot smokers can't start a conversation without it somehow going onto the topic of weed. People that are high all the time can be just as annoying, if not more, annoying then people drunk all the time.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
I have yet to see an Egyptian hieroglyphic wall featuring scooby-doo and the rest of the gang...I do however, see alot of references to wine, and beer.
Perhaps it doesn't grow well in Egypt?
It is done under medical supervision, as it should be: Not recreational with a doctor's excuse like weed.
That is because one needs heavy supervision and the other does not.
This is an area of basic economics, basic government, and basic market.
There is nothing basic about a complex system of our own fabrication. It is fully logical that cannabis did not evolve recently and that we didn't just recently discover it has interesting properties. "Everything legal needs expensive regulation," on the other hand, is not intuitively understood. Are there expensive-to-maintain regulations in place for the legal product rubber cement?
It is definitely an underlying keynote.
I was debating whether or not to say, "And no, it is no implied," in my previous post. I can see I was wrong. No, nobody is saying legalizing it will make the world a happy and peaceful place. The argument is that nobody needs to go to jail because they consume or produce weed.
On an alternate note, Cultural Poison, remains poison none the less, you remove poison out of a system, you don't legalise it.
Making it illegal does not remove the poison. No, it does not, and if you think so, you fail miserably to see the world around you. No substance has ever gone away because it was illegal. Making it illegal removes the ability of the people to be responsible with it. How can we teach "safe sex" if sex is illegal?
I really like how fiercely you appear to be defending "your breed"
Yes, I like that it appears that way too. Despite that in a previous post in this thread I identified myself as someone who does not smoke.
Playing Russian Roulette is okay too...just as long as you don't get shot...

Right. However, Russian Roulette is more dangerous because bullets to the head are usually fatal, and you don't know where the bullet is. If you knew where the bullet was, you could stop while you're ahead is still intact. With weed, you can stop before you do real damage.
Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more.
Everyone thinks it, anyway. Also, as someone pointed out earlier, there are more ways to consume marijuana than smoking it.
If you are banning alcohol, then why not ban coffee as that also is a drug or why not artificial sweetner as that is closly related to a neurotoxin.
How some artificial sweeteners got past the FDA is a matter of downright corruption. I would gladly make some of them illegal. Though I would not make alcohol illegal.
"Ban food, it makes you fat."

One side of the extreme.

"Lets bottle urine! Because if water is drinkable, so should urine! Urine can be drank you know without harming you! People dying of thirst in deserts do it all the time and live perfectly normal lives!!!"

The other side of the extreme.
I pick the side that has food to eat.
http://www.atf.gov/ regulates tobacco, alcohol, firearms, and explosives.
This would be the one to handle it in the context of the hypothetical legalization method you assert.

Me? I would repeal any laws dealing with the cannabis family. It would need as much regulation as rubber cement of nutmeg; that is to say, none at all.

The reality, in America at least, is that it is going to be handled as a medical substance for a long while yet. The increasing amount of traction it is getting as a medicinal drug and the increasing number of regulations that allow it as such are certainly going to be regulated, and this will indeed create more bureaucratic overhead. Your argument against bureaucracy is an argument for my approach. If you don't want to make the US government's financing even more insane, you really ought to push for my solution.
Elenai said:
I have yet to see an Egyptian hieroglyphic wall featuring scooby-doo and the rest of the gang...I do however, see alot of references to wine, and beer.

Hakeem said:
Perhaps it doesn't grow well in Egypt?

lol, I'd have a hard time believing a weed to grow in the sand. =P

Hakeem said:
Everyone thinks it, anyway. Also, as someone pointed out earlier, there are more ways to consume marijuana than smoking it.

Even smoking it doesn't do you much harm. Cigarettes contain a lot more chemicals which are toxic, it's not the hot smoke thats destroying your lungs. It's the tar and other crap.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
Yes, I know that, but other people aren't so accepting of that fact. I like to obliterate the argument against it via the smoking aspect by pointing out it has so many other uses and ways of consumption. Someone may want to ban tobacco based on the smoking aspect, but then what about people who chew?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Chewing tobacco is seriously dangerous on your mouth health. The chemicals make great mutagens so cancer of the mouth is highly likely.

