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DotA Project

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Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
AoS Project



- redscores (vJass + GUI Spells, Terrain, Engine, Ideas, etc.)
- 3PIC3NT3R (Engine, GUI Spells, Ideas, Spawns, etc.)
- yearight (GUI Spells)
- 43berries (Terrain)
- General Frank (Hero Icons)


I'm new in this (very good!) community and I am looking for members for an AoS project. So I need some mappers for different jobs:

- Loading Screen Art
- someone who speaks very very good English (Tooltips)
- If you remember anything else, post it!!!

Don't ask for details concerning this project...
It's always better to develop them in a team!!!

If you are interested, post here!!!!!

INFOS (to be continued)
these are just ideas, not facts...


It's named The Last Protectors so far.


plans changed ==> 2 lanes are better (more hidden ways, more heroes/lane)

Size = 128x128
Tileset = Ashenvale / Felwood Hybrid


9 per side (3x each attribute)

attack types/ armor types:
the creeps have different attack types but all heroes have hero dmg and armor
REASON: imagine that u play 1on1 and u have Pierce/Heavy and ur enemy has Magic/Normal --> imbalanced

Attack Type (Umarmored, Light, Medium, Heavy, Fortified, Divine, Hero)
Pierce (125, 200, 50, 100, 50, 25, 80)
Normal (125, 100, 200, 50, 50, 25, 80)
Magic (125, 50, 100, 200, 50, 25, 80)
Siege (200, 50, 50, 50, 200, 25, 50)
Chaos (100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100)
Hero (125, 125, 125, 125, 50, 25, 100)
Spells (50, 100, 100, 100, 50, 25, 100)

max level:
1x 1 LVL initial non-hero ability (from beginning)
3x 8 LVL ability (needs lvl 2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16)
1x 4 LVL ability Elite (needs lvl 10/15/20/25)
1x 1 LVL ability Ulti (needs lvl 30)



Contact me with:
- Forum
- PM
- ICQ: 360-632-974

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Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
i want to create sth dota-like, no mod, just a map with the same principe

= 2 bases, creepwaves, perhaps 4 lanes (not 3) of which the inner ones cross (that would be sth new)
Level 13
Mar 14, 2008


I'm new in this (very good!) community and I am looking for members for an AoS project. So I need some mappers for different jobs:

- Terrain (Bases, Lanes, etc.)
- Triggers (Abilities, General, JASS)
- Items (Shops, Combining, etc.)
- Units (Heroes, Creeps, etc.)
- maybe Modellers/ Animators/ Iconers
- Loading Screen
- someone who speaks good English (Tooltips)
- If you remember anything else, post it!!!

My job would be:
- Triggers (I can't use JASS, but I'm expert in GUI)
- also Units/ Items

Don't ask for details concerning this project...
It's always better to develop them in a team!!!

If you are interested, post here!!!!!

INFOS (to be continued)

i quickly made a design (with paint, maybe ill do a better 1 later) of what the map should look like:

BASES (+ Def, Shops, etc.)
1st DEF
2nd DEF

why don't you use DotA template ?
Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
i want 2 create a map with dota style but i want 2 create sth new too

i think that this lane constellation coul get interessant

maybe i build the creeps and creep wave triggers in the next days...
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
The X thing in middle isnt a new idea, but none is adding due to it would just cause trouble and problems.
- Terrain (Bases, Lanes, etc.)
- Triggers (Abilities, General, JASS)
- Items (Shops, Combining, etc.)
- Units (Heroes, Creeps, etc.)
- maybe Modellers/ Animators/ Iconers
- Loading Screen
- someone who speaks good English (Tooltips)
- If you remember anything else, post it!!!
Your actually asking people to do 70-90% of the work here! -.-
= 2 bases, creepwaves, perhaps 4 lanes (not 3) of which the inner ones cross (that would be sth new)
A tip, dont have more then 3 lanes unless you variate somehow with them (like making them really close to each, but be warned to not cross them, it can fuck up the game) and having less then 3 lanes usually sux.
Theres a reason why most people have 3 lanes ;)

Btw you can make it 6v6 if you make the teams who own the spawning creeps into neutral extra and neutral victim.

