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do u ask permision for loading screen?

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Level 4
Jul 24, 2013
ok,im 65% done with my Hereo arena map..so i just want to know if Most of you ask permsion for the Loading screen image or you guyz just take it and use as ur loading screen??
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
It actually depends maybe if you saw an image like in Google without author, I do know it does not need permission but do be reminded that if an image indicates the author of it, its better to ask permission first rather than rushly using it. But I really do know images for load screen does not needed permission but again if it indicates their the author, I strongly suggest you to ask permission for it is quite ashame of using someone's image without permission right?
Level 4
Jul 24, 2013
@waterknight....hmm yeah,give them credits in maps is fine too...
@everyone...il guess its better to ask permission then
A lot of people just use them and give credits (not really the *right* thing to do). However, as a general rule of thumb:

(1) If you can contact the person and ask them, please do so. 2 reasons: sometimes they like to see their art used; it is respectful. If it is from a deviantArt or fan art, I really encourage you to ask them first.

(2) If it is from some big company like Blizzard or some other company, they won't care as long as its for non-commercial use.
Level 4
Jul 24, 2013
@purgeandfire...hmmm im using image from deviant art...yup..il guess i have to ask em for permision then...
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
I like how people think that because an artwork does not have an author written down in the corner it is perfectly fine to steal it.
Sure, nobody is gonna sue you but it is completely douche to use works that you aren't explicitly sure you can use the way you want.
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