Tobacco needs to be banned peroid from personal consumption. Smokers pollute the air around them and waste tax money on medical care (far more than their smokes ever give in return as tax). Chewers would spit it all over the streets, and honestly it would look horriable cities.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
Smokers pollute the air around them
Argument against smoking.
and waste tax money on medical care (far more than their smokes ever give in return as tax).
Argument against government funded health care. What you are literally saying with that is that the people should not pay for the self-inflicted harm that arises from tobacco abuse.
Chewers would spit it all over the streets.
Argument against spitting on the street.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
No he didn't. I would certainly know.
Of course you don't know. You've read the Bible as it is and not as how it was. The Bible has been changed over the years. Especially the time it was translated from Hebrew to other languages so not only priests could read it. Things like what you should eat (Jesus was a vegetarian) and how you should act and tons of more stuff.
Also, marijuana and other drugs were very common at that time.

If you are banning alcohol, then why not ban coffee as that also is a drug or why not artificial sweetner as that is closly related to a neurotoxin.

If only you people would realise how silly you sound.
Coffee isn't bad at all, lol. It greatly reduces the chance of cancer, more than anything else. The only bad thing about coffee is that your teeth will look ugly after a while.
You don't know how silly you sound, no offense intended.

I think you said somewhere that the key is moderation. I agree, but the problem is to actually do it. I'm 100% sure you've gotten drunk many times. Maybe with your friends, or at a bar or something. And it's basically those times the bad stuff happens. When you smoke most kinds of weed you'll just fall asleep. Some, like marijuana makes you more careful. Few commit any crime while under the effects of weed. It's often before they get it the crime happens, because they need money, because it's so expensive, because it's ILLEGAL. I'm not saying it should be legal, but more accessible for those it's to late for.
Chewing tobacco is seriously dangerous on your mouth health. The chemicals make great mutagens so cancer of the mouth is highly likely.

Tobacco needs to be banned peroid from personal consumption. Smokers pollute the air around them and waste tax money on medical care (far more than their smokes ever give in return as tax). Chewers would spit it all over the streets, and honestly it would look horriable cities.

Tobacco banned.. lol..

You inhale, chew or have your tobacco under your lip for a reason

Drugs makes you escape real life for a period of time, wich some people with fucked up lives need sometimes.

Like me

Drugs do good to some people, and bad to others
Lets illegalize drugs for the people that cant control it like adults
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Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Drugs are good for no one.

I've achieved a similar feeling (though I didn't do drugs, I was meditating D:) and when I returned to normal, I was like "WTF, normal sucks D:"
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
My adult children would hate drugs as much as I did. If not, and I had children and they did drugs, I'd abandon them should they refuse to even try to quit. Therefore, my argument: Either "no" or "I don't care."

Also, no, laws about anything don't scare people before they actually see said laws' effects happen to themselves. People who abide by the law, like me, have no reason to fear the law in the first place.

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personally, i have no problem against ganja or weed or ecstacy or w/e. if people want to use their hard earned money, why not use it on weed? i mean, people but shit dvds and wotnots.
i do not mind this as long as they do not endorse the use of it. as long as they keep the use to personal issues, as long as they keep it in their house. dont sell it or export it or import it. if a drug dealer came up to me and said "i do drugs", i will not mind it. if they came up, stuck up their foul smelling mouth to my face and said, "hey bud, you want a hit?", i will cave his face in on the spot.

just on the personal view on drugs in general. personally, drugs as a method of recreation is fine. i dont mind at all. however, there is the fact to note, the fact that taking drugs on regular basis does not make you cool.
you are neither cool nor "gangsta". if you need drugs to be "cool", then it is the drugs that make you cool, not you. you yourself is a worthless pile of crap.

in fact, being addicted is worse than being clean. it means that you have a dependency on a chemical. dependency equals to weakness. so if you are a drug addict then you are a pathetic weakling. and i shall loath you and will try to crush your skull the first chance i get.
Level 15
Jan 25, 2008
i haven't been following this thread, and i really cannot be bothered reading ten pages of comments, but i do have an opinion and would like to vent, just because i really dont have anything better to do right now (so please tell me if my argument has already been stated). anywho, i have a group of friends that use cannabis regularly and they invited me to join(t) them. we each had a couple whiffs of a bong and had a rather harmless and enjoyable night, i couldnt have possibly thought anything could go wrong at the time, wouldn't have thought that there was any harm to be had. then again, it wasnt particularly affecting me to the point that my physical actions were distorted.

but then the others got a bit strange and sporadic, climbing trees and eating frozen food. it was still harmless but there was a feeling amongst us still on earth, a bit of worry that it could go pear shaped. they could have gone out to the middle of the busy road and just sat there, started mutilating themselves or consume harmful objects. the moral is that the strength of these substances is something to fear - an unpredictable tool that shakes the process of thought. Cannabis has a physical impact several times stronger than cigarettes, five times i think it was. The THC is so dense and effective that to get effects out of it are very easy and attainable, its scary.