StasMaN@Dont make a big quotes for just 1 sentece!
Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
i just triggered the creep movement yesterday, there are some probs, but none has to do with the crossed lanes (i think so)

and i added 6 creep types and 2 tower types

PS: aom has 4 lanes, too^^ (but not crossed)
Level 13
Mar 14, 2008


I'm new in this (very good!) community and I am looking for members for an AoS project. So I need some mappers for different jobs:

- Terrain (Bases, Lanes, etc.)
- Triggers (Abilities, General, JASS)
- Items (Shops, Combining, etc.)
- Units (Heroes, Creeps, etc.)
- maybe Modellers/ Animators/ Iconers
- Loading Screen
- someone who speaks good English (Tooltips)
- If you remember anything else, post it!!!

My job would be:
- Triggers (I can't use JASS, but I'm expert in GUI)
- also Units/ Items

Don't ask for details concerning this project...
It's always better to develop them in a team!!!

If you are interested, post here!!!!!

INFOS (to be continued)

i quickly made a design (with paint, maybe ill do a better 1 later) of what the map should look like:

BASES (+ Def, Shops, etc.)
1st DEF
2nd DEF

Size = 128x128

ur funny , u want people to do 90% of the work
Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
1. i want a team not people who do my work
2. if many people create different parts of a map its called "ream"

Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
Stasman dont spam, unless u want NegRep...
PS: aom has 4 lanes, too^^ (but not crossed)
Ye, but its very useless and stupid.
For example if the other team is stronger and other team weaker its much harder for them to defend because the other team is pushing on each lane.
So it creates inbalance.
On DotA all the lanes are pretty much used and so it can be easier to defend and forces you to play more as a team.
Level 2
May 7, 2008
I can spare some time .. !!

Your map seems nice enough for me to help you with , as a fan of DOTA , i would love to make a similar map and add some new stuff DOTA dont have. :hohum: !!
here's what i can help you with ::thumbs_up:

:fp: Terrain - i work well with terrain and class B tilesets. can create very nice pathin g ways and make players look at the map scenery for once.

:fp: Sounds - Got my own sound recording room :razz: so i can basically help you with anything sound related. ( this includes - voices , battle sounds , etc )

:fp: tool tips - yeah and i speak good British English. !! < lol > :smile:

Im also working on my map - The Corrupted - so give me atleast 10 - 12 hours before i give you what u want. !! :sad:
Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
@ kaosxoul; Dead.oK

sounds nice, i'm very interested in ur help
i dont have icq but xfire and teamspeak (maybe ill get icq soon)

@ Razorbrain

the things i write here are just ideas if you got other ones post them here...

attack types:
the creeps have different attack types but all heroes have hero dmg and armor
REASON: imagine that u play 1on1 and u have Pierce/Heavy and ur enemy has Magic/Normal --> imbalanced

max level:

1x 1 LVL passive non-hero race ability (from beginning)
3x 8 LVL ability (needs lvl 2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16)
1x 4 LVL ability ULTI (needs lvl 10/15/20/25)
1x 1 LVL ability MEGA ULTI (needs lvl 30)

EDIT: i should copy this into my first post...
Level 2
May 7, 2008
Lack Of communication

Dude get yourself something like ICQ or Yahoo or what not .. :hohum: .. I cant communicate using just the forums dude :angry:. :thumbs_down:

Try getting ICQ cause the other dude is also here... :cool:

and make it fast. !! :sad:
Level 3
May 12, 2008

I would like to join this project im not very good at gui or jass but on my last project i was labedl as a Hero maker i've tryed making my on aos 3 times 2 times my group fell through cus of other games like wow and hellgate third time i just coulden't do everything my self but im really creative and hard worker i have hundreds of ideas just not enough skill to bring them to life so i would very much like to join you;re team what is you're xfire name? mynes gamerzer0
Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
redscores maybe for vjass spells, terrain, balancing, ideas
i do engine, spawns, balancing, ideas

its not fixed yet
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
I could help with some heroes if I find the time and maybe some items, I might create some systems for your AoS, I have an idea for the layout of the map.
View attachment 28391
The black arrows indicate the teleport paths. When the two forces clash at the green square, they clash (duh) and whoever wins will be teleported to one of the two points whichever is closest to their base.
So what do you think? lol
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Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
if dota will be continued in sc2 other aos maps in wc3 have a chance^^

