you cannot compare LoL abilities with DotA abilities. DotA abilities are always "stronger" in stats. Stun durations are always longer, damage is higher.
I also don't think it's a good idea to do such a map. just imagine the flame wars in the thread or even in the game itself. All those Dota - LoL comparisons get on my nerves...
Both of them are REALLY different games and both of them have their up- and downsides. I prefer dota because.. well i always played dota. i started with it and i'm accustomend on it.
What are you smoking? I want some.
You can't compare an ability with static damage across levels with one that grows more powerful with each AP or AD item you buy. You are right about stun durations but no ability from dota can even match the insane damage burst from LoL abilities. It can't even grab onto its little finger.
Try comparing Lina's burst with Veigar's burst in the long run. See how that goes for you. At best Lina can deal 3000-4000 damage with her full rotation with Aghanim, Orchid and the cap that creates an aoe magic reduction. A farmed Veigar with its full build can melt the entire enemy team - so that's what ... 3000/4000 spell damage versus 10000+? Assuming that most players play something squishy with 2-3k health and not a tank with 3-5k health.
LoL beats dota in ability damage hands down, 100% of the time.
Dota beats LoL in attack damage hands down, 100% of the time.
And just for the record, you brought this on yourself by making such a
ludicrous assessment. It looks like you just watched LoL on youtube rather
than playing some and seeing it for yourself.
About this map though - no. They are just too much different.
You need to decide which system and mechanics you will adopt.
LoL mechanics are about items that increase ability damage.
Dota mechanics are about increasing hero stats and comboing items.