If the body consumes an excessive amount of alcohol, the body will shut-down and reject the harmful chemicals, hopefully before any serious physical or phycological damage is endured. with stronger forms of alcohol, such as moonshine, stronger physical and mental damage can be attained before the body rejects it, and can have a more intense factor of sporadic and dangerous behavior because of it. therefore it is a dangerous contraband and to allow public access could have very negative effects far stronger than that of diluted alcohol. this is why i believe cannabis shouldnt be legalized either, the strength is too intense and unpredictable in its affect on the user. basically we'd have all the issues with what we have already, only amplified. Dangerous driving, suicide, cancer, mental disorder, physical deterioration, any other negative effects of mind-altering substances will increase dramatically.

It's argued that of most of the illegal substances cannabis is probably the least likely to cause erratic behaviour, but it's an unavoidable fact that it will cause a lot of problems to grow, and is a risk that society can do without. its unfortunate that there isnt a mild hallucinogen with a limit to what the body can handle, or one that i know of XD, but that's why i feel that cannabis should stay illegal.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
It's an unavoidable fact that it will cause a lot of problems to grow.
Problems such as...? As far as I know, it's just another plant in terms of growing it.
[It] is a risk that society can do without.
It really can't. Just like it can't do without alcohol. While any given individual may not need it, the probability is 1 that there will be a community doing it.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Of course you don't know. You've read the Bible as it is and not as how it was. The Bible has been changed over the years. Especially the time it was translated from Hebrew to other languages so not only priests could read it. Things like what you should eat (Jesus was a vegetarian) and how you should act and tons of more stuff.
Also, marijuana and other drugs were very common at that time.

...You are so wrong about the vast majority of this sentence entirely.

When I study the Bible, I have the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic words, along with the English...trust me, I've got the material.

marijuana and other drugs were very common at that time.

So was murder, stealing, worshiping Zeus, and farming without tractors...it is irrelevant.

Of course you don't know. You've read the Bible as it is and not as how it was.

You see...this bothers me quite a bit for the following reason...You are telling me I don't know how MY GOD is, who he is, or how he acted, based on a worthy text, and you are telling me that you know him, how he acted, and who he was? Based on literally nothing?

He wasn't a vegetarian by the way...That is plain idiocy, he ate fish, lamb at the passover meal, he perfectly fulfilled The Law, and that includes the celebrations that involved the consumption of meat. I'll trust the Bible, over your fallible, and error filled fancy.

Now back on topic:

I am against chewing tobacco, and tobacco as well Hakeem.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
You see...this bothers me quite a bit for the following reason...You are telling me I don't know how MY GOD is, who he is, or how he acted, based on a worthy text, and you are telling me that you know him, how he acted, and who he was? Based on literally nothing?
I didn't say you didn't know YOUR GOD, I said the Bible has been changed and/or translated incorrectly over the years. A good example is the story about Jesus turning water into wine. You know what wine was back in the days Jesus lived? It was what we now call lemonade. Seriously.

He wasn't a vegetarian by the way...That is plain idiocy, he ate fish, lamb at the passover meal, he perfectly fulfilled The Law, and that includes the celebrations that involved the consumption of meat. I'll trust the Bible, over your fallible, and error filled fancy.
He was a vegetarian. It doesn't say so in the Bible, but in plenty of the books the were removed and/or not included in the Bible. Also, you can eat fish and still be a vegetarian. Vegan and Vegetarian are two different things.

Since I don't want this to turn into another religious debate I won't reply in this thread. If you do, however, feel the urge to keep debating then we must do so through VM or PM.

Back on topic: Marijuana is not as dangerous as alcohol. If you smoke too much you'll fall asleep. If you drink too much alcohol, however, you can die. Marijuana in small dosages will make you more careful, alcohol in small dosages will make you do stupid stuff.
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