EDIT: it seems like redscores and I use 2 lanes now
Level 6
Jan 17, 2007
I feel like joining you guys. I like making hero ideas/stories/histories thus typing messages in tooltips is my hobby :p. I would say that I still have a long way to go in writing in english but I can make a not impressive but atleast nice, clean tooltip(I'm pertaining to the grammars not the text color :p). I am also fond of doodling in the trigger editor. I have an amateur knowledge in both GUI and JASS(Yay!). If you want to see my first JASS work, click here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showpost.php?p=667784&postcount=63

PS: I'll be busy for the next two days due to my final exams. But after that I will be free for about two weeks or so. ^^ PM me if yo want to add me in your team.
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
okay, have already an idea for a hero(have worked out the stats for the skills, just seeing if you like the concept :p)

Name : Saldoth Darkblood
Hero : Sinner
Model : Death Knight / Arthas (Undead)
Primary Attribute : Strength
Saldoth Blueblood was his name before the beauty came into the picture. Not the beauty of a person, but the beauty of a thing. He might not have been a very nice person, or thoughtfull for that matter, but that is what he would later regret for the rest of his life. One day, when visiting a witch out in the woods, Saldoth managed to see a rare gem inside the witches house. The reason he was there was becouse he needed a potion, but this gem was so magnificent, it was almost calling for him. He stole it, unknowing of the curse that had been laid upon the marvelous piece of jewelry. The owner of the gem would sooner or later become corrupted by his own mind, causing disaster to the mentality of the owner. However, this was later to become a power rather than a illness for Saldoth. The corruption of Saldoths mind has now allowed him to manipulate his belief in the seven deadly sins into powerfull spells, among other things.

* Rage of Pride:
Saldoth can't stand to lose a battle, and goes into a rage of survival, defending his pride as a true champion. Saldoth will gain increased Attack Speed and Movement Speed depending on how much life he has left to lose.
* Aura of Gluttony:
Saldoth spreads a feeling of gluttony around himself, making enemy heroes feel bad about themselfs. Deals damage to nearby enemy heroes depending on their current health.
* Greed:
Saldoth becomes greedy but with a good conciousness(sp?), increasing the amount of Gold gained from each kill while dealing damage to himself for each kill made. Killing Heroes will cause the Gold Increase and the Damage Taken to be 10 times larger.
* Ultimate : Envy Strike:
Using his own feelings of envy, Saldoth strikes the target with a normal Melee attack with increased power. The bonus damage dealt will depend of the Life difference between Saldoth and his target. Cant go below 0 damage(which would heal).
* Mega Ultimate : Wrath of Saldoth:
The need for vengence grows within Saldoth, forcing him to begin an assault of incredible power. Becouse of the strong emotions within Saldoth, he will also hurt himself when attacking. For a short duration, Saldoth gains Bonus Damage and Splash, while dealing Damage to himself.(Was thinking like 100 Bonus Damage, 50% Splash, 50 Damage to himself and a duration of 10 Seconds)
Level 2
Aug 29, 2006
i'am mostly a idea maker and balancer... For my project i made most of the build and i balance all the others... so if you need some help just PM me i'll pleased to help you...

i have a lot of proof that i'am good ^^ if you need...
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Level 15
Mar 9, 2008
1. i want a team not people who do my work
2. if many people create different parts of a map its called :grin::fp:"ream"


Lol. I can try to make you a loading screen. And Mince knows english even better than real englishmen.
And what kind of loading screen do you need?
Level 2
Apr 16, 2008

type "icq" in google


loading screen art and good english would be very nice
we dont know yet what type of art we need
add me in icq (-> firstpost)
Level 2
Aug 29, 2006
the lane is kinda imba, imagine you do as dota, you let a hero solo mid, he will be lvl 10 before his mate could be level 4...
Level 6
Jan 17, 2007
Is the terrain finalized? Maybe add a consequence on the middle. Like creeps that respawn there gives less bounty and less gold or they don't spawn in the same time frame of the other creeps. For example, the upper and lower lanes spawn creeps for every 30 seconds while the two middle lanes spawn creeps for every 60 seconds. Just an Idea.
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